September 9. 2009 PageAó Obama Challenges Kids on Education speech on television in schools across the country. "And you have a responsibility to your­ self to discover what that is." P re sid e n ts o ften visit schools, and Obama was not (AP) -- In a pep talk that kept the first one to offer a back-to- c le a r o f p o litic s. P resid en t school address aimed at m il­ B arack O bam a on T uesday lions of students in every grade. challenged the nation's stu ­ Yet this speech came with a dents to take pride and owner­ dose of controversy, as several ship in their education — and conservative organizations and stick with it even if they don't m any c o n c e rn e d paren ts like every class or must over­ warned Obama was trying to come tough circumstances at sell his political agenda. That home. concern was caused in part by "Every single one of you has an accompanying administra­ something that you're good at. tion lesson plan encouraging Every single one of you has students to "help the p resi­ something to offer," Obama told dent," which the White House students at W akefield High later revised. Obama preceded his broad- School in suburban Arlington, scale talk with a meeting with Va., and children watching his Urges students to take pride, ownership Philadelphia CMB Church Pastor’s According To My Heart from Jeremiah 3:15 Celebrating 15 years Postering Rev Roy E Clay, Sr. • Rev 1 st Lady Lottie Clay Featuring Guest Speakers'. Bishop Freddie Brown & Pastor Alvin Ellerby Sunday Sept 6th @ 3:30 Pm 238 NE Mason ST., Portland OR 97217 503-281-6017 • 503-249-7291 Northwest Voice for Christ Ministries Presents a one o f a kind workshop! “Addiction in the Church” “For that which I do 1 allow not” ( Romans 7:15-19) Presenter: Bishop H.L. Hodge, Ph.D. Pastor/Behavioral Health Scientist Come and Learn about the hidden crisis o f m any that sit in church pews each Sunday. Hidden topics • Prescription Drug Abuse • Alcohol Abuse • Chemical Dependency "God grant me the serenity to accept the thing's I can not change: to change the things I can. and the wisdom to know the difference.” Saturday September 2 6 ,2(X)9 10:30 A .M .-1:30P.M . 4800 NE 30th Avenue Telephone: 503-863-6545 Cost: $20.00 Lunch will be available President Barack Obama delivers a speech on education Tuesday at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Va. ((AP Photo) Wakefield students, where at Obama said, "I was a little bit of one point he advised them to a goof-off. My main goal was "be careful what you post on to get on the varsity basketball Facebook. Whatever you do, it team and have fun." Obama said that not having will be pulled up again later a father at home "forced me to somewhere in your life." O bam a, a cco m p an ied by grow up faster." One young person asked the E d u catio n S e c re ta ry A rne Duncan, met with some 40 stu­ p re sid e n t w hom he w ould dents gathered in a school li­ choose to dine with if he could brary before the speech carried make only one such selection. "Gandhi," O bam a replied. on ESPN and on the W hite "He's somebody I find a lot of House Web site. "W hen I w as yo u r age," inspiration in. He inspired Dr. (Martin Luther) King" with his message of nonviolence. "He ended up doing so much and changed the world just by the pow er o f his eth ics," Obama said of the inspirational leader Mahatma Gandhi. At an­ other point, Obama told the stu­ dents that "a lot of people are counting on me." Obama proceeded later with the speech the W hite House had released a day early, virtu­ ally unchanged. The school he C h a r it y G o lf E v e n t C o m in g Portland Trail Blazer alum M ichael H arper and Amy Roloff o f TLC television’s "Little People, Big World" in­ vite you to come swing some golf clubs to help benefit the Dwarf Athletic Association of America, an organization that e n c o u ra g e s people w ith dwarfism to get out and par­ ticipate in sports, and Bridge M eadow s, w hich supports adoptive families and foster children. The event kicks off Sun­ day, Sept. 13 at the Roloff Farm in Washington County with a silent auction that will include item s including celebrity- hosted dinners, vacations to Ja m aica and T uscany, a Rockstar mini m otorcycle, good from local businesses, and others. The next day, Pum pkin Ridge’s Ghost Creek Golf Club will host an 18-hole course golf scramble. Special prizes will be awarded for team net, long drive, closest to the pin, and hole-in-one. Michael Harper, former Portland Trail Blazer, For more information, visit and Amy Roloff o f TLC television's “Little People, Big World, ” promote a g o lf charity event. Garlington continued ^ ^ f r o m Front productive lives," said Baker. Angel recalls how the staff’s care extended beyond the center, and helped her with little things, like getting a couch for her place. A refurbished building isn’t the only thing new about the center. It now has neighbors that Cascadia is hoping will complement Garlington's mission. One of the additions will be the North by Northeast Community Health Center, which has provided free healthcare and medication to 2,500 residents in need since it was founded in 2006. North by Northeast clinic Manager Suzy Jeffreys describes the old clinic on Williams Avenue as small and quirky, and that the new building is a real upgrade. “It’ll be a little adjustment,” she said of making regulars feel at home. Walker and Jeffreys said they are looking into ways the clinics can work together on the health needs of their patients. The Sexual Minority Youth Resource Cen­ ter, also run by Cascadia, is now in the same building as Garlington after moving from its decrepit building on Southeast Belm ont Street. The resource center offers free counsel­ ing to gay, lesbian, transgender, or question­ ing youth ages 14 to 23. It also provides sup­ port groups in addition to a safe and relaxed environment. Dear Deanna! M IN IS T R IE S Helping Families • Transforming Lives Join us for our First Service in our new location! Friday, Oct 2nd at 7 pm W e will be having an Anointing Service fo r Healing, Breakthrough and Prosperity! Come and receive w hat you need from God! Pastors lorry & Annie * Gutierrez My boyfriend revealed to me that he’s gay. On the outside everything about him is mascu­ line, strong and reflects a genu­ ine man. We do things together as a couple, have great intimacy and often talked about having children. How in the world did I miss the signs and should I stay in this relationship? -A n o n y­ mous; Augusta, GA Dear Anonymous: In these days, you can’t judge a book, man or woman by its cover. There’s too many emo­ tional and health risks if you choose to stay in this relation­ ship. You didn't miss the signs because you simply didn' t know to look for any. However, you should applaud his honesty because most down low men are liars and don't tell the women about their lifestyle. Count your loss, be thankf ul for the blessed revelation and keep it moving. Dear Deanna! J om us for our 2 Y ear A im v e r sa r y S ervice F r id a y , O ctober 23 rd at 7 pm Services will be held at New Song Community Center 220 NE Russell Street Corner of Nt IRIK Blvd and Russell Street A close friend of mine date’s a girl who’s using him. He works hard, gives her his paycheck and worships the ground she walks on because she’s cute. She talks down to him, and has other men in the house while he’s working. Now it’s at the point where none of the guys idUDSCriDe | chose as the setting for his talk — Wakefield — is the most economically and racially di­ verse sch o o l in A rlin g to n County, according to the De­ partment of Education. Nearly 40 percent of graduating seniors pass an Advanced Placement test. That's more than twice the national average. "There is no excuse for not trying" he said in the speech. He said students must be indi­ vidually responsible for their education, and that it's impor­ tant to work hard, pay attention in school and complete assign­ ments. "W hatever you resolve to do, I want you to com m it to it," Obama said. "The truth is, being successful is hard. You w on't love every subject that you study. You w on't click with every teacher that you have." "At the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents and the best schools in the world, and none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill yo u r re sp o n sib ilitie s," the president said. Real People, Real A n advice colum n known fo r its fearless approach to reality based subjects! weekend trips with my friends. My husband issued an ultima­ tum to adjust my schedule but I chose not to. He threatened me and said he would leave if I chose my friends instead of going with him to his family reunion. I went on my trip. When I returned, he was gone, the house was empty and utilities disconnected. He w on't talk to me and now wants a divorce and I don't know what to do? — Tamara; Louisville. KY Dear Tamara: It’s hard to imagine a girlie trip that’s so good it would make visit because they don’t want to you forsake your marriage, un­ deal with his girlfriend. -Stan; less you're cheating. Perhaps Morganton, NC your friends can give you a cozy Dear Stan: couch to sleep on since you put Take your spoon out of your them beforeyourhusband. Your friend's Kool-Aid and mind your decision was foolish, immature business. Has he raised his hand and disrespectful. Reach out to for help or come to you for ad­ your husband and invite him to vice? If he wants to work like a a friendly location for a huge dog, look like a fool and feed apology, an explanation and other men off his paycheck, let much needed counseling to help him. They must be happy be­ with issues you both obviously cause she hasn't left and he have. hasn't kicked her out. You and Ask Deanna is written by Deanna your friends have the right to be M. Write Ask Deanna! at the concerned but he's a grown man email askdeanna I @ yahoo. com and knows exactly what time it is. or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite Dear Deanna! 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. I'm married but often go on Website: I 503-288-0033 l w F i llO u t& S e n d T o - Fill Out & Send To: I 4rrn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, ^^^973^ j j Infant and Toddler care will be provided. Doors open at 6pm for every service | subscriptions are just $60 per year (please include check with this subscription form) | For directions or more information, call I N ame : ____________________________T elephone : ____________ | I A ddress : _______________________________________ I I or email subscriptions® 503-488-5481 or log on to www.mfhmiiortland.coin hi