Page A3 September 9, 2009 awareness,” he said According to Chief, a YMCA in another part of the county we don’t utilize it as a tool to found an employee featured in draw interest in our paper and the sex offender portion of the prompt people to buy,” Chief paper along with 24 o f their said, of his publication which members. In another location, a convenient store was robbed only costs a buck. by A manda G rear at knife point and the clerk was He said the criminal content T he P ortland O bserver able to identify the perpetrator is motivated in part by his own Have you been "Busted”? after seeing him in Busted for If so, people m ight have "personal desire to look inside another crime. my local paper and see who had seen your mug in "B usted," a But not everyone is a fan of new tabloid new spaper that been in trouble.” C h ie f has received som e the publication. has been blasting photos of P ublic D e fe n d e r N eal arrestees in the Portland area flack in year since his publica­ a lo n g w ith a lis t o f th e ir tion has been out - distributed Weingart of M ultnom ah D e­ in several markets nationwide, fenders Inc. said he has “no­ charges. Publisher Ryan Chief of cen­ mainly from “registered sex of­ ticed inaccuracies.” Having tral Florida uses fun, rich col­ fenders,” he said, but is quick had some of his clients featured ors, catchy stories and phrases, to point to the outpouring of in this paper, he said some of along with cartoon-like illustra­ support he said he receives from the listed charges were com ­ pletely different from the actual tions to catch the eye of people community leaders. photo by J ake T homas / T he P ortland O bserv er “All I'm doing is conveying charges, which he said could “Busted" magazine gives its readers a cheap kick. But sh o p p in g in c o n v e n ie n c e public information. I’m in the become a potentially massive what does the magazine mean for people who have stores like Plaid Pantry. “It would be foolish to say b usiness o f creating public issue. actually been busted? Busted is no Bust Tabloid prints arrest photos “The information he's pub­ lishing is widely public infor­ mation. He’s not violating any criminal or civil laws, provided it’s accurate," said Alexander Hamalian of Rose City Defense Consortium.“There’s no differ­ ence than w hat they do on shows like COPS '’ But H am alian q u e stio n s whether the publication actu­ ally benefits the citizenry at large. He said it is the job of citizens who value civil rights to make sure people understand publishers like this have a fi­ nancial interest, not a civil in­ terest. But C hief asserts that his publication provides an extra level of accountability, particu­ larly for first time offenders. “Maybe, just maybe there’s a slim chance they w on't com­ mit that crime again,” he said. ussissippi 12, 2009 ■ ■ Seplemljer Mon r can ir a come Dane... I iienl lime: CS:00pm-l():()0pm) ion: On lht< (diner nl Mississippi l\ue.. «nul Hee.rli This year. H ie D ttan tty Institute s Jan on t k M i k itie site of the oH« 11 « j o ff célébration o f t k M I E study/piqjact sponsored by t k ftntland Ikadopm ent Commission. In this study/pnyect, a l dtimns am ¡nutted to help t k PDC identify resources lor smal businesses, housiny, homeownership, and ly buabdtty prqjeds In t k North and Northeast whan renewal T k table is s e t.. .en n e Join as and help. For More Information Contort: JensenTlassenj@pd(.us, 503^23-3352 wv/, www forebook.rom/pdxN N EDI Harold C. Williams Two: Office (503)287 9836 / Cell (503)4900755 thediversityinstitute@giiioil.(omwv\v.thedfversityiiistitijte.coin