Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 09, 2009, Page 2, Image 2

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    September 9. 2009
Page A2
Neighborhood Fair for Interstate
Local merchants
to celebrate
renewed corridor
A neighborhood street fair celebrat­
ing renewed grow th along Interstate
Avenue will be celebrated on Satur­
day, Sept. 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at
P atton S quare Park, ju s t south o f
North Killingsw orth Street on Inter­
state Avenue.
"The corridor has always been an
important artery for north Portland,
and now with the Light Rail and the
new businesses here, it’s becom e an
important street for the entire city,”
says Molly Paris, president o f the In­
terstate C orridor Business Alliance,
the group sponsoring the event.
I n te r s ta te A v en u e w as o n c e
Portland's version o f Route 66, the
main highway connecting Canada and
M exico, providing m otels, restau-
photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
AlexSandra o f AlexSandra's Vintage Emporium (from left) Pam Brooks-Haines o f North Coffee House and
Molly Paris o f Paris Group Realty, promote a new neighborhood street fair coming to Patton Park on Satur­
day, Sept. 19.
rants, entertainm ent and services for
road weary travelers and tourists. But
in the early 1960s, 1-5 rerouted traffic
o ff the av en u e an d In terstate la n ­
A renewal started this past decade
with im provem ents along the thor­
oughfare, including the Max light rail
line, new housing, and restaurants.
The past will also be part o f the dis­
trict future with the co rrid o r’s recent
designation as Historic Neon District
for all the avenue’s bright and color­
ful m arquees that had advertized to
the m otoring public o f yesterday.
The upcom ing street fair celebra­
tion will feature cuisine from m any o f
the new businesses that have set up
shop, including, The Beaterville Cafe,
Eddie's Pizza, The North Star Coffee
House, Krakow Cafe & Pub and more.
The festival will also host a dunk
tank, vintage car show, kids bicycle
skill course and other events. Local
artisans and businesses will also have
their w ares for sale.
Sotomayor Takes Seat on Court
Senate Bid Opens
Local resident
files for
welcome first
Portland resident Harold C.
W illiams Two has announced
his candidacy to O regon Sen­
ate District 22.
“I am running for the O r­
egon State Senate because I
have made a difference in the
lives o f so m any people in
north and northeast Portland
through my civic and chari­
table work, and I can serve our
com m unity even more effec­
tively in the Oregon Senate,"
Williams said.
Williams Two is president of
CH 2A & associates, a local
m anagem ent consulting firm
where he works with his father
Harold C. Williams, a life-time
com m unity activist and m em ­
ber of the Portland Community
College Board o f Directors.
The younger W illiams is a
1995 g raduate o f Jefferso n
( A P ) -- J u s t i c e S o n ia
S o to m ay o r has tak en h er seat
at the S uprem e C ourt in front
o f a packed courtroom that in­
c l u d e d P r e s id e n t B a r a c k
O bam a and Vice P resident Joe
T he c e rem o n y T u esd a y
w as ju st for show. S o to m ay o r
and the rest o f the co u rt w ill
return W ednesday for the a r­
g u m en t in a key case ab o u t
cam paign finance law.
S otom ayor, 55, last m onth
becam e the first H ispanic and
Harold Williams Two
High School and earned a Bach­
elor o f Science degree in early
childhood developm ent from
A ppalachian State University
in Boone, N.C.
“I will w ork tirelessly for
those who have no voice and
fo r co m m u n ities w ho w ant
only the same chances offered
to others, W illiams Two said. “
We need jobs, affordable hous­
ing, livable neig h b o rh o o d s,
and support for our small busi­
n e s se s.”
th ird w om an to be a ju stice .
She took the oath again T u e s­
day in a cerem o n y by w hich
the co u rt fo rm ally w elcom es
its n ew est m em ber.
Attorney General Eric Holder
presented Sotom ayor's ivory-
c o lo re d c o m m is s io n fro m
Obama. Chief Justice John Rob­
erts adm inistered the oath o f of­
fice, after which Sotomayor took
her seat at the end o f the bench
to Roberts' left, next to Justice
Stephen B reyer. A ll her c o l­
leagues were in attendance.
S o to m a y o r w o re a w h ite ,
d e c o r a tiv e c o lla r th a t w as
g iven to h er by Ju stice Ruth
B a d er G in sb u rg an d a new
ro b e p r e s e n te d by h e r law
clerks in N ew York.
NAACP Branch
Reaches Out
Meets Saturday at
PCC Cascade
A m ong the on lo o k ers in the
co u rtro o m w ere h er m other,
C elin a, an d b ro th er, Juan, the
en te rta in e r R icky M artin, re ­
tired Ju stice D avid Souter, the
m an she replaced, m em bers o f
C o n g ress, federal ju d g e s and
form er top Justice D epartm ent
A fte r
th e
cerem o n y ,
S o to m a y o r an d R o b e rts d e ­
scen d ed the steps in front o f
the co u rt to ap p lau se from a
sm all cro w d o f to u rists and
w ell-w ishers. The tw o ju stices
The Supreme Court's
newest member, Sonia
• b rie fly p o se d fo r p h o to ­
Sotomayor, responds to well g ra p h s.
"Tell m e w hen you 'v e had
wishers outside the court in
en o u g h ," she said, before h er
Washington, D.C. Tuesday
fam ily jo in e d h er for an o th er
following her investiture
ro u n d o f p ictu res.
ceremony. (AP Photo)
A new group o f activists leading the local
branch o f the N A A C P is asking for your
voice as it seeks input from all m em bers o f
the com m unity, including fathers, mothers,
uncles, cousins, aunts, and grandparents.
A m em bership m eeting for the civil rights
organization is held on the second Saturday
o f each month at 11 a.m., including this S at­
urday, Sept. 12 at Terrell Hall, Room 107 at
the north Portland Cascade Cam pus o f Port­
land Com m unity College.
“I dare you to com e and see w hat we are
about. The w orld is changing and we must
change with it," said branch president Bishop
H. L. Hodge, PhD and Lonnie M. Jenkins,
N A A C P com m unity coordinator.
! All lanes and ramps on 1-405 northbound between the Marquam and Fremont
Bridges will be closed Friday, Sept. 1 1 .1 0 p.m. through Monday, Sept. 14.
5 a.m. Motorists can use Interstate 5 to get to their destination during the
closure. Downtown businesses will be open during construction. Detours are in
place to help you get to your favorite destinations.^
Call 511 or go to TripCheck.com
O re g o n D e p a r tm e n t o f T r a n s p o r ta tio n
FREE RIDES o n th e G reen Line 1 1 :3 0 a .m .
to th e e n d o f th e se rvice d a y
11:30 a.m .-6 p.m. Entertainm ent f o r a ll ages a t Clackamas Town Center,
Pioneer Courthouse Square, Lents Town Center, Fuller and M ain Street stations
Do you dream of owning a business,
blit don't know where to start?
Do you have a business,
hut you're confused about requirements?
Pioneer Courthouse Square highlights
If yOU Want answers,
come to the 16th annual Small-Business
Fair, where experts will explain how to get your business going, run it
successfully, and comply with local, slate, and federal regulations.
11:30 a.m. Get a Life Marching Band
1:20 p.m. OboAddy
2:20 p.m. Stephanie Schneiderman
3:20 p.m. Terry Robb and Linda Hornbuckle
5 p.m. Lily Wilde Orchestra
Free workshops
• T urning a dream into reality
• The future of business
• Marketing your business
Clackamas Town Center highlights
11:30 a.m. Clackamas High School Band
1:30 p.m. Smoky and the Flames
3:30 p.m. Rex Putnam High School Choralaires
5 p.m. TheTouchables
Saturday, Sept. 19
8:45 a.m .-5 p.m.
Oregon Convention Center
For a complete event schedule or to plan your trip, visit trimet.org.
. .,
Presented by
777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.,
Portland. Oregon
cric et
• E-cominerce
• Business advertising
• The art of selling
Sponsored by your government and
local business organizations.
Lor more information, call 503-329-4260
or visit www.oregonbizlair.org.