^'Portiani» (Observer PageAI2 September 9, 2009 SAFE WAY Q -O F — Ingredients for life., Blackend Sirlion Steak with Creole Mustard Sauce SUPER FALL use Your Gas Rewards! General Ingredients • 2 pounds center-cut prim e sirloin o f beef • 1/2 cup vegetable oil • 1 1 / 4 sticks w hole butter - c u t in pats SAVINGS! S U P E R P R IC E C O U P O N S ! The P o w erP um p R ew ard s P rogram is b ein g O f fe r v a lid discontinued <« of Septem ber 12, 2009 9 /9 /2 0 0 9 t h r u 9 /1 5 /2 0 0 9 M in im u m $ 2 0 P urcha se Creole Mustard Sauce Ingredients • • • • 1 cup C reole m ustard 2 tablespoons m ayonnaise 1 tablespoon W orcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper ^palamiini» Blackened Seasoning Ingredients • 1/3 cup paprika • 1 tablespoon garlic pow der • 1 tablespoon onion pow der • 1 teaspoon freshly-ground white pepper • 1 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper • 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper • 1/2 teaspoon thyme • 1/2 teaspoon basil • 1/2 teaspoon oregano • 1/4 cup salt CLUB PRICE Hormel Natural Choke Lundwneat fi Hl 9<ü SH U d «muri Porit Shoukter Country Style Mbs h • 1 .. Bone-mw Boneless. Extreme Value Pack $1.49 ». SAVE up to »1.50 to. :> W E wm « X Directions I C reole M u sta rd S auce: Mix together mustard, mayonnaise, W orcestershire and pepper. Chill. B lackened S easoning: Mix all ingredients well. Preheat oven to 3 5 0 degrees. Trim fat to 1/8-inch on sirloin, coat with oil and dredge on all sides with seasoning. Place sirloin in a w ell-heated (hot) iron skillet. Add 2 to 3 pats o f butter. C ook 5 m inutes on each side, adding butter as needed. T ransfer to oven and roast until m eat reaches internal tem perature of 114 degrees. Remove and refrigerate overnight. Slice sirloin into 12 even slices and arrange on chilled salad plate. Serve with a 2-ounce pool o f m ustard sauce and Johnsonville Bratwurst . or Italian Sausage I fctewl 3.99 C tU B P U K I fa c 99 2"-O 3s? Safeway Chicken Thighs, w hole Boneless Drumsticks or Leg Quarters Fresh Pork Tenderloin garnish with red onion and capers. Rancher *s Reserve* Boneless Beef Top Sidon Steak Sold n the baa. Or Extra Meaty M B a t * » . S W E ip to $ 1 O 0 b Grade A. Fresh. Or Honeysuckle or Zacky Farms Frozen Bone-in Extreme Vatoe Pack. Or Tri-Tip Roast, SAVE up io $2.00 6. Turkey Breast SAVE up to 30c b. Shrimp Fritters • Tyson Breaded I Chicken Selections H iiiJHi Bum V-hxI-dvanH»*» Ingredients • 3 tablespoons butter • 1 pound m edium shrimp, peeled and deveined • 4 green onions, finely chopped (include tops) • 1 bell pepper, seeded and finely chopped • 1 sm allhotorm ildchilepepper, seeded and finely chopped • 2 cups m ashed potatoes • 2 eggs, beaten • salt and pepper, to taste • 1 cup fine dry bread crum bs • vegetable oil, for deep frying WC« CMC *S0 ''-.J*O9 i 5.99 C H IB PRIC ( Medium Cooked Shrimp 51 to 60-ct Tai-on. Sold in 2-b. bag. Random weight $6.99 b. Froxen/thawed SAVE up to $1.50 b. I Sxieway Ttacfc Sliced J| OQ I Hickory Smoked Bacon #1 * * ilO McUp Directions 1. M elt butter wr-i a»« **e cover» 7 98 u «A ?',.» in skillet over m edium heat; add the shrimp and cook until pink (2 to 3 m inutes depending on size). 2. Rem ove shrimp from skillet with a slotted spoon, cool slightly, then chop. Set aside. 3. Add the green onions, bell pepper and chile pepper to the butter rem aining in the skillet. 4. Saute over m edium heat until vegetables are ju st softened, about 3 m inutes. Add mixture to the m ashed potatoes and mix well. 5. Stir in the chopped shrim p and beaten eggs. Season to taste w ith salt and pepper. 6. Stir in some o f the bread crum bs, if needed to m ake the dough stiff enough to form into balls. Shape mixture into 2-inch balls. 7. Put the bread crum bs in a shallow bowl. Roll the shrim p/potato balls in the crumbs. 8. Cover and chill for at least 30 m inutes or up to 4 hours. 9. Heat oil in a deep fryer or heavy pot to about 360 degrees. Fry the balls 3 or 4 at a tim e for about 4 minutes, or until browned and crispy on the outside. 10. Rem ove balls to paper towels; drain and serve imm ediately. BUY 1 I 5 -6 - 0 2 - R e d lFREE I» - - LI-- PaMMAM w astungion brow n i Raspberries Crien Rabi Anntec EQUAL OA LCStER VALUE I GET SWEuptoSlilb. SAVE up to $3.99 nt 2 (M tir lM b r CNpsDnro Raspberry Coffee Cake tu n » « SehcW miete. Club Ph»: $250» SMupfe$U8«2 General Ingredients • • • • • • • • • • • • C L U B B R IC E 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/3 cup white sugar 1/2 teaspoon baking pow der 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 egg 1/2 cup reduced-fat plain yogurt 2 tablespoons butter, melted 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 tablespoons brown sugar 1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries 1 tablespoon slivered almonds C lU B P RICE Glaze Ingredients 1 /4 cup confectioners' sugar 1 teaspoon fat free milk 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 de­ grees F( 175 degreesC). Lightly coat an 8 inch round cake pan with nonstick cooking spray. 2. Sifttogetherthe flour, sugar, baking pow der, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl. 3. In a separate bow l, whisk together the egg, yogurt, butter, and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. 4. Stir the egg m ixture into the flour until well m oistened. 5. T oss the raspberries with the brow n sugar in a small bowl. 6. Pour 2/3 o f the batter into the cake pan and sprinkle with the raspberries and alm onds. T h e e a s ie s t, p e r fe c t g if t . Spoon the rem aining batter over the raspberries. N o w a v a ila b le a t t h e I G i f t C a rd M a li “ I 7. Bake in preheated oven until cake springs back when lightly touched, 35 to 4 0 minutes. Set aside to cool. 8. T o m ake the glaze, stir together the sugar, milk, and 1 /4 teaspoon of vanilla extract until sm ooth. Drizzle glaze over the cooled coffee cake. Serve at room tem perature. „ M , „ , , , eflecliw 6 AM Werirwrtj, M 9. ü S w o n tb e p u rh e w d a n d h w vary by store PO-OB 1 9 »n. Tu«». W fo TMun mi sat Prices in this ad good through 15. J0C9 « #1 Mhmv SW« e O rm o n t <0 and SW ««limglon WxecwwiJ üimrw» nuMc m m H 90MT AWIP'MHG ITTMSMAY VIT » WAIART IN *¿1 ST0KS Soro »Amte-»- r res ne ewn lower r a m « w » On W f íi'iw f i» w e e «w'wcé«i < mt tm BW30 <*len are « 1 1 ? pee a * I) o » > '--e» *»> one *«W We r n n * on* No Motor sales r a ce» 0» 52 5ktfo»w No hjuor sates tor resale hokx sal« M keen«« Stfawev doresorty € 2009 Safeway W. AvatoMKv 01 w i 7wy