Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 09, 2009, Page 11, Image 11

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    September 9, 2009
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Lions’ roar
opens 2.5-
acre exhibit
Home, sweet home! The O r­
egon Zoo's three A frican lions
have moved into their new en ­
closure at the highly anticipated
Predators o f the Serengeti ex­
hibit, opening to the public on
Saturday, Sept. 12.
O ne o f the m ost am bitious
endeavors in the zoo's history,
the nearly 2.5-acre exhibit pro­
v ides e x p a n siv e n a tu ra listic
environm ents for a variety o f
A frican p red ato rs, including
cheetahs, African wild dogs and
red-billed hom bills.
T he exhibit also m arks the
return o f lions to the O regon
In 1998, lions were phased
out o f the zoo to m ake room for
a new exhibit, and visitors no­
The new lion enclosure fea­
tu re s o p en g ra ssla n d , w arm
rocks, a heated den and a dem ­
onstration theater, where visi­
tors can watch keepers interact
with the lions through a pro­
tective mesh screen. The enclo­
sure is su rro u n d e d by h uge
granite boulders m odeled after
African kopjes, natural rock for­
m ations com m only found on
the Serengeti plains.
T h e P re d a to r s o f th e
Serengeti exhibit not only pro­
vides top-notch habitats for its
anim als, but also addresses the
Two female African lions named Kya (left) and Neka explore their new home at the
Oregon Zoo. They and Zawadi Mungu, a male lion, will be part o f the zoo's Predators o f
the Serengeti exhibit, opening this weekend.
ticed. A fter countless requests,
the zoo's "Bring Back the Roar"
cam paign has fulfilled visitors'
w ishes by returning the "king
o f beasts" to the zoo.
"O ur three lions are adjust­
ing well to their new home," said
M ike Keele, acting zoo direc­
tor. "The roar is officially back
at the Oregon Zoo."
T h e m a le lio n , Z a w a d i
M ungu, cam e from the San D i­
ego Wild Animal Park, and the
fem ale lions, N eka and Kya,
cam e respectively from the Vir­
g in ia Z o o an d W is c o n s in 's
Live! - R&BNIGHT
@ CLUB 720
Racine Zoo.
"The lions are all u nder 2
years o f age, w hich m akes it
easier for them to bond and be­
come a unified pride," said Chris
Pfefferkom , the zoo's general
curator. "It's a bit more difficult
to get older lions to form new
BLVD. in Portland
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Starting August 13th
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- Pool Tables-
Pirate-themed Treasure Hunt
Adventure on
the Columbia
W hat do pirates and ground-
w ater have in com m on? This
question is asked every year at
A quifer A dventure, a fam ily
festival that celebrates both pi­
rates and an im portant w ater
Families enjoy a canoe tour at Aquifer Adventure.
“Pirates are know n for seek­
in g h id d e n tr e a s u r e , a n d k id p ira te s to d is c o v e r th e tie s, such as m a k in g e d ib le
g ro u n d w ater is a natural h id ­ m y s te r ie s o f g r o u n d w a te r a q u i f e r s , ” s a id R e b e c c a
den treasu re. We ch a llen g e thro u g h fun hand s-o n activ i- G eisen, program m an ag er for
Campfires and Candlelight - Stoll back in
time for Cam pfires and Candlelight, the
largest re-enactm ent o f the year at Fort
V ancouver and Pearson Arm M useum in
Vancouver, Saturday, Sept. 12. Events begin
at 3 p.m. and conclude at 10 p.m.
Totally G ospel II — Peninsula Open Bible
C hurch, 8225 N. P eninsula, hosts all
styles o f g o sp el, co u n try , and c o n te m ­
porary m usic w ith host Riny H orst each
F riday night from 7:30 p.m . — 9 :3 0 p.m .
For more inform ation, call 503-335-3132.
Advertise with diversity
The O riginal “ Boogie C at”
Norman Sylvester:
Aug 27th - Sep, 1 Oth - Sep, 24,h
the P o rtland W ater Bureau.
C o-sponsored by the Water
B u re a u an d th e C o lu m b ia
S lo u g h W a tersh ed C o u n c il,
A quifer A dventure takes place
Saturday, Sept. 12, from 12 p.m.
to 4 p.m at the bureau’s public-
c a n o e la u n c h at N o rth e a s t
166th and A irport Way.
A ctivities will include a trea­
su re h u n t, liv e m u sic , an d
hands-on activities for all ages.
All activities are free with the
exception o f food items for pur­
chase. Pirate dress, pirate lingo,
and pirate sw agger are highly
Battle to Vote --T he Clark County Histori­
cal M useum, 1511 Main St. in Vancouver,
hosts a free w o m en 's suffrage exhibit
though the end o f the year. W ashington
was an early leader in giving w om en the
right to vote.
Live Jazz — Every Friday and Saturday
from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the T hird D egrees
Lounge at the Ri verPlace H otel, 1510 S . W .
H arbor Way. No cover or m inim um pur­
c h a se . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v isit
Norm an Sylvester Band -
B lu e s g r e a t N o rm a n
Sylvester presents the First
W ednesday B lues Show ­
case every m onth at Tillicum in Beaverton
as a way to feature different m usic friends.
Thursday, Sept. 10 and every other T hurs­
day the band plays at the 720 Nighclub,
formerly the V iper Room.
M usic M illennium Free Show s - The
Music Millennium, 3158 E. Bumside, hosts
in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free
music and the opportunity to meet artists.
Call 503-231 -8926 for a schedule.
OM SI A fter Dark — OMS1 After Dark is a
night at the m useum for the 21 and over
crow d filled with food, drink and science
fun; $ 10 fee. For more information, call 503-
797-4 0 0 0 o rv isito m si.ed u .
C ircus C om ing to Tow n - An all-new
Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey circus
com es to the Rose Garden with shows
Sept. 16 through Sept. 19. Tickets on sales
at the Rose Q uarter box office and all Tick­
ets W est outlets.
Northeast f armers Market - The new Port­
land Farmers Market in the King Neighbor­
hood at King School Park take place each
Sunday from 1 Oa.in. to 2 p.m. through Sept. 27.
biTb< Portland Observer
Call 503-288-003» ads<¡*portlandob server.com
Zoo Buck T uesdays—On the second Tues-
day o f every month, the O regon Z oo hosts
2-Buck Tuesdays when guests can tour
the zoo for the discounted price o f $2 per
“ W e like
to d o 2% jazz
98% fu n k y
s tu ff.’’
Food and Entertainm ent - Sliders Grill,
3011 N. Lombard, features an eclectic as­
sortm ent o f perform ers on the main stage,
accom panied by delicious food. Call 5459-
4488 for more information.
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p re s s in g n e e d to s u s ta in
healthy captive populations of
en d a n g ered sp ecies lik e the
African lion.
Z aw adi M ungu, N eka and
Kya will participate in the O r­
egon Zoo's new lion breeding
program, a part o f the A ssocia­
tion o f Z oos and A quarium s'
Species Survival Plan for A fri­
can lions.
"B ringing lions to the zoo
gives us the opportunity to help
create a prom ising new chapter
in the conservation story o f a
species that is sharply declin­
ing in the wild," Keele said.