il?e|J n rtla n b (JDhsewer September 2. 2009 Arts X REGGIE HOUSTON’S C’Ex All Stars I SII 11 \I\HI SI Booed for Defending Gypsies Madonna confronts prejudice on tour (AP) -- At first, fans politely applauded the Roma perform ­ ers sharing a stage with M a­ donna in Bucharest, Romania. Then the pop star condem ned w id e s p re a d d is c rim in a tio n against Rom a, or G ypsies — and the ch eers gave w ay to jeers. The sharp mood change that swept the crowd o f 60,(MX), who had packed a park for the Aug. 26 concert, underscores how prejudice against G ypsies re­ m a in s d e e p ly e n tre n c h e d across Eastern Europe. D esp ite lo n g -sta n d in g e f­ forts to stamp out ram pant bias, h um an rig h ts ad v o c ates say Roma probably suffer more hu­ m iliation and endure more dis­ c rim in a tio n th a n an y o th e r people group on the continent. Som etim es, it can be deadly: In neighboring H ungary, six Roma have been killed and sev­ eral w ounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated attacks targeting small country­ Madonna performs during her concert last week in Bucharest, Romania. (AP photo) side v illag e s p red o m in an tly settled by Gypsies. "T here is g en e rally w id e ­ spread resentment against G yp­ sies in Eastern Europe. They have historically been the un­ derdog," Radu Motoc, an offi­ cial with the Soros Foundation Rom ania, said Thursday. Rom a, or G ypsies, are a no­ madic ethnic group believed to have their roots in the Indian subcontinent. They live mostly in southern and eastern Europe, b ut h u n d re d s o f th o u s a n d s have m igrated w est o ver the past few decades in search of jo b s and better living co n d i­ tions. Romania has the largest num­ ber of Roma in the region. Some say the population could be as high as 2 million, although offi­ cial data put it at 500,(MX). Until the 19th century, Roma­ nian Gypsies were slaves, and th e y 'v e g o tte n a m ix e d r e ­ sponse ever since: W hile dis­ crimination is widespread, many East Europeans are enthusias­ tic ab o u t G y p sy m u sic and dance, which they em brace as part o f the region's cultural heri­ tage. T hat explains why the Roma m usicians and a dan cer w ho had b riefly jo in e d M adonna o n stag e got en th u sia stic a p ­ plause. And it also may explain why some in the crow d turned on M adonna when she paused during the tw o-hour show — a stop on her w orldwide "Sticky and Sweet" tour — to touch on their plight. « Kennedy Memoir Just Finished (AP) - Sen. Edward Kennedy did not live to see his dream of universal health care passed, but he did com plete a cherished and more personal project: his memoir. " T r u e C o m p a s s ," th e greatly aw aited sum m ation of his life and career, com es out Sept. 14 w ith an ann o u n ced first p rin tin g o f 1.5 m illio n co p ies. K ennedy, d ia g n o sed w ith a b rain tu m o r in M ay 2 0 08, ju s t m o n th s a fte r his b o o k d e a l w as a n n o u n c e d , died A ug. 25 at age 77. "He worked val­ iantly to finish the book and m ake it the best it co u ld b e ," p u b lis h e r Twelve, an imprint o f th e H a c h e tte Book Group, said in a statement. "As a lw a y s , he w as true to his word. T h e r e s u lt is a great and inspiring legacy to re a d e rs e v e ry w h e re , a case study in perseverance." K ennedy collaborated with leader in giving women the right to vote. Oregon State Fair - T here’s fun for all ages at the O regon State Fair, now under­ way through Labor Day, M on­ day, Sept. 7 at the State Fair­ grounds in Salem. Circus Coming to Town --A n Event Center. For tickets go to orcall 1 -8(X)- 585-3737. Northeast Farmers Mar­ ket - The new Portland Oregon Birthday Tribute -- Hom etown favorites Pink M ar­ tini and the 234th Army Band take the stage for a special per­ formance o f “O regon! O regon,” celebrating the state’s 150th birthday year. The Saturday, Sept. 5 perform ance begins at 7 p.m. at the Oregon Zoo. Keith Sweat & Tina Marie - In concert, Friday, Sept. 4 ,8 p.m. at the S pirit M ountain C asino R on P o w e rs , a Pulitzer Prize-win­ ning journalist and c o - a u th o r of "Flags o f O ur Fa­ thers," but "every w o rd " is K e n n e d y 's , a c ­ cording to his lit­ erary rep rese n ta­ tiv e , R o b e rt Barnett. "H appily and am azingly, he was in good enough shape to finish it," said Barnett, a W ash­ ington attorney w hose clients Fanners Market in the King N eigh b o rh o o d at K ing School Park take place each Sunday from 10 a m. to 2 p.m. through Sept. 27. Battle to Vote - The Clark C ounty H is­ to ric a l M u ­ se u m , 1511 M ain St. in V an co u v er, hosts a free w om en's suffrage exhibit though the end o f the year. W ashington was an early U -L ic io u s SMOKEHOUSE Grin all-new R ingling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey circus com es to the Rose G arden with shows Sept. 16 through Sept. 19. T ick­ ets on sales at the Rose Q uarter box office and all Tickets W est outlets. Norman Sylvester Band - Blues great Norm an Sylvester p r e s e n ts th e F irs t W e d n e s­ day Blues Show ­ case e v e ry monthatTillicum in Beaverton as a way to fea­ ture different music friends. On Saturday, Sept. 5, the band plays at Gemini in Lake O s­ w ego; on Sept. 10 at 720 Nighclub in Portland; and Sept. 19 at the W est Linn Saloon. include President O bam a and form er P residents G eorge W. Bush and Bill Clinton. "It's his book. He wrote and approved every word." Barnett said he had know n Kennedy since the 1970s and for years had discussed a pos­ sible memoir. In 2007, Kennedy was ready. "H e to ld m e th a t he v ery much w anted to tell his story, not so m uch because o f him, but because o f his family, his kids, the causes he championed and fought for," Barnett said. R ib T ip B o x S an d w ich S 5 .0 0 Full Service Bar Beer and Wine Monday-Saturday I I AM - 10 PM Sunday I P M - 7 PM 2929 N. Russet 503-933-4326 (AP) - Beyonce is set to give dream y perform ance at the 1TV Video M usic Awards. MTV announced last week lat the superstar singer will ing h e r la te s t h it, "S w e e t »reams,'' at the unday, Sept. 13 vent. Beyonce is o m in a te d fo r ine trophies, ty- _ , . „ / Beyonce ig Lady Gaga for le most nominations. R apper Wale is also set to erform with the band UC’B as " h n n c p h u n t!” ut th e VMAs. A m ong the p erfo rm ers a l­ ready an n o u n ced are Jay -Z , G reen Day, Taylor Swift, and Lady Gaga. (Next 1« New Seasons) Sunshine, BBO and a free, all-ages, outdoor show by a New Orleans' sax legend, grammy-nom­ inated pianist, ft one of the Northwest's hottest drummers... What could be better? Well, you never know w hat amazing, surprise guest musician will sit int Live! - R&BNIGHT 72OS.E. HAWTHORNE BLVD. in Portland @ CLUB 720 Every Thursday Starting August 13th 9:00pm to 1:00 ant - No Cover! Plenty on street parking - Pool Tables- 503-234-7738 The O riginal “ Boogie C at” Norman Sylvester: Aug 27th - Sept 10th - Sept 24th \ « W E E K L Y S P E C IA L S Co Providing Insurance and Financial Services Michael E Harper We m oved to our new location at: 9713 S. W. Capitol, Portland, OR M aceo Pa rker S in c e 1 9 8 4 , w e have b e e n p la y in g th e g re a t so u n d s of ja z z & b lu e s m u s ic ! Dr. Marcelitte Fatila Chiropractic Physician State Farm® Home Office, Bloomington. 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