Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 02, 2009, Page 8, Image 8

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    P o r tla n h OObseruer
Page A 8
September 2, 2OC9
P o r tla n d . O b s e r v e r A u t o R e v ie w
News and reviews on new motor vehicles
2010 Ford Mustang GT Convertible Premium
K athleen C arr
The 2010 Ford M ustang G T
puts a bounce in its gallop with
rejuvenated styling inside and
out. It also boasts larger wheels,
standard stability control and
more power for the V8-powered
G T model. Handling has been
im proved across the board, and
the G T benefits from suspen­
sion tuning from last year's d is­
continued Bullitt edition.
M ustang GT, engine delivers
a315-hp and sounds great. In
the handling departm ent, the
M ustang utilizes an old-school
solid-axle rear suspension that
h e lp s k ee p co sts dow n, yet
Ford has managed to endow the
M ustang with a fairly com fort­
able ride and responsive han­
dling, particularly in GT trim.
The front end brings much
muscular appeal to the car with
its red e sig n ed fascia, grille,
C lassified
/B id
Board Clerk Assistant
.8 R E
M ultnomah County is seeking
a .8 FTE (32 h o u rs /w e e k )
B o a rd C le rk A s s is ta n t to
support the functions of the
Board Clerk, and to provide
adm inistrative support for the
Chair’s Office. Major duties of
this position include, but are
not limited to the following;
• P ro vid e a d m in is tra tiv e
support for the Board Clerk,
in c lu d in g
b o a rd ro o m
reservation calendaring.
• Assist in the preparation of
the boardroom , co nference
ro o m a nd o th e r B o a rd o f
C o u n ty
C o m m is s io n e rs
m eeting locations.
• Assist m eeting presenters
and m em bers of the public as
• P re p a re a n d d is trib u te
w ee kly a gend a p a ckets for
County Chair, Commissioners,
County Attorney and staff.
• M ail, fa x and post w eekly
• P re p a re a nd d is trib u te
a d o p te d
a n d a p p ro v e d
d ocu m e n ts fo llo w in g Board
• Back up when Board Clerk
is absent: Attend, audio tape
a n d p re p a re m in u te s fo r
Board meetings.
• A s s is t in p re p a ra tio n ,
m a intena nce and a rch ivin g
perm anent Board records.
• P ro vid e
a d m in is tra tiv e
s u p p o rt fo r C h a ir's o ffic e ,
in c lu d in g p hone, re cep tio n
and special projects for the
Executive Assistant.
This Is a .8 ( 3 2 h o u rs /w e e k )
The salary range is $16.90 -
$ 2 3 .6 5 h o u rly d e p e n d in g
upon experience. Multnomah
County offers a com prehen­
sive benefit package.
A p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls a re
a v a ila b le
w w w .m ultcojobs.org. or call
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty Jo b
Hotline at (503) 988-5035 to
ob ta in a p p lic a n t m a teria ls.
Apply by Septem ber 4, 2009.
Multnomah County is an equal
o p p o r t u n ity
e m p lo y e r.
Ap p lica n ts representing the
diversity of Multnomah County
are invited to apply.
Vehicle Specifications: 4.6L 3 V OHC V8 engine; 5 speed manual transm ission; 16 city
mpg, 24 highway mpg; MSRP $39,710.
headlamps, fenders, and pow er
dome hood. That appeal is en-
hanced w ith new fro n t-re a r
fenders and sculptured w heel
flares. Though not as extensive
as the front end, the rear end
O bituaries
Letters of Interest Due; September 11, 2009 @ 5:00 PM
Bids Due: September 23, 2009 @ 2:00 PM
Courage Found in Faith
Debra D enise LyDay
AC Paving and Grinding, Sawcutting, Rebar, Fencing,
Traffic Striping, Signage, Flagging, Brick Sidewalk/
Intersection, Metal Fabrication, Landscaping
itacy ond Ulitbeek, Inc.
General Engineering Contractors
DSE firms are encouraged to apply. We are an Equal
Opportunity Employer and request a letter o f interest
from all interested firms including Disadvantaged,
Minority, Women, and Veterans.
Please fax a Letter of Interest stating - Company Name -
Contact Information - DBE Certification Number, if applicable
Fax (503) 231-6692
PH (503) 231-5300
Public Notice
On behalf of the W orkforce Investm ent Boards (W IBs) of
the Northwest Oregon and Southw est W ashington W IRED
Region, the Southwest Washington Workforce Development
Council (SW W DC) is seeking proposals for career expo
planning, marketing and coordination services. This project
will fo cu s on p la nning, m a rke tin g and e x e c u tin g tw o
Engineering Talent Expos in the Portland Metro area. This
effort is funded by a W IRED grant from the US Departm ent
of Labor.
The Request for Proposals (RFP) will be available on the
SW W DC web site at w w w .swwdc.org. Proposals m ust be
received by Septem ber 4, 2009.
For additional inform ation please contact Jerry Petrick at
¡petrick@ swwdc.org.
Southwest Washington Workforce Development Council Is an
equal opportunity employer and program.
Debra Denise LyDay was bom on
Sept. 29, 1955 in Portland to Faye
Evelyn LyDay and Charles Fleming.
She was the third o f five siblings
raised by her m om , a single parent
w hom she was very close to.
A t the age o f 6 m onths, D ebra
survived a bout with Spinal M enin­
gitis, but suffered from epileptic seizures the
i rem ainder o f her life. Taught to be indepen-
i dent and a special needs advocate, she faced
i her disability as a cham pion, not a victim.
She m anaged her pain by taking strength
and courage in her faith in God and her belief
in the human spirit to prevail. She did not al­
low labels, classism or stigm as to define her.
She approached school, w ork, church, and
com m unity service with the same zeal and d e­
term ination to m ake a difference to the best of
her abilities.
D ebra attended King E lem entary School
(Highland) and graduated from high school on
time with her class in 1974, completing require«
m ents set forth by the Board o f Education for
M ultnom ah C ounty Interm ediate E ducation
District. She later took enrichment and life skill
courses at Portland Com m unity College.
She held a variety of jobs and spent count­
less hours serving as a volunteer in her com -
I munity and church. An avid collector o f an ­
gels, she also enjoyed listening to her favorite
gospel music and visiting with family, neigh­
bors and friends.
A devoted C hristian, she actively partici­
pated in bible study and worship. She was a
m em ber o f S haron S eventh-D ay A dventist
; Church for over 30 years where she actively
served as a greeter, deaconess, and m em ber of
the telephone com m ittee.
One o f her favorite pastim es was talking on
the telephone and calling people to celebrate
birthdays, an niversaries and holidays. She
loved kids and w ould always seek and give
hugs and kisses. She valued fam ily and
friends and w as a loving aunt, great
aunt, cousin, and friend to many.
She loved life and enthusiastically
encouraged people with optim ism and
praise. She never gave up on herself or
others. She believed we all have som e­
thing to offer and was not asham ed or
afraid to speak out for basic human rights and
to help m ake people aware o f special need con­
cerns and accom m odations.
D ebra passed away from com plications due
to seizures on Aug. 15,2009. Funeral services
were held Aug. 27, 2009 at Sharon Seventh-
Day A dventist Church. Interment follow ed a,
Skyline M emorial G ardens & Funeral Home
where she was laid to rest beside her beloved
H er f a th e r a n d o ld e r b r o th e r W ilb e rt
Denarvel LyDay also preceded her in death, as
well as her honorary m om ’s sister Lillie Allmon,
Jean a neighbor, and a sister-in-law, Felita Bur-
She leaves to cherish her memories, tw o sis­
ters, Jean LyDay and Juanita Lewis; a brother,
Robert LyDay; aunts, Rubie Franklin, G ladys
T eague, Ja u n ita W o ods-B arnes (H o n o rary
M other); and m any nephew s, nieces, great
nephew s, great nieces, cousins, other family
m em bers and friends.
In lieu o f flo w ers, do n atio n s an d /o r v o l­
u n te er o p p o rtu n itie s m ay be m ade in her
m em ory to one o f the fo llo w in g n o n -p ro fit
o rg an izatio n s, the A frican A m erican H ealth
Coalition, Inc., 2800 N. Vancouver, Suite 100,
P o rtland, O R 9 7227; E pilepsy F o undation
N o rth w est, 5251 N .E. G lisan, Suite A -203,
P ortland, O R 9 7213, o r Special O ly m p ics
O regon, 5901 S.W. M acadam Ave., Suite 200,
Portland, O R 97239.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to
Individuals with disabilities.
This program funded In whole or In p art through the US
Department of Labor.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - R F P -20 10 -0 16 5
The purpose of this RFP is to provide vendors with sufficient
in fo rm a tio n to p re p a re and s u b m it bid s fo r d e ta ile d
evaluation by OHSU. OHSU wishes to contract with a vendor
to provide the Government Relations Services, per the Scope
of Work outlined in the RFP. O HSU's “Contracting Services
G roup" is the issuing office, and is the sole point of contact
for OHSU during the selection process. All correspondence
pertaining to this proposal m ust be directed to:
OHSU Contracting Services Group
3930 SW Macadam Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97239
Office: 503.494.2945
Fax: 503.494.6937
E-mail: kasaptri@ohsu.edu
All interested participants may attend the Provider Pre-Proposal
Conference to be held on September 4,2009, at 10:00 AM, at Baird
Hall 2018,3181 SW US Veterans Hospital Road, Portland, OR 97239.
Y qm
F u n eral se rv ic e s for R acq u iy a
Cashe Nins w ho was called home on
Aug. 23, 2009, w ere held on M on­
day at Mt. O livet Baptist Church.
She was bom March 13, 1997 in
Portland, the second child and the
only girl of Tiffany M. Nins and M elford Smith
Jr.'s three children. Although she was a d addy’s
girl, she was also very close to her m other as well,
especially since they were the only two w om en in
the household.
Racquiya attended W oodland and Rosa Parks
Elem entary schools, as well as G eorge M iddle
School. She was an honorary m em ber o f G od ‘N
Charge Ministries, a community based, non-profit
organization that uses the arts to spread the word
and love o f God. She also co-founded Theta Nu
Psi, a new sorority designed to keep young girls
A very m ature and w ell-spoken young lady,
Racquiya was a very active m em ber o f her com ­
munity. She was a happy person and she loved
people, especially babies and young children.
The Port of Portland is a regional governm ent operating airports, marine
terminals and industrial parks in the greater Portland metropolitan area,
to fulfill its mission of providing competitive cargo and passenger access
to world m arkets while enhancing the region's quality of life.
To view current jo b openings and to access the application form , visit
the Port's w ebsite at w w w .portofportland.com or call (503) 944-7400.
w w .m u ltc o jo b s .o rg
R acquiya N ins
Possibility. In every direction.'«
|oh H otline: 503-988-5035
TTY: 503-988-5170
an equal opportun ity employer
In Loving
She loved to make people laugh
and alw ays tried to lift the spirits
o f any troubled person that she
ca m e ac ro ss. B e ca u se o f th is,
people loved to be in her presence.
Racquiya also enjoyed singing and
She w ill be m issed by m any
people, but she will never, ever be
S u rv iv o rs include her m o th er
and father; her two brothers Casey Smith
and Tariq Nins; her grandparents Berta King,
Y o lla n d a N in s - J o h n s o n , a n d D a n ie l
Johnson; her aunts A ndrea D. E dw ards,
A rrianna Moody, Regina Clardy, M onica
Nins, and D em etria Nins; her uncles Jeffrey
Smith, G regory Knight Jr., Eric Clardy, and
Derrone Nins; and her godparents, Chris and
Lenora Hall; as well as the many family mem­
bers and friends.
She will be joining her grandfathers Leslie
Albert Nins and Melford Smith Sr. Like them
she will be gone in the flesh, but her spirit
will live on in the hearts o f the many people
who loved her.
A rrangem ents by Terry Fam ily Funeral
T¿3 In !
saw some slight changes in de­
sign with its angled rear cor-
n ers, scu lp ted d eck lid, and
m ost notably, the retro styled an nice feature to have when
sequential tum signal taillights. backing up.
The GT Premium trims enjoy
An optional, spoiler em bedded
rear-view cam era is also avail­ air c o n d itio n in g , a le a th e r-
able. The w heel-and-tire com ­ w rap p ed tilt steerin g w heel,
binations on the 2010 fam ily o f cruise control, leather u phol­
M u sta n g s a lso m e a su re 1? stery on the front bucket and
larger than previous years, as split-folding rear seats, a six­
they range between 17? and 19?. way pow er driver’s seat, pow er
GT is quite comfortable. The m irrors, w indow s, and locks,
bucket seats keep your body remote keyless entry, aluminum
from swinging side-to-side when interior trim, an upgraded sound
you take sharp turns while pro­ sy stem w ith sa te llite rad io ,
viding relaxed support during B luetooth, voice recognition,
performance-driving. Fords bells and an iPod adapter, a tachom ­
and whistles is sure to please, eter, variable-interm ittent w ip­
with its flawless Microsoft Sync ers, a rear defogger, automatic
option, and M yC olor feature; headlights, and a pow er top.
T he M ustang G T will take
which gives the driver 125 col­
ors from which to choose to set you back to your younger years
the mood o f the interior lighting. of muscle cars. It perform ance
The aforem entioned rear-view and handling are outstanding.
camera option with its disappear­ T here a p art o f m e th at ju s t
ing screen seamlessly embedded w anted to take it to the drag
into the rear-view mirror is always strip ju st for the excitement.
The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO em ployer com m itted to workforce
diversity and affirm ative action.
Steel Buildings
Big Disc Avail
30x40 -
Call for Deal,
Erection Avail