Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 02, 2009, Page 5, Image 5

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    P o rtlan d (Observer
S eptem ber 2, 2 0 0 9
of Ted Kennedy
- N o v . 7,1 9 7 9 : O fficially
announced 1980 presiden­
tial run
- A ug. 12 1980: W ith­
draws from presidential race
in e m o tio n a l sp eech at
D em ocratic National C o n ­
- D ec. 1982: A nnounces
he will not run for president
in 1984 and divorced from
Ted Kennedy lies on a gurney, suffering from a broken back, on Oct. 19, 1964, four
- D ec. 19, 1985: A n ­ months after surviving a small-plane crash near Southampton, Mass., that killed his aide
nounces he will not run for and the pilot. His wife Joan sits beside him.
the 1988 Dem ocratic presi­
dential nomination.
- July 3, 1992: M arries
V ictoria Reggie, a W ash­
ington lawyer.
- N ov. 1994: Son Patrick
K ennedy wins elections as
congressm an from Rhode
- July 16, 1999: John F.
K ennedy Jr. and his wife,
Ted Kennedy arrives on stage ahead o f the inauguration of Carolyn Bessette Kennedy,
President Barack Obama at the Capitol in Washington on
and her sister in law Lauren
Jan. 20. Later the same day, the Massachusetts senator
Bessette, die in plane crash
was attending th&inaugural luncheon when he suffered
in waters off Martha's Vine­
what observers said appeared to be a seizure. Kennedy
was taken away by an ambulance.
Sen. Ted Kennedy announces his endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama for president of
the United States on Jan. 28, 2008.
— Jan. 2002: N o C hild L eft B ehind becom es law.
- F eb . 10,2009: Last vote cast
- A p r i l 5,2004: Says Iraq has becom e "G eorge Bush's Vietnam " and com pares him
to form er President Richard Nixon.
- M arch 8,2 0 0 9 : Honored at
star-studded m usical birthday
tribute at Washington's Kennedy
- A u g . 11,2009: Sister Eunice
Kennedy Shriver, 88, dies.
After undergoing treatment for brain cancer, Sen. Ted
Kennedy electrifies a Democratic National Conven­
tion on Aug. 25, 2008, with a surprise speaking
engagement that rallied support for Barack Obama.
- A u g . 25,2009: Kennedy dies
at age 77, surrounded by family
members at his home in Hyannis
Port. President Obama describes
him as “the greatest United States
senator o f our tim e.”
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" ^ In rtla n b (¡Observer
President Obama presents the first pen to Sen. Kennedy after signing the Edward M.
Kennedy Serve America Act on April 21 in Washington, D.C. The signing was one of
Kennedy's final public appearances.
— N ov. 7, 2006: W ins an
eighth U .S . Senate term.
— O ct. 12,2 0 0 7 : Has sur­
gery to clear a partially
blocked artery in his neck.
- 2008: Jan. 28 m akes
speech endorsing O bam a;
Suffers seizure on M ay 17.
D iagnosed w ith brain can­
cer on M ay 20; delivers
D e m o c ra tic c o n v e n tio n
speech on Aug. 25.
- Jan. 20, 2009: A ttends
O bam a's inauguration as
president but collapses at
nunrcrUmA fa m u m
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