Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 02, 2009, Page 4, Image 4

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    September 2. 2009
Page A4
The Life and Times
--Feb. 22,1932: bom
youngest o f nine chil­
--1951: Left H arvard
University after caught
cheating on Spanish
exam , eventually a l­
lo w ed to rejo in in
- J u n e 1954: G radu­
ates from Harvard, en­
rolls at the University
o f V ir g in ia L aw
School. (He gradu­
ated in 1959.)
—1958: M anaged his
first campaign-John F.
K ennedy's Senate re-
election and on Nov.
29, m arried V irginia
Joan Bennett.
- N ov. 8, 1960:
Brother JFK elected
Joseph and Rose Kennedy with eight o f their children on July 8, 1934, in Massachusetts. Seated in
the front row are Patricia, Rose and Joseph Kennedy with baby Edward, Kathleen, Eunice and
Rosemary. John, Jeanne and Robert are behind.
A young Ted Kennedy attends the changing o f the
guard at Buckingham Palace in London with his
sister, Jean, on April 11, 1938. Their father Joseph
Kennedy, the American ambassador to Great Britain
at the time, was paying a call on the king.
—1962: Runs fo ran d wins brother's U.S. Senate seat. In
March, he resigned as assistant district attorney in Suffolk
C ounty, M ass.., and announced candidacy JFK 's seat
when he becam e old enough. (Elected Nov. 6 ,1 9 6 2 .)
Philadelphia CMB Church
Pastor’s According To My Heart
from Jeremiah 3:15
C elebrating 15 yea rs P astoring
Rev Roy E Clay, Sr. • Rev 1 st Lady Lottie C lay
Featuring G uest Speakers:
Bishop Freddie Brown & Pastor Alvin Ellerby
Sunday Sept 6th @ 3:30 Pm
238 NE M ason ST., Portland O R 97217
503-281-6017 • 503-249-7291
Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries
“ A Community Church”
B ishop H. L. H odge, PhD
Pastor/T each er/R evi valist
“The Voice S p e a k s”
Worship Service: Sundays- 8:00 A.M.
Seminars: Bible Themes- Wednesdays- 6:00 P.M.
“God, The Father”; “God, The Son”; and "God, The Holy Spirit”
Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join
us at our appointm ent with Jesus.
We R each, Teach, & Preach in J e su s’ nam e!!!
Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave.
Portland, Oregon
To inquire about our Church or Ministry
call 503 863-6545 or email hodgehspks@msn.com
T erry F amily
Cardinal Francis Spellman o f New York celebrates the Nuptial High Mass as Edward Moore Kennedy weds Joan Bennett
at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in Bronxville. N.Y., on Nov. 2 9 ,1 9 5 8 .
— N ov. 22, 1963: JF K assassi­
— J u n e 19, 1964: B reaks his
back in a plane crash and was
saved by Sen. Birch Bayh, father
o f current U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh.
— N ov. 3 ,1 9 6 4 : B rother Robert
F. K ennedy elected as U.S. Sen­
ate from New York. Ted Kennedy
won his first full Senate term.
— 1968: In M arch, RFK an­
nounces candidacy for the presi­
dency. In June, RFK is shot and
dies next day after w inning the
2337 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, Or 97227
Edward Kennedy, right, and his brothers John and Robert, are seen in Hyannis Port,
Mass., during John F. Kennedy's presidential campaign on July 20, 1960.
-1969: Chappaquiddick. Drives
his Oldsm obi le o ff a bridge and
his fem ale passenger, M ary Jo
K opechne, drow ns. K ennedy
escapes. Pleads guilty to the
m isdeam eanor charge o f leav­
ing the scene o f an accident. He
receives a two-month suspended
sentence and a year's proba­
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- N ov. 3 ,1 9 7 0 : W on re-elec­
tion but lost Senate W hip posi­
Simply go to our website.
www.terryfam ilyfuneralhome.com
- 1973: Son, T eddy Jr.'s right
leg is am putated due to bone
A young Edward "Ted" Kennedy at New York Interna­
tional Airport.
- N ov. 4 ,1 9 7 9 : The infam ous
Roger M udd interview in which
he couldn't articulate w hy he
w anted to be president.