Page A9 August 26, 2009 Porilanil OL s e r v e r A u to e v ie w News and reviews on new motor vehicles 2010 KIA Forte EX T he new 2010 K ia Forte is M acPherson struts and a sta­ g o o d e n o u g h to c o m p e te bilizer bar, plus a torsion beam a g a in s t H o n d a an d T oy o ta. rear with struts and coil springs. N ot only did K ia change the It strikes a nice balance between nam e from S pectra to Forte, it com fort and sport feel. T h e F o rte is a fo u r-d o o r a upgraded version from w hat w as o n ce a b arg a in bin v e ­ co m p ac t sed an a v a ila b le in LX , EX and SX trim s. S tan ­ hicle. K ia is actually a very co m ­ dard eq u ip m en t on the base p etitive sedan, from its 156- L X in c lu d e s 1 5 -in c h s te e l h o rsepow er base engine to its w heels, a six -w ay -ad ju stab le im pressive fuel econom y. The d riv er seat, a tilt steerin g c o l­ in te rio r is p leasant, too, w ith um n, B luetooth co n n ectiv ity a c le a n d a s h b o a r d la y o u t, and a fo u r-sp eak er C D /M P3 plenty o f standard features on au d io system w ith U SB and m ost trim levels, and decent- auxiliary audio jack s. T he EX q u ality m aterials. T he EX get a d d s a ir- c o n d itio n in g , fu ll a 2.0-1 iter fo u r-cy lin d er good p o w e r a c c e s s o r ie s , a s ix - for 156 hp and 144 pound-feet speak er layout for the sound o f to r q u e . A f iv e - s p e e d system , cru ise con tro l and a m anual tran sm issio n is stan ­ 6 0 /4 0 -sp lit folding rear seat d ard and a fo u r-sp eed a u to ­ w ith a ce n te r arm rest and ad ­ m atic is optional. O rdering the ju s ta b le rear h ea d rests. T h e E X 's F uel E conom y package EX has an expanded range o f c h a n g e s o u t th e fo u r-sp e e d o ptions, including a sunroof, au to for a m ore efficien t five- 1 6 -in c h a llo y w h e e ls a n d le a th e r u p h o ls t e r y w ith speed autom atic h e a te d fro n t se a ts . A F u e l The Forte is Fitted with fairly E conom y p ackage ad d s a standard hardw are — an inde­ fiv e -sp e e d a u to m a tic tr a n s ­ pendent f ro n t w ith Vehicle Specifications: 2.0L 16 valve DOHC CWT 4 cylinder engine: 4 speed automatic transmission; 25 city mpg, 34 mpg: MSRP $19,290 m ission, elec tric p o w er ste er­ in g , lo w - r o llin g - r e s is ta n c e tir e s an d a e r o d y n a m ic e n ­ Aviation Interest Soars Flight instructor keeps up on demand Larry Altree, Portland C om ­ m unity C ollege Aviation Sci­ e n c e in s tr u c to r a n d th e program 's chairperson, is expe­ riencing a take off o f another k in d -en ro llm en t. Full-tim e equivalent enroll­ m ent in Aviation Science has m ore than doubled from this same tim e last year, skyrocket­ ing by m ore than 114 percent. A ltree said that m any o f his courses for fall are alm ost full. "Interest is up," Altree said. "With this econom y as people encounter dow nsizing in their own industry they are thinking o f investing in a career they can be passionate about rather than a career for the money. There is nothing like a layoff to wake them up that w orking just for money isn't the best way to go. This fall, our beginning classes will be at capacity and we al­ ready have waiting lists." In addition to fixed wing air­ c r a ft, P C C p a r tn e rs w ith Hillsboro Aviation to teach he­ licopter aviation and graduates often get m id-level jobs Hying for tour com panies, fire-and- rescue operations, off-shore oil North Portland resident Larry Altree is an aviation instructor production and the tim ber in­ at Portland Community College. dustry. C lasses are offered at service. "It covers college costs materials and equipment for the the Rock Creek Campus ( 17705 like tuition and fees; the vets school's two flight sim ulators N.W. S p rin g v ille R oad) and are really excited about that. We to benefit his students' learn­ S outheast C e n ter (2305 S.E. offer affordable flight training ing. 82nd and D ivision). Students "Judgment, decision making across the spectrum to those can fly out o f either Hillsboro who haven't flown before and skills, attitude - that's what will A irport or Hillsboro Aviation's have been put into active ser­ k ee p m y stu d e n ts safe," he facility a, the Troutdale Airport said. "There are so many vari­ vice." near Gresham. Altree, who lives in the St. ables in flying. W hen an airline Altree, a third-generation pi­ Johns neighborhood o f north pilot takes off he or she has to lot w h o se g ra n d fa th e r flew P o rtlan d , sees his ch a rg e as fly in any conditions that are planes in World War I and fa­ turning out all of his graduates, legal and safe. It takes extraor­ ther for commercial airlines, said w hether vets o r not, w ho are d in ary focus and d iscip lin e. C hapter 33 o f the new GI Bill ready to be safe, com petent pi­ The am ount o f responsibility has funneled even m ore stu ­ lots. But he doesn't ju st talk the that you are shouldered with is dents and interest his way. He talk; he w alks the w alk. He unm atched. People trust their estim ates about three-quarters hopes to spend his G albraith lives and the lives o f their fam i­ of the calls he gets are post-9/ aw ard money o f $1,500 to buy lies to airline pilots." 11 vets asking about the pro­ gram seeking to capitalize on the bill. "(The new GI Bill) has had a positive im pact on my enroll­ ment; the vets are a huge part of our enrollm ent surge,” said Altree, the 2009 recipient o f the Rock C reek C am pus G ordon Galbraith Award for community h an cem en ts In the past, Kia made its mark as being the brand w ith the cheape'st cars, how ever co n ­ sumers are taking another look at Kia vehicles. The Forte is fi­ nally going to be able to com ­ pete with the top m anufactur­ ers such as Honda and Toyota. Happy Birthday Audry Washington Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838 Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for 16 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 We are located on the c o m e r o fM L K and Russell Street, on the second flo o r above the coffee shop. W Pakina Area 333 NE Rtitsdl «200 Russell St S diversity Prfllt _______♦ _____ .___ Participate in Democracy Zote Return your ballot by mad or drop ¡f o ff at any designated voter dropsite. Call I -866-673-8683 to find a location near you. Q9bseraer f a.ibkshrd in Week • (kt.4*r 11 Î00I I Election Ballots On Way ,heRevicw People o f color find a political fit M ««it QlM lW t«* O» » owvtr. U < Jrt» K» • f ln » l “ fc». •HU*«»-'«» <««»»> X < 1 » » ■ 'evtvWay »< p«» n» I» A d »O <*•' > W k" » M miBmt «Ml «,• .-MX'’«»*-* >-» o.«n 1» mh I h < »«• ONEONONE Premiere bonds In e theater to live basketball Advertise with diversity lht Port land To contact Congratulations Obsetver C îüi 503J2KS-0033 n adsipporik«!« îbservera 11 I I1l( Portland Observer Call 503-288-0033 P enny (Leneatha) a n d A n th o n y 'Tony ' M im s w ere m a rried on Saturday Aug. 22 a t F ellow ship M issionary B a p tist Church. or email ads@portlandob J I I I