Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 26, 2009, Page 8, Image 8

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To Place Your Classified Advertisement
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
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w ith d iv ersity
August 26.2009
H" Portland
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
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Call 503-288-0033
City of Oroville - Class “A” Blosollds Treatment System
Oroville, Okanogan Co., WA.
Bids Due: Tuesday - August 27, 2009 at 1:00 pm
Estim ated Base Bid Cost Range: $1, 2 0 0 ,0 0 0
LF lyszs construction , inc .
Possibility. In every direction.™
The Port of Portland is a regional governm ent operating
airports, marine terminals and industrial parks in the greater
Portland metropolitan area, to fulfill its mission of providing
com petitive cargo and passenger access to world markets
while enhancing the region’s quality of life.
To view current job openings and to access the application
form , visit the Port's w ebsite at w ww.portofportland.com
or call (503) 944-7400.
The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO em ployer com m itted to
w orkforce diversity and affirm ative action.
Affordable Housing for
Low-Income Families & Seniors
Clean, com fortable and convenient
Located in Newberg. Pet friendly!
W e accept Section 8 Vouchers
S ubsid ized units m ay be a va ila b le at th is tim e. If not,
qualified persons will autom atically be placed on a waiting
list for subsidy.
1 BR 648 sp ft $358 - $489
2 BR 798 sp ft $450 - $602
3 BR 952 sq ft $500 - $718
Rents are Base Rent. Actual rent is based on income.
Contact our M anagem ent Office for details.
(Office Hours M-F - 10 am to 3 pm)
5 03 -53 8 -8 8 25
TD D 1-800-735-2900
Deborah Court/D unhill/New berg Village
Or visit on the w eb at:
www.guardianapartm ents.com
Professionally m anaged by Guardian M anagem ent, LLC
Affordable Housing for
Low-Income Families & Seniors
G et involved in the e xcitin g
c a re e r o f ra d io ! S a le m
Comm unications in Portland is
looking for sales professionals
and part-time board operators
with a passion for radio. Radio
sa les expe rien ce preferred.
Com pensation determ ined by
experience. Strong character
qua lities, an ab ility to w ork
within a team structure, plus
s tro n g w ritte n a n d v e rb a l
c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills a re
essential. Email your letter and
re s u m e im m e d ia te ly to
or fax to 503-786-1551. No
Phone Call«.
S a le m
Com m unications is an equal
opportunity employer.
We accept Section 8 Vouchers
Subsidized units m ay be available at th is tim e. If not,
qualified persons will autom atically be placed on a waiting
list for subsidy.
1 BR 600 sp ft $415 - $537
2 BR 730 sp ft $460 - $653
3 BR 1008 sq ft $565 - $906
Rents are Base Rent. Actual rent is based on income.
Contact our M anagem ent Office for details.
(Office Hours M-F - 10 am to 3 pm)
5 03 -53 8 -8 8 25
TD D 1-800-735-2900
Deborah Court/D unhill/New berg Village
O r visit on the w eb at:
O F F O A ÎU M Itr
www.guardianapartm ents.com
Professionally m anaged by Guardian M anagem ent, LLC
Affordable Housing for
Multifamily, Seniors (62 years & older) and Disabled
person (any age)
Clean, com fortable and convenient. And close to shopping
and m edical facilities. Located in Newberg. Pet friendly!
W e accept Section 8 Vouchers
Subsidized units may be available at this tim e. If not,
qualified persons will autom atically be placed on a
w aiting list for subsidy.
$354 - $411
$451 - $566
M ultnom ah
The Department of Community
Justice is currently accepting
applications for the follow ing
Juvenile Treatm ent S ervices
provides com prehensive bio­
p sych o -so cia l a sse ssm e n ts
and fam ily treatm ent for youth
ages 12-18 that dem onstrate
a n ti-s o c ia l b e h a v io rs th a t
r e s u lt in la w v io la tio n s ,
s u b s ta n c e a b u s e , s c h o o l
suspensions, fam ily struggles,
and p o s s ib le o u t o f hom e
placement. This bilingual MHC
works in collaboration with the
fam ily to address each fam ily
and y o u th ’s u nique needs.
Apply by Septem ber 11,2009.
Nutrition Services Manager,
The N utrition S ervice s (NS)
M a n a g e r d ire c ts N u tritio n
Services personnel in quality
food preparation for detainee
yo u th m ea ls, G O A L S youth
meals, the Café and catering
m eals fo r b reakfast, lunch,
dinner, and snacks. Apply by
Septem ber 11, 200.
For m ore inform ation about
th e s e p o s itio n s , in c lu d in g
application m aterials, please
v is it
w e b s ite
Rents are Base Rent. Actual rent is based on income.
Contact our M anagem ent Office for details.
(Office Hours M -F - 9 am to 5 pm)
503-53 8 -8 8 25
TDD 1-800-735-2900
Dunhill Apartm ents
Or visit on the w eb at:
newbergvillage@ guardian-m gm t.com
www.guardianapartm ents.com
We are an equal Opportunity Provider
*"“ **•
Professionally m anaged by Guardian M anagem ent, LLC
Program Offlcer/Communlty
Investment Manager
United Way of the Colum bia-
W illam ette is seeking a highly
s k ille d in d iv id u a l w h o has
e x p e rie n c e in h e a lth a nd
human services. M ust have
an in depth understanding of
th e d iv e rs e c o m m u n itie s
within the region and the ability
to prom ote partnerships and
e ffe c tiv e ly s u p p o rt th e
m anagem ent of a com plex,
c o m p e titiv e
g ra n ts
p ro g ra m . A d d itio n a l Info:
w w w .u n ited w a v-pd x.o rg. To
apply for this position, please
fo rw a rd a aover le tte r and
re s u m e to e m p lo y m e n t
@u n ite d w a y -p d x .o r g ,
Reference Job #115. Position
c lo s e s 9 / 4 / 0 9 . An Equal
Opportunity Employer.
11001 E. M ontgom ery, Spokane Valley, W A 99206
Phone: (509) 534-0451- Fax: (509) 535-6622
We a re an equal opportunity employer and request sub/supplier
bids and pre-bid contact from ail interested firms, including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans, and small
business enterprises.
Mental Health Consultant -
Bilingual (Spanish/Engllsh),
Clean, com fortable and convenient
Located in Dundee. Pet friendly!
1 BR 600 sp ft
2 BR 730 sp ft
Radio Opportunities
In Portland
M ultnom ah County is actively
recruiting persons from diverse
b a c k g ro u n d s to e n h a n c e
service delivery to our diverse
com m unity. O ur com m itm ent
to e x c e p tio n a l c u s to m e r
service relies upon a team -
o rie n te d w o rk p la c e and a
continuou s qu a lity im prove­
m ent environm ent. An Equal
Opportunity Employer.
Due to a recent reorganization,
S a le m -K e iz e r T ra n s it is
s e e k in g a p p lic a n ts fo r tw o
n e w ly c re a te d m a n a g e r
positions to oversee its Fixed
R o u te
O p e ra tio n s
M aintenance Departments.
T h e Fixed Route Operations
Manager will plan, organize and
m a n a g e th e d a y to d a y
operations of the fixed-route
tr a n s it s e rv ic e s fu n c tio n
re q u irin g
e x te n s iv e
k n o w le d g e o f fix e d ro u te
public transit operations. The
Maintenance Manager will plan,
o rg a n iz e a n d d ire c t th e
activities and staff involved in
both the vehicle maintenance
and fa c ilitie s m a in te n a n ce
fu n c tio n s
re q u irin g
e x te n s iv e k n o w le d g e of
v e h ic le
a nd
f a c ilit y
maintenance and repair. Ideal
candidates for either position
must also have demonstrated
s u c c e s s fu l a nd e x te n s iv e
s u p e rv is o ry / m a n a g e m e n t
experience in a union setting
as w e ll a s e x c e p tio n a l
c o m m u n ic a tio n
leadership skills. Incum bents
of these positions will report
to th e D ire c to r o f th e
Operations Division.
The annual sa la ry range is
$68,753.88 to $89,513.84.
S ta rtin g
s a la rie s
a re
n e g o tia b le , d e p e n d in g on
qualifications. Excellent fringe
benefit package.
To a p p ly, v is it w e b s ite at
www.cherriots.org or call 503-
588-2424 to obtain an official
a p p lic a tio n fo rm a n d a
d e ta ile d
re c ru itm e n t
announcem ent. Com pleted
official application form must
be received no later than 5:00
p.m. Septem ber 11, 2009, at
Salem -Keizer Transit, Human
Resources Division, 555 Court
S t, NE, Suite 5230, Salem, OR
9 73 0 1-3 73 6 . No fa xe s or
e m a ils a c c e p te d .
Opportunity Employer.
Steel Buildings
Big Disc Avail
30x40 - 105x105
Call for Deal, Erection Avail
w w w .scggrp.com
Phone: 503-714-9983
Western Oregon University - Monmouth
Health & Wellness Center
Bid Package #1
Pre-Bid Meeting: August 27th 11:00 am
Bids Due: September 3th 2:00 pm
Bid Documents - Ford Graphics (503/227-3424) or
www.fordgraphics.com /oregon - PlanWell - Public Planroom
m b m
Hoffman Construction
Company of Oregon
Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888
8 0 5 SW Broadway. Suite 21 00 - Portland. OR 97 205 - CCB LIC# 28417
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises.
Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com
RFB 10-1458
M etro Parks and Environm ental Services, a Departm ent of
Metro, a m etropolitan service district organized under the
laws of th e S tate of O regon and the M etro Charter, is
requesting bids for construction Phase 2 of water related
facility im provem ents at the M. Jam es Gleason Boat Ramp
located at 4325 NE Marine Drive, Portland, Oregon.
Sealed bids are due no later than 2:00 p.m., August 13,2009, at
Metro Regional Center, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR
9 7 2 3 2 , A tte n tio n : Qan K ro m e r, P ro je c t M a n a g e r
(C o n stru ctio n M a n a ge r) p o stm a rks and fa xe s are not
accepted for form al bids. First Tier Subcontractor form s are
due from all bidders within two hours of the bid due tim e or
the bid will be considered non-responsive.
A pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00a.m., August4,2009
in M etro's business offices at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Room
270, Portland, OR 97232-2736.
W ork entails: dem olition and rem oval of existing debris
deflection system (trash rack and debris boom), boarding
floats, gangway and corresponding pile system, and existing
concrete and asphalt boat ramp; construction and installation
of new boarding floats and corresponding support piles:
construction and installation of the first six (6) sections of
the wave attenuator wall and corresponding support piles
(Bid Additive 1). Bidding docum ents may be purchased from
Ford Graphics at 401 NW 14th Avenue Portland, OR or by
calling (503) 227-3424. This project is available online at
trww. fordgraphlcs.com.
M etro and its contractors will not discrim inate against any
person(s), em ployee or applicant for em ploym ent based on
race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation,
age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or martial
status. M etro fully com plies with Title VI of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all
program s and activities. For m ore inform ation, or to obtain
a Title VI Com plaint Form, see w w w .m etro-region.org or call
(503) 797-1536.
Advertise "With d iva sity in
n*PortlatidOb9 i\< i
Call 5O3-288-OO33
Metro m ay accept or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part,
or waive irregularities not affecting substantial rights if such
action is deem ed in the public interest.
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