Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 26, 2009, Page 5, Image 5

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A ugust 26. 2009
B usiness
Workplaces Accept Bike Challenge
Who can bike-
to-work more?
Hundreds o f businesses, non­
profits, and government agencies
across O regon and southw est
W ashington will compete next
month in the Bicycle Transpor­
tation A lliance’s Bike Commute
Challenge, a month-long com pe­
tition between workplaces to see
who can bike to work more.
Since 1995, the annual event
has introduced first-tim e bike
com m uters to the fun, health,
safety, and environm ental ben­
efits of comm uting by bike. In
2008, 10,700 individuals from
m ore th an 1,000 b u s in e s s e s
logged over one million miles of
bike commutes.
This year, even larger num ­
bers are expected with thousand
The Department o f Environmental Quality's bike-to-work team celebrates victory in last year's Bike Com­
mute Challenge.
Attracting Customers Workshop Managing
A non-profit organization
called SCORE (Counselors to
America’s Small Business) will
offer a marketing on Wednes­
day, Sept. 9 at 601 S.W. Second
Ave. Room 2030.
The topics will include learn­
ing the power of branding; how
to analyze your market, custom­ discount for each additional
ers and your offering; advertis­ company person. With limited
ing vs. public relations; the seating, clients are encouraged
pros and cons of various media to pre-register to ensure space.
and developing a m arketing For details on schedules, loca­
tions and registration o f all
budget and plan.
The cost is $55 pre-regis­ SCORE workshops call 503 326-
tered, $65 at the door and $5 5211 or visit scorepdx.org.
Program Helps Small Businesses
S m a ll b u s in e s s e s th a t
w ould otherw ise have d iffi­
culty securing private equity
or venture capital may find
funding easier to get as a re ­
sult o f changes made as part
of the American Recovery and
A m erica’s small business by
R einvestm ent Act.
The details are under the supplem enting the long-term
S m a ll B u s in e s s A d m in i­ debt and private-equity capi­
stration’s Small Business In­ tal available to them.
For more inform ation, visit
vestm ent Company Program.
S B IC 's w ere created to sbu.gov/lNV or call 1-800-U-
s tim u la te th e g ro w th o f ASK-SBA.
Is it Time to
Invest Again?
With the majority of the
governm ent’s leading eco­
nomic indicators on the plus
side for three quarters in a row,
and the better than expected
results of the recent stress test
on key important U.S. banks;
one has to ask, is it time to
consider investing in the fi­
nancial markets again?
Not to invest leaves you at
risk to inflation, while most
Money Market rates are be­
low one p e rc e n t. A nine
months CD can pay as little
as 1.09 percent, and a 60
months CD can pay 3 percent,
and everything in between
the two rates for different in­
A good place to look when
of individuals trying bike com ­
muting for the first time.
With the support of Metro re­
gional governm ent’s Drive Less
Save More campaign, alliance
staff will present dozens of Bike
Commuting 101 Workshops for
free to attendees at workplaces
throughout the area.
Individuals, organizations, or
businesses interested in signing
up for a workshop can schedule
one by con tactin g Stephanie
N oll
stephanie@ bta4bikes.org.
W orkplaces com pete in the
Bike Com m ute Challenge can
qualify for prize drawings, dis­
counts at bike shops, and admis­
sion to the after-party in Port­
land in October.
F or m ore in fo rm a tio n and
reg istratio n , visit the web at
considering investing again is;
where is the current money go­
ing? Investors put nearly $150
billion into exchange-traded
funds (EFTs) in the second half
of last year.
Invented 16 years ago as ba­
sic index funds that trade on
the market like stock, ETFs
aren't an ideal place to sock
away small amounts of money
each month. But they are per­
fect if you’re investing a lump
sum, such as an inheritance or
Safety is always a factor, so
ETFs that track the major asset
classes and come from a pro­
vider with a long, stable history
is important. You can build a
portfolio with just four or five
funds that will provide good
As you try to recapture your
losses during the last year and
R ick L ee
a half, resist the temptation to
become greedy and invest in
risky or speculative invest­
ments unless they are suitable
for your investment profile
and resources.
Consider that usually, the
riskier the investm ent, the
higher the commission is paid
to the financial advisor recom­
mending the investment. Re­
member there is no such thing
as a risk free investment; even
U.S. Government backed se­
curities have risk.
To find out if ETFs are right
for you, or if you want assis­
tance with portfolio structur­
ing, asset allocation, and or di­
versification, call me today.
Rick L Lee is president o f
Professional <£ Wealth Man­
agement. He can be reached
at 503-539-8994 or via e-mail
at pro_wealthmgnt@wvi.com.
An ongoing scries of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
Part 35. Different Benefits by Age Group
photo by
M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver
Welcome Aboard
Mayor Sam Adams welcomes the Aug. 19 arrival of a new same
day Amtrak rail service between Portland and Vancouver, British
Columbia. Traveling by rail between the two cities previously
required an overnight stay in Seattle to transfer to another train.
Completing the trip in one day after a rail start in Portland previ­
ously required taking a bus north from Seattle.
Proposed casino in Portland
suburb finds some support
A poll co m m issio n ed by
tw o Lake O sw ego business­
m en p u rsu in g th e id e a o f
bringing a casino to the Port­
land area found that 54 per­
cent o f Oregon voters som e­
what or strongly support it.
State voters would have to
a p p ro v e a c o n s titu tio n a l
a m e n d m e n t to a llo w a
non trib al casino. B usiness­ The telephone poll random ly
men Matt Rossman and Bruce su rveyed 4 0 6 O regon v o t­
Studer are collecting signa­ e rs b e tw e e n M ay 27 an d
tures to put such an item on June 2. T he m argin o f error
w as p lu s o r m inus 5 p e r ­
the 2010 ballot.
Riley Research A ssociates centage points
Rossman and Studer wan,
o f P o rtla n d fo und th at 40
p e rc e n t o f O re g o n v o te rs to pu, a casino at the former
o p p o se a P o rtla n d c a s in o M ultnomah Greyhound Park
and 6 percent w ere unsure. in Wood Village.
: What age groups can most always be corrected when
a chiropractor help most? chiropractic care is initiated in
: T his is like asking
which age groups ben­ Needless to say, every teenage
efit most from good health. girl should be checked regularly
And yet, each age group has for scoliosis and all teenagers
specific problems for which and young adults should see
your chiropractor has specific their chiropractor regularly to
make sure their newly active
sports lives aren't creating spi­
nal problems they'll have to live
O th er m o th ers are often with the rest of their lives.
amazed to see a mother carry­
ing her infant out of the ad­ Adults
justing room. And yet, since The world today is experiencing
the delivery process itself a terrible level of stress. Long
causes a high percentage of work weeks, seemingly impos­
subluxations, infants to need sible deadlines and economic
chiropractic care. Obviously, woes create incredible pressures.
children and infants are treated In addition, most adults breathe
differently than adults. There in polluted air, drink chemically
are new, highly sophisticated treated water and consume an
methods of adjusting children average of nine pounds of food
and infants to insure the best additives and chemical preserva­
possible results with the least tives in a year, putting even more
possible discomfort. Though stress on their bodies. One sure
young children can't tell you way to keep the stress level from
they're in pain, heir irritability causing potentially dangerous
is often a sign of the need to subluxations is with regular chi­
ropractic checkups.
be checked.
Young Adults and Teenagers Senior Citizens
More and more young adults
and teenagers are getting in­
volved in active sports. As a
result, more and more of them
are getting injured, requiring
prompt chiropractic care.
Obviously half of he girls in
our society develop scoliosis
(curvature of the spine) dur­
ing puberty. Left untreated,
scoliosis keeps getting worse
over time. However, it can al­
R e tire m e n t age fo r m any
people has become just plain
tiresome. Aches and pins, o f­
ten the re su lt o f u n tre a te d
subluxations, abound. Yet is
hardly seems fair that having
to suffer with pain or being
drugged into numbness are
fair rewards for all the years
of hard work.
Depending on the degree of
subluxations degeneration,
your chiropractor can often
provide help.
For senior citizens w ho’ve
been fortunate enough to suf­
fered minimal trauma in their
lives, virtually complete spinal
recovery should be almost as
easy as it w ould be for
younger people.
For those who have suffered
needlessly for years, your chi­
ropractor can often slow or
stop the degeneration, making
life more comfortable. It is cer­
tainly worth the effort so that
our senior citizens get the dig­
nity o f health care they de­
Something for Everyone
As you can see, there are prac­
tically as many reasons to
have re g u la r c h iro p ractic
checkups as there are people.
Make an appointment for your­
self and your loved ones soon.
Flowers Chiropractic ( MTice
2124 NE Hancock
Portland, Oregon 97212
Phone: (503) 287-5504
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 N.E. Hancock Street. Portland O regon97212
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2S7»5504