)Jnrtlattò (Observer Page A4 O pinion August 26, 2009 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver. com. Comprehensive Means Everyone Keeping mental health in the equation o rg a n iz a tio n s and L inda J aramillo faith co m m u n ities There was a time when have stepped in to the public h ealth care provide needed emer­ system could support the gency services like a needs of those who were meal or a bed or just suffering from mental ill­ som eone to talk to. ness. At least that was These services are absolutely true in some states in this coun­ essential, but we cannot expect try. But that was long ago. It is now rare to find a mental them to be the solution to a health care system in any state much bigger social issue. We are a wealthy nation and that is available to those who have no h e a lth in su ra n c e . a sophisticated society, yet we W hen did mental health get continue to just talk and do little dropped from the concept of about this tragic situation. We now have a chance that we can­ health and wellness? Our mental health care sys­ not let pass us by. We have a tem has been broken or com­ chance to influence our Con­ pletely non-existent for years. gress and President while they We’ve talked and talked about are in the debate about a com ­ it. We complain about the clo- prehensive health care system. by M . Any health care proposal must include coverage for all persons; access regardless o f ability to pay. sure o f state hospitals where housing and care for the chroni­ cally mentally ill was taking place. We are concerned about per­ sons being released onto the streets of our communities. But, we do not seem willing to pro­ vide the financial support to rebuild this system. Instead, we pay for jails and prisons which have become the housing cen­ ter for those who are mentally ill or suffering from addictions. Jails and prisons are not in­ tended or equipped to be health care institutions. Yes, some of the crimes committed do require incarceration. But, honestly many of the crimes are petty and part of a cycle o f repeated of­ fenses that result in long-term sentences. Some folks have told me that they simply have no place else to go. People who are unable to hold a job due to ongoing emotional and mental health issues can­ not afford housing, food, cloth­ ing, or health care. So, they find themselves living on the streets and if they’re lucky, they find a place in a local homeless shel­ ter for a few nights. Thankfully, human services Com prehensive means com ­ plete and all-inclusive and that includes mental health care. An excerpt from a pastoral letter on health care reform from leaders of the United Church of Christ reads “All parts of cre­ atio n deserv e to be healed when broken, injured, or sick. All persons deserve to be ten­ derly touched by concerned healers. Health care is not only a basic human right but a hu­ man need. As people of faith, we believe that it is a moral im­ perative to transform healthcare so that it is inclusive, accessible, affordable, and accountable.” Please contact your lawmak­ ers today and tell them that any health care proposal must in­ clude coverage for all persons; access regardless of ability to pay; a full set o f benefits; a choice of physicians and other providers; elimination of racial and ethnic and other health care disparities; waiver of pre-exist­ ing condition exclusions with­ out any age limits; and a public option. Meaningful Reform Expands Access Affordability comes with public option by U.S. R ep . M axine W aters The A m erican people are strongly in favor of a pub­ lic option as an alternative competitor to private in­ surance companies. How can we expect these insur­ ance companies to expand access and make health care insurance more affordable with­ out increased competition? The pressure on Congress I strongly urge my colleagues from lobbyists who represent events in my district where health care reform opponents nonprofit com m unity clinics involved in health care reform is im m ense: recen t rep o rts offered free health screenings negotiations to jo in me in suggest there may be as many and other necessary medical standing up in support of the as six lo b b y is ts fo r e a c h tre a tm e n ts to th o u san d s o f public option and not caving Member of Congress working people who simply cannot af­ in to insurance company oppo­ sition - w e’ve played their to defeat m eaningful health ford them. A fter seeing firsthand the game before and the losers are care reform. I cannot and will not o v e rw h e lm in g d em an d for millions of working Americans sit by and quietly allow these services - com pounded and their families who either outside o p p o sitio n to by the 14,000 A m ericans los­ spend a disp ro p o rtio n ate d ism a n tle a p rogram ing th e ir h e a lth in su ra n c e am ount of their income on m eant to p ro vide the each day and by persistently health insurance or who sim­ American people with an high national unem ploym ent ply cannot afford health insur­ option so that they and their and foreclosure ra te s- I have ance in the first place. Maxine Waters is a Repre­ families can access quality, af­ never been more convinced of the immediate need to reform sentative o f Congress from fordable health care. 1 recently attended several our health insurance system. Los Angeles. Why the Public Option Gets Dumped A casualty of playing the game must be said again and again on their plans on health care and that Obama quickly morphed taxes and the Iraq War. The truism in American presi­ the hint th a t it into the archtypical Hollywood dential politics is that liberals can be tossed, it casting lot moderate, centrist vices Secretary K athleen and even one time progressives Democrat who will cut a politi­ would still likely Sebelius found out the hard always run to the political left go. T h is has cal deal with legislation to get way that when you say what in the early stages of a cam ­ much less to do something, anything, out of it your boss m ay really be with angry town that can be sold as a win. This paign. They then move quickly thinking or worse yet doing hall loudmouths, is nothing new, let alone a sign to the center or even rightward it on a crucial piece of legis­ as victory becomes a real pos­ la tio n you get q u ick ly the drum beat Fox Network, of duplicity, with Obama. A cursory read of his record, sibility. Limbaugh, and the legion of smacked down. Even when O bam a spoke M. Linda Jaramillo is execu­ Sibelius in an unscripted right shrill blogger attacks, and as well as a fine comb of his tive minister fo r Justice Minis­ and unvetted moment said G OP orchestrated Senate at­ speeches, statements, and in­ m o st p a ssio n a te ly about tries in the United Church of that President Obama’s pub­ tacks on the public option, than terviews, that the talk during change he kept the door wide the campaign of Obama as an open to reshape, massage, and Christ. lic option in the health care Obama the politician. contour policy issues to con­ reform war could go by the r ———————— form to what was pragmatic, wayside if that’s what it takes doable and acceptable. Obama's to get Senate obstructionists Attn: Subscriptions, The | I voting record in the Illinois to back a reform bill. y ju s t $60 p e r yea r Portland Observer, PO Box | state legislature gave a strong Sebelius d id n 't say any­ 3137, Portland OR 97208. | I (please include check) hint that his liberal record was thing that Obama point man, I N ame : _______________ I Rahm Emanuel didn’t hint at hazier than it appeared. I I He got high marks from lib­ weeks earlier, and that Obama T elephone :. I eral groups on votes on envi­ --------------------------- I him self has hinted at. The ronm ental, gun control, abor­ I A ddress :__ --------------------------- I public option is not only ex­ tion, and civil liberties protec­ pendable but likely will go. I _______________ ________________ I tions, and ethics reform. But Even if Sibelius, Emanuel, I or email subscriptions® portlandobserver.com I Obama wants, no desperately unreconstructed far out liberal he also deftly ducked taking and Obama hadn't dropped L _ — _ — — J needs to win a big victory on was mostly talk by first Hillary positions on some of the same healthcare or at least the ap­ Clinton, and later by conserva­ issues when they could stir pearance of a victory, even if tive talk jocks, Sarah Palin and rancor and were potentially polarizing. During his stint in the victory means scrapping the the GOP attack teams. If he even remotely resembled the legislature, Obam a used only thing in the health care re­ form package that really repre­ what the attack hounds claimed the ta c tic m ore o fte n than he was he could never have most senators and rarely gave sents true health care reform. Put another way, a govern­ gotten the stamp of approval a reason why. W hatever O bam a's motive ment health insurance option is from top Democrats, beat down for not taking a firm stand on the only real lever to make the the Clinton machine, gotten the these issues, and not sp ell­ parade of endorsements from pharmaceuticals and health care ing o u t the reaso n w hy, it former Reagan and Bush Sr., and insurers lower drug costs, re­ Every tim e we a rra n g e a perso n alized fu n eral service, w e take special p rid e going duce their obscene profit rake even W. Bush officials. And helped burnish his credentials the e x tra mile W ith o u r o n lin e M em orial O bituary, n o w w e can do even m ore offs, deliver better services, most important, broken the cash w ith co nservative R epubli­ cans and right leaning Dem o­ eliminate the endless dodges registers on fund raising. Friends an d fam ily can find o u t service in form ation, view photos, read obituary, O bam a's centrist bent was crats as a man willing to com ­ that insurers use to cherry pick o rd e r flow ers an d leave perso n al m essages o f condolences from anyw here, anytim e. only the most healthy and prof­ plainly evident during the cam­ prom ise even conciliate on S im p ly go to o u r w ebsite. itable patients, and make some paign when he and McCain at big ticket issues that conser­ dent in the 45 to 50 million un­ times sounded like they were vatives routinely support or more agreement than not on the oppose. insured. That hasn’t changed. And all If private health insurers and issues of expansion of stem-cell "Dedicated to providing excellent service the pharmaceuticals had done research, immigration, faith- signs past and present point to and superior care o f your loved one " that decades ago without a gov­ b ased so cial se rv ic e s, e x ­ the public option as the latest ernment lever, the whole health panded government w iretap­ casualty in the routine compro­ care debate and crisis would ping, building more nuclear mises that politicians make in have long since been a moot power plants, global warming, playing the political game. And Dwight A. Terry point. Obama well knows this, fair trade, and the death pen­ Obama has played the game far Oregon I Ícense CO-3644 and has said as much in his ear­ alty. The similarity between the better than most. Amy S. Terry Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an two was more glaring when lier political days. Oregon l icense FS-0395 But that was then, and now it Obama edged closer to McCain author and political analyst. ! Subscribe 5*03*7288^0033 T erry F amily *| 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 503-249-1788 We make the service personal, You make the tribute personal. www.terryfamilyfuneralhome.com Obama wants, no, desperately needs, to win a big victory on health­ care or at least the appearance o f a victory.