Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 26, 2009, Page 11, Image 11

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August 26. 2009
Black Eyed Peas Tops Billboard Charts
(AP) - W ill.¡.am would love
to say "I told you so" to all the
people w ho have bashed the
Black Eyed Peas in the past, but
he w on't — even though the
group ju st m ade history on the
Billboard charts.
"T here's a part of me that
w ants to be cocky, but then I
can't be cocky," the 34-year-old
Peas leader said. "There's a part
o f me that w ants to call out all
o f my other peers and com peti­
tors. I d o n 't w an t to say no
nam es because I'm not like that,
b ut p a rt o f m e w a n ts to do
The foursom e, w ho have had
th eir share o f critics, topped
B illb o a rd 's H ot 100 sin g les
charts for 20 consecutive weeks
last week, the m ost ever by an
"Boom Boom Pow" and the
song that dislodged it, "1 G otta
Feeling," have been at the top
o f the charts for 12 and eight
weeks, respectively.
Though the band has had big
h its o v e r th e y e a rs, "B o o m
Boom Pow" w as their first No.
1 single. Will.¡.am says he's sur­
prised how successful the song
"I knew that B oom B oom
Pow' w ould be big in the clubs,
but I didn't know it would be
that potent with the w orld, o ut­
side o f the club," he said.
But the success is not pure
luck, will.i.am explains. Though
he says the band didn't listen
to the radio when creating their
latest disc, "The E.N .D .," he
says they did heavy research
by p a rty in g at u n d e rg ro u n d
nightclubs and events.
T h ey ch o se "B oom B oom
Pow" as the first single after the
response it got when they de­
buted it at a G ram m y party this
year. A fter its su ccess, they
used the same idea for their cur­
rent hit.
"When I picked up T G otta
Feeling' we tested in the clubs,
looked at people, how they re­
sponded to a song they didn't
know," he explained. He says
the g ro u p w ill use the sam e
strategy for the third single, the
groovy "M eet Me H alfw ay.”
"We kept in m ind w hen it
would be com ing out: It'll be out
for the holidays. Do we w ant to
be jam -pack sm acking people
high octane in the club during
Christm as? No. So let's know
that the em otion we want to get
out there is still melodic, a love
subject would be cool around
Christm as and we still want to
be in the club," he said.
Will.¡.am says he's not sure
how to take it all in.
"L ike how am I supposed
to take this and soak this in?
I f th e s e p e o p le lik e th e
B eatles, the R o llin g S to n es
an d M ic h a e l Ja c k s o n h av e
these N o .Is, but yet we ju st
broke a record, how am I su p ­
posed to take that because we
cam e from the under, under,
underground," he said.
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International favorites Pink Martini will put away their passports for a special tribute to their home state 150th year
birthday celebration. The group will take part in the musical comedy "Oregon! Oregon!" and perform a set of Pink
Martini favorites during the special Saturday, Sept. 5 peformance at the Oregon Zoo.
Pink Martini Joins Tribute Bash
150th birthday
H o m eto w n fa v o rite s Pink
Martini and the 234th Army Band
return to the Oregon Zoo stage
for a special performance of "Or­
egon! Oregon!" to celebrate the
state's 150th birthday.
The perform ance takes place
Sept. 5 at 7 p.m. and replaces
the previously scheduled show
at M emorial Coliseum . In addi­
tion to the play, both bands will
also be perform ing their own
sets o f music.
"We're thrilled to host these
b e lo v e d P o rtla n d b a n d s fo r
such a special occasion," said
K rista Swan, the zoo's events
coordinator. "This is the icing
on the cake o f the state's 150th
birthday party."
Battle to V ote—The Clark County Histori­
cal M useum , 1511 M ain St. in Vancouver,
hosts a free w om en’s suffrage exhibit
though the end o f the year. W ashington
was an early leader in giving w om en the
right to vote.
Soulful A m os Lee —
A m os L e e 's sophisti­
cated. soul-folk fusion
will close out the Sum ­
m er Zoo C oncert series
on Friday, Aug. 28. G en­
eral adm ission tickets
are $10.50.
N ortheast Farm ers M arket - The new
Portland Farmers Market in the King Neigh-
In 1958, to m ark O regon's
Centennial the follow ing year,
the Blitz-Weinhard Brewing Co.
com m issioned a m usical com ­
edy about the beaver state by
renowned adm an and radio per­
sonality Stan Freberg. He pro­
duced the 21-m inute-long "O r­
egon! O regon! A C entennial
Fable in Three Acts."
T his year, for the state's ses-
quicentennial, a team o f O rego­
nians have added another act
S M fM
borhood at King School Park take place
each Sunday from 10a.m . to 2 p.m. through
Sept. 27.
Live Jazz — Every Friday and Saturday
from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the T hird D egrees
Lounge at the RiverPlace Hotel, 1510S.W .
H arbor W ay. No cover or m inim um pur­
chase. For more inform ation,
N orm an Sylvester Band -
Bluesgreat Norman Sylvester
presents the First W ednes-
U -L ic io u s SMOKEHOUSE
to Freberg's original three, with
co ntributors including M etro
C o u n c il P re s id e n t D a v id
B ragdon, "C h ario ts o f Fire"
conductor H arry R abinow itz,
Pink M artini's Thom as Lauder­
dale, PICA Flash Choir's Sarah
D ougher and Pa, Janowski, and
writers from OPB's "Live Wire!"
radio show.
A d d itio n a l in fo rm atio n is
available at oregonzoo.org or
by calling 503-226-1561.
day B lues S how case every m onth at
T illicum in Beaverton as a way to feature
different music friends. On Saturday, Sept.
5. the band plays at Gemini in Lake Oswego
and on Sept. I Oat 720 Nighclub in Portland.
F iddler on the R oof - On his farewell per­
form ance tour in the role that made him
legendary. Chaim T opelisT evye in Fiddler
on the Roof. The musical plays through
Sunday, Aug. 30 at Keller Auditorium.
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