^Jnrtlanì* (ßbseruer Page AIO Live! - R&BNIGHT @ CLUB 720 720 S.E. HAWTHORNE BLVD. in Portland Every Thursday Starting August 13th 9:00pm to 1:00 am - No Cover! Plenty on street parking - Pool Tables- 503-234-7738 Tenor fronted the Flamingos and the Dells Norman Sylvester: Aug 27th - Sept 10th - Sept 24th W E E K L Y S P E C IA L S (A P) - John E. Carter, the R&B lead tenor and tw o-tim e inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, is being rem em ­ bered after his death on Friday at the age o f 75. “We have lost an incred ib le voice th at g raced tw o o f the m ost sig n ifican t vocal g roups o f all time," said Terry Stewart, p resid en t and C E O o f the hall o f fame. "As a m em ber of both the D ells and the F lam in g o s, Jo h n n y w as on e o f a se lec t few artists inducted tw ice into th e R ock an d R o ll H all o f Fam e.” Carter, w ho was known for his falsetto, w as the last su r­ viving founding m em ber o f the F lam ingos. T he classic d o o ­ w op group gained fam e w ith su ch h its as “G o ld e n T e a r­ drops” and their rew orking o f the pop classic “1 Only Have Eyes for You.” Carter left the Flam ingos for the first time in 1957 to do m ili­ tary service, and left perm a- O C E A N 503: Aug 13th - Aug 20th & Sept 3rd - Sept 17th Since 1984, “ W e like w e have to d o 2% jazz, been playing 98% fu n k y the g re a t s tu ff.” so und s of ja zz & blues m usic! New Prices Effective May 1,2007 Martin Cleaning Service 7’ I Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning < * Residential & Commercial Services $45.00 Minimum Service CHG Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (includes: I small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.(X) (With Other Services) Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00 • • • • • isiiuusmsi R&B Hall of Famer Dies T he O riginal “ Boogie C at” M aceo P a rk e r August 26. 2009 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning AutoZBoat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa $79.00 Loveseat $59.00 Sectional $ 109 - $ 139 Chair or Recliner $35 - $49 Throw Pillows $5.00 (With Other Services) f Art & Culture Night C o lo re d P e n c il N ig h t is Portland’s m ulticultural living room of artists, perform ers and aspiring young people as they g a th e r e a c h m o n th fo r an evening o f laughter and tears. T his m onth’s event is held Friday, Aug. 28, at U nited Way of the Columbia-Willamette, 619 S.W. 11 th Ave. The celebration begins with an art reception at 5:30 p.m. An open mic begins at 6:30 p.m. Special honors will go out to local Persian peace poet Dr. Ali K h a ja v i, fe a tu re s U K -b o rn singer Sharon Martini and New Am erica M edia aw ard-w inner Ronault LS ("P olo”) Catalani talking story in traditional In- donesian-style. Featured artists include A fri­ can A m erican p ainter Bobby F o u th er; co n tem p o rary T hai m ixed-m edia artist Nim Xuto; and M exican m agical realist Jesse Vasquez. D inner will be vendored in a variety o f bites and plates by Portuguese/A ngolan/B razilian ch ef Julieta Capuia. Colored Pencils is an all-vol­ unteer event open to all ages, ethnicities, and skill levels. i Advertise with divei sity See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment 1 '"Pori W tfQ p hvn- Call 503-288-0033 (503) 281-3949 27100 Southwest Salmón River Highway Grand Ronde, OR 97347 • 503.879.2350 in The Dells' 1954 breakout hit, "O h W hat A N ight,” sold more CHUCK than a m illion records when it BARKSDALE VERNE was reissued in 1969 with Carter ALLISON on falsetto lead. The Dells were also fam ous for “ Stay in My C om er,” one o f the first R&B hits to run more than six m in­ utes. T h e g ro u p to u r e d e x te n ­ sively with D inah Washington and later with Ray Charles. The Dells also cam e to the attention o f Q uincy Jones, w ho coached them into a m ore eclectic vocal style, incorporating jazz, soul and Broadway sounds. T h e D e lls , c o n s is tin g o f C arter, b aritone lead M arvin J u n io r, a n d b a c k u p sin g e rs C h a rles B a rk sd a le , M ich ael M c G ill an d V erne A llis o n , served as technical advisers on Robert Townsend’s 1991 movie, “The Five H eartbeats,” which was loosely based on their ca­ reers. The Dells perform ed publicly Johnny Carter (front, left) as a member o f the Dells. for one o f the last tim es in 2004, w hen they did an outdoor con­ cert in dow ntow n Chicago to were one o f the longest-running n en tly in I960 to join the Dells, celebrate their induction into R&B vocal groups. The quin­ which had been form ed in the the hall o f fame. tet had no personnel changes early 1950s by some o f his high T h e F la m in g o s w e re i n ­ after C arter replaced original school friends from Harvey. ducted in 2000. Stew art noted that the Dells lead tenor Johnny Funches. THE DELLS - 1960 Jackson Mom Supports Tribute The King o f Pop's m other said in a letter m ade public M o nday th a t n ex t m o n th 's global tribute for Michael Jack- son in V ienna is "a w onderful idea" and an event that her son w ould have loved. The Sept. 26 concert — be- in g p la n n e d by J a c k s o n 's brother Jerm aine — will take place in front o f a 17th-cen­ tury p alace in the A u strian c a p ita l. T h e p e r f o rm e r s haven't been announced, but the event is expected to draw thousands o f people. "An event of this dimension not only keeps Michael's spirit alive, more than that: It gives millions of fans the opportunity to experience his music and cel­ eb rate the life o f m y son," Katherine Jackson wrote. "I am Pop star Michael Jackson rehearses June 23, two days before his death. Hip Hop at Fernhill Park Em m aus Church hosts their first annual Hip-Hop in the Park on S u n d ay , A ug. 30 from 5 p.m .to 7 p.m. at Fernhill Park, located on the com er o f N orth­ east 3 7 th A v en u e an d Ainsw orth Street. The co n cert w ill show case several national recording art­ ists, in clu d in g O dd T h o m as, Propaganda, and Theory Hazit - all of whom have roots in Port­ land. O rg a n iz e rs from E m m au s Church, w hich m eets at 4046 N.E. M artin L uther K ing Jr. B lvd., n o te d th at P o rtla n d ’s successful C oncerts in the Park series rarely features hip-hop music. E m m aus’ lead pastor, Cole Brown, saw this as an opportu­ nity to serve an u nderserved National hip hop artists Odd Thomas (left) and Propaganda will perform Sunday at Fernhill Park in northeast Portland. segm ent o f the com munity. “W e’re sim ply doing this be­ cause we love hip-hop and we love the people who love hop- hop,” said Brown, who formerly w orked for hip-hop producer Main Attractions SPIfklT MOUNTAIN C A S IN O * August 28th ~ Rick Springflied • August 29th - Spirit of Asia sure Michael would love it." M ichael Jackson died aged 50 on June 25. E v e n t p ro m o te r G e o rg Kindel has said the tribute was o r ig in a lly p la n n e d fo r L ondon's W em bley Stadium on Aug. 29, which would have been Jackson's 51st birthday, but that Jerm aine Jackson d e­ cided instead on Vienna. A us­ tria is hom e to m any castles, and Jerm aine has said Vienna w as chosen as the venue b e­ c a u s e h is b r o th e r " lo v e d castles." J a c k s o n 's m o th e r a lso reach ed out to fans, saying she was "overw helm ed by the w orldw ide love and support that my beloved son M ichael has rec eiv e d o v e r the p ast month." graphics Affordable Design and Business Support Teddy Riley (Doug E Fresh, Jay Z, Snoop Dogg). “We w ant to provide an event where people o f all ages, backgrounds, and beliefs can have a genuine and communal hip-hop experience.” Proper Festival at Kenton Park T he 16th annual P R O PE R F estival, a m ulticultural entertainm ent, art and popular netw orking event that unites com m unities across all lines and ages takes place Satur­ day, Aug. 29 from noon to 4 p.m. at Kenton Will design and facilitate: Company Identity • Web Design Logos • Signage • Art & Photos Ad Design • Outdoor Events Paul A. Neufeldt 503.875.1695 • panndrw@yahoo.com I I Park in north Portland. Free food is included in partnership with the event's partner, C elebration Tabernacle and sponsor, the P o rtlan d D ev elo p m en t Commission. Special musical guests will include E.D. M o n d ain é & B e lie f an d M ich ael A llen Harrison.