Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 19, 2009, Page 9, Image 9

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    Jlortlanò (Dhsemer
August 19, 2009
Portland OK s e r v e r A uto R e v ie w
This five-passenger premium
utility vehicle is aim ed against
a growing group o f com petitors
may be one o f the least-acci­
dent-prone autom obiles to yet
hit the market.
The Vovlo XC 60 w rapped in
an appealingly sculpted body,
provides families with a reliable,
com fortable and safe ride. The
X C60 clearly stands out in the
Volvo line due to the fact it is
not the boxy vehicle.
The X C 60 is a new model
from Volvo, a crossover that
seats five people and has plenty
o f ca rg o room . T he X C 60's
rounded edges and sporty style
make it clear that the car was
designed from the ground up
to be a crossover, with no SUV
DNA apparent. In fact, with its
low nose, it ow es some o f its
style to Volvo wagons. Volvo
made the ascendancy to a pre­
mium brand over the last few
decades, and luxury elem ents
show in the XC60's interior, as
well as its price
S a f e ty c o m e s f ir s t w ith
V o lv o th e c o m p a n y h a s
packed m ore safety goo d ies
th an w o u ld seem p o ssib le .
Tricks like blind-spot w arning
in d ic a to r s , a la n e m in d e r,
adaptive cruise con tro l, a fo l­
low ing d istan ce m in d er and
m ost im portantly, C ity Safety,
all com b in e to keep you safe
and sound inside. T he X C 60
turbocharged, all-w heel-drive,
is the first vehicle in the world
to com e standard w ith a low -
speed (19-m ph o r less) acci­
d e n t-a v o id a n c e
s y s te m .
K now n as C ity Safety, it uses
an infrared laser sen so r at the
top o f the w ind sh ield to d e­
tect a vehicle w ithin 13 feet o f
the X C 60's front b u m p er that
is e ith e r stationary or m oving
in the sam e directio n . If the
s y s te m f e e ls th e X C 6 0 is
ab o u t to strik e th a t veh icle,
and the d riv er h asn 't reacted,
it applies the brakes, bringing
the ca r to a stop if possible.
It c o m e s w ith th e sam e
transversely-m ounted 3.0-liter
turbocharged inline-6 as found
in T 6 versions o f the X C70 and
S80. That means 281 bhp and
best-in-class torque o f 295 lb.-
ft., the latter from 1500-4800
rpm. This super-sm ooth engine
is mated to a 6-speed Geartronic
autom atic, the pow er put to the
road by Haldex's fourth genera­
tion all-wheel drive with Instant
Traction. The M PG on this ve­
hicle is low, how ever the T6
engine was designed to run on
ch e a p e r reg u la r g aso lin e, as
opposed to prem ium like most
Kalaiza Mitchell
Dear Deanna!
My husband o f 12 years and 3
children dropped the bom b on
me that he had an affair and a
p re g n a n c y o c c u rre d . T h e
woman didn’ t tell him about the
baby until it was 4 years old. I
didn’t w ant him to have any­
thing to do with the child. The
child now calls asking for her
daddy but 1 think the m other is
behind this. Our kids talk about
meeting their new sibling but I
don’t want to consider it. W hat
do I do? --Keep it Real; Jack­
sonville, FL
Dear Real:
Real People, Real
\n advice column known
Joe its fearless approach
to reality based subjects!
Your husband had a party w ith­
out the balloons and now he’s giveness, em brace counseling
caught. The child is here and he and lead and live by a Godly
has to pay child support, be a m other exam ple and y o u 'll get
father figure and m aintain his through this.
marriage and family. You ca n ’t
punish the child and need to Dear Deanna!
prepare yourself and children I noticed that since high school
for their new sibling. Although my friend list has been reduced.
you aren’t feeling it, you need to I’m now over 40 years with no
be on civil terms with the baby ’ s friends. I’ve put a lot o f strain on
scandalous m other because it’s my husband due to not having
your husband’s child. Seekfor- anyone bu, him. W hen he goes
T h e e x te rio r o f X C 60 has
o u td o n e itse lf inside. B e au ti­
ful cream and brow n leath er
is ev ery w h ere you look, and
bru sh ed accen ts on the d o o r
handles and cen ter stack w ork
w ith a throw in the ja v e lin o f
102 feet and 11 inches.
R an k ed n u m b er one in the
state all se aso n , she p ro v ed
her ab ilities on th is ev en b ig ­
g er scale.
A n o th er local y outh at the
to u r n a m e n t,
Jo rd an
B u r k e s tru m o f C la c k a m a s
H igh S chool, took fifth in the
400. H e also cam e hom e w ith
a m edal and is ran k ed fifth in
the nation.
w ell. S p eaking o f the cen ter
stack , V olvo’s airy unit is a
sm art touch with its real-w ood
inlay. T he d riv er gets treated
to ea sy -to read g au g es w ith
flo atin g n eed les, though the
n av ig atio n in terface is aw k ­
Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join
us at our appointment with Jesus.
Jordan Burkestrum
Dear David:
G et out o f the house, jo in the Check on your love through
gym, go the library and do som e­ prayer to seek forgiveness for
thing with yourself other than your adultery and violation of
com plain and stay under your w edding vows. Y ou’re con­
husband. You can m ake new fused and sound selfish be­
friends by talking to people while cause things may not be going
in line at a restaurant, talk to your way in the marriage. The
w omen at the hair salon or join other w oman has no place in
a book club. Y ou’ve outgrow n this decision and you need to
your friends w hich is com m on make her disappear. Seek pro­
and now you can start a new fessional marriage counseling
circle o f friends w ho do some of so your w ife’s story can be heard
the same things you enjoy. Stop and a decision made together
being scared and keep it m ov­ about your future.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! at the
Dear Deanna!
A fter being m arried for 10 email askdeanna I @ yahoo, com
years I love my w ife but I think or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite
I’m in love w ith som eone else. 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211.
I ’m ready to file for d iv o rce Website: www.askdeanna.com
St., is launching a series of home ticipants how to do small lead
hazard prevention and w eath­ paint disturbing projects in a
erization w orkshops for Sep­ lead-safe way.
For inform ation and to regis­
Lead-Safe Home Projects is a ter, call 503-284-6827 or visit
free seminar that teaches par­ com m unityenergyproject.org.
“God. The Father”; “God, The Son”; and “God, The Holy Spirit"
Dear Friendless:
Energy Project
The non-profit Com m unity
Energy Project, 422 N.E. Alberta
Worship Service: Sundays- 8:00 A.M.
Seminars: Bible Themes- Wednesdays- 6:00 P.M.
Memphis, TN
get specific information on pro­
grams for returning or first-time
students, childcare options, and
other areas. On-line users can
have live chats with counselors,
email in specific questions, and
access information on colleges,
p ro g ra m s, an d c a re e rs at
O regonO pportunities.gov.
The A dult L earner College
Line and w ebsite are supple­
mented by other Oregon-based
resources, such as the Oregon
Student A ssistance C o m m is­
sio n 's fin an cial aid w ebsite,
G etC o lle g eF u n d s.o rg , w hich
helps to understand the types
o f aid available to them, how to
apply, and other information.
Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries
“ A Community Church”
“The Voice Speaks"
Anonymous On-Line Reader
riers that often hinder prospec­
tive students from enrolling in a
community college or a 4-year
college or university," said Joe
Holliday, assistant vice chancel­
lor for the Oregon University
System. “As more Oregonians
are making employment transi­
tions in the current economy,
going back to college is a good
option for re-training and re-tool­
ing one’s skills.”
O regonians can access the
Adult Ijeamer College Line Mon­
day-Friday, between 9 a.m. and 9
p.m.,at 1-877-848-4669, to speak
with a specialist about enrolling
in college in Oregon, how to get
financial aid, transfer credits, or
rior is tw o tone leather seats
w hich conveys luxury feel to
the XC60. Loaded with safety
features and a new sporty style
the X C60 is going to m ake a
mark in this hard hit industry.
P astor/T eacher/R evi valist
becau se I w ant to be w ith the
o th e r w om an. M y w ife and 1
d o n ’t have any ch ild ren and I
w o u ld be w illin g to split our
assets in o rd er to be happy.
H ow do 1 m ake sure the love is
gone w ith my w ife? -D a vid ;
O regon is reaching o u t to
people interested in returning to
college or enrolling for the first
Funded through a $ 1.4 million
grant from the U.S. Department
of Education, the Adult Learner
Line is geared to helping Orego­
nians ages 25 and older who are
interested in going to college, but
need some help and direction on
how to enroll, seek financial aid,
and generally navigate the pro­
“All o f Oregon’s public and
private nonprofit colleges and
universities are involved in this
in itia tiv e , an d are w o rk in g
collaboratively to reduce the bar-
w a rd ly lo c a te d b e h in d th e
steering w heel.
The X C60 is a new great edi­
tion to the Vovlo line up. It of­
fers a new style that is very
p leasin g to bring in an o th er
group o f consum ers. Its inte­
Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD
ou, with the guys, he looks at me
and know s how m uch I w ant a
friend. H e’ll cancel his plans
and w e’ll do a girly thing like
shop or see a movie. O ther than
work andchurch how can I make
new frien d s? —Friendless;
Help Available for College
Workshops Open
News and reviews on new motor vehicles
Vehicle Specifications: 3 .0 Liter, 6 cylinder alloy engine w/DOHC Continuous variable timing; Geartronic 6 speed
transmission w/Adaptive Shift Logic; 16 city mpg, 22 highway mpg; MSRP $44,240.
Local Youth Earns Gold Medal
K a la iz a
M itc h e ll
H um boldt E lem entary in north
P ortland has w on a national
go ld m edal ch am p io n sh ip in
track and field.
M itchell, 10, the d au ghter
o f C o lle tte W a lla c e an d a
m e m b er o f P o rtla n d ’s A lle ­
giance A thletic C lub, recently
com peted in the Ju n io r O ly m ­
p ic s in G re e n s b o r o , N. C.
w here she beat o ut 43 other
girls from aroun d the nation
Page A9
We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name!!!
Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave.
Portland, Oregon
To inquire about our Church or Ministry
call 503 863-6545 or email hodgehspks@msn.com
Philadelphia CMB Church
15th Pastor Anniversary September 5th @ 3:30 pm
Roy E. Clay Sr.
& Co-Pastor
Lottie M. Clay
T uesday: Women &
Men Meeting 7PM
W ednesday:
Bible Study 7PM
S u n d ay Sch ool 10AM
S u n d ay M orn in g S ervices 11:30 AM
238 NE M ason ST
For m ore inform ation contact Pastor Clay