August 19, 2009 Page A8 C lassified /B id Advertise with dive )slt\ S U B B ID S REQ UESTED To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 Company Driver/Class-A OTP Slgn-On ♦ More Bonuses! 10-14 Days Out 800-973-9161 Hey! Track lines e-mail: STAR « PARK S ta r P a rk is lo o k in g fo r in d iv id u a ls w ith e x c e lle n t custom er service skills and a positive attitude to join our team o f p a rk in g fa c ility operators. Positions include: A tten d a n t, Tra ffic D irector, C a s h ie r, and V a le t, w ith Opportunity for advancement. No e x p e rie n c e n e c e s s a ry , must be dependable. 8 .5 0 + /h r, m edical, d ental, 4 0 1 k w / m a tc h , s ic k & vacation pay. 610 SW Alder Street Suite 1221 Portland, OR 97205 Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Plan for FY 2009-2010. Multnomah County Health Department is seeking a Health Educator for the Early Childhood S e rv ic e s p ro g ra m in th e Com m unity Health S ervices group. This position will work in the Healthy Birth Initiative and across Early Childhood S e rv ic e s to p ro v id e co m p re h e n sive com m unity education targeting high risk pregnant women. TriM et’s proposed aspirational goal for FY 2009-2010 is 5.81 %. TriMet is seeking feedback on its DBE program regarding contracting opportunities and potential barriers for DBEs. A public hearing will be held at 710 NE Holladay St. in Portland on S ep tem ber 10th from 1 0 a .m .-N oon. The m eeting room is accessible. The plan can be reviewed weekdays from August 12 to September 14,2009 between 8 a.m .-5 p.m. a t 710 NE Holladay St. Portland, OR 97232 Job #6352-16 Please apply at w w w .m u ltc o jo b s,o rg ,M / L^ O Ä Job Hotline: 503-988-5035 TTY: 503-988-5170 an equal opportunity employer For alternative formats, call 503-962-2213 or TTY 503- 238-5811. CALL FOR BIDS CITY OF CAMAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ! a MULTNOMAH COUNTY FIXED ROUTE CALL FOR BIDS OPERATIONS MANAGER MAINTENANCE MANAGER Due to a recent reorganization, S a le m -K e iz e r T ra n s it is se e k in g a p p lica n ts fo r tw o n e w ly c re a te d m a n a g e r positions to oversee its Fixed R o u te O p e ra tio n s and Maintenance Departments. T h e Fixed Route Operations Manager will plan, organize and m a n a ge th e d a y to d a y operations of the fixed-route t ra n s it s e r v ic e s fu n c tio n re q u irin g an e x te n s iv e k n o w le d g e o f fix e d ro u te public transit operations. The Maintenance Manager will plan, o rg a n iz e a nd d ir e c t th e activities and staff involved in both the vehicle maintenance and fa c ilitie s m a intena nce fu n c tio n s re q u irin g an e x te n s iv e k n o w le d g e of v e h ic le and fa c ility maintenance and repair. Ideal candidates for either position must also have demonstrated s u c c e s s fu l and e x te n s iv e s u p e rv is o ry / m a n a g e m e n t experience in a union setting a s w e ll a s e x c e p tio n a l c o m m u n ic a tio n and leadership skills. Incum bents of these positions will report to th e D ire c to r o f th e Operations Division. The annual sa la ry range is $68,753.88 to $89,513.84. S ta rtin g s a la rie s a re n e g o tia b le , d e p e n d in g on qualifications. Excellent fringe benefit package. To a p p ly, v is it w e b s ite at 588-2424 to obtain an official a p p lic a tio n fo rm a n d a d e ta ile d re c ru itm e n t announcem ent. Com pleted official application form must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Septem ber 11, 2009, at Salem -Keizer Transit, Human Resources Division, 555 Court SL, NE, Suite 5230, Salem, OR 9 7 3 0 1 -3 7 3 6 . No fa xe s or e m a ils a c c e p te d . Equal Opportunity Employer. 4012 SE 17th Ave. Portland, OR 97202 Send written comments to Bruce M. Watts, TriMet’s Diversity and Transit Equity Senior Director, at 710 NE Holladay St., Portland, OR 97232 or to Comments will be accepted through Septem ber 2 8 ,2 0 0 9 . Y q , u Multnomah County Library is seeking candidates for a full­ tim e p o sitio n a s a L ib ra ry C o m p u te r T ra in in g Lab C o o rd in a to r fo r th e N o rth Portland Branch Library. This position will manage the day- to -d a y o p e ra tio n s o f th e computer training lab, ensuring d e liv e ry of c u ltu ra lly - appropriate services to African Americans and other culturally d iv e rs e u s e rs . E x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n s s k ills , especially the ability to put volunteers, users and fellow staff m em bers at ease, are essential. Salary: $23.16 to $28.47 per hour. Deadline to Apply: August 28, 2009. For m ore information about this position or to apply online, please visit our w e b s ite at Radio Sales interview ing for acco u nt executive position. Minimum 2 years radio sales e x p e rie n ce re q u ire d . S end resum e Attn: HR 0 2 3 4 SW Bancroft, Portland, OR 97239. No phone calls please. Equal Opportunity Employer. Tri-C ounty M etropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (“TrIMet”) is in the process of issuing its Disadvantaged Library Computer Training Lab Coordinator R e q u ire m e n ts : 2+ y e a rs e xp erien ce d e ve lo p in g and d e live rin g co m p u te r-b a se d trainings to a wide range of a u d ie n c e s : e x p e rie n c e re c ru itin g , tra in in g and s u p e rv is in g v o lu n te e rs is preferred. All candidates must be knowledgeable about and have e xte n sive e xp e rie n ce w o rk in g w ith th e A fric a n A m e ric a n c o m m u n ity, dem onstrated by knowledge of the traditions, values and custom s of the com m unity. Bachelor's degree in English, S o c io lo g y . P s y c h o lo g y , Education, or HR/OD required. A M aster's Degree in Library Science or equivalent desired. A c c o u n t E xe c u tive TriMet Hearing Notice Duties will include, but are not limited to: • D evelo ping, co o rd in a tin g and d e liv e rin g c u ltu ra lly appropriate public and staff training programs. • R e c ru itin g , tra in in g and s u p e rv is in g v o lu n te e r com puter lab assistants. • D e v e lo p in g o u tre a c h programs to attract customers and volunteers reflective of the community being served. • Assisting other training lab c o o rd in a to rs in th e lib ra ry system with the design and m anagem ent of system -wide, interdisciplinary projects. • A s s e s s in g th e p u b lic ’s need s and recom m ending/ im p le m e n tin g g o a ls and activities for the com puter lab. • P ro v id in g c u ltu ra lly a p p ro p ria te re fe re n ce and reader's advisory service in person o r by te le p h o n e for cu sto m e rs of all a ges and b a c k g ro u n d s on p u b lic reference desks. • Participating in collection d e v e lo p m e n t and maintenance. III " 'P a t landOtst?IV(T ('all 503-288-01033 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received until 10:00 AM, Thursday, August 27,2009 by the City of Battle Ground at the City of Battle Ground City Hall, 109 SW 1st Street, Suite 127, Battle Ground, Washington 98604, for the N Parkway Avenue Phase II (TRO107) project and other related work; then publicly opened and read aloud at the City of Battle Ground City Hall, 109 SW 1st Street, Suite 127, Battle Ground, Washington. SCOPE OF WORK The construction of the N Parkway Avenue Phase II project, between N Onsdorff Boulevard and N 5th Street, will include the construction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, and planter strip on both sides of the street. Additionally, the existing asphalt and base will be replaced and widened to create two through lanes, a center turn lane, and two bike lanes. Replacing the existing w ater line with a 12-inch line is included as an alternate to the bid. The City Council shall proceed to award the contract to the lowest bidder and best bidder but may reject any or all bids if, in its opinion, good cause exists, therefore, to waive inform alities in the bidding; and to accept the bid from the lowest responsible bidder. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND BID PROPOSAL forms may be obtained as of Thursday, August 6,2009 from the City of Battle Ground Public W orks - Engineering Departm ent at 109 SW 1st Street, Suite 127, Battle Ground, WA 98604 upon a non-refundable deposit in the exact am ount of Ninety Dollars ($90.00), check only, made payable to the City of Battle Ground. All bid proposals shall be accom panied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond in an am ount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal d eposit shall be forfeited to the City of Battle G round Transportation Fund. The City of Battle Ground in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2 0 0 0 d -4 and Title 49, Code of Federal R egu la tio ns, Departm ent of Transportation, subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrim ination in federally assisted program s of the D epartm ent of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will a ffirm a tively insu re that in any co n tra ct entered into pursuant to this advertisem ent, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to subm it bids in response to this invitation and will not be discrim inated against on the grounds of race, color or national origin in consideration for an award. Informational copies of maps, plans, and specifications are on file for inspection in the Public Works - Engineering office in Battle Ground, Washington. For project information, please contact Mark Herceg, PE, Assistant City Engineer at (360) 342-5070. DATED this 31st day of July, 2009 CITY PROJECT NO. P-837 2009 COMMUNITY CENTER CDBG IMPROVEMENTS Sealed bids will be received by the City of Camas, Office of the Finance Departm ent, 616 NE 4th Avenue, Cam as, Washington, until 10:00 A.M. Tuesday, September 1,2009, and will then and there be publicly read for the construction of the improvement. All bid proposals shall be accom panied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or surety bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to e n te r in to s u c h c o n tra c t and fu rn is h s a tis fa c to ry perform ance bond within the time stated in the 2008 W SD 0T Standard Specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Camas. Informational copies of maps, plans, and specifications are on file for inspection in the Public Works Department, located at 616 NE 4th Avenue, Cam as, Washington. Plans and Specifications will be available after 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11,2009. Plans and Specifications may be purchased for $40.00 ($43.28 including tax), which is non-refundable. When applicable, shipping/handling costs in the amount of $10 will be charged. The im provem ent for which bids will be received follows: Bid opening at 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, September 1,2009. This contract provides for construction of a reinforced concrete pedestrian stair and ramp structure at the City of Camas Community Center located at 1718 SE 7th Avenue, Camas, WA 98607. Other work shall Include demolition and disposal of existing wooden stairs, asphalt and concrete; Installation of electric actuated ADA doors, hand rails, tactile warning, structure excavation, backfill, and other related work. All work shall be performed In accordance with the Contract Plans and Specifications referenced herein. All Contractors performing work on the project shall be licensed and eligible to perform such work In the state of Washington. T h is p ro je c t is fin a n c e d th ro u g h th e C o m m u n ity Developm ent Block Grant Program with funds obtained from th e U .S . D e p a rtm e n t of H o u s in g and U rb a n Development. The Contract is subject to regulations of the D e p a rtm e n ts o f L a b o r, and H o u s in g a n d U rb a n Development. A tte n tio n is ca lle d to Fe d e ra l p ro v is io n s fo r equ a l employment opportunity, HUD Section 3 Requirements, and the m inim um D a vis-B a con w ages as set forth in the Contract Documents. For questions please contact City of Camas, Gordon Dillon, (360) 817-7236 The City of Cam as reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if found to be higher than the estimated cost and to waive any formality or technicality in any proposal in the interest of the City. In an effort to maximize the creation of American jobs and restoring econom ic growth, the City of Cam as encourages the use of products and services that are made in the United States of America whenever and wherever possible. Th e C ity of C a m a s e n c o u ra g e s the so licita tio n and recruitment, to the extent possible, of certified minority- owned (M BE) and wom en-owned (WBE) businesses in the construction of this project. As provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, the contractor, with regard to the Work performed by it during the contract, shall not discrim inate on the grounds of race, color, sex or national origin in the selection and retention of su b ­ contractors, including procurement of materials and leases of equipm ent. Joan M. Durgin, City Clerk I 4