August 19, 2009 Page A2 Childcare Center Opens Rev. E. William Beauchamp, University of Portland president, blesses a new childcare facility for those working and attending the north Portland college. Jackson’s Doct< Posts Video ar Says truth will prevail S in c e J a c k s o n 's d e a th , (AP) — The doctor who was with M ichael Jackson when he M urray has not worked and has died and is now the center o f a closed his Las Vegas practice. The doctor was in dire finan­ m anslaughter probe posted a short video T uesday thanking cial shape when he signed on with Jackson earlier this year at his supporters. In th e o n e -m in u te v id e o , $ 150,(XK) a month, owing at least posted on YouTube, a weary- $780,(MX) in judgm ents and out­ lo o k in g Dr. C o n rad M urray standing paym ents. Gregory D. Lee, a retired su­ thanks friends and patients and pervisory agent with the Drug refers to his two interviews with E nforcem ent A gency, said he Los Angeles police detectives. thought M urray w anted to im ­ It was the first tim e M urray had prove his image. spoken publicly since Jackson "T his d o cto r has been d e ­ died June 25. "1 have done all 1 could do," monized," Lee said. "This is an a so le m n -s o u n d in g M u rra y attem pt to hum anize him and says as he looks into the cam ­ po ssib ly sw ay any p o te n tia l era. "I told the truth and I have jury pool out there." M urray to ld in v e stig a to rs faith the truth will prevail." A video frame shows Michael Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, speaking for the first time publicly about the singer's death on June 25. h e a d m in is te r e d J a c k s o n a p o w e r fu l a n e s th e tic a lo n g w ith m u ltip le sedatives in the hours b efo re the sin g er died, a law enforcem ent official told T he A sso ciated P ress. In v es­ tig ato rs think M urray left the ro o m w h e re J a c k s o n w as sleeping for a few m in u tes to m a k e p h o n e c a lls a n d r e ­ tu rn ed to find the pop icon n ot b reath in g . continued ¿ ^ f r o m Front iturday Market celebrates its new home with a weekena grana opening. the largest arts and crafts m ar­ ket in continuous operation in the United States with over 350 Jobless Numbers Level Off in Oregon Officials say full recovery will take time Saturday Market Celebrates Relocation in 1974 when Saturday Market was in its infancy. This w eekend’s celebration will include numerous activities, daily give-a-w ays, artist dem ­ onstrations, as w ell as all the m arket’s talented artisans sell­ ing their original handcrafted w ares. An international food court along with a main stage of multicultural performances is planned. Portland Saturday M arket is A new childcare center for the o f en erg y sta ff and stu d en ts U niversity o f Portland was cel­ will spend com m uting to their ebrated Friday with a blessing children’s childcare facilities. The center opened M onday o f the facility by cam pus presi­ dent, Rev. E. William Beaucham. and w ill provide supervisory Parents, children, university care for sm all children (three sta ff and pro fesso rs and em ­ m onths to five years) for stu­ ployees o f the center, located dents, faculty and staff. Portland-based Vermont Hills in a renovated house located at 5414 N. Willamette Blvd., gath­ Fam ily Life C enter is the care provider for the facility. A few ered for the grand opening. B eaucham p said the center slots rem ain available for chil­ fits in to th e m issio n o f the d ren ag e 30 m o n th s to fiv e C atholic Church, w hich places years. Priority is given to uni­ a strong em phasis on family. It v e rsity e m p lo y e e s an d s tu ­ also ties into the u n iv ersity ’s dents, but the general public is em phasis on sustainability, po­ e n c o u r a g e d to in q u ir e at tentially reducing the am ount or 503 452-7078. vendors generating $8 million in sales and attracting over one m illion visitors to the historic Old Town district each year. It is h eld every S atu rd ay and Sunday from M arch through Christm as Eve. (AP) - The recession m ay fi­ nally be hitting bottom in O r­ egon w ith an o th er m onth o f u n e m p lo y m e n t fig u re s th a t have barely budged. The bad new s w as the jo b ­ less rate is still hovering around 12 percent but the good news was that things have not g ot­ ten worse, econom ists said. "We've m ore or less leveled o ff," said sta te em p lo y m e n t econom ist A rt Ayre, who p re­ sented the m onthly figures for July at a new s conference on M onday. T h e 1 1 .9 p e r c e n t u n e m ­ p lo y m en t rate fo r O reg o n in J u ly w a s e s s e n t i a l l y u n ­ chan g ed from a rev ised figure o f 12 p e r c e n t f o r J u n e - r o u g h ly th e sa m e r a te th e s ta te h a s r e p o r t e d s in c e M arch. B u t e v e n th o u g h th e rate h a s h a r d ly c h a n g e d in th e p a st fiv e m o n th s , th e sta te lo st few er jo b s in July than in p rev io u s m onths. O re g o n lo st 7 0 0 n o n farm payroll jo b s in July after losing thousands o f jo b s each month in previous months. O ver the past three months, the state has lost an average of 1,900 jo b s each m onth, co m ­ p are d to a d e c lin e o f ab o u t 10,300jobs each month over the previous nine m onths, econo­ m ists said. "On average it's a better re­ port," said Tim Duy, a U niver­ sity o f O regon econom ist who com piles a monthly index o f the state economy. "W h at y o u 're g e ttin g is a much sm aller decline in unem ­ p lo y m e n t in th e p a s t few m o n th s, and th at's g o o d b e ­ cause it suggests we're bottom ­ ing out," Duy said. Still, the jobless rate and the num ber o f unem ployed w ork­ ers in O regon are nearly double w hat they w ere a year ago. In July, 232,782 O regonians w ere unem ployed, com pared with 120,582 for the same month a year ago, w hen the jo b less rate was 6.3 percent. Gov. T ed K ulongoski said M onday the latest figures show it likely will be a slow recovery. But he said he w ould continue to use federal and state stim u­ lus funding to create jo b s while protecting unem ploym ent ben­ efits. "W hile it is good new s that the n u m b er o f O regonians out o f w ork is not g ettin g w orse, the report serves as a rem inder th a t the road to a full rec o v ­ ery is g o in g to ta k e tim e," K u lo n g o sk i sa id in a s ta te ­ ment. The national jobless rate also stayed about the same for July, 9.4 percent com pared to 9.5 per­ cent in June. Cutting Edge Displacement? con tin u ed ¿ ^ f r o m Front M A R K E T N O W D E L IV E R IN G Y o u r fa v o r ite n e ig h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s to r e n o w d e liv e r s g r o c e r ie s r ig h t to y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e . k "• ... -■ fc- w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up) Advertise with diversity in Tlle Portland Call 503-288-0033 ObseivtT adsie portlandob units, 800 o f w hich are consid­ ered affordable for people o f average or m odest incomes. D ebbie T hom as, o f D ebbie Thomas Real Estate, knows first hand what a boon the streetcar has been to developm ent after she shrew dly invested in the Pearl D istrict ju st as it was tak­ ing flight. “It’s been fabulous for urban com m ercial developm ent,” she said of the streetcar. “It’s been a very positive im pact on the com m unity and the city.” G arrison Selliker, the ow ner o f Mreatly, said that streetcars add to a perception of quality o f life for people looking to buy a piece o f property or set up shop. They like the idea o f be­ ing able to w alk out o f their condom inium and hop on the streetcar, he explained. “It’s really im portant to have ev ery p o sitiv e you can g et,” said Selliker. The city is also m ulling over putting even more lines in other parts of the city. Planning docum ents related to the streetcar stress that the city w ants to preserve the ch ar­ acter of each neighborhood it passes through, but there arc few concrete plans on how to do this. The Portland Streetcar Sys­ tem C o n c ep t P lan ex p licitly states that the developm ent o f th e stre e tc a r co u ld in crease property taxes, change neigh­ b o rh o o d d e n s ity , cause gentrification, and displace lo­ cal small businesses. C h ris S m ith , c h a ir o f th e S tre etcar C itiz e n s’ A d v iso ry C o m m itte e , sa id h is g ro u p looked at how streetcars create “nodes o f activ ity ” th a t w ill benefit small businesses in the long term. John Miller, the executive di­ rector o f HOST, an affordable housing non-profit, hopes that future streetcars will actually help people o f more m odest in­ com es because they w on’t have to rely on their cars as much. M iller provided input on the stre e tc a r’s S y stem A d v iso ry Committee. W h ile p re v e n tin g p e o p le from getting priced out o f the area w a sn 't a hot topic before his group, he hopes that addi­ tional affordable housing is in­ corporated into neighborhoods where new streetcars are added. K ay D annen, co m m u n ic a­ tio n s d ir e c to r fo r P o rtla n d Streetcar, Inc., said that she’s been in contact with neighbor­ hoo d s to m itig ate th eir c o n ­ cerns during construction, but her agency is really looking at the lo n g -te rm e ffec ts o f the streetcar. R e g a r d le s s , L e in b e r g e r points out that Portland has a very straightforw ard set o f op­ tions when it com es to street­ car developm ent: accept d is­ placem ent or “stay poor.” i