Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 19, 2009, Page 11, Image 11

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    Portland Cßbsvruer
August 19, 2009
Page A ll
Blue Note Artist Closes Series
A m os L ee's so ul-folk fusion
tugs at every heartstring. The Blue
N ote artist closes out the Oregon
Z o o ’s sum m er concert series on
Friday, Aug. 28.
L ee hails from P hiladelphia,
where he caught the attention of
Norah Jones who offered Lee an
opening slot on her 2004 tour. His
full-fledged debut album reached
N o . 2 on B illb o a rd 's T op
H eatseekers C hart and garnered
Lee a spot on Rolling Stone's list of
"Top 10 Artists to Watch" for 2005.
His m ost recent release, 2008's
K ids Port
T h e P o rt o f P o rtla n d has
partnered with the Oregon M u­
"Last Days at the Lodge," made
the Top 30 nationally and dem on­
strated Lee's increasing maturity
as an artist.
L ee's voice has accom panied
dozens of heartwarming and tear-
jerking television moments, includ­
ing scenes in "Studio 60," "ER" and
"Six Degrees." His song "Colors"
w as featu red on an ep isode o f
"House" and the 2006 season fi­
nale o f "Grey's Anatomy."
G eneral adm ission tickets are
$10.50 and may be purchased at
ticketm aster.com and at the zoo.
Soulful, sophisticated Amos Lee will close out the
Summer Zoo Concert Series on Friday, Aug. 28
seum o f Science and Industry to
sponsor Kids' Port, a new inter­
active exhibit based on the pro­
cesses carried out at the Port of
Portland's marine terminal when
shipping containers arrive.
Kids' Port includes a small
model o f a crane, several push
tru c k s , b lo c k s re p re s e n tin g
cargo containers, a model cargo
ship, a colorful printed carpet,
and a model warehouse with a
"Kids' Port is a great addition
to the Port's W here in the World
school outreach program," said
Port o f Portland Executive D i­
rector Bill Wyatt. "It will be a
fun w ay for kids to learn more
a b o u t h o w th e c lo th e s th ey
w ear and the products they buy
actually get here while building
M iE S T
On his farewell
performance tour
in the role that
made him leg­
endary, Chaim
Topel is Tevye in
Fiddler on the
Roof. The Tony
musical opens
Tuesday, Aug. 25
with shows
through Aug. 30
at Keller Audito­
Re-Grand Opening Special
Specializing in Smoked & BBQ Meats & Seafood
Rib Tip Box Sandwich 5.00
Full Service Bar
Beer and Wine
hips swinging with his bold, rhythmic dance
tunes, W ednesday, Aug. 19 as part o f the
O regon Z o o ’s sum m er concert series.
M usic M illennium Free Show s - The
Music Millennium, 3158 E. Burnside, hosts
in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free
music and the opportunity to m eet artists.
Call 503-231 -8926 fo ra schedule.
11 A M - 1 0 PM
Live Jazz — Every Friday and Saturday
from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the Third D egrees
Lounge at the RiverPlace Hotel, 1510 S.W.
H arbor W ay. No cover or m inim um pur­
c h a s e . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v is it
O M SI A fter Dark - OMS1 After Dark is a
night at the m useum for the 21 and over
crow d filled with food, drink and science
fun; $ 10 fee. For more information, call 503-
797-4 0 0 0 o rv isito m si.ed u .
N orm an Sylvester Band -
B lu e s
g rea t
N o rm a n
Sylvester presents the First
W ed n esd ay B lues S h o w ­
case every m onth atT illicum
in Beaverton as a way to fea­
ture different m usic friends.
On Saturday, Sept. 5, the
bands plays at Gemini in Lake
O sw ego an d o n Sept. 10 at 720 Nighclub in
Battle to V ote - The Clark County Histori­
cal M useum , 1511 M ainSt. in Vancouver,
hosts a free w om en’s suffrage exhibit
though the end o f the year. W ashington
was an early leader in giving w om en the
right to vote.
Farewell Performance
p.m . F or m ore in fo rm atio n , call 503-
U nexpected D estiny - A w hite rapper, his
lost gun and the unexpected ways vio­
lence can cycle through wildly desperate
lives is the backdrop for “The Bullet Round,”
a world prem ier play at Theater! Theatre
3430 S.E. Belm ont. Show s run through
Sunday, Aug. 23.
understanding o f the role im ­
ports and exports play in our
state's economy."
Y oung v isito rs w ill m ove
through the process o f receiv­
ing model cargo containers by
rem oving them from a model
ship with a child-sized crane,
loading them in toy trucks, and
taking them to a miniature ware­
house to be scanned.
Totally Gospel II
P e n in s u l a
O pen
B ib le
C h u rch , 8225 N.
P en in su la, hosts
all sty les o f g o s­
pel, co u n try , and
c o n te m p o ra ry
m usic w ith host
Riny H orst each
F r id a y
n ig h t
from , 7 :3 0 p.m . - 9 :30
Northeast Farmers Market
— T he new Portland F arm ­
ers M arket in th e K ing
N e ig h b o r h o o d a t K in g
School Park take place each
Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. through Sept. 27.
Series G oes A fro C uban —
C o n g o -b o rn
s in g e r,
songw riter and com poser
Ricardo Lem vo will have
Zoo Buck T uesdays - On
the second Tuesday o f ev­
ery month, the Oregon Zoo
h o s ts 2 -B u c k T u e s d a y s
when guests can tour the
zoo for the discounted price
o f $2 per person.
Food and Entertainm ent -
Sliders Grill, 3011 N. Lombard, features an
eclectic assortm ent o f perform ers on the
main stage, accompanied by delicious food.
Call 503-459-
4488 for more
O u tr a g e o u s
Laughs - The
M el B ro o k s
C o m e d y “T he
P r o d u c e r s ,”
ru n s th ro u g h
S unday, A ug.
23 at the L ake T h eatre C om pany in L ake
O sw ego.
I P M - 7 PM
2929 N. Russet
SC A S O N S] and Cannan’» Rib Exprat» I
C’Ex All Stars
Sundays 5-8pm
at Cannon’s
Rib Express
5410 NE 33rd Ave
June 7
J u n e 14
J u n e 21
J u ly 12
J u ly 19
J u ly 2 6
Aug 2
Aug 9
Aug 16
Aug 23
Aug 30
Sept 6
S e p t 13
S e p t 20
S e p t 27
(Nexl to New Seasons)
Sunshine, BBQ and a
free, all-ages, outdoor
show by a New Orleans’
s a i legend, grammy-nom­
inated pianist, & one of
the Northw est’s hottest
What could be better?
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