Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 12, 2009, Page 9, Image 9

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Œ^ |Io rtla n ô Ctìhseruer Celebrating
August 12. 2009
Modern MAX Trains Added
Yellow Line
changes also
coming soon
TriMet’s new sleek Type 4
MAX trains have begun ser­
vice and north Portland’s Yel­
low Line will soon take a new
route downtown.
Six of the 22 new generation
trains took to the tracks last
week after finishing a rigorous
1 ,000-mile testing and bum-in
phase. The new trains were pur­
chased as part o f the MAX
Green Line that opens Sept. 12,
but will operate throughout the
MAX system.
The Type 4 has a m odem
sleek look featuring four more
seats per vehicle for a total of
136 seats per two-car train.
The trains also have a little
more standing room with a de­
sign capacity of 344 passengers
for a two-car consist compared
to 332 for the existing Type 3
trains. The models also have
one operator cab per car com­
pared to two cabs on existing
MAX trains.
There is a rearview camera
system to enhance the vision
for o p erato rs and o ffe r in-
Pastor Tyrone Sampson, Cel­
ebration Tabernacle’s evange­
lism pastor, passed away on July
11, 2iX)9 due to a rare double
brainstem stroke. A member of
the north Portland church for 20
the director of Oregon’s Depart­
ment of Human Services, dieti­
tian Suzie Bruels, and Cileia
Howe, a recepient of the pro­
gram, judged the event.
W1C has just expanded the
list of foods available to fami­
lies who use it to supplement
th e ir d ie ts. T he “ Fresh
Choices" option will provide
vouchers for fresh and frozen
vegetables, whole grain breads,
and other healthy foods.
Sue Woodbury, the director
of Oregon's WIC program, ex­
plained that the expansion re­
flects the healthier eating hab­
its Americans are adopting as
well as the tastes of an increas­
ingly diverse country.
“When WIC was founded in
the 1970s it was supported by
physicians who saw too many
malnourished children,” said
WiKtdbury, who added that this
is the first time the program has
been revised since its inception.
The program used to offer
only cereal, milk, eggs, peanut
butter, and other staples. But
now, WIC recipients, which in­
cludes women who are preg­
nant or have children under five,
can get vouchers for fresh or
frozen fruits and vegetables,
whole wheat bread, brown rice,
canned salmon, and soy milk.
Eligibility is based on income,
with the cutoff level being at
185 percent of the federal pov­
erty lev el, w hich is about
$40,(MX) a year for a family of
• Web Design
Outdoor Events
Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries
“ A Community Church”
Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD
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Pastor/Teach er/R evi valist
"'The Voice Speaks'9
Worship Service: Sundays- 8:00 A.M.
Seminars: Bible Themes- Wednesdays- 6:00 P.M.
“God, The Father"; “God. The Son": and “God, The Holy Spirit”
Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join
us at our appointment with Jesus.
A new modern style of light rail trains will give MAX commuters a few more seats and a
bit more standing room.
creased visibility at night. The land M all alo n g F ifth and
cars are manufactured by Si­ Sixth Avenues instead of the
emens Transportation Systems, tracks used for the Red and
Inc. in Sacramento, Calif. Each Blue Lines.
The grand opening for the
Type 4 vehicle costs about $3.75
million. Each two-car train is Green Line on Sept. 12 will in­
seven feet longer than existing clude free rides starting at 11:30
light rail vehicles but weighs a.m., and special ceremonies at
Clackamas Town Center Tran­
11 ,000 pounds less.
Another change coming to sit Center and the Portland State
Max occurs on Aug. 30 when University Urban Plaza. Events
the Yellow Line begins oper­ will also be held at a handful of
ating dow ntow n on the Port- stops along the Green Line, in-
over to a table containing bowls
o f m u sh ro o m s, p ep p ers,
cheese, broccoli, beans, zucini,
and other veggies and quickly
hurried back to cook them on
black skillets.
“Popcorn is my specialty,”
joked Kulongoski while frying
a quesadilla loaded with mush­
rooms and broccoli.
As the 30 m inutes on the
clock began ticking down each
team hastily applied sour cream
and salsa to their quesadillas
before presenting them to the
After nibbling on each, the
panel of judges presented an
award Blue Lightning for being
extra neat while cooking, an
award to Hot Linkers for team
work, and the grand prize to the
tition kicked off. The Demo­
cratic governor, whose team
adopted the name “Sizzlers,”
touted the accomplishments of
the last legislative session,
which included an expansion of
healthcare for children in the
state, in addition to the WIC
program. “We need to see it in
its totality.”
He then taunted the other
teams - Carter's the “Hot Link­
ers" and Kaden's “Blue Light­
ning,” pointing out that one of
the judges, Goldberg, worked
for him.
“No trash talking," jokingly
resp o n d e d G o ld b e rg , w ho
added that he may answer to
the governor, but gets funding
from legislators like Carter.
As soon as the clock began
ticking each team scrambled
eluding Pioneer Courthouse
Square and Clackamas Town
TriMet’s fifth MAX line will
add 8.3-miles of light rail be­
tween Gateway Transit Center
and Clackamas Town Center,
and to Fifth and Sixth Avenues
in downtown Portland between
Union Station and Portland
State University. It is the first
lig h t rail e x te n sio n into
Clackamas County.
We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name!!!
Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave.
Portland, Oregon
To inquire about our Church or Ministry
call 503 863-6545 or entail hodgehspks@msn.com
Philadelphia CMB Church
15th Pastor Anniversary September 5th @ 3:30 pm
Roy E. Clay Sr. A ~
with diversity
& Co-Pastor
Lottie M. Clay
sire to bring people and re­
sources together. His joy, love,
and laughter will be sorely
A memorial fund has been set
up at US Bank; all donations
are appreciated and will benefit
the family. Cards may be sent
to PO Box 17475, Portland, OR
years, he shared his gifts and
talents through leading praise
and worship, singing with E.D.
Mondaine and Belief, interces­
sory prayer, and love of people.
Sampson and his wife, Min­
ister Deborah, worked tirelessly
with the tabernacle’s PROPER
organization and its park festi­
vals for many years with a de-
Tuesday: Women &
Men Meeting 7PM
11 Portland
( )bservei
Bible Study 7PM
Call 513-28841033
Sunday School 10AM
Sunday Morning Services 11:30 AM
238 NE Mason ST
For more information contact Pastor Clay
at 503-309-6320
T erry F amily
2337 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, Or 97227
F uneral ,
H ome ,
■- i '"
We make the service personal,
You make the tribute personal.
Every tim e we a rra n g e a personalized fu n eral service, we take special pride going
the ex tra mile W ith o u r on line M em orial O bituary, now we can do even more,
frie n d s an d fam ily can find out service inform ation, view photos, read obituary,
o rd e r flow ers an d leave personal m essages o f condolences from anyw here, anytim e
Simply go to our website.
"Dedicated to providing excellent service
and superior care o f your loved one"
Dwight A. Terry
I *’, ‘Pi»rManb (Obseruer
Oregon lácense
Established 1970
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4747 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd.. Portland. OR 97211
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C reative D irector : Paul Neufeldt
E ditoh - in -C hief , P ublisher :
Greater St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church
3605 N.E. Mallory
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the City o f Roses to come and worship with us as we celebrate our
P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer,
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Banquet Celebration, Saturday at 6:0« pm
At the Embassy Suites Portland Airport -
7900 NE 82nd Avenue
Bishop Alexis Thomas - Phoenix, AZ
Amalgamated Publishers. Inc, New York, NY. and The West Coast Black Publishers Association
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H IB IT E D The Portland Observer-Oregon s Oldest M u lticultural Publication is a member o f the
“This event is about a much
b ro a d e r
issu e ,"
Kulongoski before the compe­
Late Night Musical 10:00 pm at the
Embassy Suites featuring Portland’s Finest
Gospel Artist Wilder Ward Jrs., God in
Charge, Grace & Mercy, New Testament
COGIC, St Paul MBCand from Seattle WA,
Silent Praise Ministries
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Musical Guest: Ladv Tramaine Hawkins
Sunday at 3:30 pm; Dr. A. Bernard Devers, 1 - San Antonio, TX
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‘Fresh Choices’ are Healthy Foods
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Tabernacle Pastor Remembered
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