August 12, 2009 tElji {Jortlanò (Dhseruer Celebrating Diversity in the Page A5 Workplace M oving Forward for Justice, Equality Where do we go from here? by R ea . D r . L e R oy H aynes J r . Does the election of Barack O bam a to the office o f President o f the U nited States o f America mean that the d re a m o f M a rtin L uth er K ing Jr. has been fulfilled? Does it m ean that racism has been elim inated in America and the struggle for justice, freedom and equality is over? There are many w ho would say that the struggle for civil- rights and equality has been w on and there is no longer any need for civil rights organiza­ tions like the NAACP, South­ ern C hristian Leadership C on­ ference or the Urban League - that A frican A m ericans have arrived — that the final chapter on racism and the vestiges o f Jim Crow has been written. But is this true? We m ust acknow ledge that President O bam a’s election is one o f the g reatest historical events in A m erican history. It represents the m atur­ ing o f a great nation to fu lfill its d e stin y in o vercom in g the h o r­ rendous history o f sla­ very, Jim C row and other injustices. To m a n y A fric a n A m ericans who lived through the second class citi­ z e n s h ip , ly n c h in g , c h u rc h bom bings and day-to-day rac­ ism that denied their humanity - the election o f Barack Obama as our country’s 44th president was a dream that they believed w ould not happen in their life­ time. This pivotal event carried the hopes, prayers and dream s o f our fore-parents w ho traveled the m iddle-passages on slave ships, endured the horrors o f slavery on plantations and ex ­ perienced the world o f A m eri­ can apartheid for another 100 years. Yet, K in g 's dream for A m erica is bigger than any one h is to r ic a l f ig u re , ra c e o r achievem ent. The struggle for civil rights racism in America. T h is h is to ric a l m o m e n t moves us forward tow ard cre­ ating a ju st and equal society where people will be judged by their character and not by the color o f their skin. Yes! W e've Yes! We've come a long way in America, but there is still some distance to cover and equality did not stop with the h istorical p assage o f the 1964 Civil-Rights Bill and the 1965 Voters Rights Bill. As great as the election o f Barack Obama was to the nation and to A fri­ can-A m ericans in particular — as well as other people o f color - it does not fulfill King’s dream for a free, ju st and equal soci­ ety. Rather, it brings us closer to writing the final chapter on come a long way in America, but there is still some distance to cover in o rder to truly fulfill K ing's dream o f the beloved community. The battle is not over for fair, ju st and equal rights for people o f co lo r an d p oo r p eo p le in America. The battle is not over w hen A frican-A m ericans are three times more likely to live in poverty than whites. Harvest Beat to Uplift Lives namic performance. Sebe Kan (m eaning “Serious Sound” ), a renow ned 11 -m em ­ b er W est A fric an drum an d dance perform ance troupe, will also enchant guests with their sp irited style and sh o w m an ­ ship. Em ceed by KINK FM ’s arts and culture guru, Inessa, the Africa Bridge Harvest Gala will be a night rem em bered by all who attend as an uplifting cel­ ebration o f com m unity and A f­ rican cultures. Tickets are $75 and available by v is itin g Celebrating the power of community M oving to the rhythm o f the harvest beat, the greater Port­ land com m unity is invited to attend A frica Bridge, a harvest gala to benefit the lives o f or­ phans and children in Tanzania im pacted by HIV AIDS. The event is scheduled Sat­ u rd ay , A u g .29 at 5 p.m . at Nelson Farms on Sauvie Island, 14825 N.W. Gillihan Rd. G uests will enjoy an exhila­ rating night o f A frican music and drum m ing, an outstanding A frican-infused harvest dinner by C harles Stilwell o f D evil’s F ood C aterin g and inspiring m essages from Barry Childs, founder and executive director o f Africa Bridge. O bo Addy, a G hanian drum m aster since age six and key originator o f the seminal m usi­ cal m ovem ent now know n as W orldbeat, will delight the au­ dience with a rhythm ically dy- The battle is not over when there still is racial disparities b etw een A fric an -A m erica n s and whites in health care; when stark inequities still exist in our educational system ; our eco ­ nomic system; and injustice still exists in our criminal justice sys­ tem and law enforcem ent. The recent arrest o f the noted scholar and Harvard University professor, Dr. Louis Gates, while en te rin g his ow n ho m e and charged with the crim e o f “dis­ orderly conduct” is a case that reaffirm s that the battle against racism and in eq u ality is not over, but continues. It dem on­ strates very clearly that even with an African American in the m ost p o w erfu l o ffic e in the country, and in the most pow ­ erful nation in the world, that no m atter how high you climb in your profession or position or up the economic ladder - you still are affected by racism and inequality in Am erica if you are an African Am erican or a per­ son o f color. Yet, today’s battle is not lim ­ ited to correcting the injustices and inequalities caused by rac­ ism in America. We must not only direct the m essage o f so­ cial justice to those who con­ tinue to perpetuate racism, but we must look internally. We m ust battle against the self-destruction of black males, against the crim e and violence in our community, against the d ru g use and d ru g d ea lin g , against the frequency o f teen­ age pregnancies and fatherless children, against the epidem ic ofHIV/AIDS. We cannot afford to neglect either the last vestiges of rac­ ism in our society or the self- d estru ctiv e b ehaviors w ithin our communities. The battle is not over. Rev. Dr. LeRoy Haynes Jr. is the pastor o f Allen Temple CME church and vice-president o f the A lbina M inisterial A lli- Community Picnic to Celebrate Cultures Saturday event at Overlook Park O ur United Villages is hosting an Intercultural C om m u­ nity G athering on Saturday, Aug. 15 at Overlook Park in north Portland from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. “O ur hope is that this event will inspire people to cel­ ebrate and learn m ore about the richness o f cultural diver­ sity in our com m unity,” says Linda Hunter, com m unity outreach manager for the local non-profit community build­ ing organization. The free and fam ily-friendly event will feature interac­ tive villages, cultural sharing conversations, m usic, food, raffle prizes and opportunities to meet neighbors. There will be several hands-on activities such as playing an in­ strument, taking a dance lesson, listening to a story and trying on traditional clothing. Everyone is encouraged to bring a bag lunch and blan­ kets and chairs. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Deejays Ghanian drum master Obo Addy will bring an exhilaring night o f African music to ‘Africa Bridge,' an Aug. 29 benefit to help the lives o f orphans and children in Tanzania im­ pacted by HIV and AIDS. will spin music from around the world throughout the af­ ternoon. “We hope that folks will leave this event with more knowl­ edge about how to reach out to neighbors cross-culturally and be more curious about learning and seeking cultural- specific inform ation,” says Kate Erickson, a com m unity outreach organizer for O ur United Villages. For more inform ation, visit This is an invitation to visit our store! From, Career Transitions Program at Mt. Hood T h e M t. H ood C om m unity C ollege T ran sitio n s program p rov id es ca reer d evelopm ent an d co lleg e p rep a ra tio n se r­ v ic es to sin g le p are n ts, d is ­ p laced h o m em ak ers and m i­ nority and im m igrant w om en. P a rtic ip a n ts m u st a tte n d an inform ation session and co m ­ plete an applicatio n to be a c ­ cep ted into the program . I n f o r m a tio n s e s s io n s , w hich w ill include training on h ow to apply for financial aid and prepare for college entry. w ill take place on the M H C C G resham C am p u s in the C o l­ le g e B o a r d r o o m , R o o m A C 2 3 5 9 , at th e f o llo w in g tim es: M onday, A ug. 17, from 10 a.m . to noon; W ednesday, A u g . 26, fro m 1 to 3 p .m .; T h u rsd a y , S ep t. 3, fro m 10 a.m . to n oon; a n d T uesday, Sept. 8, from 10 a.m . to noon. T h e T ra n s itio n s p ro g ra m o ffers m any services, in clu d ­ ing peer m entoring and in fo r­ m ation about accessin g fin an ­ cial aid, scholarsh ip s and c o l­ le g e a n d c o m m u n ity r e ­ so u rc e s. S tu d e n ts w ill a lso learn to re se a rc h an d se lect c a re e r g o als an d to d ev e lo p co lleg e su c ce ss skills. N o n ­ n a tiv e E n g lis h s p e a k in g w om en w ho have acquired in­ term ed iate E nglish skills are enco u rag ed to apply. F or m ore in form ation, c o n ­ tact the T ran sitio n s program at 5 0 3 -4 9 1 -7 6 8 0 , ext. 0, or v is it m h c c .e d u /tr a n s itio n s . F or services in S panish, call 5 0 3 -4 9 1 -6 9 7 2 . S erving m ore than 2 7,000 students each year, M t. H ood C o m m u n ity C ollege provides students the education needed for the career o f their choice. M H C C o ffers m ore th an 60 asso ciate deg rees, certificate p ro g ra m s a n d tr a n s f e r o p ­ tions in a w ide variety o f d is­ ciplines. < Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212 Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4 503-249-0047 Bob.erneraldforest@ G O O D SAMARITAN M ERIDIAN PARK Part 33. Osteoperosis and Bone Loss Reversal • Exercise regularly to help strengthen bones. Talk with a doctor to leam exercises you can safely perform. Consult a chiropractor if the curvature o f your upper back causes pain or discomfort. Closed Sun-Mon THE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession • D evelop good body m e­ ch an ics through ex ercises to im prove your posture. • Eat a diet rich in calcium and vitam in D. Y our d o cto r might prescribe a m edication to help prevent further bone loss. Sat ll:30am-4pm EMANUEL Dr. Billy R. Flowers \ : I have osteoporosis and now my back has a more “rounded" look. W hat is this? : You might have started to develop a “dow ager’s hump” or an abnormal outward curving o f the vertebrae of the upper back. Bones becom e brittle with osteoporosis and the upper vertebrae can col­ lapse on each other, causing a rounded appearance. To help stop and even re­ verse bone loss: Tues-Frt ll:30am-5:30pm Our legacy is yours. SPINACOLUMN / Hours: Locatedat315NE Wygant, 1 block south of NE Alberta St */i block westofNEMLK Blvd.fOff-street parking available across the street from our store M O U N T HO O D SALMON CREEK LEGACY MEDICAL GROUP LEGACY LABORATORY LEGACY H E A L T H LEGACY HOSPICE