Page A I4 ®*}lorthmh (jOhserurr C ele b ra tin g Diversity____ F ood SAFEW AY August 12, 2009 L ocally O CRtyVN Ingredients for life.» W e ’r e p r o u d + o siAp|sorV i U e f w e s i lo c a l g r o w e r s s o ' S afew ay is th e s m a r t w ay to sh o p y o u c a n e a jo y " H \ e ir e s V ^ e s i p r o d u c e a r o u r \d . G u a ra n te e d ! w h a t you PtahnawWillaenett« y»Wor V M e SAV* «•♦’■A Ccrr fitto Crockpot Sweet and Sour Pork In g re d ie n ts • • • • • • • • • • • Fres^ 1 can (20 ounces) pineapple chunks in juice 1 1/2 to 2 pounds pork shoulder, cut into strips 1 m edium green bell pepper, cut into strips 1/2 medium onion, thinly sliced 1/4 cup light brown sugar, packed 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/4 cup cider vinegar 1/4 cup water 1 tablespoon light soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste ho, cooked rice ßr-otxjoli Crow ds o r C«ulrf lawyer ’■«M hiÂÊf e i r » lo o m Qro^relK. I H W D ire c tio n s 1. Drain pineapple, reserving juice. Refrigerate pineapple chunks until ready to use. m 2. Place pork in slow cooker; add green bell pepper and sliced onion. -m » I'leprW Pork Shoulder 3. In a bowl, com bine brown sugar, cornstarch, 3/4cup pineapple juice (add w aterto make 3/4 cup if necessary), vinegar, water, soy sauce, and salt; blend until smooth and pour over pork and vegetables. C over and cook on LOW setting for 8 hours. 4. Add pineapple chunks about 45 minutes before end of cooking time. Country Style Ribs lb Bone-in. Extreme Value Pack SAVE up to $1.50 b See weekly ad Chili and Lim e Grilled C om O ry rM C Ked ou.*-*« In g re d ie n ts *“1 2^4 • 6 ears fresh com • 1 stick unsalted butter • 1 jalapeno pepper, minced fine • 1/2 teaspoon chili pow ­ ■ , A der C IU M H M IC I • 2 limes, Juiced • 1/2 teaspoon black pep­ per, fresh ground • Pinch salt FresV\ Expr ess up to U5# ft. BUZ 1 6 r r D ire c tio n s 1. M elt butter. I FREE r , »»< v t 2. Add m inced jalapeno, chili pow der and pepper and cook for I minute. Remove from heat for 2 m inutes and add lime juice. Carefully peel back com husks, leaving attached at end o f cob. 3. Remove com silk, coat com thoroughly with seasoned butter using a pastry brush. 4. Put the husks back over the com , wrap in foil. Roast on grill with closed cover for about 45 minutes, turning a few times. Serve immediately r ( «UMjht É tti 1 C IU M P R I t f Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream 2cu p s(4 8 0 m l)h alf-an d -h alf 1/2 vanilla bean or 1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 4 ounces (115 grams) cream cheese, room temperature 3 large egg yolks 2/3 cup (130 gram s) granulated white sugar 2/3 cup strawberry puree (sauce) 1 cup fresh strawberries, chopped FINTO OU* cew*trrB-v fuesm iMt) ueucious, w fu . ANTO UtFUbTO youn»*owey HEKACt you n c *rr fuodu CE iF R E E l-* » * W rm M f K e irp ipK la tttrq pi. . In g re d ie n ts • • • • • • • BUY 1 CWT I ■ C afalMMf œiwwwOj Resti King n VRIUC Lucerne* Creamery Fresi, or Safeway SEIET* Ice Cream 6 to 16-02. Selected varieties SAVE up to $4.29 on 2 BUY1« t * íf r e e D ire c tio n s 1. In a small saucepan, over m edium -high heat, bring the half-and-half and the vanilla bean (if using) to the scalding point (the milk begins to foam up). Remove from heat, take out the vanilla bean and scrape the seeds from the bean with the back o f a knife, and mix the seeds back into the half-and-half. M eanwhile in a stainless steel bowl beat the cream cheese, egg yolks and sugar until light and fluffy (about two minutes). You can do this with a wire whisk or I like to use a hand mixer. Gradually pour the scalding half-and-half into the w hipped egg yolk mixture, making sure you keep whisking constantly so the eggs don no, curdle. If any lumps do form, strain the mixture first before heating. 2. Place the bowl over a saucepan o f sim m ering w ater and, stirring constantly with a w ooden spoon, cook until the custard thick­ ens enough that it coats the back o f a spoon (170 degrees F) (77 degrees C). The term 'coat a spoon' is a technique used mainly as a way to test when an egg-based c u s ta rd o r sa u c e is done. A spoon, usually wooden, is placed in the custard and, when the spoon is raised, the film o f custard on the back of the spoon will stay in place even when you draw a line with your finger through the middle o f the custard. 3. Im m ediately remove the custard from the hea, and continue to stir the custard for a few m inutes so it does not overcook. At this point stir in the vanilla extract, if using, and the straw berry puree. C over and le, cool to room tem perature and then refrigerate the custard until it is com pletely cold (several hours but preferably overnight). Transfer the cold custard to the chilled container o f your ice cream m achine and process according to the m anufacturer's instructions. Once made, stir in the cut up fresh strawberries and transfer the ice cream to a chilled container and store in the freezer. If the ice cream becom es too hard place in the refrigerator for about 30 m inutes before serving so it can soften. I Nabisco Ritz Crackers •Ä- CharminBath Tissue or Bounty Paper Towels 18-Pack Coors, Bud o r M iller 12-02, bottles. Selected varieties. Plus deposit in Oregon. ,2 Rod Bath Tissue or 12 Big Roll Towete SAVE up to MOO Citi» PRKt 13" 7 T h e e a s ie s t, p e r f e c t g i f t . Now available at the Gift Card Mall. * X fw aMrbflft* and uf jpfKicaNN) f»«« M fcady-Mr mwh to a Sr»"*» from V im V I A AUGUST sanniaDiara W IO nA*M I ■ avaudWit« SM pe 'FspariM own* the Vtw" M l Card * uuwl by «Aei.iAa«*“ pv> --------------------------------------------------------------------- THUW FUI SAT SUN P u t e » in t h is a d g o o d t h r o u g h TUH Prana « lias ad we afretan ft AM Wrrtiesa»» Agre.1 12 Iftni iewlay. August IS X IO m al Gateway sire«» n Or «gre leacepl Mere rmwalar. and S W Waahrçtre sirena snrwng Wanaiatnim. 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