Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 12, 2009, Page 13, Image 13

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    August 12.2009______________
jjortlanî» (Observer
Celebrating Diversity___________ Page ab
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Folk Icon Keeps Her Edge
More than 50 years after her
debut, singer-activist Joan Baez
m aintains the charism a and po­
litical edge that initially made
her a star.
Baez will bring her three-oc­
tave vocal range and tradem ark
vibrato to Portland. Friday, Aug.
14, when she perform s as part
o f the O regon Zoo's sum m er
concert series presented by NW
Baez has released more than
30 album s and recorded songs
in eight different languages. In
addition to h er ow n body o f
work, she is known for her re-
Joan Baez
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
Hom; Utile BI od 'I' h ql'i’1 Illinois61/tO
m a rk a b le in te rp re ta tio n s o f
Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
s o n g s by a r tis ts su c h as
W oody G uthrie, Pete S eeger
494b N VfHK'joviT AvH'ue PoO o QR9//1Z
an d esp ec ially B ob D ylan -
503 zHB 1103 l«i<
28b 1146
w hom she famously dated for
errie inli hbnb -vstawlaini ton
several years in the 1960s.
24 Hour Good Neighbor Service"
B aez's m ost recent album ,
< ____________ _____________________
"Day After Tomorrow," builds
on and interprets contem porary
ta le s o f so c ia l in ju s tic e by
s o n g w r ite r s su c h as Tom
Waits, Elvis Costello and Steve
"Joan Baez's voice is radiant
an d rig h te o u s," sa id K rista
Swan, the zoo's events coordi­
nator. "A nd with such a vast
ca ta lo g u e o f g rea t so n g s to
draw from, she's sure to pu, on
an am azing show."
Platinum Fade
Remembering Sam Cooke
Soul, Gospel legend was ahead of his time
sound that m elded blues and
gospel. He co-founded his own
record label, SAR Records, in
1961, signing such artists as
Bobby W omack, Johnnie Tay­
lor and Billy Preston.
L.C. Cooke said his brother
had formed his publishing com ­
pany around 1959. Sam Cooke's
contract with RCA Victor stipu­
lated that after 30 years all o f
his m asters w ould belong to
him, his brother said.
Contem porary artists would
do well to follow Cooke's path,
said DeCurtis.
"To this day, artists struggle
with the business aspect o f their
work. He signed artists and he
wrote for artists. He did it in-a
time when it was much more dif­
ficult for artists, specifically
black artists," D eCurtis said.
Unfortunately, Cooke didn't
live long enough to realize the
s ig n ific a n c e o f h is b r e a k ­
through, said DeCurtis.
Forty years after his tragic death, Sam Cooke is a soul arid
At age 33, Cooke was shot to
gospel legend.
death on Dec. 11, 1964, at the
Hacienda Motel in Los Angeles.
of the shooting are still
C o o k e , say s the late sin g e r J o h n L e g e n d w ith o u t S am
but the hotel's manager
should also be know n for his Cooke."
she killed Cooke be­
Bom Jan. 22,1931, Cooke was
p io n e erin g b u sin ess acum en
that put him years ahead o f his
and the
tim e in the music industry.
Cooke was am ong the first
black perform ers to ow n the
rights to his music and to form Cooke was 2 years old when his legacy. L a st y ear, "R o llin g
his own recording and publish­ parents and six siblings boarded Stone" ranked Cooke No. 4 on
its list o f the I (X) greatest sing­
a G reyhound bus to Chicago.
ing com pany.
C ooke began his writing and ers o f all tim e, and he’s in the
"If they look at it, Sam was
first in everything," L.C. Cooke recording career with the "Soul Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
L.C. C ooke recalled being
said. "All his m asters belong to Stirrers" in 1951, making albums
Sam, and that was unheard of. at Specialty Records. Tall and sto p p ed at an a irp o rt a few
H e w as M o to w n b e fo re handsom e with a smooth, m e­ years ago by a disc jockey, who
lo d io u s v o ic e , C o o k e d rew told him his brother's music gets
M otown was even invented."
P resid en t B arack O bam a's cro w d s o f sw o o n in g y o u n g more airplay than any other d e­
rhetorical nod to "A Change is w omen at gigs in auditorium s ceased celebrity.
"Somebody is alw ays giving
G onna Com e" after his 2(X)8 and larger venues that included
som ething in his honor, and
election victory w as a te sta ­ the Apollo Theater.
A fter six years, he made the they call me to give interviews,"
ment to C ooke's enduring sig­
n if ic a n c e , s a id A n th o n y leap to secular m usic w ith a L.C. Cooke said.
(AP) - More than 40 years
after his tragic, violent death,
Sam Cooke is still known as the
le g e n d a ry so u l a n d g o sp e l
singer who penned "A Change
is G onna Come," w hich found
a new audience with the elec­
tion o f A m erica's first black
B ut C o o k e's bro th er, L.C.
D eC urtis, a contributing editor
at Rolling Stone m agazine.
"The language of the artistry
coupled with a kind o f vision of
a better world is som ething the
song stands for," DeCurtis said.
"Certainly his influence extends
to c o n te m p o r a r y a r tis ts . It
w o u ld be h a rd to th in k o f
peo p le like A licia K eys and
We have the Best Barber & hair Stylist in Portland and
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Barbers & Hairstylist Wanted - 1 month free
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Michelle Obama
A pie con test and co m m u ­
nity celeb ratio n w ill take o ff
w hen the second annual P o rt­
land P ie-O ff ta k es place on
Sunday, Aug. 16 at 1 p.m . at
P e n in s u la P a rk , lo c a te d at
N o rth A lb in a A v e n u e an d
R osa P arks Way.
T he event o ffers a chance
to m eet oth er pie lovers, win
fun prizes, sw ap recip es and
eat pie!
W hy pie? Pie is egalitarian.
Pie stands for sharing. Pie is
hum ble and Pie is versatile. Pie
is com m unity!
The rules are simple: make a
hom em ade pie (or several pies)
and bring it along w ith your
friends and family to the park
to enjoy an afternoon. Partici­
pants are strongly encouraged
r e g is te r
o n lin e
portlandpieoff.com but in the
spirit of pie, it’s all very simple.
Step up to enter your pie, $5
donation per pie appreciated.
to Death
An autopsy report says cocaine contrib­
uted to the death of TV pitchm an Billy
M ays.
The 5()-year bearded TV personality died
o f a heart attack in his sleep. His wife
found him unresponsive June 28 at their
condo in Tampa, Fla.
A release from the H illsborough County
medical exam iner’s office Friday said
M ays had last used cocaine days before
(A P ) -- B a ra c k an d
M ichelle O bam a are edging
o u t H o lly w o o d s ta rs on
Vanity F air's International
Best-D ressed List.
The president makes the
list for the first tim e in the
m agazine's latest issue, jo in ­
ing his wife, who has been
nam ed twice before.
N o longer on the list is
A ngelina Jolie, although her
husband Brad Pitt remains,
based on a poll o f fashion
insiders. O ther stars getting
th e h o n o r are P e n e lo p e
Cruz, Anne Hathaway, NBC
correspondent Tiki Barber
and Jam es Bond star Daniel
The O bam as w eren't the
only stylish political dress­
ers nam ed. French first lady
C arla Bruni-Sarkozy made
the list along with New York
M ayor M ichael Bloomberg
and his com panion, Diana
Advertise kith
Pie Contest at Peninsula Park
Hours o f operation:
9 am - 6 pm
8 am - 9 pm
11 am - 6 pm
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r I
W I*«kin« Arc«
R iwm II
TV pitchman Billy Mays died o f a heart attack.
his death.
The report said that although Mays died from
heart disease, cocaine use was a contributing
cause o f death
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