Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 12, 2009, Image 1

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    S Diversity
Tolls Divide Vancouver Officials
Mayoral candidates take opposite
views to charging tolls on a
proposed new 1-5 bridge
S ™ nie Workplace
See special coverage, inside
See story, page A3
tí an h © bs e n ÏÉ T
t r l n k l i r k o z l ¡ „
Established In 1970
Committed to Cultural Diversity
Volume XXXVIV. Number 32
.Week ¡n
The Review
Global Tribute Coming
A tr ib u te
September to
Michael Jack
son on the
gr° un^ s ° * a
17th century
------- p a la c e
Vienna will feature a three-hour,
star-studded show to be tele­
vised live to a global audience
o f 1 billion people, the event
prom oter said Tuesday.
Crash Kills 4 Teenagers
Four teenagers from Ridgefield
High School were lulled and
two other people were seri­
ously hurt M onday w hen their
SUV tried to pass another ve­
hicle on H ighw ay 30 to the O r­
egon Coast. The teen driver
lost control o f the SUV after
passing a slow m oving vehicle
and hit a van.
Kennedy Sister Dies
President John F. Kennedy's
sister, Eunice Kennedy Shriver,
who carried on
th e
f a m ily 's
p ublic service
tr a d itio n
f o u n d in g th e
Special O lym pics and cham pi­
oning the rights o f the m entally
disabled, died early Tuesday.
She was 88.
Volt Gets 230 MPG
G eneral M otors C orp, said
Tuesday its C hevrolet Volt re­
electric car
should get
23 0 m iles
per gallon
(98 kilometers per liter) o f gaso­
line in city driving, more than
four tim es the current cham ­
pion, the T oyota Prius. The
Volt is pow ered by an electric
m otor and a battery pack.
Sharks on Oregon Coast
It was a big weekend for shark
sightings off the Oregon coast,
from the 12-foot great white
sh a rk th a t a p p a re n tly g o t
snared in a fisherm an's crab pot
at D epoe Bay to a shark w arn­
ing that Seaside police issued
to beach crowds.
Wednesday • August 12. 2009
First Hispanic on Supreme Court
(AP) - Sonia Sotom ayor was
sw orn in Saturday as the Su­
preme Court's first Hispanic ju s­
tice and only third female m em ­
ber in the top court's 220-year
S h e is P re s id e n t B a ra c k
O bam a's first appointm ent to
the influential court, w hich has
shaped m any o f the country's
laws on polarizing issues like
abortion and the death penalty.
A s a successor to liberal Jus­
tice D avid Souter, w ho retired,
she is not expected to alter the
nine-member court's ideological
Judge Sonia Sotomayor takes the Judicial Oath o f the Supreme Court with her mother, Celina,
holding the Bible and her brother, Juan Luis looking on. Sotomayor becomes the first Hispanic
Sotom ayor took the second
and ju s t the third woman on the highest court in its 220-year history. (AP photo)
o f tw o oaths o f office Saturday
hold their private conferences.
from C hief Justice John Roberts H er left hand resting on a Bible the rich."
M inutes earlier, she swore a H er 60 or so guests included
in an ornate conference room , that w as held by her mother,
beneath a portrait o f the legend­ S o to m a y o r p le d g e d to "do first oath in a private ceremony J u s tic e A n th o n y K e n n e d y ,
ary C hief Justice John Marshall. equal right to the poor and to in the room where the justices W hite H o u se C o u n sel G reg
Craig and other m embers of the
Obama administration team that
helped prepare her for her Sen­
ate confirm ation hearings, fam ­
ily and friends.
Roberts, w earing his black
judicial robe, said that once the
oaths w ere done, Sotom ayor
could "begin work as associate
justice w ithout delay."
O bam a scheduled a W hite
House reception for Sotomayor
on Wednesday.
The 55-year-old Sotom ayor
has been a federal ju d g e for 17
years. Obama nominated her for
the lifetime appointment in May,
and the Senate confirm ed her
on Thursday. The vote was 68-
31 with Democrats unanimously
behind her and m ost Republi­
cans lining up in a show o f op­
She w ill jo in Ju stice Ruth
B ader G in sb u rg as the only
other w om an currently serving
on the court.
Sotom ayor is the daughter of
Puerto Rican parents who was
raised in a housing project in
New York City's gritty South
Bronx neighborhood and edu­
cated at the elite universities
on page A2
Community Rallies Against Hate
case of racial,
sexual attack
by J ake T homas
T he P ortland O bserver
Bao Vuong, a 22-year-old Viet­
nam ese-A m erican, w aited out
one o f the longest stop lights
in his life at Northeast Freemont
Street and 41st Avenue w hen
four young men began yelling
racial and sexual slurs at him.
Vuong ignored them but the
w hite males becam e even m ore
aggressive. Bagels were thrown
at his car and one o f the agita­
to r s a p p ro a c h e d h im an d
punched a dent in the passen­
ger side o f his car.
d iv e rs e
g ro u p
P o rtla n d e rs th a t in c lu d e d
neighborhood and other civic
leaders assem bled on F riday
across from the intersection at
B eaum ont M iddle S chool to
denounce the Aug 2 attack, and
hopefully extract a teachable
moment from it.
photo by J ake T homas /T he P ortland O bserve «
Hate crime victim Bao Vuong (center) draws support from Portland City Commissioner
Nick Fish (left) and Ronault “Polo’ L.S. Catalina, a lawyer and columnist for the Asian
Vuong, spoke to the crowd
o f about 60 supporters. He said
was determ ined not to accept
being th reaten ed in his own
"Although I come from a dif­
ferent origin, this is where I was
n u rtu red , and this is w hat I
know as home," he said.
Vuong said that the emotional
harm inflicted on him during the
violent episode w as real, and
he encouraged people to better
understand each other and why
events like this occur.
City Commissioner Nick Fish
also sp o k e. H e p o in te d that
even though the nation has just
confirm ed its first Hispanic Su­
preme Court Justice, there are
still pockets of bigotry, even in
a progressive place like Port­
"R e g a rd le ss o f w h ere we
com e from tonight, we speak
with one voice,” he said. “We
are here to say 'no. No to hate
and no to violence.'"
Fish then thanked Vuong for
on page A2
Governor Proves Chef’s Mantle
Expanding nutrition for women, children
photo by J ake T homas /T hf . P ortland O bserver
Gov. Ted Kulongoski swaps his sports
jacket for an apron Thursday during a
cooking competition to promote good
nutrition at the Blazers’ Boys and Girls
Club in northeast Portland.
by J akf . T homas
T he P ortland O bserver
Gov. Ted K ulongoski proved
his m antle as an 'Iron C h ie f at
the Blazers' Boys and Girls Club
in northeast Portland.
In order to stir up interest for
an expansion o f a state nutri­
tion supplem ent program for
w om en
an d
c h ild r e n ,
Kulongoski, state Sen. M arga­
re t C a rte r, D -P o rtla n d , and
Janette Kaden o f the Tin Shed
G arden Café, joined local kids
Thursday in a cook off.
T h e y w e re c h a rg e d w ith
w h ip p in g q u e s a d illa s m ade
from healthy, fresh ingredients
that are now included under an
expansion o f the W IC nutrition
program , which provides food
supplm ents for w om en, infants
and children. Bm ce G oldberg,
on page A9
photo by
M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
‘N everland’ at the County Fair
Mercedes and Darren Harper-Taloff take in the thrills o f the 'Lolly Swing' during the Clark
County Fair. The ride was purchased last year from Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch and
has generated a lot o f public interest since Jackson's untimely death. The fair, located in
Ridgeview along 1-5 north o f Vancouver, continues through Sunday.