JJ or Ha nò (ßhsemer luly 29, 2009 Page A9 S ports Michael Vick Reinstated by NFL, Expresses Thanks prison for running a dogfight­ ing ring, Vick could participate in re g u la r-se a so n g am es as early as October. Vick can immediately take part in preseason practices, w ork­ outs and meetings and can play in th e fin a l tw o p re s e a s o n gam es.— if he can find a team . A num ber o f clubs have already said they are not interested. Once the season begins, Vick may participate in all team activi­ ties except games, and Goodell said he would consider Vick for Awaits team to sign up quarterback (A P) - The door is ajar for M ichael Vick to return to the NFL. Only Vick, and any team w illing to sign him , can open it fully. N FL co m m issio n e r R oger G o o d e ll r e in s ta te d V ick on M onday, with conditions. Free a f te r se rv in g 18 m o n th s in Michael Vick full reinstatem ent by W eek 6 (Oct. 18-19) at the latest. “I would like to express my sincere gratitude and apprecia­ tion to com m issioner G oodell for allow ing me to be readm it­ ted to the N atio n al F o o tb all League," Vick said in a state­ ment released by his agent, Joel Segal. “I fully understand that playing football in the N FL is a privilege, not a right, and I am truly thankful for the opportu­ nity 1 have been given. “As you can imagine, the last tw o years have given me time sider reinstating him. “I accept that you are sincere to re-evaluate my life, mature as an individual and fully under­ when you say that you want to, stand the te rrib le m istak es I and will, turn your life around, have m ade in the past and what and that you intend to be a posi­ type o f life 1 m ust lead moving tiv e ro le m odel for o th e rs,” Goodell said in his letter to Vick. forw ard,” he said. Goodell suspended Vick in ­ “1 am prepared to offer you that definitely in A ugust 2007 after opportunity. W hether you suc­ the former Atlanta Falcons quar­ ceed is entirely in your hands.” G oodell said he spoke to nu­ terback adm itted bankrolling a merous current and former play­ d o g fig h tin g op eratio n on his property in Virginia. At the time, ers and coaches as he weighed Goodell said Vick m ust show his d ecision and that the re ­ rem orse before he w ould co n ­ sponses were “very mixed.” Trio Elected into Hall of Fame Gordon got start in Portland at baseball. W hile Henderson, now 50, was just the 44th player elected to the Hall in his first year o f eligibility, Rice had to wait until his final year of eligibility to be selected. "It doesn't m atter that the call came 15 years later," Rice said. "W hat m at­ ters is that I got it. Rice batted .298 with 382 home runs and 1,451 RBIs from 1974-89. He drove in 100 or more runs eight times, b atted o ver .300 seven tim es, and topped 200 hits four times. And he's the only player in major league his- ( AP) - Former left fielders Jim Rice and Rickey H enderson were inducted into the B aseball H all o f Fam e in C ooperstow n, N.Y. on Sunday along with the late Joe G ordon w ho grew up in P o rtla n d g ra d u a tin g fro m Jefferson H igh School. Henderson, baseball's all-time lead­ ing base stealer, was briefly overcome before evoking som e hearty laughs. "M y journey as a player is com ­ plete," H enderson said. "1 am now in the class o f the greatest players o f all tim e, and at this m om ent 1 am very hum bled." B om in C hicago on C hristm as Day 1958, Henderson moved with his fam­ ily to C alifornia w hen he w as 7 years old and becam e a three-sport star at Oakland Technical High School. Foot­ ball w as his forte and he received num erous scholarships. He was per­ suaded to turn them dow n for a shot Ask Deanna\ Real People, Real Advice An advice column known for reality based 'subject*! Dear Deanna! I’m in a relationship and I think my boyfriend has another life. W e’vedated for two years and he’s always worked third shift. W hile on medical leave I noticed he nevercam e home until noon. W hen I asked about this he told me that he goes to the gym. I followed him and his gym turned out to be an apartment complex. W e argued. Instead o f telling me about the apartment, he accused me o f not trusting him. W hat do I do? - Insecure and Worried; Tampa, Fla. Dear Insecure: If you have to stalk a man and chase him x Rickey Henderson (left) and Jim Rice hold their plaques after their induction into the Baseball Hall o f Fame in Cooperstown, N. Y. (AP Photo) down tor answers, then you’re with the wrong person. He placed the blame on you instead o f confessing the truth and being honest. H e’ s burning two ends o f the candle by working at night, being with one woman in the morning and being with you in the evening. D on’t settle for less because you deserve more. Heal yourself from the inside out, count your loss and keep it moving. in terested in m e? C hristine Jones was bom Sept. 12, 1924 in Pine Bluff, A rk.„to loving parents Jordan and Ione Rayfus, the first daughter o f nine chil­ dren. After graduating from M errill High School, she met the love o f her life, Willie Am os Jones Sr., and not long after, they m arried on M arch 31, 1944. They started their ow n fam ily by having tw o beautiful girls in A rkan­ sas. Not long after, they made the journey to Portland where C hristine attended nursing school, and had seven more beauti­ ful children — six girls and one boy. Christine w orked as a certified nurse for Emanuel Hospital for over 26 years. She retired and w ent on to open her own daycare (AP) - The Portland Trail Blazers signed veteran free agent guard A ndre M iller on Friday to a three-year, $21 million deal. Miller, whose NBA career has spanned 10 seasons w ith four team s, averaged 16.3 points and 6.5 assists as a starter for the Philadelphia 76ers last season. "I'm ju st looking forward to the chal­ lenge" M iller said in a conference call. "I know Portland w ants to accom plish a lot o f things, and I want to add to that." Miller joins point guards Steve Blake and Jerryd Bayless with the Blazers, the sec­ ond-youngest team in the NBA last sea­ son. Portland won 54 gam es and advanced to the playoffs for the first time since 2003. T he 33-year-old has played an NBA- high 530 straight games. He has missed ju st three in his career. Dear Sexy Senior Woman: D on’t play yourself. After a year if you do all the calling and he still h asn 't m ade room for your toothbrush is a good sign he only likes you as a friend. D on’t force yourself on him through seduction because it may turn ugly. O bviously th ere’s some interest b e­ cause he spends tim e with you. R e­ spect his space and decisions b e­ cause for all you know, he may be im potent or still grieving for his late wife. O ne day he m ay com e around and see you in a different light, but d o n ’t hold your breath. Dear Deanna! Christine Jones Blazers Sign Philly Starter -S e .rv Senior Woman; Los Angeles I’m a 50-year old divorcee that met a man last year w ho is 62 and w idow ed. W e’ve been going out every other w eekend for a year but haven’t been intimate. We hang out late and h e’s never asked me to stay all night at his place. He never calls me and the only tim e we talk is when I call him and he appears happy. His birthday is in two w eeks and I w ant to seduce him. Should I do this and do you think h e’s In Loving Memory Joe Gordon, a Jefferson High School baseball player who went on to become an all-star in the Major Leagues, was voted into the Baseball Hall o f Fame Sunday. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! at the email askdeannal@ yahoo.com or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 128J Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: www.askdeanna.com center. With her heart being as big as it was, she decided to do foster care and run a day care center at the same tim e. C hristine received Christ in her life at a very early age and later was baptized at Mt. Carm el M issionary Baptist Church. She had lots o f love to give and will be rem em bered for her glow ing smile, sparkling eyes, loving personality and big heart. Preceding her in death were her parents and husband; three brothers, tw o sisters and five grandchildren. She leaves to m ourn two brothers; a sister; her nine children, Ernestine Batchelor, A m eera Sahiir, W illie A Jones Jr., Cynthia Simms, Patricia Jones and Jacqueline Jones-M artin, all o f P ort­ land, and D olores Jones o f Tacoma, Wash., Ishan Rushdan of Richm ond, Calif., and Celeste Jones o f San Bernardino, Calif. Christine also leaves 33 grandchildren, 53 great grandchil­ dren and 5 great-great grandchildren and a host o f friends and extended family. Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Zchon R. Jones, DC F uneral , Andre Miller O U U d C llU V J Fill Out & Send To: JJodlanb ©bscruer Attn; Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 s u b s c r ip tio n s are ju s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r (please include check with this subscription form) N ame : ______ __ T ELEPHONE:___ _________________________ A ddress :_____ ____________________ or email subscriptions @ portlandobserver.com T erry F amily 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 503-249-1788 'S' (503) 284-7838 We make the service personal, Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for 16 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 You make the tribute personal. E very tim e w e a r r a n g e a p e rso n a liz e d fu n e ra l service, w e ta k e sp ecial p rid e g o in g th e e x tra m ile We are located on the com er o f MLK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. Sf W tory with at least 35 hom ers and 200 h its in th ree co n sec u tiv e seaso n s (1977-79). The day's most poignant moment cam e from Gordon's daughter, Judy. G ordon died in 1978 at age 63. "We co n sid er C oo p ersto w n and the National Baseball Hall o f Fame as his final resting place, a place he'll be honored forever," Judy Gordon said, tears welling in her e y e s ." Gordon won the 1942 AL MVP, beat­ ing out Triple Crown winner Ted W j^ liams, and was an A ll-Star nine tim es in 11 seasons, leading the league in assists four times and in double plays three times. N icknam ed "Flash" be­ cause o f his quick feet, Gordon was the first AL second baseman to hit 20 hom e runs in a season — he did it seven tim es — and still holds the league mark for career homers by a second baseman (246). W ith o u r o n lin e M e m o ria l O b itu a ry , n o w w e c a n d o ev en m o re F rien d s a n d fam ily c a n fin d o u t se rv ic e in fo rm a tio n , v ie w p h o to s, re a d o b itu a iy . o r d e r flo w e rs a n d leav e p e rs o n a l m essag es o f c o n d o le n c e s fro m a n y w h e re , a n y tim e Simply go to our website. www.terryfamilyfuneralhome.com 'Dedicated to providing excellent service and superior care o f your loved one " P h » Pakin« Arti E a. Dwight A. Terry Oregon License C O -3 644 Amy S. Terry Rtiuell Sf Oregon License FS-0395 .1 I I