Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 29, 2009, Page 7, Image 7

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    ^ J o rtia n ò (P h a e ru e r
luly 29, 2009
Page A7
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from the
The Salvation Army at Moore Street Center
5335 North W illiams
Portland OR 97217
Serves lunch M onday - Friday
12 PM to 1 PM
J | Ca pf
Starting June 15th through A ugust 28th
Kids, Teens, Parents too
Workshops expand horizons
A local teenager has recon­
n ec te d w ith hig h sch o o l by
w riting from the heart.
Keosha Dockery, 18, wrote a
poem titled ‘A Survivor’ that is
featured in a new anthology by
Write Around Portland, the local
organization helping low-income
adults and others break out of
isolation or other barriers.
D ockery reco n n ected w ith
H elensview High School while
taking the group’s w orkshop at
the northeast Portland alterna­
tiv e h ig h s c h o o l th is p a s t
“Being in the w orkshop ex­
panded my horizons. It really
did!” Dockery said. “1 feel like
everyone participated and gave
it their all.” She added, “My
w riting really com es from the
heart...that’s w hat it’s all about
for me.”
Helensview is for students on
probation and parole, students
who are pregnant or parenting.
have d ro p p ed o u t, been e x ­
pelled, are g an g -in v o lv ed or
who have been unsuccessful in
other educational settings.
D o c k e ry sa id at firs t she
did n ’t feel that she got along
well at the school. At 14, she
w as having trouble generally,
living in foster care, incarcer­
ated and not focused.
But at age 17, D ockery made
a realization about where her life
was headed.
“ 1 was sitting in county jail
c a u g h t on a M e a s u re 11
[chargej,” she said. “1 realized 1
w asn't g oing to m ake it like
Now, a year later, D ockery
realizes she has so many things
going for her, especially recon­
necting with H elensview High
S chool and tak in g the W rite
Around Portland w orkshop this
past spring.
E a r n in g c r e d its to w a rd
graduating while she was in jail,
For more information call: Pat 503-493-9325
USDA and the State o f Oregon are Equal opportunity
providers and em ployers
Can you “burn”?
The Miracles Club
4069 NE MLK JR. Blvd
Keosha Dockery
Welcomes you to our “Cookout Cook-off’
H e le n sv ie w ’s p rin cip al K ris
Persson and teachers wrote let­
ters to the ju d g e on her behalf.
“They really fought for me,
advocated for m e - and gave
m e a c h a n c e ,” K eo sh a said.
“They d id n ’t give up on me so
I’m graduating now. I’ve got a
real life to lead now. I’ve got no
w ords to describe the im pact
this school has had on me.”
Write A round Portland runs
eight-ten w eek w riting w ork­
shops for low incom e adults
and others w ho m ight other-
wise be unable to participate in
traditional w riting w orkshops,
because o f income, isolation or
other barriers.
The w orkshops are open to
everyone, and include sessions
on Thursdays from 9 a m. to 11
a.m. through Aug. 20 at Hotlips
Pizza, 2211 S.E. H aw thorne
Blvd., and at Pow ell’s City of
To learn more about partici­
pating in any o f the g ro u p ’s
workshops, call Dawn Thom p­
son at 503-796-9224.
Show off your best “ribs” (burgers & steaks)
Saturday August 1.2009
$50 entry fee: 1 s t, 2nd, & 3rd prizes
Come and b rin g the fa m ily and y o u r appetite!
Fun f o r all.
Call 503-249-8559
Philadelphia CMB Church
Roy E. Clay Sr.
& Co-Pastor
Lottie M. Clay
Inspiring Dance Music
G row ing up in M ali, one o f the 10 poorest nations in the world,
Issa B agayogo didn't seem headed for stardom as a musician.
A fter several false starts, though, he has becom e a w orld-re­
now ned dance-floor success, com bining traditional African beats
with injections o f bass-bum ping m odem electrónica.
Bagayogo will perform Thursday, July 29 as part of the Oregon
Zoo's sum m er concert series presented by NW Natural.
At a young age, B agayogo dem onstrated a talent for playing
the ngoni, a three-stringed lute popular throughout w estern A f­
rica, and began incorporating it into his unique musical com posi­
blends his
roots with
Western pop.
W ednesday:
Bible Study 7PM
S u n d ay S ch ool 10AM
S u n d ay M orn in g S ervices 11:30 AM
He has released four full-length album s. "Mali Koura," his
m ost recent, cam e out late last year.
"Throw aw ay your m usical preconceptions," wrote Music Box
m agazine. "Leave your prejudices at the door. 'M ali Koura' is a
heady and exhilarating ride. It will rock and shake you to the
238 NE Mason ST
For more inform ation contact Pastor Clay
Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD
Pastor/Teacher/Re vi valist
2-Buck T uesdays w hen guests can tour
the zoo for the discounted price o f $2 per
B attle to V ote - T h e Clark County Histori­
F ood an d E n terta in m en t - Sliders Grill,
cal M useum , 1511 M ain St. in V ancouver,
hosts a free w om en’s suffrage exhibit
though the end o f the year. W ashington
was an early leader in giving w om en the
right to vote.
3011 N. Lom bard, features an eclectic as­
sortm ent o f perform ers on the main stage,
accom panied by delicious food. Call 503-
459-4488 form oreinform ation.
“The Voice Speaks"
Worship Service: Sundays- 8:00 A.M.
Seminars: Bible Themes- Wednesdays- 6:00 P.M.
"God. The Father"; “God, The Son"; and ‘G od, Ihe Holy Spirit”
Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join
us at our appointment with Jesus.
N o rth ea st F a rm ers M a rk et — The new
Portland Farmers Market in the King Neigh­
borhood at King School Park take place
each Sunday from 10a.m . to 2 p.m. through
Sept. 27.
We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus' name!!!
Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave.
Portland, Oregon
T riM et S u m m e r S h u ttles — TriM et runs
In sp irin g M u sic - M ultifaceted singer-
songw riter Jewel perform s at the Oregon
Zoo, Friday, July 31 as part o f the sum m er
concert series presented by NW Natural.
O pening for Jewell will be the up-and-
com ing N ashville singer A shley Monroe.
M t. T a b o r P ark C en ten n ia l -- Eighteen
free events are planned Saturday, Aug. 1
and Sunday, Aug. 2 to celebrate the I (M)th
birthday o f Mt. T abor Park in southeast
Portland. The activities include concerts, a
bicycle fair, dog training exhibit, aclim bing
wall, ice cream social and more. For more
inform ation, visit m ttabor 100.org.
In d ie F olk — Jonatha Brooke brings her
own songbook full of
h aunting, poignant
melodies, as well as
som e collaboration
with the late folk leg­
end W oody G uthrie,
to the O regon Zoo,
W ednesday, Aug. 12.
N o rm a n S y lv e s te r B a n d — N orm an
Sylvester plays at Esther Short Park in
dow ntow n V ancouver on Thursday, July
30 at 6 p.m. and Friday, July 3 1 at 9 p.m. at
the W est Linn Saloon.
sum m er shuttle service to OM SI and b e­
tw een popular W ashington Park destina­
tions like the O regon Zoo and Japanese
Gardens. The O M SI shuttle runs daily be­
tw een the O regon C onvention C enter
MAX Station and OM S I from 9 a. m . to 7:30
p.m. The W ashington Park shuttle runs
betw een 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.
L iv e J a zz - Every Friday and Saturday
from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the T hird D egrees
Lounge at the Ri verPlace Hotel, 15 10S.W.
H arbor Way. No cover or m inim um pur­
c h a s e . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v isit
P o rtla n d 's D ance H alls — The history of
Portland' dance halls, many built in the
1920s, is the subject o f the art show “Once
Upon a Tim e in Portland, W e D anced” at
the Interstate Firehouse Cultural C enter in
north Portland.
T o tally G ospel II — Peninsula O pen Bible
Church, 8225 N. Peninsula, hosts all styles
o f gospel, country, and contem porary
music with host Riny Horst each Friday
night from, 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. For more
information, call 503-335-3132.
M usic M illennium F ree S h o w s—The M u­
sic M illennium, 3158 E. Bum side, hosts in­
house live perform ances. Enjoy free music
and the opportunity to meet artists. Call
503-23 l-8 9 2 6 fo rasch ed u le.
Zoo Buck T u esd ay s - On the second Tues-
day o f every month, the O regon Zoo hosts
To inquire about our Church or Ministry
call 503 863-6545 or email hodgehspks@msn.com
O M S I A fter D ark - OM SI A fter Dark is a
night at the m useum for the 21 and over
crow d filled with food, drink and science
fun; $ 1 Ofee. For more information, call 503-
797-4000 or visit omsi .edu.
A d u lt C om ed y - The sketch comedy group
Define Naked will celebrate its 25th anni­
versary with perform ances for m ature au ­
diences on Friday and Saturday nights
through Aug. 15 at the Showbox, 2110 S.E.
10th Ave. For reservations, call 503-734-
G et In tim a te w ith S to rm L arge - Storm
Large brings here in-your-face sexuality,
raw musical talent and breathtaking em o­
tional honesty to Portland Center Stage in
the autobiographical world prem ier m usi­
cal Crazy Enough, now playing through
Aug. 16 in the Ellyn Bye Studio at the
A rm ory, downtow n.
K irk G ree n J a m S essio n - Com e enjoy
the smooth and soul*
ful sounds o f the Kirk
G reen Band every
Sunday, 7 p.m. to 11
p.m. at Club 720,720
S.E. Hawthorne. The
ja m s e s s io n and
open m ic is from 9
n .m to 10 p.m. All
professional m usicians are welcome. For
more information, call 503-234-7738.
“We like
to do 2% jazz
98% funky
M aceo
P a rk e r
Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries
“ A Community Church”
S u m m er A ctivities for K ids — From crafts,
sports and recreation cam ps, space is still
available at m any Portland Parks and rec­
reation sum m er program s. M any o f the
drop-in program s are free. For more infor­
m ation, visit portlandparks.org or call your
local com m unity center.
T ùesday: Women &
Men M eeting 7PM
Sin c e 1984,
w e have
b een p la ying
the g re a t
so u n d s of
ja zz & b lue s