Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 22, 2009, Page 9, Image 9

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luly 22. 2009
Pori land OL s e r v e r
Aufo R e v i e w
News and reviews on new motor vehicles
Toyota Venz
by K athleen
C arr
The Venza is Toyota's new
en try in to the g ro w in g car-
based SUV segm ent. U nlike
Toyota's other crossover SUVs,
it does not feature three-row
seating like its co m p etito rs,
how ever its advantage is in the
cargo space and family-friendly
Tthe Venza falls in betw een
two Toyota products, it is the
same length as the Cam ry se­
d an , sh a re s th e H ig h la n d e r
c r o s s o v e r's w id th a n d rid e
height, and is 5.5 inches taller
than the Cam ry and 4.7 inches
sh orter than the H ighlander.
Like those tw o vehicles, the
Venza offers four- and six-cyl­
inder engine choices. In term s
o f interior space, the five-pas­
senger Venza p ro v id es a bit
more spread-out space than the
C a m ry , b u t it la c k s th e
H ighlander's third row. Its 70
cubic feet o f m axim um cargo
capacity is obviously w ay big­
ger than its sedan sibling but is
far short o f the Highland
The 2009 Toyota Venza's per­
formance lives up to its car-like
u n d e r p in n in g s , o f f e r in g a
S p e c ific a tio n s: 3 .5 L V6 DOHC 2 4 V w /d u a l W T-I; 6 s p e e d a u to m a tic ECT-I w /s e q u e n tia l drive; 1 8 city m p g . 2 5 highw ay
m p g ; M SR P 3 8 , 4 9 3 ( $ 2 9 ,2 5 0 w /o o p tio n a l e q u ip m e n t).
sm ooth ride and decent hand­
ing for a w agon. It does not
have the sportier precision in
handling but overall it’s respon­
sive and crisp. It V6 engine has
enough pow er and is m atched
with a six speed automatic trans-
The Venza front cabin has a
sleek center console and the lo­
cation o f the clim ate controls
frees up space between the seats
In Loving Memory
Sally Denise Williams
Sally Denise Williams was bom in Biloxi, Miss,
on Dec. 1,1917 to Jam es and M am ie W hite.
At an early age, she m oved to LaG rande, Ore.
with her father, who worked for the railroad. She
later m oved to Portland where she met and m ar­
ried Jam es Levi W illiams Jr. in 1946. From this
union tw o children were bom , Judith and Mark.
During World War II she was a m em ber o f the
USO YW CA A frican/Am erican W om en’s Choir
in Portland w hich perform ed for black service­
man at the now Billy Webb Elks Lodge in north
Sally w orked hard her entire life and was ac­
tive in her church. She loved to w ork in her yard
p lan tin g a variety o f beau tifu l flow ers and
shrubs, vacationing at the coast and shopping.
She also was an avid bow ler and participated
on the C osm os League, sponsored by Jenkins
Auto at Am ato Lanes in the early 1970s. In 1975
for a large bin covered by cup
holders and a sm aller bin d e­
signed for iPods and other small
devices. There's another com ­
partment designed specifically to
hold Blackberrys, other PDAs
and MP3 players. The audio and
climate controls are a new de­
sign for Toyota, but they remain
user-friendly. A high-mounted
LCD screen shows trip computer
and climate control information
along with the optional back-up
camera display.
T he av ailab ility o f T oyota
options on the Venza (m ostly
grouped into packages) include
a power tailgate, a rearview cam ­
era, a sunroof, keyless ignition
and entry, HID headlam ps, a
pow er passenger seat, leather
upholstery and steering wheel,
wood trim, heated front seats,
heated mirrors and a windshield
wiper de-icer, (premium package
$4,345, and an entertainm ent
package 13-speaker surround
so u n d a u d io s y s te m w ith
Bluetooth and satellite radio is
also available. It can be ordered
separately or bundled with the
o p tio n a l
v o ic e - a c tiv a te d
touchscreen navigation system
or the rear-seat DVD entertain­
ment system ($2,590).
The Toyota has a rem arkable
new product in the Venza. Yes
it ju s t an o th er cro sso v e r v e­
hicle. T he Venza that w e re­
viewed had the Prem ium pack­
age in c lu d in g le a th e r seats,
wood grain trim giving the inte­
rior a luxury style. This is a ve­
hicle that you could drive for
long distance as well the seat
lum bar was excellence. 1 think
that the overall vehicle is better
than it competitors, however the
family that may need that third
row seat may pass this by.
Kevin Tanner-Pitre (Angela) of Sacramento C a­
lif., Anthony Dion Pitre (Casey), W illiam Ryan
Pitre, Tyrone David Pitre, Rukiya Drostes (Nick)
and Brandon M ark James W illiams; 15 great
grandchildren, tw o great great grandchildren as
well as a host o f nieces and nephews.
M om we love you dearly and will m iss you
forever. Your selfless nurturing, generosity and
guidance will always be rem em bered by us and
all w ho knew you.
We would like to thank the staff at Discovery
Nursing and Rehab center for helping to make
Mom's last few years com fortable. The dignity
and respect given to her and support to the
family is truly appreciated. Also, we would like
to thank K aiser H ospice staff for support of the
family and making mom's homecoming a peace­
ful one.
Services will be held on Friday, July 24 at St.
Joseph's Catholic Church, 400 S. Andresen Rd.,
in Vancouver. A rrangem ents entrusted by Ev­
ergreen M emorial Gardens.
when she and her husband moved to Vancouver
they continued bowling in a league. Jam es pre­
ceded her in death in July 1976.
Sally was an excellent cook and loved enter­
taining, nothing gave her more joy than to share
her various recipes with fam ily, friends and
neighbors. It was not unusual for her to have
the entire family over for Sunday dinner from
time to time. Family was a central focus for her
and she never hesitated to be there for all of
them no m atter what.
All that knew her rem em b er how if you
stopped by for a visit and were hungry, the pots
and pans w ould rattle in the kitchen and out
would com e a delectable meal.
Sally retired in 1995 from the em ploym ent of
Earle Chiles Foundation, and was able to spend
time caring for her two oldest great granddaugh­
ters w hich filled her heart until she becam e ill.
Sally leaves to celebrate and rem em ber her
life, daughter Judith Ann Pitre (A rnold), son
Mark Jam es W illiams (Donna), grandchildren
33rd Appreciation Service
2 0 0 9 Football Cam p
“Favor For Your Labor”
(Hebrews 6:10 & Proverbs 12:2a)
B ish o p A rtice L. Wright
Join us as we appreciate and celebrate true ser­
vants and labors for the Lord. Em m anuel COG1C
U n ite d and th e P o rtlan d co m m u n ity h av e been
blessed with many outstanding leaders in the C hris­
tian com m unity but none m ore com m itted and en ­
during then our leaders.
Bishop A rtice L. W right and supervisor M aggie
W right has proven to be a leadership union that is
unw avering steadfast labors on the battlefield for
the Lord.
Bishop W right has preserver for 50 plus years pro­
claim ing the gospel in this community. H e's currently
the presiding Jurisdictional Bishop for Pacific North-
w est R egion. He has been ab ly assiste d by h is S u p e rv iso r M aggie Wright
helpm eet First Lady M aggie Wright, Regional/N ational Supervisor for W om en’s D epart­
ment CO G IC United Em m anuel C O G IG United, who together with the N orthw est Voice For Christ M inistries, Bishop H.L.
Hodge has joined together to honor and celebrate in an extended appreciation celebration.
T his auspicious occasion will take place on Friday July 24 at 7 p.m. and Sunday “T he Official Day, July 26 at 3 p.m. in the
sanctuary o f Em m anuel CO G IC United, 4800 N.E. 30th Ave. A “special banquet" is also scheduled for Saturday, July 25 at 6
p.m., with doors opening at 5:30 p.m. at K ing’s Tem ple Christian Center, 4744 N E. 15th Ave. For reservations at $25 each,
Grant High School - 2245 NE 36th • Portland OR 97212
please contact Bishop H odge at 503-334-6239.
Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC
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