P o rtla n d COb&eruer Page A4 O pinion |uly 22. 2009 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver. com. Underinsurance: Health Care Costs Not Covered have.” But w hat is it that we have? F o r g ro w in g n u m b e rs o f A m ericans, ou r health in su r­ ance is com pletely inadequate. U nfortunately, we don't leam this until we actually get sick. by L eonard R odberg Only when a seri­ U n d e r in s u r a n c e - ous illness or in ­ the failure o f insurance jury hits us do we p la n s to p r o te c t us find our plans re­ from the cost of needed ally tested. O nly medical care - is a grow­ th e n do w e d is ­ ing p ro b lem for m il­ cover that co-pay- lions o f m iddle- and m e n t s , low er-incom e A m eri­ deductibles, exclu­ sions, and denials cans. As the national debate over leave us struggling to pay for reform ing our costly and ineffi­ our needed medical care. cient health care system heats In a study of health insurance up, recen t studies show that claim s just published in the re­ deficiencies in our private in­ spected policy journal Health su rance system afflict m any A ffairs, researchers report that more than the m illions who are between 2003 and 2007 average uninsured. out-of-pocket expenses paid by Yes, it's true that the majority ad u lts w ith e m p lo y e r-sp o n ­ o f A m ericans report they are sored insurance grew by more satisfied w ith their insurance than a third, to $729 per person plans, and so politicians prom ­ each year. One in 10 adults faced ise “ you can keep w hat you out-of-pocket costs that aver- Insurance plans that can ruin you JJortbnb (Obstruer aged $3,364. This spending that insurance didn't cover includes deductibles (which the patient m u st pay b e fo re in s u ra n c e starts paying anything) and co­ paym ents (the p atien t’s share o f the remaining bill). T he stu d y 's au th o rs a ttrib ­ uted the increase in co sts to the overall rise in h ealth care co sts, along w ith a declin e in th e c o v e r a g e p r o v id e d by e m p lo y e r - s p o n s o r e d in s u r ­ ance. In fact, the research ers co n clu d ed that “ in the U nited States, if you are sick and earn a m o d e s t in c o m e , y o u are p robably u n d erin su red - even if you have em p lo y er-b ased c o v e ra g e .” In an o th er study ju s t p u b ­ lished in the A m erican Journal o f M edicine, researchers from Harvard found that in 2007 ill­ ness and medical bills contrib­ uted to nearly tw o-thirds o f all personal bankruptcies. This is a 50 percent increase from the num ber o f sim ilar bankruptcies found in 2001. T he m ajority o f m edically bankrupt families w ere middle class and ow ned their homes. M ost su rp risin g , m o re th an three-quarters o f them were in­ sured at the start o f their illness. T h ese in su red in d iv id u als and families were unable to pay out-of-pocket expenses that av­ eraged $17,749. Severe illness caused many to lose their jobs, w hich in turn caused them to way we pay for health care is not protecting us from heavy financial burdens, nor is it as­ su rin g us a c c e ss to n e e d e d medical care. In spite o f this, the health reform plans currently being considered in Congress w ould require that we purchase the very health insurance that is failing us. They do nothing The health reform plans currently being considered in Congress would require that we purchase the very health insurance that is failing us. lose their coverage. The authors conclude that "the U.S. health care financing system is broken, and not only for the poor and uninsured. M iddle-class fam i­ lies frequently collapse under the strain o f a health care sys­ te m th a t tr e a ts p h y s ic a l w ounds, but often inflicts fis­ cal ones.” As this research reveals, the have com prehensive coverage o f the care we need. We would also save hundreds o f billions o f dollars in w asteful adm inis­ trative spending an d contain c o sts g o in g in to th e fu tu re. Such a plan, as embodied in Rep. John C o n y ers' U .S. N ational H ealth C are A ct (H R. 676), would create a secure financ­ ing m echanism , elim inate the burden o f out-of-pocket spend­ ing, and protect those o f us who become ill from financial ruin. As Rose Ann D eM oro, ex ­ ecutive director o f the C alifor­ nia N u rses A sso c ia tio n , has said, "The trouble for most fami­ lies is not the lack o f insurance, it's the insurance they already have.” Unless we change how the c o u n try p ay s fo r h ea lth care, we w on't have the reform we really need. to reduce the incidence o f un­ d e rin s u r a n c e ; in fa c t, th e y spread it. They leave health in­ Leonard Rodberg is profes­ surance ju st the way it is now and would require even more sor and chair o f Urban Studies at Queens College, City Uni­ people to buy it. A dvocates o f a single-payer versity o f New York, and re­ national health program point search director o f the N.Y. out that there is an alternative. Metro Chapter o f Physicians With a public insurance pro­ fo r a National Health Pro­ gram like M edicare, we could gram. Established 1970 USPS 9 5 9 -6 8 0 ________________________________ 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.. Portland, OR 97211 Affordability Key to Real Reform Charles H. Washington M ich a e l L eig h to n D is t r ib u t io n M a n a g e r : M ark W a shington C r e a t iv e D ir e c t o r : P aul N e u fe ld t E d it o r - I n -C h ie f , P u b lis h e r : E d it o k Health care based on ability to pay P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, P0B ox3 1 3 7 , Portland, OR9 7 2 0 8 CALL 503-288-0033 FAX 503-288-0015 news @portlandobserver. com ads Qportlandybserver, com subscription@portlandobserver.com by The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and w ill be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publi­ cation« tir personal usage without the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad. © 2(MJ8 TH E P O R TLA N D OBSERVER. A L L RIGHTS RESERVED,’ REPRO DUCTIO N IN W H O LE OR IN PART W IT H O U T PERMISSION IS PRO H IB IT E D . The Portland O bserver-Oregon’ s Oldest M ulticultural P ublicatnm -is a member o f the National Newspaper As«ociation--Eounded in 18H5. and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers. Inc, New York, NY. and The West Coast Black Publishers Association I Subscribe! 5O 3-288-°°33 O U U d U I i U V : Fill Out & Send To: I IJortlanb ©bserlier I I I Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 | s u b s c r i p t i o n s a re j u s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r l (please include check with this subscription form) I I I I T elephone :. I A ddress :__ I ______________________________I N ame : _________________________ or eznai7subscriptions@portlandobserver.comj This is an invitation to visit our store! From, Hours: TiMS-Fri 11:30am-5:30pm Sat ll:30am-4pm Closed Sun-Mon Located at 315NE Wygant, I block south of NE Alberta St V j block westofNEMLK Blvd. (Off-street parking available across the street from our store J anet B ader History is unfolding before o u r ey es as C o n g re ss o v e r­ hauls our health care system so that, at long last, it covers all Americans. Maybe. W h ile th e r e 's a g o o d chance that C o n g ress w ill e n ­ act som e type o f h ealth care reform this year, all will be for n a u g h t i f th e n e w s y s te m leaves the cost o f care out o f reach for m any A m ericans. If a f f o r d a b i l i t y is n o t a d ­ eq u ately ad d ressed , the p ro g ­ n o sis fo r the n atio n w ill be poor. There's no great medical mys­ tery as to why millions of Ameri­ cans today lack health cover­ age. They can't afford it. To address the problem o f a f f o rd a b ility , C o n g r e s s is rightly exploring a system that would base the cost o f health care on people's ability to pay. Creating a sliding-scale subsidy to help low er-incom e A m eri­ cans afford the cost o f health insurance is essential. Good investment in the future J udge M athis In recent months, the federal g o v e rn m e n t h a s b a ile d o ut banks, auto companies and, to a THE SPINACOLUMN An ongoing series oi questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Dt. Billy R. Flowers Part 30. Genuine Benefits of Chiropractic Help / "V C a n a ch iro p racto r really help my problems? \ : You have no doubt heard how chiropractors helped a friend's headaches, neck pain, neck stiffness, back pain or fa­ tigue? But, it is perfectly normal for you to wonder whether a chi­ ropractor can really your par­ ticular problems. Your head­ aches. Your neck pain and/or stiffness. Your back pain or other symptoms. Problems you may have had for some time. The truth is, doctors o f chi­ i ropractic are extremely success­ ful at eliminating many symp­ toms. Often more quickly and ef­ fe c tiv e ly than o th e r h ealin g methods. But, your doctor of chiroprac­ tic can do so much more for you than ju st treating sym ptom s. Your chiropractor is concerned w ith m aking sure your entire body is functioning properly For low-income families, Con­ gress should set the scale at a low enough level so they can still meet other basic needs from their m odest paychecks. A nd for m o d e ra te-in c o m e fam ilies, the cost o f health care should also be m uch low er than it is today. To get there, Congress m ust There's no great medical mystery as to why millions o f Americans today lack health coverage. They can't afford it. at today's prices is sim ply out o f reach. The key question in im ple­ m enting a sliding scale is how to c a lib r a te it. H ow m u c h should fam ilies at different in­ com e levels be expected to pay for prem ium s and other costs o f care? If moderate- and low-income fam ilies are asked to pay more than they can afford, the reform effort will fail. We'll be back at square one, w ith m illio n s o f A m ericans uninsured and the econom y still ham pered by a costly health care system. ad d ress the co st o f m o nthly premiums. Right now, for a fam­ ily o f four earning $77,000 with­ out em ploym ent-based health care, the typical health care pre­ m ium in the private insurance market costs over $ 12,600 a year - about 16 percent o f their in­ com e. From a practical stand­ point, that's unaffordable. A re a so n a b le a m o u n t fo r such a fam ily to spend on pre­ m ium s is no more than about 8 percent o f their incom e. That's the level C ongress should set for middle-income families. Securing reasonably priced insurance, however, is only half the cure. H ealth reform legisla­ tion m ust also limit deductibles and co-p ay m en ts, w hich can deter people from getting the care they need. A nd health plans m ust pro­ vide a basic level o f com prehen­ sive co v erag e to en su re true access. Too often people with inadequate coverage find them ­ selves facing exorbitant hospi­ tal b ills o r ev en b an k ru p tc y w hen they contract an illness or condition that their insurance doesn't cover. Just as when you buy a car you know it com es with an en­ gine, fo u r w heels and safety belts, A m ericans need to know that their health plans come with all the basics. T hat's som ething that real health care reform must ensure. M aking health care truly af­ fordable for all may not be po­ litically easy, but failure to do so w ould be disastrous. Should C ongress fail to seize this his­ toric opportunity to enact real reform , the cost o f health care will continue to debilitate the health and finances o f m illions o f fam ilies and our economy. Janet Bauer is a policy ana­ lyst with the Oregon Center for Public Policy. A Helping Hand for College Students by www.emeraldforestherbarium.net 503-249-0047 Bob.em eraldforest@ integra.net A sliding scale recognizes the great disparities o f income. E x­ cept for the wealthiest o f house­ holds, A m erican fam ilies are finding it increasingly difficult to afford health care. For some, p ay in g fo r h e a lth in su ran c e means not saving for retirement or for their kids' college educa­ tion. And for others, health care Therefore, your chiropractor goes beyond treating your im­ m ediate sym ptom s to m ake sure your body is still function­ ing efficiently. That is the only w ay tru e h e a lth can be achieved. But we aren't the only ones who have said it. Chiropractic has been accepted by the ulti­ mate authority; you the people. Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 N E. Hancock Street. Portland Oregon97212 Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 *5 5 0 4 lesser extent, families and individuals via pro­ grams built into its eco­ nom ic stim ulus pack­ age. College students are now in need o f a helping hand. And the govern m en t needs to step up. O rg an izatio n s that provide p riv a te c o lle g e sc h o la rsh ip have cut back on the m oney they give to students, thanks in part to the econom ic dow n- made things difficult for num erous indus­ tries, now is not the tim e for scholarship cutbacks. D u rin g an e c o ­ n o m ic d o w n tu rn , Am ericans should be encouraged to return to school to obtain training, in­ crease their skills or to develop n ew o n e s. T h is w ay, w h en things im prove - and they al­ ways do - these individuals will r Even in an economic crisis it is important to invest in the future. tum . Funding sources have ei­ ther been reduced or completely elim inated, to the detrim ent o f those w anting to further their education. These cuts, com bined with a difficult econom ic clim ate that m akes it even harder for fam i­ lies to afford college tuition, are dashing the college dreams o f num erous students across the country, m ost o f whom com e from w orking and middle class families. Even though the economy has p o te n tia lly h e lp g ro w th ese sectors in the future. T h e fe d e ra l g o v e rn m e n t should either expand the eco­ nomic stimulus package to in­ clude funds for college scholar­ ships or create a new funding source specifically for this pur­ pose. A dditionally, federal grants to students need to be further ex te n d e d an d p ro g ra m s d e ­ signed to eliminate student loan debt in exchange for w ork - i.e. teaching for a year, w orking in new industries in city ’s hit by urban blight - need to be re­ searched and im plem ented. Som e have argued that the current adm inistration is on a spending frenzy an d w ill a t­ tem pt to block the allocation of additional funds for college stu­ dents. However, even in an eco­ nomic crisis it is im portant to invest in the future. A nd there is nothing more important to the c o n tin u e d g ro w th o f th is c o u n try 's ec o n o m y th an its workforce. be better prepared for the job market. The quality o f w orkers available to employers will have improved and companies will be m o tiv a te d to r e f ra in fro m outsourcing key jobs. The financial coffers o f the foundations and other organi­ zations that offer scholarships are drained. So the governm ent Judge Greg Mathis is vice m ust step in. G iven the assis­ tance that has been extended president o f Rainbow PUSH to other industries, it is not too and a board member o f the m uch to ask that the g overn­ Southern Christian Leadership ment help the workers w ho may Conference.