il?e JJortbntò (ftbsrrorr Page A2 luly 22. 2009 Police Respond to Multiple Shootings In the latest incidents, police said a man was shot in the foot outside the Parkside Com m ons A partm ent in the 8700 block of North Colum bia Boulevard and a woman inside suffered m inor injuries when a stray bullet shat­ tered glass. A descrip tio n o f a vehicle that fled from the apartm ent led to the arrest of M atthew A nto­ nio Cage, 19. He was taken into custody near North Ainsw orth Apartment gunfire leads to arrest G unfire rung out inside the L e n ts F re d M e y e r sto re o f so u th e a st P o rtla n d and at a north Portland apartm ent com ­ plex Monday night, marking the fo u rth stra ig h t d ay o f lo cal shootings. Matthew Antonio Cage an d V an co u v er A venue an d charged with attem pted murder, a s s a u lt, u n la w fu l u se o f a w eapon and co cain e p o sse s­ sion. At the Fred M eyer store near Southeast 82nd and Foster, bul­ lets started to fly around 10:40 p.m . M o n d ay d u rin g an a t­ tem pted robbery. Police said one o f tw o teen­ age su sp ects w as stru g g lin g with security guards w ho cam e to assist a store cashier and the other suspect pulled a gun and began shooting. Police searched the area af­ ter the shooting but did not lo­ cate any suspects. But on T ues­ day, a 17-year-old male was ar­ rested for firing the shots, while the second suspect was still on the run. At le a s t th re e o th e r shootings have frazzled local residents in recent days. Police said on Friday, a man was shot after a fight broke out at a dance party on Northeast M artin Luther King Jr. Boule­ vard. On Saturday night, a per­ son w as shot in the leg near N o rth east 4 2 n d and A lberta, and on Sunday a m an took him ­ self to the hospital after he was s h o t o n N o rth F e s s e n d e n Street. Police said by the tim e they arrived on the scene, ev ­ eryone had scattered. Football Camp Open to All Grant High School is hosting its 5th annual football cam p to support young people on and o ff the field. The focus is on improvement in the fundamentals o f the game through both group and team drills, while stressing the impor­ tance o f team concept, attitude and work ethic. The cam p will also stress the skills needed o f each player’s position, giving him an excel­ lent base on which to build his potential for the upcom ing sea­ son. Participation is open to all, regardless o f their high school or youth football affiliation, and is geared tow ard grades three through 12. The camp runs from Monday, July 27 through July 31, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. The cost is $25 for athletes on free o f reduced lunch with Port­ land Public Schools, and $50 for all others. Athletes can register 30 m inutes prior to the camp. P re re g istra tio n is e n c o u r­ aged, and can be done by get­ ting in touch with Diallo Lewis at: 503-916-5160, extension 439 or dlw eis@ Woody Broadnax o f Portland (right) meets Sen. Roland Burris, D-lll., during a visit to Washington, D.C. Witness to Historic Events photo by T his y ear's Ju n e tee n th , an an n iv ersary observing the end o f slavery in the U .S., was a particularly m em orable one. With an African A m erican as the country's p resid e n t, the S en ate p assed reso lu tio n s apologizing for slavery and recognizing the June 19 holiday. A local m an, W oody "Mr. Juneteenth" Broadnax, was in the nation's capital for the Juneteenth recognition. He was ushered into the R aybum B uild­ ing, w here he met with m em bers o f the C on­ gressional Black Caucus, and other members o f Congress, including the Senate's sole Af- M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Coach Diallo Lewis leads a workout with Kenny Acker at the bench press. Healing Old Wounds continued ^ ^ f r o m Front o f the city's m ost recent efforts to improve the relationship be­ tween the com m unity and the police. For years, the city has formed a number of similar com ­ mittees com posed o f police and citizens. The issue o f racial pro­ filing has often taken center stage. Earlier this year the Portland Police Bureau released a plan to address racial profiling. It acknow ledged that the problem of using race as a basis for crimi­ nal suspicion is real, and rec­ o m m e n d ed d iv e rsify in g the ranks o f the police and having officers meet with com munities traditionally distrustful o f law enforcement. T he plan was the result o f w ork by the R acial P rofiling Com m ittee, a disbanded group that was form ed by then-M ayor Tom Potter, which found itself split o v er p ossible sanctions when racial profiling undermine basic hum an rights and free­ doms. Some mem bers of the former com m ittee, like O regon Action Executive Director Jo Ann Bow­ man, faulted police for lacking a m echanism to find out which officers racially profile and hold them accountable. Dan Handelm an o f Portland Copw atch, was on the old Ra­ cial Profiling Com m ittee, and raised the accountability issue with m em bers o f new panel. "We see a lot o f th in g s that 1 * rican American and holder of Barack Obama's old seat. Sen. Roland Burris, D -lll. “The purpose o f the observance is much more than a national holiday,” said Broadnax, w ho explained that having the Senate par­ tially recognize the hard sh ip s o f A frican A m ericans has great potential to help better educate the public, w hich will translate into better schools and jo b s for all. H ow ever, Broadnax said he w as disap­ pointed by part o f the resolution that explic­ itly stated that it w ould not provide any sort o f im petus for A frican A m ericans receiving reparations for slavery. look like m isco n d u ct, and we d o n 't see a lot o f h o ld in g o f­ ficers ac co u n tab le for it," he said. "I th in k th at's w here you get the m istrust from the co m ­ munity." H andelm an also pointed out that a new report on police use o f force issued by the city au­ ditor revealed that 29 percent o f all people w hom the police u sed fo rc e on w ere A frican A m erican, and that 34 percent o f reports where a firearm was pointed at som eone involved African Americans. "I was really glad Dan raised those issues," said A rw en Bird, a m em ber o f the new com m it­ tee, after the group’s July m eet­ ing. "Accountability is critical." H ow ever, A ssistan t P olice C h ief Brian M artinek doesn't w ant to focus too much on "the sins o f the past." "If that's w hat w e're going to do, w e're going to get stuck," M artinek said after the meeting. *’* NEW S E A S O N S M A R K E T N O W D E L IV E R IN G Y o u r fa v o r ite n e ig h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s to r e n o w d e liv e r s g r o c e r ie s r ig h t to y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e . T . President Barack Obama attends a roundtable discussion with health care providers. (AP photo) Obama Pushes Back on Health Care Overhaul w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up) I (A P ) — P re sid e n t B arack O b a m a p u s h e d b a c k h ard against Republican critics o f his health care overhaul plan M on­ day, dism issing the “politics of the m om ent" marked by G O P com parisons o f his efforts to socialism. S tru g g lin g to re v a m p the nation’s $2.4 trillion health care sy ste m , th e p re s id e n t g av e ground on his tight timetable for passage of sweeping legislation. O bam a's strong w ords came ju s t h ours after R ep u b lican s ratcheted up their criticism of th e p re s id e n t an d c o n g r e s ­ sio n a l D e m o c ra ts. M ic h ae l Steele, chairm an o f the R epub­ lican Party, likened O bam a's plans to socialism and argued th a t th e p r e s id e n t. H o u se Speaker Nancy Pelosi and key congressional com m ittee chair­ men are part o f a “cabal” that w ants to im p lem en t g o v ern ­ ment-run health care. The W hite House also faced troubling news in the latest poll­ ing, with approval o f Obama's h an dling o f h ealth care slip­ ping. “We can't afford the politics o f d elay and d efeat w hen it com es to health care," Obama said. I <