Sotomayor Support Grows Prospects fo r the first Hispanic named to the Supreme Court look good Columbia Slough Regatta Area residents are invited to join the largest one-day paddle in Oregon See Arts & Entertainment, page A6 See story, page A3 tinniti© Ol R o s e s In IO 7A Established in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXVIV, N um ber 29 TLWeek in The Review Portland s Wednesday • Iuly 22. 2009 Growjng Despair Scholar Confronted Prosecutors dropped a disor­ derly conduct charge T ues­ d a y a g a in s t p ro m in e n t black scholar H enry L ouis G ates Jr., who was confronted and arrested at his hom e near H arvard U niver­ sity after a report o f a break-in. A uthorities issued a statem ent saying the arrest "was regret­ table and unfortunate." See sto ry , page A3. Summer Heat Warning W ith a long stretch o f warm w eather expected over the next few days, the local Aging and Disability Services D ivision is rem inding old er adults and people with heat sensitive dis­ abilities to take precautions. See sto ry , page A3. Governor Signs Tax Plans G o v. T ed K u lo n g o sk i has signed a $733 m illion tax in­ crease plan M onday he says will protect schools and state program s from budget cuts. Passed by the D em ocratic-led O regon L egislature, the tax package sets a higher tax rate for upper-incom e earners and increases taxes on co rp o ra­ tions. Ex-Adams Official Sues M ayor Sam A dam s’ form er spokesm an, W ade N krum ah file d s u it against the city M onday, alleg­ in g w ro n g fu l discharge defa­ m a tio n , in v a ­ sion o f privacy by false light and unpaid w ages. The suit was expected after Nkrum ah filed a tort claim on M ay 14 alleging that Adams lied by m is­ representing the circum stances surrounding his resignation. Roxy Davenport sits outside o f Powell's City o f Books, downtown, with her dog, "Baby, ” while asking passers by for spare change. Davenport says she's been homeless for nine months and hasn 't been able to find work. Homeless ranks on the rise by J ake T homas T he P ortland observer N ine m onths ago R oxy D avenport fle d fro m a r e la tio n s h ip she d e ­ scrib ed as “ a b u siv e .” D u rin g that entire tim e she has been hom eless, un ab le to find w ork “There have been som e really nice people who have helped me out with change,” she said. But other tim es she’s felt “invis­ ible,” or has had some people openly heap scorn on her, telling her she had no right to have her dog, “Baby.” A new report released by the fed­ eral D epartm ent o f Housing and U r­ ban D ev elo p m en t rev eals th at the num ber of people in D avenport’s situ­ ation is on the rise in O regon, which has more hom eless people per capita than any other state in the union. The report also revealed alarm ing trends, such as the jum p in families experiencing homelessness. Each year HUD presents a report to Congress that gives the num ber of homeless people in each state. Oregon cam e out on top with 0.54 percent of the state’s population lacking a place to call home. The total number is about 17,000 people, roughly the size of Pendleton. Nationally, there are 664,414 shel­ te re d an d u n s h e lte re d h o m e le s s people, which is about the population o f M em phis, Tenn. O ver the last decade, the city of Portland has launched several initia­ tives aim ed at ending homelessness, which haven’t staved off the grow ­ ing num ber o f hom eless people. In 2004, the city launched its 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness, which stra­ tegically directed resources towards com bating the problem. Two years later, the City Council passed an ordinance m andating that 30 percent of monies generated in ur­ ban renewal districts go towards af­ fordable housing. In 2007, the legisla­ ture tacked on a $ 15 fee on every real estate docum ent recorded with the continued on page A3 NFL’s Vick Released Suspended NFL star M ichael 1 V ick ended his federal dogfight- in g s e n te n c e 1 M onday, freeing L him to lobby fora re tu r n to th e field. That means Vick no longer has to wear the electronic m oni­ tor he's had w hile under home confinem ent for the last two m onths o f his 23-m onth sen­ tence. R Quarterback Accused A woman has filed a lawsuit accus­ in g P itts b u r g h Steelers quarter­ back B en R oethlisbergerof raping her last sum m er in his penthouse hotel room at a ca­ sino in Lake T ahoe during a c e le b rity g o lf to u rn a m e n t. R oethlisberger's law yer ad a­ m antly denied the allegations T uesday. Vancouver Clinic Sued A clinic in V ancouver is being sued for $1.3 m illion over the overdose death o f a Portland teenager. The parents o f the 18-year-old accuse the Payette Clinic o f negligence or reck­ le s s n e s s in p r e s c rib in g oxycodone. Group tackles police practices by J ake T homas T he P ortland O bserver A new front has been opened to heal old w ounds betw een the Portland Po­ lice Bureau and m inority populations. A com m ittee on C om m unity and Po­ lice Relations for the city ’s H um an Re­ lations Com m ission fully assem bled for the first tim e this month to address ra­ cial profiling and other com plaints. M embers o f the com mittee expressed a desire to im prove relations between the police and the com munities it serves. However, the group is still finding its voice as it grapples with lingering is­ sues from the city's previous efforts to address police tensions. "This is a very unique opportunity, and th a t’s very exciting; so it better w o r k ,” s a id H e c to r L o p e z , th e com m ittee's chair and retired United Church o f C hrist minister. The com m ittee is com posed o f four H um an R elations Com m ission m em ­ bers, five police m embers, and four citi­ zens. It is charged w ith develo p in g guidelines and pathways for im proving relations with police, m aking recom ­ m en d atio n s on com m u n ity policing policies, and addressing prickly issues like racial profiling. The gro u p 's citizen com ponent in- photoby J ake T homas /T he P ortland O bserver Darryl W. Kelley Jr. volunteers to serve on a committee to heal old wounds between the Portland Police Bureau and minority populations. This is a very unique opportunity, and that's very exciting; so it better work. — Hector Lopez, Human Relations Commission chair elude two African Americans w ho have been on the wrong side o f the law in the past and now m entor youth, an im ­ m igration lawyer, and a H ispanic who w orks with at-risk Latino youth. As com m ittee m em bers introduced th e m se lv e s to ea ch o th e r th e y ex- pressed a deep com m itm ent to Portland and improving police-com m unity rela­ tions. East Precinct Police Commander Mike Crebs nearly teared up when describ­ ing his fondness for the com m unity he served and how the sound o f gun fire community service v I in residential neighborhoods distresses him. ", want our critics to come out and shake our hands, and say, 'you know what? You have achieved excellence,'" he said. H ow ever, the com m ittee acknow l­ edged that its plans to improve relations between police and the com m unity are still in its infancy. "We all got to crawl before we walk," said D anyl Kelly Jr., a former gang m em ­ ber who was recently appointed to the committee. The formation of the committee is one continued on page A2