luly 15. 2009 PagcAS Affordable Quality Retirement Living for Seniors 62 years and older L egal N o tices Alberta Simmons Plaza ‘•Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication -quickly and efficiently? Please fax or ■e-mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 503-288-0015 The Portland Observer e-mail: r c < C C A R e g io n a l F o o d B a n k W a re h o u s e Warrenton, OR Bid Pale July 23, ¿QP9@£SflEM Go to www robcon com for Bid Documents ROBINSON CONSTRUCTION CO. P O S IT IO N : Inform ation and M ETR O Robinson Construction Co. Í 1160 NW A m b erw oo d D rive H ilhb oro. OR 97124 Tel: SO3 645 65 J7 Fan : 503.64$ 5357 w w w .rob co m OA CCI' bi 147 WA CCB> 4 0 t/*< C uses We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub M s from Emerging Sntal Business Enlefpnses Mtionty Business Enterprises and Women Owned Business Enterprises STAR'^ PARK Star Park is looking for individuals with excellent customer service skills and a positive attitude to join our team of parking facility operators. Positions include: Attendant, Traffic Director, Cashier, and Valet, with O pportunity for a d v a n ce m e n t. No e x p e rie n c e n e ce s s a ry, m u st be dependable. 8 .5 0 + /h r, m e d ica l, d e n ta l, 401k w /m a tch , sick & vacation pay. 610 SW Alder Street Suite 1221 Portland, OR 97205 AA/EEO Employer QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS With Box Spring. In Factory plastic. $179.00 CAN DELIVER! CALL 503-828 8927 io b s > a nd fo r q u e s tio n s contact Jarvez Hall, Sr. Human Resources Analyst, (503) 823- 5738. The City of Portland is An Equal Opportunity Employer Discounted Steel Buildings D r iv e rs & T e a m s : No-Forced • Federal Rent Subsidies Available Big&Small Get the Dealof Deals! Placement to Site Source#ORD Phone: 503-7149983 Dispatch! Flexible Home-Tim e Great Benefits! CDL-A 1.5 yrs E xp . R e q. M ille r B ro th e rs E x p re s s , M ike 8 0 0 -3 6 5 - 6 2 3 9 ,x l l 5 • No Buy-In or Application Fees Company Driver/Class-A OTP KING PILLOWTOP MATTRESS w/Split Box Spring. In Factory plastic $225.00 CAN DELIVER! CALL 503 828 8927 M edical Specialist. O re g o n C o n v e n tio n C e n te r. E n try: $13.75, PT. Deadline 7/20/ 09. To access the com plete job announcem ent and required a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls , v is it our w e b s ite at w ww.oregonm or pick up a complete packet at Metro Hum an Resources, 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland. Sign-On + More Bonuses! 10-14 Days Out 800-973-9161 Hey! Truck lines The Salvation Army at Moore Street Center Oregon Department of Transportation 5335 North Williams Portland OR 97217 Serves lunch Monday - Friday 12 PM to I PM Warner Milne Rd., Beavercreek - Molalla (Oregon City) Sec. X C A V A T I O NJ P.0. Box 687, Oregon City, OR 97045 (503) 656-7000 FAX (503) 656-0686 CCB# 146689 W e are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub­ bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including, Minority, W om en, Disadvantaged and Em erging Small Business Enterprises REQUESTFOR PROPOSALS C M /G C SERVICES - SELECTED PUBLIC HOUSING COMPLEXES New Prices Effective May 1,2007 Martin Cleaning Service T I ' Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG $45.00 Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.(X) Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: I small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 Stairs) $25.(X) (With Other Services) Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00 • • • • • ADDITIONAL SERVICES Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection UPOOLS TER Y CLEA NING $79.00 Sofa $59.(X) Loveseat $109 - $139 Sectional Chair or Recliner $35 - $49 Throw Pillows $5.00 (With Other Services) % See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment (503) 281-3949 360.695.3474 •Affordable Rent includes all Utilities except telephone & cable television * Ideal urban location near shopping, bus lines, restaurants, and much more! f2) Advertisement for Bid LCC Health and Wellness Building Bid Package #2 - Building Package Lane Community College Eugene, Oregon COFFM AN E (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) J for an appointment! (503) 228-6140 515 Washington Street Vancouver, Washington Bids will be received at the offices of Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC, (CM/CG), 600 SW 10th Avenue, Suite 310, Portland, Oregon 97205, until 3:30 PDT, July 30,2009 at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Proposals shall be clearly marked “LCC Health and Wellness Building: Bid package #____" 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 Automobile accident injuries Chronic headache and joint pain Workers Compensation injuries Smith Tower Bid Date: July 16 9:00 A.M. Local Time Requesting proposals on structures, paving, signing, Illumination, signalization & landscape For more information call: Pat 503-493-9325 We are located at Retirement Living Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC, serving as the Construction M anager/General Contractor (CM /CG) for lane Com m unity College is soliciting bids for construction of the LCC Health and W ellness B uilding in Eugene, O regon. Term s and Conditions of the bid are outlined in Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM /CG ) “Invitation to B id ”, dated July 14, 2009, attached to and made a part of the Contract Documents. Kids, Teens, Parents too C h iro p ra c tic P hysician • C onveniently Located to Shopping, Restaurants, Pharm acy and M edical O ffices Advertisement for. LCC Health and Wellness Building - Bid Package #2 Starting June 15th through August 28th Dr. Marcelitte Failla O ne-B edroom Apartm ents with Full Sized K itchens and Living Areas Planned A ctivities, Laundry Facility, C onference & M eeting Room , Elevator and Library • Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Your Care Our First Priority 503-240 4198 Referral Specialist - Spanish Apprx. M onthly Salary $2,595 - $3,619 D eadline: 4:3 0 pm, 07/22/ 2009 ♦Position: In fo rm a tio n and R e fe rra l S p e c ia lis ts a re responsible for responding to a w id e v a rie ty o f in q u irie s directed to the City of Portland a n d M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty Information and Referral Line, th e C ity of P o rtla n d p u b lic w e b s ite a nd w a lk -in c u s to m e rs a t C ity p u b lic buildings. This current position requires the ability to speak S p a n is h flu e n tly . To apply, please visit our w eb site at: Communications Coordinator. N a tu ra l A re a s P ro g ra m . $57,096 - $76,440 annually. Resum e review will begin on 7/23/09. FREE HOT LUNCH USDA and the State of Oregon are Equal opportunity providers and employers 6611 NE M artin Luther King Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 RFP 0 6 /0 9 - 7 8 Proposals are requested by the Housing Authority of Portland (H A P ) from qu a lifie d C o n stru ction M a n a ge rs/G en e ra l C o n tra ctors fo r renovation of selected Public H ousing Com plexes (the Project). HAP will accept proposals at HAP's Purchasing Departm ent located at 135 SW Ash Street, 5th Floor, Portland, Oregon 97204 until 2:00 pm, Tuesday, July 28, 2009. Proposals not received by the deadline will be returned to the Proposer unopened. No faxed or em ailed Proposals will be accepted. The w ork includes pre-construction services during the design and planning phase followed by general contracting services for the renovation activity. Electronic copies of Proposal D ocum ents are available on­ line via the HAP website (w w w,). If an RFP Is downloaded from the HAP website, the required registration form m ust be faxed to HAP (503 802-8496) in order to be a d d e d to th e R F P 's P la n h o ld e rs List to re ce iv e a n y addendum (s); or you may also pick up hard copies from HAP's Purchasing Department beginning July 9 ,2 0 0 9 from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, 135 SW Ash Street. 5th Floor, Portland. OR 97204. HAP has an aspirational goal of 25% of DBE/M BE/W BE/ ESB participation in the execution of this project. This contract is for a public work subject to the Davis-Bacon prevailing wage decision. Prevailing wage rates shall apply to this Project. The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid not in com pliance with the prescribed bidding procedures and requirem ents and m ay reject any or all bids and waive all inform alities if, in the judgm ent of HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Questions regarding this project should be directed to Berit Stevenson, Project Support, at tel 503 802-8541; fax: 503.802-8579 or berits@ To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: The total construction cost is projected to be approxim ately $ 12.6 million. The scope of work for Bid Package #2 includes, but not limited to, site concrete, landscaping, ornam ental steel, finish carpentry, steel metal, curtainwall, glass, skylights, roo fing, in te rio r fin is h e s , sp rin k le rs, m e ch a n ica l and electrical for construction of a new 2 story 41,000 sf Health and W ellness building for Lane Com m unity College. A mandatory pre-bid conference for Glazing, M echanical, and Electrical (optional for remaining scopes), will be held at the Lease Cructher Lewis jobsite Conference Trailer at Lane Community College, 4000 East 30th Avenue Eugene, OR 97045, on July 20, 2009 at 11:00 am. Contract Documents and the Invitation to Bid may be viewed at the follow ing locations: Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM/ CG)/Portland, OR; Construction Data & News/Portland, OR; Daily Journal Plan Center/Portland, OR; Eugene Builders E x c h a n g e / E u g e n e , O R ; W illa m e tte V a lle y B u ild e rs A s s o c ia tio n / T a n g e n t, OR; O re go n A s s o c, of M in o rity Enterprises/Portland, OR; Oregon Contractors Plan Center/ Clackam as, OR; Salem Contractors Exchange/Salem , OR; S.W. W ashington contractors Assoc./Vancouver, WA. Contract Documents may be purchased (non-refundable) in its entirely or in part from Precision images, (503) 274-2030. Plans can also be view ed online via the follow ing link: w w w .bxw . Instructions: . Click on Posted Projects, Click on General Contractor Project Areas, Click on the State of Oregon, Click on Lease Crutcher Lewis, Click on Portland Office, Click on Projects Bidding, Click on UO LCC Health and W ellness. All proposers must com ply with the following requirements: Prevailing Wage Laws, ORS 279C.800-279C.870. Licensed with Construction Contractors Board ORS 671.530. Bidder shall ind ica te R e side nt S ta tu s per O R S 279 A.12 0 . If Required, Bidders must obtain business licenses to perform work in the City of Eugene prior to m obilizing on jobsite. Bids will not be considered unless RECEIVED by 3:30 p.m. PDT on July 30,2009, and fully completed in the manner provided by the “Instructions to Bidders". "Notice of Requirem ent for Affirm ative action to Ensure Equal Em ploym ent O pportunity (Executive order 11246)". Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM /CG) is com m itted to taking a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n to e n c o u ra g e a nd fa c ilita te th e participation of m inority, w om en-ow ned. and em erging small business enterprises (M /W 7ESBE) in State projects a nd e n c o u ra g e S u b c o n tra c to rs to p ro v id e s im ila r opportunities for their subcontractors / vendors. Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC, (CM /CG) Mark Butler