Œ|îe JJodlanò Page A6 © bseruer luly 15. 2009 Paul A. N eu feld t 503-875-1695 graphics panndrw@yahoo.com ENTERTAINMENT Affordable Design and Business Support Graphit Design Logos • • Signage Company Identity • • Outdoor Events Ad Design • Web Design Jackson’s Father Suspects ‘Foul Play’ The Los A ngeles Tim es re­ p o rted on T h u rsd ay that the c o ro n e r's o ffic e h as issu e d Michael Jackson's father said Joe Jackson said: "1 didn't know su b p o en as for m ed ical files on Friday he suspected "foul an y th in g a b o u t the d ru g s. 1 fro m se v e ra l d o c to rs w h o play" in the death of the singer, didn't even know the name of treated Jackson, including his adding that his son had appar­ them. But 1 do know that w hat­ B ev erly H ills d e rm a to lo g ist ently taken drugs to help him ever he'd taken was to try to A rnold Klein. relax and that he "never woke make him rest because he had Klein has denied ever giving been w orking so hard, and that up." Jackson overdoses o f drugs. Joe Jackson, 79, told ABC drug was supposed to try and Joe Jackson said he thought News in a TV interview broad­ make him relax. J a c k s o n 's th re e c h ild r e n — "But anyw ay he didn't wake c a st on F rid a y th a t he w as Prince M ichael Jr, 12, Paris, 11, dum bfounded when he learned up. He never woke up. M ichael and Prince M ichael II, 7, w ho is that his son, 50, collapsed at died in his sleep." also known as Blanket - might Toxicology reports are pend­ home and was being rushed to one day follow in their father's ing on the o ffic ia l ca u se o f the hospital two weeks ago. footsteps. "I ju st couldn't believe what Jackson's death but num erous "I don't know --1 keep w atch­ was happening to M ichael. 1 do m edia reports have said that the ing Paris. "She ... w ants to do believe it was foul play. I do dangerous sedative D iprivan — Joe Jackson something. And as far as 1 can believe that," he said, without norm ally used in hospitals by see, well, they say Blanket, he anesthesiologists - was found les for a series o f com eback elaborating. can really dance," he added. Asked what he knew about at his rented Los Angeles home. concerts planned to start in July The children are being cared T he day before his sudden in London to revam p his career powerf ul prescription drugs re­ fo r by M ic h a e l J a c k s o n 's p o rted ly fo u n d at Ja ck so n 's c a rd ia c a rre st, Ja c k so n had after a 2005 trial and acquittal mother, Katherine. home after his June 25 death, been rehearsing in Los Ange- on child m olestation charges. Says Michael died in his sleep State Farm* PwirfinghKHi.iiu paiiiii n,!'t.. Koine Office Btoonungtor Illinois 61/'0 r Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 494b N Viincaovei Avenue Pori'.-ind OH 9/71/ 50321*1103 l.i. 132i#>H4F eirne nil hbn'li'ij'dleid "j i :,r 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service * For an appointment, H o r a c e S . S im p s o n call (503)734-5312 Barber -, 222 N. Killingsworth Ave Portland, Or 97211 upscalebarberspa@ yahoo.com á kB Silent Film with Live Music 25 Years of Experience Aggressively representing individuals with legal problems in criminal allegations & employ­ ment discrimination Low Cost At northeast Portland’s Hollywood Theatre on Wednes­ day, July 15, and Friday, July 17, something big is happen­ ing. When the lights go down and the projector rolls, 50 musi­ cians will bring new life to a western classic with a thun­ dering orchestral score performed live in the pit. Death Rides a Horse, the story of one gunslinger’s quest for revenge in the Old West, will be presented with its original soundtrack removed. The live orchestra and chorus will bring you a new sonic world created by Eugene compos­ ers Sam L. Richards and Gracin Dorsey. Starring Lee Van Cleef and John Phillip Law, the film is a stunning example of the spaghetti western genre set in the west but produced in Italy and Spain. Adding a live orchestra and chorus creates a stunning performance of film that touches you, grabs you, shakes you and doesn't let go until you pry yourself from its cold dead fingers! Let me help you with legal questions Attorney Sona Joiner 503-241-1113 and Camvofl's Rib 'BdRfMb Present REGGIE HOUSTON’S C’Ex All Stars Sundays 5-8pm at Cannon’s Rib Express 5410 NE 33rd Ave June 7 Ju n e 14 J u n e 21 J u ly 12 J u ly 19 J u ly 2 6 Aug 2 Aug 9 A ug 16 Aug 23 A ug 3 0 Sep 1 6 S e p t 13 S ept 20 S ept 27 (Next to Mew Seasons) Jf. // Sunshine, BBQ and a free, all-ages, outdoor show by a New Orleans’ sax legend, grammy-nom­ inated pianist, & one of the Northwest’s hottest drummers... I. / What could be better? Well, you never know what amazing, surprise guest musician will sit in! tff * - reflfliehoutton.com "D iv aso fth eC en - tury" tribute fea­ turing vocalist Leanne Sylvester and m u­ sical genius Janice Scroggins. N orm an's big band will feature special guests Renato C aranto and LaR honda Steele. dt JHH h O reg o n B rew ers F estival - One o f the nation's longest running and best loved craft beer festivals takes place Thursday, July 23 through Sunday, July 26 at Tom M cCall W aterfront Park. M elodic A frican Blues - Vieux Farka T oure’s melodic African blues will float through the evening air on W ednesday, July 15 during the Oregon Z oo’s sum m er concert series. / Since 1984, “We like we have to do 2% jazz, been playing 98% funky the great stuff.” sounds of Maceo Parker T IK»- L-A 1 Aj N o rm an S y lv ester - “The Boogie C at” Norm an Sylvester returns to Jim m y M aks, S aturday, July 18. Opening ------ i the show from 8 »»adfl P m . to 9 p.m. is a jazz & blues music! 1 Northeast Farm ers M arket - The new Portland Farmers Market in the King Neigh­ borhood at King School Park take place each Sunday from 1 Oa.m. to 2 p.m. through Sept. 27. Film m aker Exhibit - An exhibit featuring works by New York-based A frican-Ameri­ can film m aker and award-winning photog­ rapher D eborah M arcano runs through Saturday, July 25 at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. Kirk Green Jam Session -- Com e enjoy the smooth and soulful sounds of the Kirk etiEE Is Green Bandevery S unday,7p.m .to 11 p.m. at Club 7 2 0 ,7 2 0 S.E. Haw thorne. The jam session and open mic is from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. All professional musicians are welcome. For more information, call 503-234-7738. Koi and Goldfish Show - Satur­ day, July 25 from 10a.m .to5p.m . and Sunday, July 26 from 10a.m. to 4 p.m. at the W orld Forestry Center. Free adm ission. TriM et Sum m er Shuttles - TriM et runs sum m er shuttle ser­ vice to OMSI and between popu- lar W ashington Park destinations like the O regon Zoo and Japanese G ardens. The OMSI shuttle runs daily betw een the Oregon Convention Center MAX Station and OM SI from 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. The W ashington Park shuttle runs betw een 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Live Jazz - Every Friday and Sat­ urday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the T hird D egrees L o unge at the RiverPlace Hotel, 1510S.W . Har­ bor W ay. No cover or m inim um purchase. Form ore inform ation, visit pdxjazz.com . Call 503-231 -8926 for a schedule. Zoo Buck Tuesdays - On the second Tues- day o f every month, the O regon Z oo hosts 2-Buck Tuesdays when guests can tour the zoo for the discounted price o f $2 per person. G et In tim a te w ith Storm Large - Storm Large brings here in- y o u r-fac e se x u ality , raw musical talent and b r e a th ta k in g e m o ­ tional honesty to Port­ land Center Stage in the a u to b io g ra p h ic a l world prem ier musical C razy E nough, now playing through Aug. 16 in the Ellyn Bye Stu­ dio at the Arm ory, downtow n. Food and Entertainm ent - Sliders Grill. 3011 N. Lombard, features an eclectic as­ sortm ent o f perform ers on the main stage, accom panied by delicious food. Call 503- 459-4488 for more information. OM SI A fter Dark - OM SI After Dark is a night at the m useum for the 21 and over crow d filled with food, drink and science fun; $ 1 Ofee. Form ore information,call 503- 797-4 0 0 0 o rv isito m si.ed u . P ortland’s D ance Halls - The history of Portland’ dance halls, m any built in the 1920s, is the subject o f the art show “Once Upon a Tim e in Portland, W e D anced" at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center in north Portland. T otally Gospel II - P eninsulaO pen Bible Church, 8225 N. Peninsula, hosts all styles o f gospel, country, and contem porary music with host Riny Horst each Friday night from, 7 :3 0 p .m .- 9 :3 0 p.m. For more information, call 503-335-3132. M usic M illennium Free Show s -- The Music Millennium, 3158 E. Burnside, hosts in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free music and the opportunity to m eet artists. B attle to V ote - The Clark County Histori­ cal M useum, 1511 M ain St. in Vancouver, hosts a free w om en’s suffrage exhibit though the end o f the year. W ashington was an early leader in giving w omen the right to vote.