)]o rita n ò (ftbseruer July 15. 2009 H ealth matters S w in e F lu S h o ts R ea d ied (A P ) -- U .S. sw ine flu v ac­ cin atio n s could begin in O c ­ tober w ith children am ong the first in line — at th e ir local schools — the O bam a adm in ­ istratio n said T h ursday as the p r e s id e n t an d h is C a b in e t urged states to figure out now how they'll ta ck le the virus' all-b u t-certain resurgence. "We m ay end up avertin g a crisis. T h at's ou r hope," said P resident B arack O bam a. N o final d ecision has been m ade on w hether to vaccinate A m ericans, Health and Human S erv ices S ecretary K athleen S e b e liu s stre s se d . T h at d e ­ p ends largely on studies w ith experim en tal batches that are set to start the first w eek o f A scientist prepares a DNA test for the H1N1 virus. A vaccine for swine flu could be A u g u st — to see if th e y 're ready for testing next month and ready for mass distribution by October. safe and seem to w ork and to First in line probably will be she said. learn w hether they require one share it fo r free am o n g the U nlike regular w inter flu, the states, w hich m ust then "try sc h o o l-a g e c h ild re n , y o u n g or tw o doses. But if all goes w ell, the fed­ and get this in the arm s o f the ad u lts w ith risky co n d itio n s sw ine flu seem s m ore d an g er­ eral governm ent will buy v ac­ ta rg e ted p o p u la tio n as soon s u c h as a s th m a , p r e g n a n t ous to th e se g ro u p s th an to w om en an d h ealth w o rk ers. o ld e r people. cine from m anufacturers and as possible," S eb eliu s said. Ha! Laughter Comes in Two Types Giggle with glee or cackle to send a message A cackle and a g iggle can m ean differen t things. S cien tists say there are tw o ty p e s o f la u g h te r: th e kin d that com es from pure glee, and the kind that's m eant to send a social m essage. L aughter probably predates hum an speech by m illio n s o f years, scientists think. It likely ev o lv ed as an early form o f c o m m u n ic a ti o n to h e lp p eo p le n e g o tia te g ro u p d y ­ n am ics and estab lish h ie ra r­ chy, said W illiam H udenko, a p sy c h o lo g ist at Ith ac a C o l­ lege w ho led the new study. B a b ie s u s u a lly le a r n to la u g h b e fo re th e y le a rn to speak. People are about 30 tim es m o re lik e ly to lau g h in the presence o f others than alone, r e i n f o r c i n g th e id e a th a t la u g h ter is a social p h en o m ­ We laugh "to kind o f grease the social wheels," said William Hudenko, a psychologist at Ithaca College. enon. A nd th o u g h w e a s so c ia te laughter w ith hum or, a large proportion o f laughs aren't in response to anything remotely funny. Rather, they are often ju st affirm ations, com m unica­ tions, or expressions o f joy. L au g h ter m ainly com es in tw o ty p es, research ers think: v oiced, and unvoiced. Voiced laughter is the belly- la u g h ty p e th a t is u s u a lly sp o n ta n e o u s. We c re ate the sound w ith our vocal chords and u su a lly la u g h th is w ay n atu rally and spontaneously. U n v o ic e d la u g h te r, h o w ­ ever, is m ore o f a co n scio u s e x p re ssio n . We m ak e th e se p a n tin g , g ru n tin g , sn o rtin g n o ises w hen we are try in g on purp o se to laugh, usually for a social p u rp o se, such as to e a se c o n v e rs a tio n o r m ake friends. F o r a d u lts , e a c h ty p e o f la u g h ter rep resen ts ab o u t 50 p e rc e n t o f the to ta l. Y oung c h ild re n m ay e x p re ss m ore voiced than unvoiced la u g h ­ ter, as they haven't yet learned to p u rp o sely laugh. Local Grown Produce Marketed S a fe w a y h as la u n c h e d a cam paign to sign ifican tly in­ c re a s e its fo c u s on lo c a lly grow n produce. T he initiative is designed to d raw c u s to m e r a tte n tio n to the co m p an y ’s w ide selection o f locally grow n produce in ­ clu d in g the quality, fresh n ess and sustain ab ility b en e fits o f the product. “ M ore th an 20 p erc en t o f S a fe w a y 's P ortlan d D ivision p ro d u c e c o m e s fro m lo c a l so u rc e s,” said S tev e Frisby, presid en t o f S afew ay ’s Port- land D ivision. “T h is new in i­ tiative w ill direct our c u sto m ­ ers to o u r ex ten siv e selection o f lo c ally g row n p ro d u ct at co m p etitiv e p rice s.” In a d d itio n to th e q u ality b e n e f i t s , b u y in g lo c a ll y g ro w n re d u c e s g re e n h o u s e PageA5 em issio n s by lim itin g tra n s­ p o rtatio n m iles. S o u rcin g lo ­ c a lly en su re s the v itality o f local farm s, w hich tran slates in to eco n o m ic o p p o rtu n ities and d ev elo p m en t for a broad ran g e o f rela ted co m m u n ity b u s in e s s e s . H ealth W M a sterin g W eight M an ag em en t - An 8-week program begin­ ning Aug. 13 that integrates a nondieting approach to healthy living and eating. Leam to take control o f your food choices and activities and begin to feel better. Registration is required. Call 503-286-6816. Fee is $120 for Kaiser mem bers and $150 for nonmembers. H elp in g k id s G et H ealth y and F it — Providence is accepting registration for its fall 2009 Healthy n' Fit class, a pediatric weight m anagem ent program targeting children 8 to 15 years old. The 10-week program is led by a certified dietitian and exercise specialist. Fee $250. To register, call 503-215-2233. M am m ograp h y S creen in g — Early detection is a key factor in the prevention o f breast cancer. Call 503-251-6137 to schedule your high-tech, soft-touch mammogram. B ereavem en t S u p p ort G rou p s - Free, safe confidential group m eetings for those who have experienced the death of a loved one offered on various nights and locations. For information and registration, call 503-215-4622. P a ren tin g C lasses — N ewborns d o n ’t com e with instruction manuals but parents and parents-to-be can leam about a variety o f topics from pain and childbirth to breastfeeding to infant CPR and much more. F o ra schedule o f events, call 503-574-6595 or visit: providence.org/classes. P ow erfu l T o o ls F or C a reg iv ers - 6-week educational series designed to help family caregivers take care of themselves while caring for relatives or friends with chronic illness. Class size is limited, and registration is required. Call 503-413-8018. Is it A D H D ? - K aiser Perm anent offers a medical evaluation process that can help determ ine if your child’s behavior prob­ lems are due to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The Aug. 5 forum includes resources and support. Registration is required by calling 503-286-6816. Fee is $20 for K aiser couples and $25 for nonm em ber couples. B etter B reath ers — An asthm a educational support group meets on the I st Tuesday of the month from 1:15p.m. to 2:45 p.m. at Adventist Medical Center. For information, call 503-251 -6830. S tro k e A lert S creen in g — Check your carotid arteries with a painless ultrasound to assess your risk. Fee $40. To schedule a screening, call 503-251-6137. S en io r A erob ics — A low -im pact workout geared specifically tow ard seniors. Call 503-449-0783 fo rc u n en t schedule. O steo p o ro sis S creen in g — An ultrasound bone density screen­ ing with personalized education; fee $30. To schedule an appointment, call 503-261-6611. C a rd ia c-R eh a b E xercises — A medically supervised exercise program for people dealing with heart conditions. For inform a­ tion, call 503-251-6260. R ed C ross C on tin u in g E d u cation - The Oregon Trail Chapter Red Cross now offers credits to helps professionals maintain licensing or certification. For accumulative list, visitpdxinfo.net. C an cer R esou rce C en ter - Providence St. Vincent Medical Center and the American Red Cross havejoined forces to create the first in-hospital resource center providing books, printed material, com puter access and more for individuals and families dealing with cancer. The center is open M onday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. C h ron ic P ain S u p p ort G ro u p - M eets the first W ednesday at 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and the third Wednesday o f each month, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For more information, call 503-256-4000. M aternity W ater W orkout - Helping new moms regain muscle tone, strength, and flexibility, all in the support and freedom of the water. Call 503-256-4000 for more information. This is an invitation to visit our store! From, Exam Reminders Improve Care A reminder program aimed at sc re e n in g fo r b re a st c a n c e r w h e n it is m o st tr e a ta b le boosted m am m ography rates by m ore than 17 p ercentage p o in ts , a c c o rd in g to a new study by Kaiser Permanente. The program used electronic h e a lth r e c o rd s to id e n tify w omen who would soon be due for a m am m ogram and reached out to them via postcards, au­ tom ated voice m essages and personal phone calls. The study o f 35,000 Kaiser Permanente members is the larg­ est to test a rem inder program involving this three-p ro n g ed approach. By the second year o f the program in 2008, m am ­ mography rates jum ped from 63 to more than 80 percent among women aged 50-69. “We know mam m ogram s are effective, but too many women put them off, even when they have health in su ran ce,” said study lead author Dr. Adrianne F eld stein , an in v e stig a to r at Kaiser Perm anente's Center for H ealth R esearch in Portland. “T his study is the first to show that these rem inder program s Abortion Pill Safety Cited (A P ) — R oughly a fourth o f P lan n e d P a re n th o o d c lin ic s A m e r ic a n w o m e n g e ttin g a c r o s s th e c o u n try , sh o w s early abortions las, y ear did that a new w ay o f g iv in g pills so w ith drugs rather than su r­ to ind u ce ab o rtio n v irtu ally gery, statistics show , as a new elim in ated the risk for a rare s tu d y r e p o r te d im p r o v e d but d angerous infection. "This is the firs, really huge safety in using the so-called d o c u m e n ta tio n o f how safe "abortion pill." S om e e x p e rts p re d ic t the and e ffe c tiv e m ed ical a b o r­ p ercentage o f such "m edical tio n is," s a id D r. B e v e rly ab ortions," w hich o ffe r m ore W inikoff, a p ro fesso r o f fam ­ privacy than surgical term ina­ ily health and po p u latio n at tion at an abortion clin ic or C o lu m b ia U n iv e rsity . "T he ho spital, w ill rise even m ore technology is very good and very w ell used in th is co u n ­ due to the new study. T h e r e s e a r c h , d o n e at try, and probably will be used m ore an d m ore." T w o p ills are u sed to in ­ duce an abortion. The prim ary drug, M ifeprex, w as first ap ­ p roved in the U .S. in 2(MM). U se has risen steadily, even th o u g h m a n u fa ctu re r D anco L a b o r a to rie s L L C o f N ew York hasn 't prom oted it and the drug can only be obtained at a clin ic o r d o cto r's office, n o t th r o u g h a p h a r m a c y . S ales ro se 16.5 p ercen t last y e a r, w h e n a b o u t 1 8 4 ,0 0 0 A m e r ic a n w om en u se d M ifeprex. Advertise with diversity in n*' Portland ObS' ‘ IV < T ( .ill 5 0 < 2S 5 I XI33 ads^portlandob servi i min can be effective in such a large group o f women. If we could im prove the c o u n try ’s m am ­ m o g rap h y rate by th e sam e am o u n t, w e co u ld d etec t as many as 25,(XX) additional cases o f breast cancer each year.” atch Hours: Tues-Frl ll;30am-5;30pm Sat ll:30am-4pm Closed Sun-Mon Locatedat3l5NE Wygant, I block south of NE Alberta St'/iblock westofNEMLK Blvd.(Off-street parkingavailable across the street fromixir store www.emeraldforestherbarium.net 503-249-0047 Bob.em eraldforest@ integra.net THE SPINAlCOLUMN An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Amencas natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Flowers Part 28. Industrial Injuries: What to do if you are hurt on the job : I was lifting a heavy object on the jo b site and my back ju s, collapsed on me. I have since gone to several com pany doctors only to gc, ye, another pain pill. One doc­ to r has m entioned surgery. W hat do you think I should do? : You should immediately re- quest to see a C hiro­ practor. Approximately 90% of back injuries have the capacity o f being helped through Chiro­ practic . O ur office has an excel­ lent track record with helping your employer would jus, as problem s like yours. We make soon no, have expenses like every attempt possible o ge, you that. Speak to your employer back on the job safely as soon as today about having a Chiro­ possible -often within a few days. practic consultation. If you This is obviously beneficial no, have had a lifting injury or suf­ only to you bu, your company as fer from pain, why don't you well. I, is no, uncommon for a call ustoday. A lifeof suffering workm en’s compensation back is indeed a wasted life. D on', surgery to run $ I (X),(XX). I'm sure le, it be yours. Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212 Phone: (503) 287-3304 t