Page A3 July 15. 2009 Food Tokens Boost Buying Power For low income at King Farmers Market The N ortheast C oalition o f N eighborhoods, with the sup­ port o f the P ortland F arm ers Market, has launched an incen­ tive program to improve the ac­ cess o f low-incom e residents to the new King Farmers Market. The Sunday market opened last May at King School Park th ro u g h a p a rtn e rs h ip w ith NECN, an umbrella organization for 12 neighborhood associa­ tio n s and m ore than 30 ,0 0 0 h o u se h o ld s lo c ate d in in n e r north and northeast Portland. The market is open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sundays through Sept. 27, near the intersection o f North­ e a s t S ev en th A venue and Wygant Street. More than 4,000 people — twice as many as ex­ pected — visited on its opening day and market attendance con­ tinues to surpass expectations. T he new F o o d sh are F und N o rtheast incentive program will enable low -incom e re si­ dents o f north and n o rtheast Portland, who receive benefits through O regon’s Food Stam p Program, to m ake their dollars stretch with special tokens paid for by donations from local resi­ dents and businesses. P a ig e C o le m a n , th e coalition’s executive director, says the m a rk e t has alread y become a vibrant celebration o f local food in our community. Yet, not everyone in the area is able to a ffo rd th e h e a lth y lo c a l foods, she said. “We envision Portland as a place where every resident has access to high quality, nutri- photo by M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver Shoppers sort through the fresh produce and other locally-produced foods at the new King Farmers Market in northeast Portland. tious, locally grown food, and where farm ers’ m arkets are ac­ cessible to all neighborhoods,” says A nn F orsthoefel, execu­ tive director o f Portland Farm ­ ers M arket, the nonprofit orga­ n iz a tio n th a t o v e rs e e s fiv e weekly farm ers’ markets. All o f the locations partici­ pate in the state’s food assis­ tance program . But instead of having each vendor m ake the electronic transfer and complete th e su b s e q u e n t p a p e rw o rk , Portland Farm ers M arket pro­ cesses all O regon T rail C ard transactions at the Information Booth at each location. At the King Farmers Market, Foodshare Fund N ortheast will supplem ent the electronic food stamps with a dollar-for-dollar match. The program ’s first-year goal is to provide up to $5 per person per week in m atching funds. For example, an Oregon Trail card user purchasing $ 10 would receive an additional $5 in spe­ cial FoodShare Fund Northeast tokens to spend with King M ar­ ket vendors. The idea for the fund grew out o f a pledge o f $3,(XX) by the A lberta Co-op Grocery. NECN and its King Farm ers M arket C om m unity Advisory Council decided to match the contribu­ tion and turn the generous do­ nations into the foundation for the fund. “We were so excited to hear that the King Farm ers M arket was opening in our neighbor­ hood, and wanted to find a way to su p p o rt it,” say s Jo cely n Furbush, marketing manager at the Alberta Co-op. “Investing in affordable access to local food for everyone in the com ­ munity is a perfect fit with our m ission and o u r co o perative values. We hope that our con­ tribution helps inspire others to participate in this opportunity.” D avid Sweet, co-chair o f the advisory council, adds, “Every dollar donated to the Foodshare Fund N ortheast puts fresh, lo­ cal food on the table o f m em ­ bers o f our com m unity who are struggling. Plus, the initiative supports our local farmers and e n h a n c e s o u r c o m m u n ity ’s food system. This truly is an incredible program .” In the future, organizers will look for additional ways to sup­ port the program and possibly raise or eliminate the $5 limit on the match. The foodshare tokens have the same limitations as the elec­ tronic food stamps. Both may only be used for fruits, veg­ etab le s, m eats, fish poultry, dairy products and seeds and p lan ts in ten d ed for grow ing food. They cannot be used for non-food item s, ready-to-eat foods, and hot foods. S e v e ra l fa rm e rs m a rk e ts around the country have cre­ ated food stam p matching pro­ grams. Last July, the Lents In­ ternational Farm ers’ M arket in so u th east P o rtlan d piloted a match program. Foodshare Fund Northeast is supported by the com m unity it serves and represents a unique o p p o rtu n ity fo r lo c a l b u s i­ nesses and individuals to sup­ port food access for people of all income levels. Those interested in contrib­ uting fin an cially o r through volunteer support are invited to stop by the F oodshare Fund N ortheast booth at the King Farmers Market. Checks can be made out to the Northeast C oa­ litio n o f N e ig h b o rh o o d s - Foodshare Fund Northeast and m ailed to 4815 N.E. Seventh Ave., Portland, OR 97211. Online contributions can be made by clicking the link for F o o d S h a re F u n d N E at O ur leg acy is yours. ■ ■ ■I EMANUEL M edical Cante» THE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Legacy Emanuel LEGACY H E A L T H G OOD SAMARITAN M ERIDIAN PARK M edical Cante» M O U N T HO O D SALMON CREEK M edical Center LEGACY MEDICAL GROUP LEGACY LABORATORY LEGACY HOSPICE I