PageAIO 'jJurthuib (Observer F ood July 15. 2009 F R ID A Y , SATURDAY & SUNDAY OP Ingredients for life SAFE WAY ONLY! Load hundreds of coupons to your Safeway Club Card with just a few dicks. Or print coupons out to redeem at register in t r o d u c in g SAFEW AY« . . , Link To gel started visit f R,0AV Signature c w e ; Chlcken Tenders S*Kue»»350». ENJOY Pork Lion chops with Apples natural pork Ingredients • • • • • • • 6 boneless pork loin chops - 3/4 inch Salt and pepper to taste 1 tbsp. vegetable oil 2 apples, peeled, cored and sliced 1 clove garlic, whole 1/4 c. dry w hite wine 1/3 c. chicken broth RAVENS CLUB PRICE , RioAv sA.imo«>*suHOA» omvi See weekly ad S B .« « is tort»-« MKlolwr«» SAVE up »F2 38 Directions 1. Heat the oil in a skillet large enough to hold chops and apples (when they are added) in a single layer. Add the chops and garlic to the skillet and brown well on both sides. 2. Push the chops to the side and add the apples in one layer. Cook for about 15 minutes, turning frequently to brown and cook evenly. 3. Remove chops and apples to a warm serving dish. Pour the fat from the skillet. Add the wine, stirring to dissolve browned particles. 4. Add broth and sim m er to a sauce-like consistency. D iscard garlic. 5. Pour sauce over chops and apples. C lU B PRICt Crunchy Parmensan Chicken Tenders ..T T s a r u n n a v « ^ - ^ riMMlMtaBnl Ingredients • 4 tablespoons plus 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil • 1 cup butterm ilk • 1 1/2 pounds chicken tenders (about 18) • 3 large garlic cloves, m inced • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 3 ta b le s p o o n s b a l­ samic vinegar • Freshly ground black pepper • I 1/4 c u p s fre sh ly grated Parmesan • 3/4 cup Italian-style seasoned bread crumbs Cooked Shrimp FroastAdiaKTtu 0rM R tM $ t»fc M .h |a S 5 ffil SMi»ktS73M3fcM» - & ne Value Pack . Or flou! ugle $2.50 ». 5i toM-tf. SoWoayU 2 w bag Frozen SAVE up In M . 00 fc fridav . satubdav > SONDAR Nabisco t t l w * h o » l or Honey Mild ,4 » 15.25-» Seeded reneor* Directions 1. Preheat the oven to UWI5 .... SAVE up to $2 31 500 degrees F. 2. Brush 1 tablespoon of oil over each o f 2 heavy large lined baking sheets. Place the butterm ilk in a larg e b o w l. A dd the chicken tenders and stir to coat. Let stand at least 15 m inutes and up to 30 minutes. 3. M eanw hile, m ash the garlic with the salt in a m edium bow l. W hisk in the vinegar and then the rem aining 1/2 cup o f oil. Season the vinaigrette, to taste, with pepper. Transfer the vinaigrette to a small serving bowl. 4. Stir the Parm esan and bread crum bs in a pie dish. Rem ove the chicken tenders from the butterm ilk and dredge them in the bread crum b m ixture to coat com pletely, pressing to adhere. A rrange the coated chicken tenders on the prepared baking sheets, spacing evenly. D rizzle the rem aining 2 tablespoons o f oil over the chicken tenders and bake until they are cooked through and golden brown, about 12 minutes. 5. T ransfer the chicken tenders to a platter and serve the vinaigrette alongside for dipping. Q u aker C ap’N C runch Yoplait Yogurt 4to6-az. Selected varieties. W Cereal SAVEupto$1.61 SAVE up to $3.90 on 10 CLUB PRICt -|88 Salmon Cakes Moist Bogle, Columbia Crest Estate or □os Du Bois Safeway Bath Tissue or Thirsty Paper Towel 750-ml. Selected varietals SAVE up to $401 24 Double Rod Bath or 12 Rd Towel. Cl UP PRICt BOÜ1.Í Ingredients • • • • • • • • • • 1/2 fillet o f salm on ltsp barbecue sauce 1 tbls spectrum light cannola m ayo (vegan) 1/4 c & 2 tbls eggbeaters 2 1/2 tbls panko 1 tsp garlic (m inced) 1/4 m ed orange bell pepper 2 tbls green onion 1/4 tsp salt pepper to taste BuyAny4$/| SAVE 4 Directions 1. B ak e sa lm o n in b a rb e q u e sa u c e fo r about 15 m inutes at 350. 2. Then put egg, salmon, lemon juice, pepper and mayo in bullet and blend till mixed and salmon shredded. 3. Chop green onions and bell pepper finely and put in m ixing bowl along with salm on m ix­ ture, g a rlic , pepper and panko. Mix thoroughly. 4. Spray a medium sized frying pan with cooking spray and set heat on medium. 5. Drop mixture into pan and flatten, cook in pan for about 4 m inutes each side. 6. Serving suggestion: T astes am azing with a little extra light mayo, tom atoes and avocado. TniitBan J. AH HATURA l Jl M IX & M A T C H S A L E Selected varieties on all your favorite Dreyer’s Ice Cream and Ice Cream Snacks D reyer's Ice C ream each1 H aag en -D azs Ice Cream each' each' Wh*n you h»$y AMY 4 rtvqn CM T«k f» ! ’■ SdtecM 'WWKwotOww'b’M 'J W B 1 SOT torf Sv» and 0 » mager DM» M te J0-«a M r * Onuwhea » a r y C«w and t*a n o he • » CiM ir Snartt The easiest, perfect gift. N o w a v a ila b le a t t h e G i f t C a rd M a ll ' july WID THU« am SAT «UM MOW PrkM tn rht» ad good through July 21«t M r s at Na» art ree eltodiw ft AM WMws.1« July 15 tom ' ' « W »A 2«0» » "• * 1 « « , M n w t renyn" '«»»«A W W E i n « M « 1 :>W Mammy.»* * » « «rvsxj AWtoatom. Corea;. O a t fawmarea»«1 « »M R C nnbm «wnsimredtotsalearenoi«.„’.«reto,W» Buy o .r, 9rtO n, i ROGO , ijfm u n to ir/rm B lo w th m e ih -iK lil.m iii-ire w P -, remmt tor 5 « BOGO o *re are to» I f f ortottoW» 1 arty« « W « ra í# .rdw»n,A» e » *» l » r , .« *,•» UamAactiam; cnumn» r a * Oa iMdito mr.iwrert «eme nnt, - t o l an Ire, itoms .mA oner n i