Foul Play in Jackson Death? 50^ Free Food! <4 A new neighborhood program helps people stretch food budget Michael Jackson 's father raises new concerns about son 's death See inside, page A6 1 See inside, page A3 ¿lu13nrt[anh(0hserni'r ROSÉS C c t o k ilc h o r l in IQ 7 f l u u . i , n n r t lq n ^ n k c p n w r r n m Established in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXVIV. N um ber 28 Wednesday • July 15, 2009 West Coast Hip Hop Awards This Saturday Sir Mix A Lot PHOTO COURTESY OF THE G OVER N O R ’S OFFICE OF r II.M & I ELEVISIOI A cameraman films an overlook in Oregon. The state's scenic beauty and geographic diversity bring in film and television producers. Sc does millions of dollars o f taxpayer money. Lawmakers expand a film incentive program during hard times Star Struck? O regonians might recognize the landscape present in m ovies like “Tw ilight,” w hich were filmed in the state. But they might not notice another feature of such movies: they helped pay for them. Since 2003, the state o f O regon has doled out m illions o f dollars each year to m ovie and tele­ vision producers, in hopes th e y ’ll chose the Beaver State as the location for their next pro­ duction. Last legislative session, law m akers approved a bill expanding O regon's film incentive pro- gram, while slashing services to the poor. Sup­ p o rters app lau d the bill w hile it aw aits the governor’s signature, claim ing that the sw eet­ eners offered to film makers are critical to luring continued Max Infill Stalls Again on p age 4 9 Block sits idle for years by J ake T homas T he P ortland O bserver N early a d ecade ago, w hen the housing m arket w as boom ing and econom y humming, the Portland D e­ v e lo p m e n t C o m m issio n h a tc h e d plans to erect brand new m ixed-use structure featuring a patch o f condo­ minium s, rentals, and retail space on the corner o f N orth K illingsw orth Street and Interstate Avenue. But with the housing market in a sag and credit frozen, the com m ission is still barreling along with its plans, e v e n th o u g h q u e s tio n s a b o u n d w hether or not the project is feasible or necessary. In 2000, the PDC began acquiring properties on the northeast com er of North K illingsw orth Street and Inter­ state Avenue for a project dubbed, “Killingsworth Station." The com m is­ sion planned to use subsides to woo a developer into erecting an $18 m il­ lion, m ixed-use structure that would m axim ize use o f the new Interstate Max Light Rail line. PDC shelled out over $ 1 million in land acquisitions. It razed several hom es and an upholstery shop for the project. However, K illingworth Station hit a snag in 2005 when developer Max K em per bailed on the project, citing rising construction costs and an un­ TLWeek in The Review Grilling Begins The Senate Judi­ ciary Com m ittee b e g a n h e a rin g s this week on the n o m in a tio n o f Judge S o n ia Sotom oyor to the Suprem e Court. S otom oyor, the first H ispanic nom inated to the n a tio n ’s 1 These sunflowers and w iio n o w e it» ipent©*»« by tnt Portland Development CommlHlon in will)«*” Overlook Neighborhood AHO dM on TFii I, • i«m»»ni» »•'<»» „.III t«nlt«n»it «I • »«■»«• «» *■*«•"« IMA* » M t lb* »•»**»• »•* nu • 1 photo by J ake T homas /T he P ortland O bserver A sign marks a temporary flower garden across from the Killingsworth Max Light Rail Station where an entire block was demolished years ago for a Portland Development Commission transit oriented develop­ ment that has never materialized. stable market. “I guess in the first go-around, the am bitions for the site were more than the market could bear,” said M atthew Collier, project m anager for the PDC. A fter the project’s initial collapse. the PDC stepped back to retool the project by scaling back on the size, nixing all rental properties, and pull­ ing in a new developer, W inkler D e­ velopm ent Corp. P D C ’s la te s t v is io n fo r Killingsworth Station is sim ilar to the last. The governm ent agency envi­ sions a four-story, mixed-used, tran­ sit-oriented, structure. But this one will feature 54 one-bedroom condo­ miniums, three tw o-bedroom condo­ highest court, began field in g q u e s­ tions ov er past ju d ic ia l d ecisio n s and the co ntro v ersial "W ise L atina" remark. a departure from his previous stance on the issue. As president he signed the D efense o f Marriage Act. state might be on the road to recovery. Oregon Unemployment Bottoms Out Form er M ayor Tom Potter cam e out in support o f the recall effort of his succes­ s o r, M a y o r S am Adams. Potter made the announce­ ment on his w ife’s Facebook page. Bill Clinton Backs Marriage Equality O reg o n ’s unem ploym ent rate for June held steady at 12.2 percent for June, the same as May. The ranks o f the unem ployed have steadily swelled in O regon ever since the econom y began tanking. It eventually becam e the state with the highest unem ploym ent rate. The latest numbers may mean the Speaking at the C am ­ pus Progress National Conference in W ash­ ington DC last week, form er President Bill C linton said he fa ­ vored same-sex m ar­ riage. His com m ent is ♦ The Jackson Armory, located at 6255 NE Com foot Road, will bump this Satur­ day as it hosts the West Coast Hip Hop Awards, w hich seeks to honor the inno­ vations and accom plishm ents o f West Coast hip hop artists past and present. The aw ards will pay tribute to both m ajor and independent artists, and will feature performances by MC Ren, Sir Mix A Lot, Celly Cel, T Nutty and others. The even will also present an oppor­ tunity for up-and-com ing local artists. Three m ajor labels will have booths set up, as will a num ber o f independent la­ bels, so bring a dem o or a DVD. Local hip hop artists are encouraged to register to perform short sets (10 m in­ utes) throughout the show. Low riders from all over the West Coast will also show up to show off. Students under 12 get in with a can of food for needy families. Admission is $25 for ages 13-18, and $40 for ages 19 and up. T ic k e ts are a v a ila b le at Potter Back Recall Franken Sworn In A1 Franken wore a straight face last week when he was sworn in as junior senator from M innesota. Franken, a miniums, and 9,(KX) square feet of com­ mercial space. H ow ever, the start date for co n ­ struction has been delayed several times. Now shovels w on’t hit the dirt until March, which the PDC blames on poor market conditions and lack o f credit. Sixty percent of the new condos will go for $160,000 to $180.000. which Collier explained are geared toward people making 80 percent o f the m e­ dian income for the Portland area, and w ill be w e ll-s u ite d to firs t-tim e hom ebuyers. Making the project happen w on’t be cheap, and questions remain if it’s feasible or even necessary. According to a PDC board report on Killingsworth Station, the com m is­ sion will offer up $4 m illion in loans and grants to the developer and fi­ nancial assistance to people buying the new condos. A dditionally, the developer will be granted the land valued at over $1 million. P D C ju s t if i e s th e p r o je c t on g ro u n d s that it w ill p ro v id e good h o u s in g fo r th e u p -a n d -c o m in g neighborhood, and it’ll be a positive p re s e n c e o n c e th e e c o n o m y r e ­ bounds. But since the recent housing col- continued ' y f on p age A 9 former Saturday Nigh, Live w nterand com edian, was finally seated after a m arathon senate race.