luly 8, 2009 ^ ^ Jo rtla n h ODbseruer Page A2 The Jackson Brothers accompany the casket into the memorial service Tuesday for Michael Jackson at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. (AP photo) Jackson Farewell tainer that ever lived,” Gordy said. E m o tio n s ro s e * w h en “T h is is a m o m e n t th a t I Sharpton delivered a fiery eu ­ ¡shed I d id n 't live to se e,” logy highlighting all the barri­ tevie Wonder said before his e rs J a c k s o n b ro k e an d th e ;rformance. Usher broke down troubles he faced. “Every time he got knocked dow n, he got back up,” Sharpton said, and the applauding crow d jum ped to its feet. Sharpton rode the m om ent, building to a crescendo. “There w a s” t n o th in g stran g e about your daddy,” he said later, ad ­ dressing Jackson's three ch il­ dren in the front row. “It was - Berry Gordy Jr., Motown music mogul strange w hat your daddy had to deal w ith!” After he left the stage, chants o f “M i-chael! M i­ m aybe som e questionable d e­ in tears after singing "Gone Too chael!” filled the arena. cisions on his part,” the title Soon.” T he cerem ony w rapped up A lth o u g h th e e v e n t w as K in g o f P o p w a s n 't g o o d w ith g ro u p p erfo rm an ce s o f enough for Jackson. “1 think he billed as a celebration, som e “We A re the World” and “Heal is sim ply the g rea test e n te r­ speakers took the occasion to con tin u ed ^ ^ J r o n i Front com e to the defense o f Jackson, whose life was m arked as much by criticism and scorn as scin­ tillating talent. G ordy said that despite what he called “some sad tim es and [despite] some sad times and maybe some questionable decisions on his part...I think he is simply the greatest entertainer that ever lived. W HERE RUBBER M EETS THE RUNW AY Michael Jackson's father Joe Jackson rides in the lead car as family and friends depart the Jackson family home Tuesday in the Encino section of Los Angeles to the Forest Lawn Cemetery in the Hollywood Hills. (AP photo) th e W o rld ” su n g by L io n e l R ichie, H udson and Jack so n family members — including his children — before a backdrop o f sym bols o f religions from around the w orld. They were jo in ed onstage by children in w hite and several other people who had participated in the cer­ e m o n y . T h e n m e m b e rs o f Jackson’s fam ily took the stage to thank the crow d and share their own thoughts, barely able to hide their em otion as they hugged in the cerem ony’s final moments. An estim ated 20,(XX) people w ere in the Staples C enter as Jackson's flow er-draped casket w as brought to the venue in a m otorcade under law enforce­ m ent escort. T hose w ho gath ­ ered constituted a visual repre­ s e n ta tio n o f J a c k s o n 's life : Wack, white and everything in N o r th R u n w a y E x te n s io n P r o je c t Flight pattern and noise changes at PDX th is sum m er Learn more al w w w .fly p d x x o m ^ n d click on PDX North Runway Extension © PORT OF PORTLAND diversity Print Participate in Democracy Return your ballot by mail or drop (fo ff at any designated voter dropnte Call 1 -M&673-8683to find a location near you. __ ' I l!‘ J j J a r t la r t f r ( O b s c r r i c r M k »<-b» • (Xtrtr-n W O« Wfcckin lhf Review Election Ballots On Way People o f color find a political fit Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlandob There are certain people in our popular culture that just capture people's imaginations. And in death, they become even larger, also fe d by a 24/7 media that - President Barack Obama is insatiable. w ristb a n d s an d p ic k ed up a m etallic gold program guide on their way in. Acting as pallbear­ ers, Ja ck so n 's b ro th e rs ea ch grow ing up in M exico. Now a w ore a gold necktie and, in a day-care teaching assistant in to u c h b o rro w e d fro m th e ir L os A ngeles, H ernandez said brother, a single spangly w hite she cried w atching TV cover­ age o f his death. glove and sunglasses. “I'm trying to hold in my em o­ B ro th e r Je rm a in e Ja ck so n to o k th e stag e and san g the tions,” said H ernandez, w ear­ standard “Sm ile” as he fought ing a w ristband to allow her ad­ m itta n c e to th e se rv ic e and back tears. Ja c k so n ’s h earse had been holding a framed photograph of p a r t o f a m o to r c a d e th a t Jackson. “ 1 know right now he's sm oothly w hisked his body 10 teaching the angels to dance.” M ore than 1.6 million people m iles across clo sed freew ays from a private service at a H ol­ registered for the lottery for free lyw ood H ills cem etery to his tickets to Jackson's m em orial. public m em orial and aw aiting A total o f 8,750 were chosen to receive tw o tickets each. fans. "There are certain people in T he traffic snarls and fogisti- ’ cal nightm ares th at had been o u r popular, cu ltu re th at ju st feared by police and city offi- capture people's im aginations. as B ette D av is, A ndy G ib b , Freddie Prinze, Liberace and re­ c e n tly d eceased D a v id C arradine and Ed M cM ahon. Je rm a in e Ja ck so n h as e x ­ pressed a desire to have him buried som eday at N everland, his estate in Southern C alifor­ nia. Midway during the memorial serv ice, p o lice O fficer A pril H arding told the m edia gath ­ ered at the gates o f Forest Lawn to disperse. A sked if Jackson’s body was going to be returned to the cem etery after the m em o­ rial, she replied: “ His body is not going to be returned here" She did not say w here it would be taken. aMMWM) Census: No Head Left Uncounted sion, said Luna. T h e b u re a u s tr e s s e s to people uneasy about interact­ Bureau. The reason people ignore the ing w ith the governm ent that C ensus vary, said Luna. Some nothing they put on the C en­ p e o p le m ig h t h av e o n e to o sus can be traced back to them. m an y p eo p le liv in g in th e ir Even the president can ’t take a house. Som e m ight be w anted peek. L u n a e x p la in s th a t th e for m inor offenses, or m ight be late on taxes. O thers are d is­ bureau’s strategy in 2000 w asn’t similar, but is ju st stepping it trustful o f the governm ent. A m ajor concern this year for up this year. “Word of mouth is much more the b u reau is the le g io n s o f people displaced by the reces­ effectiv e than oth er kinds o f con tin u ed ¿ ^ f r o m Front To contact ** Portland (Pbserner cials did not materialize. Traffic A n d in d ea th , th e y b ec o m e w as actually considered by po- even larger," President Barack O bam a told CBS w hile in M os­ lice to be lighter than norm al. “I think people got the m es­ cow. “Now, I have to adm it that sage to stay hom e,” said C ali­ it's also fed by a 24/7 m edia that fornia H ighw ay Patrol O fficer is insatiable.” . The city o f Los A ngeles set M iguel Luevano. up a Web site Tuesday to allow D eputy Police C hief Sergio fans to contribute m oney to help Diaz, operations ch ief for the the city pay for his Staples C en­ event, said authorities had ex ­ ter m em orial service. M ayoral pected a crow d o f 250,(XX). Be­ sp o k esm an M att S zab o e s ti­ sides reporters and those with m ated the service will cost $ 1.5 tickets to the m em orial service, million to $4 million. the crow d around the Staples It was not clear what will hap­ C e n te r p e rim e te r n u m b e re d p e n to J a c k s o n 's body. The only about 1,000, he said. F o rest L aw n M em o rial Park O utside the Staples Center, Claudia Hernandez, 29, said she Hollywood Hills cemetery is the loved Jackson's music as a girl final resting place for such stars advertising,” said Luna. T h e C e n s u s B u re a u h as partnered with about 30,(XX) or­ ganizations nationw ide to as­ suage fears about the Census. The bureau also has m ore o ut­ reach w orkers on the ground to make sure people are counted. Luna said that the bureau has done some preliminary ground­ work in the Pacific N orthw est to see if the addresses it has on file even exist, and has sim ilar plans for the fall.