ri latió (Pbseruer _______________________ Page aio F ood SAFEWAY General Ingredients • 1 pound boneless beet top sir- loin steak, cut 3/4 inch thick • 1/2 cup ready-to-serve beef broth • 1/4 cup balsam ic vinegar • 2 tablespoons jalapeno pep- per jelly • Vegetable Barley “Risotto” Seasoning Ingredients • 3/4 teaspoon garlic salt • V4 teaspoon FR ID A Y , SATURDAY & SUNDAY O ONLY! Ingredients for life.. Sweet & Spicy Petite Sirloin My 8 ,2009 introducing. Load hundreds of coupons to w your Safeway Club Card with |ust H jflf a few d i d u . O r p rin t coupons out to redeem at register. SAFEWAY O To get started visit Sarfeway.com/oMipons HOUR powder rnßss _ * if * l/ J ic.i-.pi'im in.use guild '®S§r black pepper • I /4 teaspoon giound cumin j ■' * • 1 I le.opo.m dtied Oiegano leases Instructions 1. Prepare Vegetable Barley j ’-KN; “Risotto.” (See below) 2. M eanw hile cut beef steak .________________________________________________ crossw ise into four equal “pe­ tite” steaks. Com bine seasoning ingredients; press evenly into both sides o f each steak. Heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Place steaks in skillet; cook about 8 to 10 m inutes for m edium rare to medium doneness, turning once. R em ove steaks; keep SATURO» a S O N D A V A y »E «««Mb warm. 3. Add broth, vinegar and jelly to skillet; cook until browned bits attached to skillet are dissolved and sauce thickens slightly, about 3 to 5 minutes. Spoon sauce over steaks and serve w ith barley risotto. Vegetable Barley Risotto • 1 cup coarsely chopped zucchini • 1 can (14 to 14-1/2 ounces) ready-to- * '/ jP Pork S h a tte r Country Style RB» Bone-m. Extreme Valus Pack. SWEiototlJOb. m ate * t«ni.cma yX'upBU»«. See weekly ad • 3/4 cup chopped tom atoes • 1/4 teaspoon pepper Instructions 1. H eat large nonstick D utch oven over m edium heat until hot. A dd barley and cook, stirring until lightly toasted, about 5 minutes. Add zucchini, shallots, oil and garlic; cook about 3 m inutes until zucchini is crisp tender. 2. Stir in 3/4 cup o f broth. Bring to a simmer. Cook 5 minutes until liquid is almost absorbed. Add remaining broth; return to sim mer and continue cooking 7 to 9 m inutes or until barley is tender. Stir in tom atoes and pepper. saturoav ^ unoa . onlv ctun « » « CLUB PR lC t SAVE ,#»»«» KtoW-œ S e to M N M n .’ SA*Eup»S5.49oo2 «1«. SSÄÄ*** «¡Hw»».»* Baked Garlic Shrimp Recipe Ingredients • 1 1 / 2 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined • 12 cup olive oil • tablespoons dry sherry • 3 garlic cloves, m inced • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme • 1/4 teaspoon salt • 1 /8 teaspoon crushed red pepper • Lem on wedges • Seasoned bread crum bs Directions: 1. A rrange shrimp, slightly apart, in a single layer in nonstick-sprayed baking pan. Mix rem aining ingredients except for breadcrum bs, pour over shrimp. 2. Sprinkle about 1/3-eup breadcrumbs over mixture. Bake in a preheated400-degree oven for 10-15 minutes ^ iu m c h ^ d .r CLUB PfctCt Stauffer's Single Serve lloalc fllCald Lucerne* Shredded or Chunk Cheese 18-Pack Coors, i Bud or Miller 1 12-02. bottles Selected i varieties Plus deposrt in 1 Oregon SAW up to $4.00 6to 21-w. 32-02 Selected varieties SAVE up to $1.50 C w L iitiirl ufinotÍAC j c l ç l l w J V œ rciltTv Regular CluCPnct $2.99 Devil’s Food Cake with cheesecake frosting Ingredients • 1 box o f D evil's food cake mix prepared to directions • 1 can o f vanilla frosting • 2 8oz pkgs o f cream cheese • ltsp o f vanilla • Squeeze o f lemon juice • top with 1 can o f pie filling cherries or fresh strawberries Q U liTtO D irections 1. Bake cake according to directions. You can either rem ove from pan or let it in the pan. T h e e a s ie s t, p e r f e c t g i f t . __ 2. Mix 1 can pf prepared vanilla frosting with cream cheese at vanilla and lem on juice. If needed add more lemon juice or vanilla for your desired taste. N o w a v a ila b le a t th e j G ift C ard M a ll.“ JULY m a MB U T SUN MON TIN S Prices in this ad good through J u ly 1 * t h 3. Spread on top o f cake top with cherries and pu, in fridge. (If you are serving it with straw berries I slice them and then add sugar refrigerate until I cut slices and then top each slice. I Uwe io rscwre usi sbcoto rem ires .—i . , ......- «MlêeOOIouretsTWi««msonl, — net on »•»Sims Lim*w»i«SW’iwpumlwwiSum wmonw** M '«som«*IwI»»ditapw/sis«-«osmi lwW o,jhs»ifciwNdsue»<• *»m tqiira« « närsMiel M - h S ttk Nr>*»«'- reta»lo « * I«»«» s*w«'» «w»lS*i»«vstaresort» C ZHOUSatawivnr n»use»nw,rei»0»sta'»