I glorila nò ffibsemer Page A6 lune 24, 2009 Arts IM III ENTEETAINM tNI Paul A. Neufeldt 503-875-1695 panndrw@yahoo.com Affordable design and business support LV’s Twelve 22 Bar & Lounge 3530 N Vancouver Ave 503-281-2936 The Little Big Spot Sun. Live M usic Randy Starr and The Player-Jam Session 7:00-12:00Funk& Soul M on. Live M usic Tw elve 22 All-Stars Band 8:00-12:00 Open Mie, Singers, poets. M usicians, Guests Tues. Reagge Night 8 -1 2 :3 0 G uest D J’s and Bands W eds, Ladies N ight- Tw elve 22 All-Stars Band G uest DJ Rehearsal 5:00-7:00Live Thurs. Jazz Band - com ing Soon-Happy H our 6-9 Fri-Starting April 10 - Kings o f O l-Skool. D ress Code Enforced. D J ’s'. Ken Berry, Larry Bell & Mike. $5 cover Universes Big and Small U niverses Big and S m all is the them e fo r a m onth long ex h ib it op en in g w ith an a rt­ ists’ recep tio n on L ast T h u rs­ day, June 25 from 6 p.m . to 9 p.m. at Onda Gallery, 2 2 15 N.E. A lb erta St. T h e e x h ib it w ill f e a tu r e p a in tin g s by P au l S o le v a d an d c e ra m ic s c u lp tu r e s by Pamela Grow S olevad's w ork explores the idea o f u n iv ersality an d c o n ­ nection. H is m ost recent w ork delves into the ex p lo ra tio n o f nature an d form w ith the se­ ries o f “ R a d io la ria” - sin g le- celled o rg an ism s that ex p ress the fra cta l p a tte rn s se en on every level o f o u r o rg an ic re ­ ality. H e grew up in N o rth ern C alifornia, and did his college studies at C alifo rn ia L utheran U n iv e r s it y , o b ta in in g h is B achelor o f Fine Arts in p ain t­ ing in 1992. G row w as born and raised in A u stralia and m oved to the ‘B lu e Twig, ’ b y P aul S o le v a d U nited States in 1969. L iving on the O reg o n and C alifo rn ia co a sts, she has c o llab o rated w ith artists w ho helped define Bikes n’ Barbeque Bash Saturday - G uest D J Day time Sports on Flat Screen G reat appretizers • D inner Specials r m ‘ A rea residents are invited to celebrate a safe and healthy sum m er with good food and live music at the second annual Bikes ‘n ’ B arbeque Bash, Saturday, June 27 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the C om m unity Cycling Center, 1700 N.E. Alberta St. Russell Street Bar-B-Q ue is team ing up for the celebration. O w ners Sharon Senter and D iane Santucci are donating all the food and encouraging everyone to m ake a donation to support the C om m unity C ycling C enter’s bicycle safety pro­ gram s ($5 per plate is suggested.) Friends and fam ily are encouraged to ride o ver on their bikes by choosing a route along a low -traffic street. Volun­ teer m echanics will be set up to perform quick fixes ahd safety checks w hile you enjoy som e barbecue and great music. A special photo area will be set up for bike portraits aim ed to capture the diversity o f bicycles and people w ho live and ride in our neighborhoods. SC ASONS] «Ml CarwuwiB Rib m nu REGGIE HOUSTON’S C’Ex All Stars Sundays 5-8pm at Cannon’s Rib Express 5410 NE 33rd Ave June 7 Ju n e 14 J u n e 21 J u ly 12 J u ly 19 J u ly 2 6 Aug 2 Aug 9 A u g 16 (Next to New Seasons) Aug 23 Aug 30 Sept 6 S e p t 13 S e p t 20 S ept 27 Sunshine, BBQ and a free, all-ages, outdoor show by a New Orleans' sax legend, grammy-nom­ inated pianist, & one of the Northwest's hottest drummers... h er sp o n tan eo u s an d slightly q u irk y style. She h as w orked w ith v ario u s m ed ia but found h er p assio n in c re atin g w orks o f clay. What could be better’’ Weft, you never know w hat amazing, surprise guest musician will sit in! ehouston.com Black Eyed Peas Score No. 1 The Black Eyed Peas have scored their first No. 1 album on the U.S. pop charts, buoyed by heavy prom otion for their first release in four years, and also claim ed the top tw o spots on the singles chart. T he hip-hop act topped the B ill­ board 200 with "The E.N .D.," which sold 304,(XX) copies during the week ended June 14, according to Nielsen S o u n d S can , th e g ro u p 's b est sales Oregon's oldest and largest multicultural newspaper. Serving our community for 35 years. w eek ever. T heir previous set, 2OO5's "M onkey Business," bow ed at No. 2 with a then- best 291,(XX). Believe it or not, the Black E yes Peas have hit the top 10 only twice: their first tw o releases — 1998's "Behind the Front" and 2000's "Bridg­ ing the Gap" - both m issed the top 50. It w asn't until the group recruited Fergie for "Elephunk" in 2003 that it hit the big time. B la ck E yed P e a s. N ortheast Farm ers M ar­ ket —The new Port!and Farm ­ ers M arket in the King N eighbor­ hood at King School Park take place each Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. through Sept. 27. St. Johns No. Fest - U p to 40 perform ances are scheduled Saturday, June 27 during the second annual St. Johns No Fest, a free event for all ages from 10 a.m . to 11 p.m. M usi­ cians will take the stage at sev­ eral venues surrounding the historic St. Johns tow n square at the intersection o f North L o m b ard and P h ilad elp h ia streets. Rent: T he Broadw ay Tour - “ R e n t,” s ta rr in g o r ig in a l Broadway cast members Adam Pascal and A nthony Rapp is on stage at Keller A uditorium through Sunday, June 28. Committed to Cultural Diversity W aterfront Blues Festival -- Blues fans and m usicians from throughout the world will gather for the 22nd annual Safeway W aterfront Blues Festival, T hursday, July 2 through Sunday, July 5 on the grassy banks of the W iIlamette R i ver. Enjoy more than 1 (X) stellar perform ances on four stages. Daily adm ission is $10 plus tw o cans o f food for the Oregon Food Bank. 503-288-0033 w w w .p o r tla n d o b s e r v e r .c o m ♦ R eggae Duo — Jam aican stars Sly D unbar and Robbie Shakespeare breeze through Portland on their sum m er tour, W ednesday, June 24 as part of the O regon Z o o 's sum m er concert series. G et Intim ate with Storm Large - Storm Large brings here in-your-face sexuality, raw musical I talent and breathtaking em otional honesty to Port­ land Center Stage in the autobio­ graphical world prem ier m usical Crazy Enough, now playing through July 26 in the Ellyn Bye Studio at the A rm ory, downtow n. K irk G re e n Jam Session - C om e enjoy the sm ooth and soulful sounds of the Kirk G reen Band every Sunday, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at C lub 7 2 0 ,7 2 0 S.E. H aw thorne. The jam session and open m ic is from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. All professional m usicians are welcome. For more informa­ tion, call 503-234-7738. TriM et Sum m er Shuttles - - T riM e t ru n s su m m e r shuttle service to OM SI and between popular W ashing­ ton Park destinations like the O regon Zoo and Japa­ nese Gardens. The OM SI shuttle runs daily betw een the O regon Convention Center M AX Station and O M SI from 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. The W ashington Park shuttle runs betw een 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Live Jazz - Every Friday and Saturday from 8 p .m .to 11 p.m ..the Third Degrees Lounge at the RiverPlace Hotel, 1510 S.W. H arbor W ay. No cover or m inim um purchase. For more inform a­ tion, visit pdxjazz.com . Totally Gospel II -- PeninsulaOpen Bible Church, 8225 N. Peninsula, hosts all styles o f gospel, country, and contem porary m usic with host Riny H orst each Friday night from, 7:30p.m . — 9:30p.m . For information, call 503-335-3132.