Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 24, 2009, Page 4, Image 4

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lune 24, 2009
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Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to
Preserving History
In 1921 the Young Women’s Christian Association for
Colored Women was established in a portable structure
at the comer of Williams and Tillamook streets. A few
years later, efforts to construct a new building on that
site were lead by a white woman named Mrs. E.S.
Collins, a long time advocate of the YWCA. Her efforts
were met with resistance from the white community but
the city attorney ultimately granted a permit.
Today that building houses the Billy Webb Elks Lodge
No. 1050, and with the help of Faye Burch and Associ­
ates, and James Posey of the National Association of
Minority Contractors and the host of volunteers from
the community at large, the building is undergoing an
extensive million dollar renovation.
My name is Paul Knauls. I’ve been a resident and
business owner in northeast Portland for over 40 years.
I was involved in the Martin Luther King Jr. Statute
project and helped raise over $ 175,000 towards the monu­
ment. I am committed to preserving the African Ameri­
can presence in northeast Portland and as such I am
heading a fundraiser to purchase chairs and air condi­
tioning unit for the Elks building.
I urge you to behind this very important and worth­
while cause. The lodge is a vital piece of history to Port­
land. The building is used to hold fundraisers, wedding
receptions, dances, meetings, fashion shows, and all types
of community functions. This is the last link of the past in
which African Americans first migrated into northeast
Portland. It is important that this piece of history be pre­
We welcome all donations in any amount. There will
be a donor board located in the entrance of the lodge
listing contributors of $300 or more.
Please make checks payable to NAMCO/Elks Project.
Please print on check how the names should appear on
the Donor Board. There is a two name limit.
Paul and Geneva Knauls
Owners, Geneva’s Shear Perfection
5601 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Portland, OR 97211
Oregon Department of Transportation
This will serve as notice of the Oregon Department of
Transportation's proposed annual Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise goal of 11.50% for Federal Highway Administration.
As a result of the statewide Disparity Study, ODOT has received
a waiver from FHWA to allow contract goals for specific groups
identified as having a significant contracting disparity. The
annual goal has been calculated as 11.5%, of which 1% would
be a race-conscious goal for Black American owned DBE firms
and Asian American owned DBE firms. The remainder of the
annual goal, 10.5%, would continue to be race- and gender-
neutral. The 2010 Goal is 1.0% for Federal Transit
Administration contracts and grants, and will be entirely race-
and gender-neutral. This calculation is made in accordance
with 49 CFR Part 26 to comply with U.S. DOT requirements.
Public comments are being requested in the development of
ODOT's overall goal. Submit written comments to:
ODOT, Office of Civil Rights
355 Capitol St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
Phone: (503) 9 8 6 -4 3 5 0
Fax: (503) 9 8 6-6382
Attn: C. Jill Miller
ODOT will consider all comments and quantitative and
anecdotal data in determining its final DBE goals.
ODOT will post its analysis and final goals at
O rego n D e p artm e n t o f Transportation
T erry F amily
Hate is not a Family Value
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S andy S orensen
L ike so m any
peo p le a cro ss the
country, 1 was shaken
and saddened by the
shooting at the Holocaust Mu­
seum in Washington, D.C.
The shooting suspect, 88-
year-old James W. von Brunn
entered the museum crowded
with school groups and families,
a long rifle at his side and imme­
diately opened fire. He fatally
w ounded m useum guard
Stephen T. Johns before he was
subdued by fellow museum
Von Brunn has been charged
w ith m urder by the U.S.
attorney’s office. A subsequent
police investigation revealed
von B ru n n 's histo ry as an
avowed racist and anti-Semite,
talk about hate-motivated vio­ ety. And, as Erik von Brunn’s
lence. Hatred ultimately de­ words remind us, its destructive
nc against the Jewish and Afri- stroys the perpetrator as well impact is handed down from
can American communities.
as the target of hateful acts and generation to generation.
In April, the House of Repre­
In following this tragedy, the poison of violence seeps
1 was struck by comments into the lives of the family and sentatives passed the Matthew
made by James von Brunn’s friends o f one holding such Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention
Act, a bill that would strengthen
son in the days following beliefs.
I am reminded of the popular hate crimes prevention, investi­
the June 10 shooting. In
speaking about his father’s slogan often seen on bumper gation, and prosecution. The bill
is now before the Senate for con­
sideration [S. 909J.
While no one piece of legisla­
tion can address the hateful be­
liefs and views held in the hearts
and minds of individuals, pas­
sage of this legislation could send
a powerful message about our
actions, Erik von Brunn stated, stickers and buttons - hate is moral vision as a society.
But this is only one piece of
“His views consumed him and not a family value. Hatred rips
work to end hate-motivated
in doing so not only destroyed
violence. We must redouble our
his life but destroyed our family munities.
Hatred is corrosive and its de­ efforts to provide our young
and ruined our lives as well..... I
cannot express how deeply sorry structive powers are far-reach­ people with bias prevention edu­
I am that it was Mr. Johns, and ing. Like any contaminant, it cation opportunities and conflict
not my father, who lost his life.” leaches into the topsoil of our resolution skills.
Sandy Sorensen is a team
Erik von Brunn’s comments individual and collective souls,
rem ind us o f a truth that is dimming our hope and clouding leader with Justice Ministries
sometimes left unsaid when we our vision for a just and fair soci- in the United Church o f Christ.
who left behind notebooks and
writings filled with hateful rheto-
We must speak out whenever
and wherever hate-motivated
violence is perpetrated.
Our Current Path is a Let Down
dent but he is a President not
the Savior of Black America. We
have more black millionaires
than any other time in the his­
tory of this country, yet
our schools are worst
than they were before
by W arren B ai . i . entine
My entire life I have been integration.
Our unemployment
hearing how the white man and
is higher than ever
the government are the reasons
Our kids are kill-
so many of us were poor, un­
educated, and unem ployed.
Now, don’t get me wrong I do
understand that the holocaust
of slavery, the unjust justice
system of Jim Crow and the civil
rights disparities has crippled
black Americans in many ways.
But, can we still say that today?
We must take accountability
for our actions as well. Today
we have a black man as Presi­ ing each other like they were liv­
ing in the Old West. And we
own almost none of the busi­
nesses in our communities. Is
this what Dr. King gave his life
for? Is this w hat T hurgood
Marshall fought for?
Why is this all happening
now? Lack of accountability in
our race. We blindly support
singers, actors, rappers, and ath-
the ills of
Black America
We must stop supporting
these singers, actors, rappers,
and athletes who don't do
anything for us.
2337 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, Or 97227
5 0 3 -2 4 9 -1 7 8 8
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letes to the point that we make
them gods. We spend our last
dime supporting them but do
they support us? How hard
would it be for 10 or 20
o f them to com e to ­
gether and buy proper­
ties in cities and towns
and open up b u si­
nesses and trade
have a duty to the greater good
of all then a small few.
What I am proposing isn’t a
handout at all. I am not asking
for fish. I am asking to teach us
how to fish. This new mindset
will allow people the chance to
save their home. It will help keep
our children off of drugs and
out of the crime black hole. It
would help destroy the process
that most of our kids and (many
parents) seem to think that the
only way to be successful is to
be a rapper or ball player. It
would help fund the education
of these children to the point
that the schools would truly be
equal not just integrated.
A ccountability! We m ust
change this stupid no snitch
rule in our communities.
And we must stop support­
ing these singers, actors, rap­
pers, and athletes who don’t do
anything for us.
If you continue your current
path Black America, well shame
on you.
W here are the D ick
Gregory's, Muhammad Ali’s, Bill
Russell’s, and Jim Brown’s of
this generation?
I know some of you will say,
Warren, these folks don’t owe
us a thing. Why do we keep ask­
ing for hand outs? To you I say
Warren Ballentine is a law­
a great majority of these stars
voted for our current President yer, a nationally syndicated ra­
and his message is clear that we dio host and TV commentator.
Credit for Saving Lodge
T he P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r
s to ry " R e n o v a tio n s S ave
Lodge" (front page, June 17
issue) is m issing one im por­
tant ingredient: CJ Jackson
Construction is doing renova­
tions on the North Portland
Elks Lodge only because of
the diligence and hard work
that Wanda Broadous and the
Broadous Entertainment team
did to make the com m unity
aware of the fact that it needed
CJ Jackson and com pany
did not ju st show up out of
the blue to do repairs. Wanda barely m entioned her, your
and the team put on dances, a rtic le sk ip p ed her all to ­
fashion shows, live entertain­ gether, nor has anyone from
ment and tirelessly distributed the Elks offered to share any
fliers, made phone calls and o f the credit with her.
She is not asking for credit.
in c o rp o ra te d Jam es Posey,
Avel G o rd ly and M argaret But I, being som eone who
C a rte r am ong m any others cares for her and am her right-
hand-girl, have w itnessed the
into the effort.
N o one k now s th is, but long hours put into planning
Wanda put so much work into a series of shows to support
the cause that on the day of the renovations and the pas­
the last show, she wound up sion she felt for it.
Please give Wanda her due.
in the hospital in cardiac ar­
Brenda Gersch; Secretary,
rest. She ju st about gave her
life for the Elks. They have Broadous Entertainment