June 24, 2009 Page A2 Adams First Mayor Celebrating Juneteenth Honored in lead-off vehicle "Juneteenth" is a day m ost first city mayor to participate in O regonian, o f all races, know any Juneteenth activity honor­ very little about. O n Saturday, ing Portland's A frican-A m eri­ organizers o f the 37th annual can community. "It was a com plete honor to Juneteenth parade and festival participate in this historic cel­ attem pted to explain why this ebration," said M ayor Adams. historic celebration should be of im portance to people in Port­ "The National Juneteenth m ove­ ment has a long, 37 year P ort­ land. Sim ply put, A frican A m eri­ land history and is an im por­ cans have their own Fourth of tant annual com m unity event. July or Independence Day. It I encourage all Portlanders to comes on June 19, when in 1865 mark there calendars now for all slaves in Am erica were de­ next y ear’s Juneteenth celebra­ clared a free people. More than tion." Parade participants included 250 cities across the U.S had o ffic ia l c e le b ra tio n s . In 31 M iss B lack O rego n C h elsea states, Juneteenth is recognized Deloney, Rosa Parks Marching Group, Forty-Acres and a Mule, as a state holiday. The late morning parade fea­ Jack & Jill Club, Oregon Bus turing m ore than 28 d iverse P ro je c t, M o th e r S tro n g & groups and over 120 partici­ Friends, A m istad Slave Ship, pates m arched dow n M artin Streeter Classic Cars, Girlfriends Luther King Jr. Boulevard as Garden Club, Chrysler 300 Club, Portland Police m otorcycles of­ Wells Fargo Bank, Prince Hall ficers blocked traffic. People Chapter and members of the Full lin e d the street c h e e rin g as Tilt M otorcycle Club. A s the p ara d e rea ch ed its other cam e outside from busi­ Jefferson High School destina­ nesses and hom es to see what tion, several hundred people the excitem ent was all about. to o k p art in the Ju n e te e n th A U.S. M arine Corp. Honor Guard, follow ed by the Oregon com munity festival, even under T roop o f Buffalo Soldiers led cloudy skies and a persistent the parad e. P o rtlan d M ayor drizzle. M ore than 30 vendors Sam A dam served as G rand and exhibitors w ere on hand Marshall and was accom panied offering artw orks, services and by M rs. C la ra P e o p le s, the products. C hristo p h er G ourm et G rill founder o f Portland Juneteenth. Bruce Broussard, representing and Yam-Yam's BBQ Restaurant the Buffalo Soldiers, rode with provide food for festival goers. them. M ayor Adams became the Larry M atthews o f Yam-Yam's - r ator, w ith a striking likeness o f President Lincoln, m ade an ap­ p e a ra n c e . D elo n ey , as M iss Black O regon, also spoke. Peggy Ross, director o f the G overnor's A ffirm ative Action Office, read a proclamation from Gov. Ted Kulongoski and Sec­ retary o f State Kate Brown rec­ ogn izin g Ju n eteen th 2009. A p r o c la m a tio n fro m M a y o r A dam s was also read. The City proclamation was officially pre­ se n te d to M rs. P e o p le s and M iss O m a Lee G reen at a City Hall cerem ony on Wednesday. "As Juneteenth pdx chair, I thank all the people w ho vol­ unteered and w orked tirelessly to m ake this Juneteenth a great s u c c e s s ," sa id D o ris R u sh , Wells Fargo Bank. "1 look for­ ward to com ing years where we will take this com m unity event to the traditional three day cel­ ebration." A lso part o f the Juneteenth celebration was the dedication o f a stone plaque at the Presi­ d en t Lincoln statue in d ow n­ tow n Portland's Parks Block at S o u th w e st M ain S tre e t an d Park Avenue. Miss Black Oregon was joined by Lincoln impersonator Holgate photo by M ark W ashington / T he P orti ani » O bserver in the cerem ony to m ark the Mayor Sam Adams participates in Saturday's annual Juneteenth Parade on Northeast Martin 200th anniversary o f the birth of Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Accompanying the mayor is Mrs. Clara Peoples, the founder o f Lincoln. The event was in part­ Portland’s Juneteenth celebration and Bruce Broussard, representing the Buffalo Soldiers. nership with the Oregon Lincoln thanks to donations from his County Library gave out free more than 10 musical artists and Bicentennial Com mittee, led by groups from T rue Shine P ro­ M ike Burton, vice provost at suppliers - gave away food free ice cream sundaes. E ntertainm ent w as provided ductions. Steve Holgate, a na­ Portland State University, and for tw o hours during the festi­ v a l, w h ile th e M u ltn o m a h by the K irk G reen Band and tionally recognized im person­ the Juneteenth group. Oregon D e p a rtm e n t o f Tran spo rtatio n Subcontracting opportunities in a variety of work areas are available on an OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program bridge construction project. Slayden Construction Group and Hamilton Construction Co. are partnering with the Oregon Department of Transportation on Bundle 220, Interstate 5: Willamette River Bridge, a construction manager/general contractor project in Eugene and Springfield. Reminder! EARLY WORK PACKAGE BIDS DUE July 9, 2 0 0 9 , 2 :0 0 p.m. Bid packages are available at Slayden Construction Group, Inc. Contact Cyndi Bolduc at (503) 769-1969 or slayden@slayden.com ODOT supports the participation of disadvantaged, minority, women and emerging small business enterprises, as well as opportunities for trainees and apprentices, on highway construction projects. Federal stimulus monies are going to work adding lighting to 7 miles o f a busy 1-205 bike and pedestrian corridor. Stimulus Monies Light Corridor C rew s have begun w ork to add lig h tin g alo n g the bu sy bike and pedestrian 1-205 Multi- Use Path near Clackam as Town Center. The O regon D epartm ent of T ransportation and Tri Met are dedicating $3.8 m illion o f fed­ eral stim ulus funds to add light­ ing along about 7 m iles o f the corridor from Southeast Foster Road to Gladstone. S tim u lu s fu n d s fro m th e A m erican Recovery and Rein­ vestment Act will support about tw o dozen jo b s, and includes calling five people back to work and preventing six layoffs. The path provides a key con­ nection for cyclists and pedes­ trians to access the new MAX Green Line and the Springwater Corridor Trail between Gresham and dow ntow n Portland. Adding lighting will enhance safety along the corridor and encourage more people to ride bikes and w alk to transit. Work on the path adjacent to the new MAX G reen Line is expected to be com pleted in tim e for the Sept. 12 G reen Line opening. Weekly Unemployment Payments Increase O ' SAFEWAY Ingredients for life N e il K e lly D e s ig n e rs I M ulticultural Music <& Food Festival & Parade . ' U n e m p lo y m e n t in su ra n c e benefits will increase in Oregon starting next week. The maximum weekly benefit amount an individual can receive will increase to $493, while the minimum amount will be $ 115. Under Oregon law, each year the Employment Department re­ calculates the maximum and mini­ mum am ounts paid w eekly to those filing for unem ployment benefits. The am ounts are set as per­ centages o f the average weekly wage earned. The minimum un­ employment figure is 15 percent of average weekly wage, and the maximum amount is 64 percent. T he new paym ent am ounts are up slightly from a maximum o f $482 or minimum payment of $113. The change affects new un­ em ploym ent insurance claims. Existing claims will continue to recieve their weekly amount. ’ PAOFIC POWER \ Colum bia River « C R O S S IN G The Colum bia River Crossing (CRC) project is o bridge, transit and highway improvement proiect for 1-5. c o e a a a ir^ W r tr Listening Sessions on Tolling I Tolling will help fund the CRC project and manage congestion. The CRC Tolling Study Committee wants your thoughts on preliminary tolling options. ; iim ; Tuesday, June 30, 200 9 ' | 6 -8 pm Presentation at 6:30PM TTbank i NECNI King School Park ~ 4800 Block of N.E. 6th (South of N E Alberta St.) Transit Inform ation C-TRAN wwwC-TRAN.com or 3 6 0-69 5-0 123 Washington State Department of Transportation TriMet SW Region, Room 102 or 503-238-RIDE I 1018 NE 51 st Circle, Vancouver, WA www TriMet.o»g Project Inform ation www ColumbiaRiverOossing org / •¡day, June 26 ~ 6 -9 pm W ednesday, July 1, 2009 | 6 - 8 pm or 1- 8 6 6 -3 9 6 -2 /2 6 Presentation at 6:30PM itu rd a y , June 27 ~ Noon - 9 :3 0 pm jnday, June 28 ~ Janben Beach SuperCenter, Community Room O----------------------------------- - Translators are available if (across from the food court) requested three business days 1405 N Jantzen Beach Center, Portland, OR before each event Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Intormntion M Material* can be provided in an alternative format Please co the Colum bia Rivei Crossing project office Ot (360) 73 7-2726 or (503) 25 6 -2 7 2 6 Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may contact CRC usmg Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing 7 1 1 WW W 6OO0rNTHENEI6HBOBHOOD 0B6 503 ZSZ -1788 Title VI Statement to Public Ti n Columbia River Crossing protect team ensures full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by prohibiting discrimination against any percon on the basis o f race, color, national origin o i sen in the provision o, benefits and services resulting horn its federally ossis’ed programs and activities