Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 24, 2009, Page 11, Image 11

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lune 24. 2009
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News and reviews on new motor vehicles
2 0 0 9 Kia Soul
K athleen C arr
The Soul began life as a very
cool concept car in 2006, but
the pow erful, big-haunch look
and a lot o f the trick, appealing
aspects have been finessed out
in the oblig ato ry p roduction
com prom iseThe 2009 Kia Soul
is no sports car, but its com ­
pact size m ake for a pretty fun
m achine for zip p in g around
town. Its stick shift heightens
the level o f fun because the
shift knob is very com fortable
and fits your hand perfectly but
we had the autom atic this week
and it did not take from the ex­
perience. M any small, budget-
friendly cars are annoyingly
The Soul com es w ith stan­
dard four wheel disc brakes im ­
part a sure feeling to the brake
pedal and stability control is
also fitted across the board.
Basic Souls are m otivated by a
1,6-liter four-cylinder sending
122 hp and 115 lb-ft o f torque.
The autom atic is mostly unno-
ticeable, though it occasionally
it dodders a bit before deliver­
ing a kickdown There's a life to
the rack-and-pinion setup that
Specifications: 1.6-1 iter four-cylinder engine; electronically controlled automatic transmission with overdrive; 24 city mpg,
3 0 highway mpg; MSRP $13,995
says the Soul has been tuned
by fo lk s w ho know w h at a
p ro p er front-w heel d riv e car
should feel like
There are lots o f storage com ­
partm ents that com e standard
with a big glove box although
the cargo area itself is really
small unless you low er the rear
seats. The d riv er’s seat to be
rather com fortable, but the pas­
senger seat seems to have too
In Loving Memory
Dear Deanna!
After being m arried for 10 years
I love my wife but 1 think T m in
love with som eone else. I ’m
ready to file for divorce because
I w ant to be with the other
woman. M y wife and I do n ’t
have any children and 1 would
be w illing to split our assets in
order to be happy. How do I
make sure the love is gone with
my w ife? -D avid; Memphis,
Thelm a Unthank Brown
Long Time Resident
Dear David:
Check on your love through
prayer to seek forgiveness for
your adultery and violation o f
w edding vow s. Y o u ’re co n ­
fused and sound selfish b e­
cause things may not be gbing
your w ay in the m arriage. The
other w oman has no place in
this decision and you need to
make her disappear. Seek pro­
fessional marriage counseling
so your w ife’s story can be heard
and a decision made together
about your future.
Dear Deanna!
My girlfriend slapped me so hard
that she cut my lip and I started
bleeding. It made me so mad that
I slapped her. She called the
police and accused me o f beat-
ingherand I w enttojail for three
days. I broke up with her be­
cause she d id n 't tell the police
that I hit her for calling my mother
out o f her name. She w ants to
get back with me but 1 ’ m just not
feeling it. W hat should I do? -
Anonymous; San Bernardino,
Dear Anonymous:
M others are on the second line
o f elevation after G od but you
should’ve w alked aw ay instead
o f reacting in a physical manner.
However, any w oman that will
send a man to jail out o f spite
d eserv es to be alo n e. T his
w om an told an ugly lie that will
m uch n o n a d ju sta b le lu m b ar
support. The rear leg- and foot-
room is surprisingly generous
inside the Soul.. Boxy yet not
sloppy the Soul's exterior has
been skillfully draw n with care­
ful detailing. W indows and tail-
light clusters are set off by bev­
els. Every vent, character line,
b u lg e an d c u r v e h a s b ee n
placed cleanly and with p u r­
pose, and the end result is that
the Soul's styling is clever w ith­
out being cloying.
The standard Soul has plain
black upholstery, yet it doesn't
skim p on equipm ent. The stan­
dard audio system has auxiliary
and USB jacks and there are two
s te p s o f e n te r ta in m e n t u p ­
grades, with the top-level sys­
tem kicking out 315 watts. There
are even red lights in the speak­
ers h o u sin g s th a t ca n p u lse
soothingly or tw iddle in tim e
with the music.
In general this is fun little car
fo r ru n n in g aro u n d tow n in.
This vehicle will appeal more to
the younger generation with it
new with the extra frills o f the
being able to use your ipod with
a easily accessiable port and
speakers that flash to the beat
o f your favorite tunes. It’s styl­
ing is all but universally praised,
its price o f entry is em inently
reasonable, and its driving per­
formance exceeds expectations.
A lbert Pool
haunt you for a long tim e. You
should enjoy your freedom and
realize there are other fish in the
Dear Deanna!
I’m in acom m itted relationship
with no children or financial
concerns. However, I do want
children. Do you think I should
adopt or end the relationship
b ec au se the lady I ’m w ith
do esn ’t plan on having kids? -
-Damien; On-Line Reader
Dear Damien:
Regardless o f where they com e
from, natural birth or adoption,
both parties must agree on the
children issue. T h ere’s a differ­
ence between a woman not want-
ing to physically birth children
versus not wanting any at all.
Have a discussion with your
m ate and see if she’s w illing to
adopt. If so, y o u 're fine. If not,
decide if you want to be with
this w om an or find one th at’ll
fulfill your dream to hear the
pitter patter o f little feet.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! at the
email askdeanna ! @ yahoo, com
or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite
1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211.
Website: utvw . askdeanna. com
S erv ices fo r A lb ert Pool, w ho passed
aw ay June 22, * » • will be held Saturday,
June 27 at 11 a.m. « ¡R ose City Cemetery and
Funeral Home, 5625 N.E. Fremont St.
Mr. Pool was bom in 1927. He retired from
the Union Pacific Railroad. He worked for 48
years at Portland M eadow s Race Track and
did seasonal w ork at M ultnom ah Kennel
Club over the sam e period. He stayed busy
after retirem ent distributing food donations.
He leaves to m ourn, his wife o f 54 years,
M ary Pool; daughters June Miller o f Wichita
Falls, Texas, and Kim Pool of Portland; and
granddaughter, Celeece Kahey o f Grand Prai­
rie, Texas.
Albert can finally go to his rew ard with no
doubt o f the L ord saying well done loyal
and faithful servant.
A celebration o f life service for Thelma Altha
Unthank Brown, who died May 2 8 ,2(X)9 after
an extended illness, were held June 15 at St.
Philip the D eacon Episcopal Church.
She was bom in Portland on March 16,1940,
the fourth child bom to Dr. D eNorval Unthank
and Thelm a Shipm an Unthank.
She graduated from Grant High School in
1958 and b eg a n h e r h ig h e r e d u c a tio n at
Spelman College in Atlanta, Ga. She received
a Bachelor of Science degree from Oregon State
University and com pleted her education with
a M aster o f A dm inistrative Education at Portland State University.
She inspired the lives o f many youth and adults in the com m unity as an
educator. Thelm a began her 30 year tenure with Portland Public Schools as a
teacher’s aide in the Head Start Program, later serving as an elem entary teacher
at Eliot and Bridlem ile schools, as principal at Rice, H um boldt and W ilcox el­
em entary schools, and as vice principal at M adison and Benson High Schools.
In 1997, Thelm a w as honored as Oregon Vice Principal o f the year. Under
form er Gov. Victor Atiyeh, she served on the O regon Education Block G rants
Thelm a was a m em ber o f St. Philip Episcopal Church, D elta Sigm a Theta
Sorority, Inc. and National Association o f Elem entary Association o f Second­
ary School Educators. She was also involved in the Rose Festival Association
and m entoring young women.
Thelm a is survived by her daughters, M arsha Brown Jordon, Lisa Brown
Evans and Wendi M ichelle Brown; a niece, Chelsea Unthank M oore; brothers,
Thom as Unthank, and James, Unthank; sister; Lesley U nthank; and grandchil­
dren, Andre Unthank and Savannah Torrance.
D onations to a Thelm a U nthank Brown scholarship fund may be made to
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., in care o f Piedmont Rose Connection, PO . Box
4265 Portland, OR 97208 or make contributions to the OHSU Layton Aging and
A lzheim er's disease Center by calling 503-229-1730.
In Loving Memory
Mrs. Denell Ann Tanner-Mullen
Nov. 6,1958 - June 28,2007
It’s been tw o years since we lost such a wonderful person
to such a horrible disease like cancer. D enell was 48 years
young when she left us all. She w as so loved by so many. It's
kind o f funny how m any people she had touched in her short
She was a m other to three beautiful girls, Nenia, Ariel,
A hsia and the grand m other to tw o grandsons, Trevonni and
Noah. She w as the wife o f Doug M ullen and they spent 27
years raising the children.
D enell’s m other is M iss Sally Tanner who would talk to
Denell everyday about everything under the sun but mostly
they talked about the jew elry channel and what they could
buy. They were not only m other and daughter but they were
very good friends as well. She had the same type o f a relation­
ship with her girls.
And in D oug’s own words, “I couldn't have asked for a
better w om an or m other for my children.” H er fam ily was al­
ways first before anything else.
She has two sisters and tw o Brothers and a host o f other
fam ily who m iss her very much.
Before she passed she had told us she saw angels w ith
their hands out. So we are com forted knowing she’s with the
lord and know ing w e'll see her soon but for now we see her
every night in our dream s and think o f her daily.
She is missed by so many. We all want to say thank you for
being a wonderful person and we love you Denell.
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Truly making a difference in the lives of
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We are located on the
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Located at
Portland Observer
4747 NE MLK Jr. Blvd
Proceeds will go to support Peninsula Little League
Pwkins Vex
M3 N t
• 200
Hot Dogs, Chips and Soda will also he able fo r sale
R iism 11 St