lune 24, 2 0 0 9 Page AIO Diversity Takes Local Musician Battles Cancer Fundraiser to Festival Stage help with continued j ^ J r o m Front challenging, because of the bad economy. Fortunately, Roberts and her team found some heroes. “Providence Health System s really stepped up to the plate,” R oberts says. A m ong others w ere Safew ay, N ew Seasons Markets, the Portland D evelop­ ment C om m ission, the N orth­ ea st C o a litio n o f N e ig h b o r­ hoods, Sam Brooks, Paul and G eneva K nauls, Coast Indus­ tries, Waste M anagem ent, the Chase M anhattan Bank (the in­ heritor of Washington Mutual). The Portland Parks Bureau u n d er th e d ire c tio n o f C ity Commissioner Nick Fish waived its usual event fees. In place of some of the larger sponsors of years past, a num ber of sm aller contributors stepped forward. “We asked people, if noth­ ing else, to m aintain the level o f support they’d given in the past,” Roberts says. “Every­ one w as really su p p o rtiv e. T h e y w a n te d to m a in ta in this.” T he sp onsors w ill be on hand on Friday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the park for a special pre-festival netw orking o p ­ portunity with live music. A nd so once again, R ob­ erts is helping show case the best o f the north and north­ east com m unity, as the festi­ val was originally conceived. Does she ever get tired o f it all? “Yes, but the rew ards are so great,” she says. For a com plete G ood in the N eighborhood schedule, visit P h ilad elp h ia C M B C hurch J o h n n y S a n d e rs , o n e o f P o rtlan d 's greatest and m ost talen ted m usicians, has been diagnosed with liver cancer. Sanders has inspired through his music and also through his outstanding personality. He has made an imprint in the hearts of many with the touch of his fin­ gers across his keyboards. The strength and pow er behind his music is magical. Sanders has played in sev­ eral bands and has accom pa­ nied many others in jam ses­ sions, as w ell as benefits for other m usicians that have sim i­ lar or other health problems. He started his music career in th e m id 6 0 s w ith U ra l Thom pson's Band as well as his album *Can You Dug It". Also in the 60s, he perform ed at the Cotton Club under the ow ner­ sh ip o f P a u l a n d G e n e v a Knauls. Johnny has made a big im ­ Johnny Sanders at the keyboards p ression d u rin g those tim es, playing behind some of the the biggest acts at the club such as Big M am a T h o rn to n , M ajor Lance T he B allards and T he Fidels. He has also perform ed with local m u sicia n s an d sin g ers from the 70s to current acts like Lester M cfarland, Randy M on­ roe, R egina E arvins, R oslin Johnson, A lisha Lock, Patrick Steaming Pot Gumbolaya Pastor Roy E. Clay Sr. & Co-Pastor Lottie M. Clay A llen Virgil and Q uiana Allen co n ­ c e p tu a liz e d S te a m in g P o t Gumbolaya in 2006. T hat when the idea o f selling gum bo erected during a family reunion. The A llen’s had pre­ pared gum bo in an eight gallon pot at the celebration, w hich vanished in minutes. Virgil and Q uiana w ere astonished how fast the gum bo was eaten. They thought that it would be a great idea to market their culinary cre­ atio n as the o n ly g o o d o le ’ S ou th ern style g um bo th a t’s available locally. Virgil also knew that there was a dem and for his cooking in his northeast Portland com ­ munity. He first fell in love with cooking when he was 17 years old. Virgil and Quiana got married last year and look to each other BY Q t iana T uesday: Women & Men M eeting 7PM W ednesday: Bible Study 7PM S u nday School 10AM S u nday M o rn in g Services 11:30 AM 238 NE M ason ST For more inform ation contact Pastor Clay at 503-309-6320 Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries “ A Community Church” & medical bills Lam b, N orm an "Boogie Cat". C a lv in W a lk e r, L in d a H o m b u ck le, M arvin (Shep), N arv ey , C raig M u llen , T im B ry s o n , L lo y d J o n e s , R on Steen, Ron M anning, Andrew B elling, Lynn Russell, Kevin T ra c y , F e to , M ik e M ig u e l, Rafus, and m any more. He played at B B K ing’s club in N ashville until ju st recently, and last but not least perform ed with the one we all call his twin, h is y o u n g e r b ro th e r Jim m y Sanders. D ue to his illness, Johnny Sanders is back in Portland to be close to fam ily and friends. O n Sept. 27, there will be a benefit for him at the M & M L ounge at F ifth and M ain in downtown Gresham from 3 p.m. to 1 a.m. D onations will help Johnny with m edical bills. O rg a n iz ers are ask in g the c o m m u n ity to c o m e to th e fu n d ra ise r and show Johnny how much we love and care for hip. There will be various en­ te rtain m e n t acts, p oem s and dancing, along with door prizes. F or m ore inform ation, call Lena Braxton at 503 328 8942. Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD P astor/T each er/R evivalist “ The Voice S peaks” Worship Service: Sundays- 8:00 A.M. Seminars: Bible Themes- Wednesdays- 6:00 P.M. “God, The Father”; “God, The Son”; and "God, The Holy Spirit” Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join us at our appointment with Jesus. We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name!!! Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave. Portland, Oregon To inquire about our Church or Ministry call 503 863-6545 or email Come hear the message from the Messenger (M alachi 3:1) The Honorable Bishop C.M. Bailey June 27, 2009 at 7:00 PM United House of Prayer for All People 7459 N. Haven Ave, Portland, OR Gt/MBOLAYA L.L.C C5O3) 4 7 3 -8 4 8 4 photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver V/rg/7 and Quina Allen welcome customers to their Steaming Pot Gumolaya restaurant at 5 1 2 4 N.E. 42nd Ave. for support and answers to bet­ te r th e ir ch a n c e o f b u sin ess success. Q uiana helps run the restaurant while Virgil supports her endeavors as a future edu­ cator. Q uiana is a member o f the Portland Teachers Program and attends Portland State U niver­ sity. The couple thanks Cody Gray a former employee o f the Oregon A s s o c ia tio n o f M in o rity E n tre p e n e u rs an d a tto rn e y s N ancy and Becky from Davis W right Tremaine law firm, who helped form their lim ited liabil- ity c o rp o ra tio n . A lso , th e y thank the B usiness O utreach Program at Portland State U ni­ versity. Lastly, they thank their mothers for their financial sup­ port and G od for allow ing the opportunity to have a restau­ rant. V otin g R ig h ts A c t U p h e ld trict appears to meet the require­ ments to bail out, although the (AP) - The Voting Rights Act, as unnecessary in an era marked high court did not pass judgment the governm ent's chief w eapon by the election o f the first A fri­ Monday on that point. C h ief Justice John Roberts against racial discrim ination at can-A m erican president. said the justices decided not to But with only one justice in polling places since the 1960s, d eterm in e w h eth e r d ram atic dissent, the court avoided the survived a Supreme Court chal­ civil rights gains m eans the ad­ m ajor questions raised over the lenge M onday in a ruling that vance approval requirem ent is section o f the voting law that nevertheless w arned of serious n o lo n g e r n e c e s s a ry . T h a t requires all or parts o f 16 states constitutional questions posed larger issue, Roberts said, "is a — mainly in the South and with by part o f the law. difficult constitutional question a history o f discrim ination in M ajor civil rights groups and we do not answ er today." voting — to get Justice D epart­ other defenders of the landmark Ju stic e C laren c e T h o m as, law b reathed a sigh o f relief ment approval before making alone among his colleagues, said changes in the w ay elections when the court ruled narrowly he would have resolved the case are conducted. in favor o f a small Texas gov­ The court said that the North­ and held that the p ro v isio n , ern in g au th o rity w hile sid e ­ step p in g the larg er c o n stitu ­ west Austin M unicipal Utility known as Section 5, is unconsti­ District No. 1 in Austin, Texas, tutional. "The violence, intimida­ tional issue. After argum ent in late April, could apply to opt o ut o f the tion and subterfuge that led Con­ it appeared the court's conser­ advance approval requirement, gress to pass Section 5 and this vatives could have a m ajority reversing a lower federal court court to uphold it no longer re­ to strike dow n part o f the law that ruled it could not. The dis­ mains," Thomas said. Survives Supreme Court Challenge tarryjHuch is the Senior Pastor oliMewiBIglnnlngs in Dallas. TX. His international crusade ministry and television program Free At Last, reaches millions of households confirming the success of their authoritative teaching on Generational Curses to people from all social/economic backgrounds. Friday, July 3 1 s t a t 7pm JSB orati Blessin Copuli LESSN A d a m s S u r v iv e s I n q u i r y con tin u ed ¿ ^ f r o m Front Irvington Covenant Church 4046 NE Martin Luther King Ir. Blvd. comer ot NE Shaver and MIN Infant and Toddler care will be provided • DOORS OPEN AT 6PM • For directions or more information, call 503-488-5481 or log on to I that I am sorry. E fforts to reach B reedlove th ro u g h p ast atto rn ey s w ere u n successful. A dam s currently faces a re­ call effort on behalf o f a group that claim s he subverted the dem ocratic process with decep­ tive cam paigning and abused his power. The group claim s the recall has nothing to do with Adams' sexual orientation. K ro g e r a ls o lo o k e d in to whether Adams hired a reporter from the Portland M ercury for a position on his staff in an ef­ fort to cover up the relationship with Breedlove, but found no ev id en ce to m erit a crim inal charge. T he report also considered accusations o f m isuse o f gov­ ernm ent resources and theft by d e c e p tio n -w h ic h co n sid ered w hether A dam s asked for cam ­ paign contributions under false pretenses-but again found no evidence o f a crim e. »