Page A9 lune IO. 2009 Tourney Brings Top Hoop Stars For annual Rose City Showcase The annual Rose City Show ­ case tips off Friday, June 12 at L ew is an d C lark C o lleg e in southw est Portland. B efore D w ight H ow ard b e­ cam e an N B A A ll-Star, before Josh S m ith and G erald G reen w o n th e N B A S la m D u n k C o n te st, b e fo re O .J. M ayo, M ichael B easley, and K evin L ove becam e all A ll-A m eri­ ca n s an d b e fo re B ran d o n Rush and M ario C halm ers led K an sas to the 2008 N C A A C h a m p io n sh ip , they all had one th in g in com m on - they p articip a ted in the R ose C ity S h o w case. The tournam ent, organized by Portland’s C anaan C hatm an and C ourtside E ntertainm ent, Inc., is now in its seventh year, s e rv in g as th e h o s t to th e nation's top grassroots basket- D ivisional tournam ents will R o seC ity S h o w c ase .n e t. ball players and future college Proceeds will benefit Inner be held at Inner City Players and NBA stars. Six of the eight team s com ­ P ra ctice F acility , B eav erto n City Players Athletics, a local peting on opening night will Hoop, W arner Pacific College, non-profit “Providing a foun­ com e from the states o f Oregon and B enson High School, (8 dation for student athletes to and W ashington. B ut the ta l­ a.m. - 8 p.m .) on Saturday and succeed personally, acad em i­ cally and athletically.” ent level will stick to tradition Sunday. For more information on 1CP, F o r m a p s a n d d e t a il e d as 40 o f the top 100 players high v is i t visit lnnerC school basketball players in the s c h e d u le s , nation will be featured on the main court. A AU National pow ers M is­ sissippi B asketball Academ y, Aggressively representing Seattle Rotary Select and the Derrick Rose All-Stars will blend individuals with legal a crop o f blue chippers with a problems in criminal crew o f local blue collar pro­ gram s such as 1-5 Elite, Friends allegations & employ­ o f H o o p S e a ttle , T eam ment discrimination A.C.C.E.S.S, Team Oregon and E m erald City Basketball A cad­ Low Cost emy. Four power-packed, super 17 Let me help you with legal questions match-ups will feature the top Attorney Sona Joiner players in the country from the classes o f 2010 and 2011. The in te n sity c o n tin u e s th ro u g h Sunday evening w hen the 2(X)9 Rose City Show case cham pion M ic h a e l H o i t o N will be crowned. B A S K E tB A ii A c a d e m y 25 Years of Experience Jefferson High School's Terrance Jones, one of the top college prospects in the nation, will participate in the annual Rose City Showcase, kicking off on Friday at Lewis and Clark College. 503-241-1113 Juneteenth Parade, Festival Coming On Saturday, June 20, P ort­ la n d w ill be c e le b r a tin g "Juneteenth" w ith a freedom parade and festival. The parade starts at 11 a.m. at N o rth e a st M a rtin L u th e r King Jr. Boulevard and Jarrett Street and will head south down M LK to Knott Street, return on M LK to K illingsw orth Street, an d e n d s at J e ffe rs o n H igh School. Jefferson is also the site o f the annual Juneteenth Festival taking place the same day from slaves in Texas. Juneteenth is 12:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m „ featur­ m eant to rejoice freedom and ing delicious food, m usical art­ rem ind A frican-A m ericans that ists, sp e cia l g u est sp e ak e rs, their ancestors endured one of arts and craft vendors, prizes, a the w orst slave experiences in play area for children, and much hum an history. A s an a d d e d e v e n t th is more. W h a t is J u n e te e n th ? A l­ y ea r, Ju n e te e n th o rg a n iz e rs though President A braham Lin­ jo in e d the O regon L incoln B i­ coln signed the Em ancipation centennial C om m ittee to m ark P ro c la m a tio n in S e p te m b e r th e 2 00th an n iv ersary o f the 1862, it was not until June 19, b irth o f P re sid e n t A b rah am 1865 -- more than two years later L in c o ln w ith a re-d ed icatio n - that freedom cam e to the last o f the L incoln statue in dow n- •Basketball skills • Etiquette •Physical fitness • Health and nutrition tow n P o rtlan d 's P ark B locks. A sp ecial ce rem o n y w ill be held at 1 pm at the statue, and f e a tu r e an a p p e a r a n c e by M iss B lack O regon 2009 and w ell-know n Lincoln im person­ ator, Steve H o lg ate. F or more inform ation, con­ tact Tim Hall at 503-381 -0056 or visit Session 1: Ju n e 22 - Ju n e 25 Session 2: Ju n e 29 - July 2 Click here to learn more & signup 8 B M 'K’StS Sponsored By Urban Sports Registration Form - $100 per player. - Return form to 6345 N t Rodney Portland. OR 97211 Offenders Support Group Meets P o rtlan d P olice B ureau's N orth/N ortheast C risis Re­ sponse Team. Inform ation will be pre­ s e n te d on g u id e lin e s to volunteer at O ak Creek, an O re g o n Youth A u th o rity facility located in Albany. Light refreshm ents will be provided. C o n ta c t R ev . R e n e e ' Ward at 503-548-7537 or via e m a il at to register. Seating is lim ­ ited. Individuals, com m unity service groups, churches, n o n - p r o f its a n d fa ith - based organizations who are interested in providing support to fem ale juvenile offenders are invited to a free volunteer training ses­ sion. T he m eeting is sched­ uled Saturday, June 13 from 9 a.m . to 11 a.m . at the N ortheast Police Precinct and sponsored by C hrysa­ lis M inistries, Services for H u m anity Inc., the O ak Creek Youth Correctional Facility, the O regon Youth A uthority’s Office o f M i­ n o rity S e rv ic e s and the Rev. Renee Ward 3rd 4,h & 5