illf ^Jnrtlanîi © bseruer Page A6 S f A iO N S ] Art ' K C a n n o n * Rito £ > p r « il I REGGIE HOUSTON’S C’Ex All Stars isiiiiAismsi ISI « Sundays 5-8pm at Cannon’s Rib Express 5410 NE 33rd Ave Afrobeat Kicks Off Concert Series June 7 J u n e 14 J u n e 21 J u ly 1 2 J u ly 19 J u ly 2 6 Aug 2 Aug 9 Aug 16 Aug 2 3 Aug 30 Sept 6 S e p t 13 S ept 20 Sept 27 (Nait to Maw Seasons) Sunshine, BBQ and a free, all-ages, outdoor show by a New Orleans' sax legend, grammy-nom­ inated pianist, & one of the Northwest's hottest drummers... What could be better? Wed, you never know what amazing, surprise guest musician will sit in! J?'"' EST 1974 V OLD TOWN P IZ Z A - $5 Off $15 Food Order expires 6 15.09 • m ust present this coupon VANPORT SQUARE 5201 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Bike Delivery! Open Lunch & Dinner w w w .o ld to w n p iz z a .c o m Platinum Fade S A L O N O re g o n 's lo n g e st-ru n n in g outdoor concert series returns with big names and summer fun On Wednesday, June 17, one day after his 47th birthday, N i­ gerian Afrobeat superstar Femi K uti w ill strap on his sax o ­ phone, take the stage, and kick off the Oregon Zoo's 2009 sum ­ m er concert series presented by NW Natural. Kuti, the oldest son o f leg­ endary A frobeat pioneer Fela Kuti, grew up in Lagos, N ige­ ria, hom e base for his father's powerful blend o f funk, jazz and h e a v y p e rc u s s io n . W h ile a natural heir to his father's m usi­ cal legacy, Femi Kuti also draws on elements of dance music and h ip -h o p to c re a te a m o d ern Afrobeat style entirely his own. "Femi Kuti's passion is ev i­ dent in each song," said Krista Swan, the zoo's event coordi­ nator. "His saxophone speaks to the heart, provoking unim ag­ inable em otion with each note." Afrobeat superstar Femi Kuti will kick off the Oregon Zoo concert series on Wednesday, June 17. Kuti perform s regularly in Nigeria, where he is a bona tide superstar, an d he has toured extensively throughout Europe and the United States with his band, the Positive Force. On record, he has collaborated with U.S. m usicians such as Macy We have the Best Barber & hair Stylist in Portland and w do Razor Line Cuts, Weaves, Relaxers and Cuts 5010 NE 9th Unit A, Portland, Oregon 97221 5 0 3 -2 8 4 -2 9 8 9 Monday & Tuesday, kids haircut age 1-13 will be only $5 -See Sherman LV’s Twelve 22 Bar & Lounge 3530 N Vancouver Ave 5 0 3 -2 81-2936 The Little Big Spot Sun, Live M usic Randy Starr and The Player-Jam Session 7:00-12:00 Funk & Soul M on, Live M usic Tw elve 22 All-Stars Band 8:00-12:00 Open Mic, Singers, poets, M usicians, G uests Tugs, Reagge Night 8 - 12:30 Guest D J'sa n d Bands W eds. L adies N ight- Tw elve 22 All-Stars Band G uest DJ Rehearsal 5:00-7:00Live Thurs. Jazz Band — com ing Soon-H appy H our 6-9 F ri-S ta rtiiig A pril 10 - Kings o f O l-Skool. D ress Code Enforced. D J ’s i Ken Berry, Larry Bell & Mike. $5 cover Saturday - G uest D J Day tim e Sports on Flat Screen G reat appretizers • D inner Specials Gray, M os D ef and Com m on. His m ost recent release, "Day by Day," cap tu res the fierce p a s s io n o f h is liv e p e r f o r ­ mances, while offering more re­ fined Afrobeat tones, elaborate instrum ental patterns and tunes to ignite any dance floor. Zoo Marks Train’s 50th Year All aboard! Oregon Zoo visi­ tors can jo in "Petticoat Ju n c­ tion" star Linda Kaye H enning in celebrating a half-century o f railw ay fun w ith the O regon steam locom otive on Saturday, June 20. Festivities begin with a birth­ day cerem ony at 10 a.m. and cake at 10:15 a.m. After the cel­ ebration, m em bers o f the N a­ tional Railway Historical Soci­ ety and O regon steam er VIPs will take the com m em orative first ride around the zoo. From 10:15 a.m. to 3 p.m., zoo visitors can ride the historic train, take handcar rides on side Metro council President David Bragdon operates the railroad tracks, view steam er Oregon Zoo's famous steam locomotive. The public is memorabilia from Oregon's cen­ invited to join in a celebration o f the locomotive's 50th te n n ial ce le b ra tio n , to u r the anniversary on Saturday, June 20. roundhouse, em boss their tick­ ets, and m eet the steam er crew "Petticoat Junction," will also 1959 fo r the O reg o n C e n ­ and railway m ascot, Rex the ti­ jo in th e p a rty , ta k in g a ten n ial E x p o sitio n , becam e celebratory ride on the rail and fam o u s as the H o o terv ille ger. C a n n o n b a ll on th e 1960s H enning, who played Betty signing autographs. T h e lo c o m o tiv e , b u ilt in TV sitcom . Jo on the 1960s railway sitcom Dance Party at Zaytoon - A dance party with DJ L Train and DJ G ottesfm ger will benefit In O ther W ords W om en’s Books and Resources and celebrate Pride on Sat­ urday evening, June 13 at Zaytoon Bar, 2236 N.E. Alberta St. Hours o f operation: M-F 9 a m - 6 pm Sat 8 am - 9 pm Sun 11 am - 6 pm lune 10. 2009 M ars on Broadw ay - S usannah M a rs, Portland’s first lady o f musical theater, will be the special guest as the Port­ land G ay M en’s Chorus rom ps through some of the greatest m usical m o­ ments from Broadway, for one night only, Saturday, June 1 3 at7 :3 0 p .m .a tth e Arlene SchnitzerC oncert Hall. Tickets can be purchased on line at pdxgm M ulticultural D ance -- A multicultural dance show choreographed by the Inter­ national Union Club, a group o f Cleveland H igh S ch o o l stu d en ts to b en e fit the Children’s Cancer Association will be held Saturday, June 13 at M ilagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St. Tickets arc $5 Northeast Farmers Mar­ ket - The new Portland Farm ers M arket in the King N eighborhood at King School Park take place each Sunday from 10 a m . to 2 p.m. through Sept. 27. Birdsongs at W hitaker Ponds — The Colum bia Slough W atershed C oun­ cil invites bird enthusi­ a sts to a fre e sp rin g birding tour Friday, June 12 from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. at W hitaker Ponds. Pre-registration is re­ quired by visiting colum or calling M elissa Sandoz at 503-281-1132. Live Jazz -- Every Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the Third Degrees ÏS IÏIIA IS H IM L ounge at the R iverPlace H otel, 1510 S.W . H arbor Way. No cover or m inim um purchase. For m ore inform a­ tion, visit . P o rtla n d ’s D ance H alls — T h e h isto ry o f P o rtla n d ' dance halls, many built in the 1920s, is the subject o f the art show “O nce Upon a T im e in Portland, W e D anced” at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center in north Portland. Best o f N atio n al G e o g ra p h ic -- Powerf ul portraits that reflect the continuity o f hu­ man experiences over time are on displayed in th e e x h ib it “ In F o c u s: N a tio n a l G eographic’s G reatest Portraits,” at the W orld Forestry Center Discovery M useum at Portland’s W ashington Park through June 21. E cc en tric ity gets an A d d re ss — Portland C enter Stage presents G rey G ard en s: T he M usical, the B road­ w ay sm a sh h it in ­ s p ire d by th e c u lt d o cum entary classic about Edith Bouvier Beale and her daugh­ t e r ‘Little E die’ Bou­ vier Beale, the aunt and cousin o f Jackie Kennedy nee Bou­ v ie r. S h o w s ru n through June 21. K irk G reen Ja m Ses­ sion - Com e enjoy the smooth and soulful sounds o f the Kirk G reen Band every Sunday, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m .atC lub72(),72()S .E .H aw thorne. The jam session and open mic is from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. All professional m usicians are A dvance tickets for the Femi Kuti show are available online or at the zoo for $ 10.50. Remain­ ing tickets will be available at the zoo after 4 p.m. on the day o f the performance. Ticket price includes zoo adm ission. Comeback Album T h e d a te fo r W h itn e y H o u s to n 's c o m e b a c k h as been set. A rista R eco rd s says her lo n g - a w a ite d album will be re­ leased Sept. 1. H ouston hasn't released a CD in seven years. So far, there's n o w o rd o n a Whitney title for the al- Houston bum. The 45-year-old superstar is one of the best-selling artists of all-time, but in recent years, she's been defined more by drug problems, marital woes and erratic behavior than by her Grammy-winning voice. S h e w o w e d th e c ro w d w hen she perform ed at her m e n to r C liv e D a v is' p re- G ram m y party in February. w elcome. For more inform ation, call 503- 234-7738. OM SI 2009 Film Festival - Sixteen re­ m arkable, thought-provoking films d e­ signed to celebrate the IM AX experience wi 11 be show n through June 28 as part o f the 2 0 0 9 0 M S I Film Festival. M usic M illennium Free Show s - The Music M illennium, 3158 E. Burnside, hosts in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free music and the opportunity to m eet artists. Call 503-231-8926 for a schedule. Zoo Buck T uesday s - On the second T ues­ day of every month, the O regon Zoo hosts 2-Buck T uesdays when guests can tour the zoo for the discounted price o f $2 per person. Food and E ntertainm ent - Sliders Grill, 3011 N. Lom bard, features an eclectic as­ sortm ent o f perform ers on the main stage, accom panied by delicious food. Call 503- 459-4488 for more information. OM SI A fter Dark - OM SI After Dark is a night at the m useum for the 21 and over crow d filled with food, drink and science fun ; $ 10 fee. For more information, call 503- 7 9 7 -4000or visit omsi .edu. T o tally G o sp el II - Peninsula Open Bible Church, 8225 N. Peninsula, hosts all styles o f gospel, country, and contem porary music with host Riny Horst each Friday night from. 7:30p.m . - 9 :3 0 p .m . For more information, call 503-335-3132. G et Intim ate with S to r m L a r g e -- Storm Large brings here in -y o u r-face sexuality, raw m usi­ cal ta le n t an d breathtaking em o­ tio n al ho n esty to P o rtla n d C e n te r Stage in the auto­ biographical world prem ier musical Crazy Enough, now play­ ing through June 28 in the Ellyn Bye Studio at the Arm ory, downtow n. Î