ìl’f^ ìo rtlan b (©bseruer PageA2 Slain Student Remembered Dan Saltzman expressed his condo- A n o rth P o rtla n d c h u rc h w as le n c e s and p ro m is e d th a t packed with more than 300 people W ashington’s killer will be arrested. M onday for the funeral o f Borisshell Last week, police arrested an 18- W a sh in g to n , th e 1 8 -y e a r-o ld y e a r -o ld m an in W a s h in g to n ’s Jefferson High School senior w ho w as g u n n e d d o w n M ay 31 at a d e a th , b u t th e n d is m is s e d th e c h a r g e s a g a in s t so u th e ast P ortlan d T odd R u th erfo rd , park adm itting they had F am ily , frie n d s, the w rong man. stu d en ts, te ac h ers, On S unday, clergy and city offi­ W a s h i n g to n ’s c ia ls a tte n d e d the m other w alked the s e rv ic e s at stage at M emorial Em m anuel Temple, C o liseu m to p ick grieving the loss o f up her d a u g h te r’s a n o th e r v ic tim o f d ip lo m a for w hat s u s p e c te d gang w as s u p p o se d to violence. be her graduation Bishop C.T. Wells ceremony. la m e n te d th a t he W hen th e was presiding over te e n a g e r ’s n a m e the fourth eulogy for Borisshell Washington was read the a y o u n g p e rs o n crowd erupted in cheers. Her mother killed in senseless violence over the and siblings received a standing past five months. ovation as they accepted the young O n behalf o f the m ayor and the w om an’s diplom a in her honor. City Council, Police Com m issioner lune IO, 2009 Baby Cut from Pregnant Woman nant. T hey said Roberts may have been in co n ­ tact with other pregnant women. S nively had recently m oved to O regon from M ary lan d b ecau se h er (AP) — A pregnant 21 -year- boyfriend and father o f old who was found dead in a the c h ild h ad fo u n d a craw l space o f a B eaverton better jo b . He reported hom e had been cut open and Snively m issing Friday h e r b ab y ta k e n fro m h e r night. w o m b , in v e s tig a to r s sa id S n iv e ly ’s m o th e r, Monday. It couldn't be deter­ Korena Roberts arraigned Heather Snively was killed Heidi Kidd o f St. Albans, m in ed if the in fan t son o f for murder in attack. W.Va., said Snively met H eather Snively died before R o b erts a few w eeks ag o th ro u g h g iv e n b ir th . P o lic e th e n fo u n d or after he was rem oved, the Wash­ C raigslist, the online classified ser­ Snively's body at Roberts' home. ington C ounty sh e riffs departm ent vice. Roberts told Snively she was A m edical exam iner said M onday said. pregnant and w anted baby clothes, that Snively died o f blunt and sharp A 27-year-old B eaverton wom an, Kidd said. They befriended one an­ force injuries. K orena Roberts, w as arraigned M on­ other and kept talking online. "At this tim e, it has not been deter­ day on a m urder charge in Snively's Kidd said her first grandson w as to m ined if she died because o f head death. w ounds she received or as a result of be nam ed John Steven. In v estig ato rs h av e said R o b erts "I'm still in shock; it hasn't hit me," cutting injuries she received to her claim ed Snively's infant was her own. she said. "I m ean, that initial phone abdom en," the sh eriffs office said. Police w ere called to the hom e Friday call; 1 ju st couldn't believe it. I ju st In v e s tig a to rs sa id R o b e rts had because a new born w asn't breathing. been telling friends and family m em ­ could not believe I was talking about D octors were unable to revive him bers for m onths that she w as preg­ my ow n child." and told officers that Roberts had not Victim met suspect via Craigslist jQJW-lMilBnOl Teen Murder Case Resolved Killer admits guilt during trial W HERE RUBBER M EETS TH E RUNW AY N o rth R u n w a y E x te n s io n P r o je c t Flight pattern and noise changes at PDX this sum m er (A P) - A Portland teenager on trial last w eek for the fatal sh o o tin g o f a B e n so n H igh S ch o o l fresh m an d ec id e d to plead guilty after the first w it­ ness identified him as the killer. Joseph E. Allen, 18, was sen­ tenced to 18 years in prison. Allen was a 16-year-old gang m em ber when he shot D avonte L ig h tfo o t in the back o f the head on a Sunday afternoon in January 2007 in front o f a com ­ m u n ity c e n te r o n N o rth K illingsw orth Street. L ightfoot w asn't in a gang, but his group o f friends may have had a run-in with Allen's friends in the past, Prosecutor C harles Sparks said. A lle n a p o lo g iz e d to Lightfoot's mother, w ho was at her son's side when he w as d e­ clared dead at a Portland hos­ pital five hours after the shoot­ ing. "It's ju s t on e o f th o se sad cases-a 16-year-old shooting a 1 4 -y ea r-o ld . ... T h e y 're ju s t kids," retired Portland police D etective Lynn Courtney, who investigated the crim e. Lightfoot, w ho was 5 feet tall, had ex celled as a youngster, even skipping a grade in elemen­ tary school. He started h ang­ ing with the wrong crowd, how ­ ever, and had been on proba­ tion since June 2005 after ad ­ m itting to possessing a gun. T he follow ing year he told a ju v e n ile c o u n s e lo r th a t he armed himself because he feared for his life. H is m o th e r , T a m m o r r a B a rn e s, c laim s in a la w su it a g a in s t M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty th a t L ig h tfo o t w e n t o u tsid e th e ra n g e o f h is e le c tro n ic m o n itoring an k let o n D ec. 21, 2006, an d th at she rep e ate d ly to ld the co u n ty th a t h er son w as b re a k in g th e ru le s an d she w an ted him d etain ed . A p r o s e c u to r u n s u c c e s s f u l ly tried to get a ju d g e to lock him up, in p art fo r his ow n safety. A few w eeks later, the boy w as d ead . Learn more at www.flypdx.com, and click on PDX North Runway Extension © PORT OF PORTLAND Advertise with diversity in P o rtla n d (Plv.erttrv C all 503-288-0033 Ask Deannai Real People, Real Advice 1 'CS .33 P o rtla n d c h ild re n ’s in v e stm e n t fu n d Dear Deannai Providing hope and opportunity fo r today ’s youth and tomorrow's leaders through:* • Early Childhood/$4 M invested in 20 programs: Children enter kindergarten healthy and prepared to succeed. •After School/$2.3 M invested in 18 programs: Students stay engaged in school and safe after school. • Mentoring/$1.4 M invested in 13 programs: Children are matched with positive and consistent role models. • Child Abuse Prevention & Intervention/$1.5 M invested in 11 programs: Stressed families receive support and intervention services. (Starting Jui> 2oo9) Foster Care: Helping children in foster care succeed. •Juh 2007-June 200R 2007-08 Program Highlights: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 16,000 children ages birth to 18 were helped. Nearly 700 substance abuse counseling hours offered to homeless youth. Moms and Dads received support through parent education classes. More than 3,300 students were mentored. 6,800 students participated in after-school programs. Families saw an increase in stability and a reduction in violence and abuse. ✓ Families received more than 11,000 home visits helping them with basic needs such as housing and food. ✓ Fund administrative costs kept to 5 percent so 95 cents of every dollar went to Portland kids. I’m the babysitter for my neighbor and the kid’s father is starting to make hints that he wants a relation­ ship. He has given me flowers and we shared a bottle o f wine when his wife was out of town. H e’s putting pressure on me to be intimate but I don’t feel comfortable in his house. I need to talk to him to see what he wants from me and what his plans are for his marriage. H o w d o lh av e th is d is c u s s io n ? --S tr e s s e d Babysitter; Charleston, S.C. Dear Babysitter: The only discussion you need to have is the one asking for your check from his wife and ending your services. This man only wants you for sex because his wife is away working and he sees a willing babysitter. D on’t be flattered by the wine because that was part of his game to get you to give it up. Y ou don’t need to discuss anything with him except the fact you’re not inter­ ested and he needs to find another babysitter and keep it moving. Dear Deannai My sister has moved in with me and it’s a total disaster. She is a liar, a thief and a master manipulator. I am used to a calm life that doesn’t involve anyone opening my mail, answering my phone and acting as if they live in a hotel with room service. 1 ’ m going to put her out but 1 have to face drama from my family because she’s told them a pack of lies. Our family is tom and she already has everyone on her side. How do I evict her and still save r face? -A nonym ous; Los Angeles Dear Anonymous: You need your sister and all of this madness just like you need a hole in the head. However, your sister is someone you grew up with and you knew most things about her before she moved in. This decision isquick and to the point. If it’s your house, your rules and your money, then she needs to shape up or ship out. If you have some joint agreements, then you need to change some locks, make new rules and try again before sending her packing. Dear Deanna! I am fresh out of a long term rela­ tionship and I really enjoy my single life and freedom. My girlfriends all envy me and now their boyfriends are accusing them o f cheating and looking for men when they hang out with me. I am not going to water down my lifestyle right now and my friends are having a hard time with this. They say that I am acting loose and as if I don’t have any morals. 1 think they’re tieddow n to balls and chains and are jealous. Am I wrong? -H a p p y and Free; O n­ line Reader Dear Happy: The men of your friends are inse­ cure and obviously don’t know their women as well as they think. If your behavior is affecting them, you need to cool off and slow it down a bit when you’re around them. These are your friends and you need to still show some respect and regard for the differences in your relationships, or lack thereof. At the end of the day, enjoy your life and realize that everyone is responsible for their choices. Yours just appears more fun right now. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! at the email askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly H ills, CA 90211. W ebsite: Subscribe’ 503-288-0033 Attn: Subscriptions, F ill Out & Send To: PO Box 3137, tb* Portland <0b»eruer Portland OR 97208 s u b s c r ip tio n s a re ju s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r Portland voters renewed the Children s Levy in Fall 2008 to continue the Children 's Investment Fund for another five years. The Fund annually generates about S I2 million for Portland Children. To learn more, visit www.childrensinvestmentfund.org 503*823*2936 (please include check with this subscription form) N ame : _______________ _______ T elephone :_____________________ _ A ddress : _ _ _ _ _ ----------- o r em a il subscriptions @ portlandobserver.com^