î,fe^ o rtla n h ©bseruer May 27. 2009 Encore Concert C lassified /B id J Family Caregiver Sub Bid Requested PORTLAND AIRPORT DEICING SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROJECT PORTLAND, OREGON Support Group Health Syntnn BID PACKAGE NUMBER ONE - SURVEY, SURCHARGE, AND At Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital PROJECT STAGING AREA BID DATE: JUNE 1 1 ,2 0 0 9 A T 2 :0 0 P .M . 1040 NW 22nd Building 2 1 st Floor conference room North & South MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE MAY 18TH AND MAY 19TH June 4"' 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. J. E. Dunn Northwest, Inc. 437 N. Colum bia Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97217 Phone: (503) 978-0800 Fax: (503) 978-1034 CCB 84045 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all Interested firms Including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. RH R&H CONSTRUCTION Notification of Upcoming Project R&H Construction Company for The Housing Authority of Portland Martha Washington This topic-oriented group offers a safe place to discuss the stresses. Challenges and rewards of providing care to an older relative or friend. Bid Package #1: B uilding Dem olition & Construction Bid Packages will be available sta rtin g 5/27/2009 Pre-Bid M eeting: 5/28/2009 10:00 AM Pre-Bid M eeting: 6/10/2009 1:00 PM Bids due by: 4:00 PM 6/17/2009 *Note: Bids fo r the follow ing trades are by invitation only; (Abatement, final cleaning, landscape, masonry restoration, drywall (m etal studs, acoustic), painting, electrical) R&H Construction Company 1530 SW Taylor St Portland, OR 97205 OR CCB#:38304 Bid Contact: Jake Sly 503-228-7177 Fax: 503-224-3638 W e are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub bids from all interested firm s including disadvantaged, minority, wom en, disabled, veterans, and em erging small business enterprises. ADVERTISEMENT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EAST CAMPUS RESIDENCE HALL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES ADVERTISEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES The Oregon State Board of Higher Education/OUS is seeking qualified construction m anagem ent firm s interested in providing Construction M anagem ent/G eneral Contractor (CM G C) s e rvice s in connection w ith the East Cam pus Residence Hall project on the University of Oregon campus. The successful CM /G C will be w orkin g closely with a design firm and the University on scheduling, budget and c o n s tru c ta b ility is s u e s th ro u g h th e C o n s tru c tio n Docum ent phase of design. The project generally consists of initial W ork that includes the construction of a four or five story Residence Hall Facility that will be constructed on a lot in eastern cam pus. The University has contracted with ZG F as the Architect for th e design of the project. The design schedule calls for trade contractor bidding during the Spring o f 2010 and construction beginning im m ediately thereafter. W ritten proposals com pleted in accordance with the RFP m ust be received by th e Oregon State Board o f Higher Education at the University of Oregon Facilities Services Department, Capital Construction, by 4:00p m on June 1 1 ,2 0 0 9 . If subm itted by mall, send to: Departm ent of Facilities Services Capital Construction 1276 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403-1276 If delivered by messenger or other delivery service: Departm ent of Facilities Services Capital Construction 1295 Franklin Boulevard Eugene, OR 97403 T h e re is a n o n -m a n d a to ry p re -p ro p o s a l c o n fe re n c e scheduled for June 2 ,2 0 0 9 at 2pm. The conference will be held in the Facilities Services Large Conference Room. North of Franklin Blvd on Onyx. A ll p ro p o s e rs m u st co m p ly w ith re q u ire m e n ts o f th e p re v a ilin g w a ge law in O R S 2 7 9 C .8 0 0 th ro u g h ORS 2 79 C .8 70 . All p ro p o se rs m ust be registe red w ith the Construction Contractor’s Board at the tim e of proposal subm ission. D ocum ents will be electronica lly distributed upon your contacting the University of Oregon at the below stated contact. Firm s interested in obtaining the Request for Proposals (R FP ), w h ich d e s crib e s th e a p p lica tio n and sele ctio n process, should phone, write or E-mail to: University o f Oregon Facilities Services Phone: 5 4 1 -3 4 6 -2 2 8 7 Fax: ' Sunday May 31,2009 7:00 PM General Admission Price: $7.00 Located at: Reynolds High School 1698 SW cherry Park Rd Troutdale, OR 97060 Arts & Communications Building Ben Brooks Auditorium o f e a c h m o n th a t 3 P M Facilitator Susan Tipton, program Coordinator, Legacy Caregiver Services Deborah Letourneau from Washington County Disability, Aging & Veterans Services will be our guest. The City of Portland, Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) is seeking a Signals & Street Lighting Division M a n a g e r/P rin c ip a l Engineer to p la n , o rg a n iz e , c o n tro l, in te g ra te and e v a lu a te th e work of subordinate managers and supervisors and develop, im plem ent and m onitor work p la n s a n d s tr a te g ie s to a c h ie v e P B O T m ission and goals. Ap p roxim a te M onthly S a la ry: $7,514 to $10,018. For m ore in fo rm a tio n or to a p p ly on line, p lea se go to w w w .c i.p o r tla n d .o r .u s /io b s / Attn: U nde Silver Reynolds High School Choir Students Perform Pop Covers and Original Songs For more information about this support group, call Legacy Caregivers Services at 503-413-7655. Sub Bids Requested for 1 2 7 6 University of Oregon Leam about Available Services? Learn about free services available for unpaid family caregivers. 1 st T h u r s d a y PageA9 5 4 1 -3 4 6 -6 9 2 7 e-mall: Isllver9uoregon.edu Eugene, OR 9 7 4 0 3 -1 2 7 6 OREGON STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION By: Frances Dyke, Vice-President for Finance and Adm inistration, Eugene, Oregon 09 0 5 3 /0 9 -0 5 3 .htm M ETR O H A P HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND Hillsdale Terrace and Slavin Court are pleased to announce the lim ite d o p e n in g o f th e ir 3- bedroom public housing waiting from Monday, June 1 ,2 0 0 9 u n til F rid a y , June 5 , 2 0 0 9 . Applications will be accepted by fax to 503.802.8488, by mail to 6775 S W 26th Ave, P o rtla n d , OR 9 7219, o r in person at the Hillsdale Terrace leasing office ONLY (6775 SW 2 6 th A v e , P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 1 9 ). A p p lic a tio n s a re a v a ila b le a t th e H ills d a le Terrace leasing office, by mail, or by visiting w w w .hapdx.org. For m o re in fo rm a tio n v is it w w w .h a p d x.org or call 503- 2 4 6 -39 6 6 / 5 03 -80 2 -8 5 54 (TTY). lists Human Resources Assistant $ 1 8 .9 1 -$ 2 5 .1 5 hr, FT Deadline: 6/4/09 To a ccess th e com plete jo b announcem ent and required application materials, visit our website at www.oregonmetro.gov/ jobs o r pick up a co m p le te p a c k e t a t M e tro H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE G ra n d Ave., Portland. AA/EEO Employer Seeking Volunteers W e are currently seeking men a nd w o m e n v o lu n te e rs fo r adm inistrative, outreach, and m e n to rin g e m p lo y m e n t to help youths in the M ultnom ah County area. Our location is at the C a lva ry Church 126 NE Alberta, Portland, OR. 97211. Office phone num ber is 503- 761-2956 Nursing ever expected ... In a place you never expected. If your career wish list includes things like real autonomy, true cam araderie, more flexibility, greater clinical environm ent, fe w e r p h y s ic a l d e m a n d s , lower diagnostic acuity, and the op p ortu n ity to w ork side-by- s id e w ith d o cto rs and PAs, you've com e to the right place. And that place is at W exford Health Sources - a nationally re c o g n iz e d le a d e r in contracted m edical services fo r c o rre c tio n a l fa c ilitie s . Please join our team as: • R N - PRN • L P N -F T , PRN Clark County Jail Vancouver, WA $ 6 6 3 0 - $ 9 0 4 8 / m o n th . E x c e lle n t m anagem ent benefit package provided. Com e to think of It, you'll also enjoy a very attractive salary, g re a t b e n e fits , and lo ts of promotional opportunities. For fu ll co n s id e ra tio n , co n ta ct: Nina Dow, Staffing Consultant; Phone: 800-903-3616; Fax: 412-937-8874. ndow@ wexfordhealth.com AnEquelO D PO rlunity To be c o n s id e re d fo r th is position, a qualified applicant m ust subm it a com pleted City o f W e s t L in n e m p lo y m e n t a p p lic a tio n , re s p o n s e s to supplem ental questions and R esum e to the C ity of W est Linn, Departm ent of Hum an R esources, 22500 Salam o Road, W est Linn, OR 97068, by June 15, 2009, 4:00 p.m. A p p lic a tio n p a c k e ts a re a v a ila b le o n -lin e at w w w , w estlin noregon .gov or by request at (503)657-0331 EEO I If you or a loved one have sustained serious Injury or death you may have a cause of action: 1) . Raptlva - used to treat Psoriasis but can cause rare brain in fe c tio n k n o w n a s P M L (P ro g re s s iv e M u ltifo c a l L e u k o e n c e p h a lo p a th y ), v a rio u s m a lig n a n c ie s , V ira l Meningitis, Invasive Fungal Disease, Anem ia and Bacterial Sepsis injected into bloodstream to enhance MRI/ MRA screenings but can cause NSF(Nephrogenic System ic Fibrosis) which can lead to kidney or renal failure. Symptoms may include swelling, hardening and tightening of the skin, reddened or darkened patches of skin, burning and itching of skin, yellow raised spots on the w hites of eyes and stiffening of joints. 2 ) . Gadolinium - M ore than you CITY OF WEST LINN PLANNING DIRECTOR The City of W est Linn seeks a p ro v e n le a d e r to s e rv e as P la n n in g D ire c to r. The successful candidate will have a M aster’s degree in planning or administration and 10 years e x p e rie n c e In m u n ic ip a l p la nning w ith know ledge o f Oregon land use planning. The p o s itio n re q u ire s s o u n d management, supervision and e x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n skills. W. James Singleton Attorney at Law t ¿Wexford Health r f, ;i H <• . » '■ IN <• 0 ft 0 f« <• i 3) . Reglan - used to treat heart burn and gastroesophagel or acid reflux but can cause tem porary/perm anent involuntary m ovem ent (tardive dyskinesia) which can effect the face, and other parts of the body. It has also been known to cause Neuroleptic M alignant Syndrom e which sym ptom s include high fever, sweating, unstable blood pressure, stupor, m uscular rigidity and autonom ic dysfunction. used to treat Grave's (thyroid) disease in children but can cause severe liver dam age or death. 4 ) . Propylthiouracil - 5) . Permax - used to m anage trem ors and slow ness of movement associated with Parkinson's Disease or Restless Leg Syndrom e. Can cause dam age to the mitral, aortic and tricuspid heart valves, which includes leakage of these valves. M edical Devices: 6 ) . M entor OBTape - vaginal mesh sling used to treat bladder incontinence in wom en but can cause severe infection, extrem e vaginal pain, vaginal extrusion and urinary tract erosion. 7) . Duragesic Pain Patch - used to treat pain but patch may leak and cause inadequate treatm ent or a fatal fentanyl/ m orphine overdose The Singleton Law Finn 8 7 7 -6 3 1 -5 2 0 0 www.slngletonlaw.com Uwyer» «( «1« Singleton U n t U rn ere edmltted to prictlce I t » In L o u ltltn t tn d T t x tt. In othor Jurisdictions. we worir wttft toe«/ count»! Yq,u TÄ! |<>h Hotline: 503-988-5035 TTY: 503-988-5170 an equal opportunity employer MULTNOMAH COUNTY www.m ultcojobs.org