œ‘!r JJortlanb (Observer Page A6 May 27. 2009 ‘Zoo Brew’ Taps Local Talent Maxwell Back with New CD The best beer in the N orth­ west will com bine with one of the greatest bands ever to com e out o f Oregon, the Crazy 8s, for Z oo Brew, Friday, May 29, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the O regon Zoo. T he recently reunited rock band of the 1980s and '90s, will provide the microbrew festival's soundtrack, playing live on the zoo's main stage as attendees sample beers from more than 20 local microbreweries. T h e fe s tiv a l su p p o rts the zoo's aw ard-w inning education p ro g ra m s an d p ro v id es new veterinary equipm ent. Tickets to Z oo Brew are $25 and include a com m em orative g la s s an d 10 to k e n s . O n ly guests 21 and over will be ad ­ mitted. Maxwell may appear smooth and suave onstage, but he says it's all just an act. The soul singer says he's ac­ tually insecure — so a concert tour last fall helped boost his confidence about releasing a new album. Maxwell says going on the road also gave him a lot of in­ spiration for his new material. H is CD is title d , "BLACKsummers'night." It is due to be released July 7. It's Maxwell's first album in almost Maxwell 10 years I Oregon rock legends the Crazy 8s are reuniting to play Zoo Brew, the zoo's annual festival of Northwest brewers, on Friday, May 29, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Love, Wit and Folly OLD TOWN P IZ Z A ' $5 Off $15 Food Order Actors from Portland's Re- Theatre Instrument create an extraordinary theatrical experience by presenting both the classic and a contemporary adaptation of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, with shows continuing through June 6 at Brunish Hall at the Portland Center for the Performing Arts. For tickets, visit retheatre.org or call 603- 790-ARTS. expires 6.15.09 • must present this coupon VANPORT SQUARE 5201 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Bike Delivery! Open Lunch & Dinner Art for Africa Benefit The Springbox Gallery, 2234 N.W. 24th Ave., hosts an Art for A frica benefit on Saturday, May 30 at 6 p.m. to raise money to p r o v id e q u a lity e d u c a tio n to underserved indigenous children in rural Tanzania. Proceeds from the second annual event helps the Indigenous Education Founda­ tion o f Tanzania, a non-profit grassroots organization co-founded by Portland resi­ dent Ashley Holmer. G uests and donors will be w elcom ed with food, w ine, beer and refreshm ents as th e y b ro w se th ro u g h th e a rtw o rk o f Springbox artists, participate in a silent auction and raffle, enjoy live music, Maasai handcrafts, and more. IS M tS T Rose F e stiv a l—The Port- land Rose Festival W ater­ front V illage is in full sw ing at W aterfront Park. The Starlight Parade is Satur­ N.W. Fifth Ave., on day, May 30, also Saturday, M ay 30 dow ntow n. The at 9 p.m. G rand Floral Pa­ G ospel Choir rade is Saturday, Spring Concert - June 6 starting at De La Salle North 10 a.m. from M e­ morial C oliseum to dow ntow n. Catholic High School presents The Q ueen’s Coronation pre­ its G ospel C hoir Spring C on­ cedes the G rand Floral parade at cert, Thursday, M ay 28 at 7 p.m. 8:30a.m ..also at M emorial C o li­ at the U niversity o f P ortland’s Buckley A uditorium . Free ad­ seum. mission. Tomorrow's "z LEADERS are in our classrooms to d a y Create your own pathw ay to success with an undergraduate business degree from Marylhurst University. Learn more at our Northeast Farmers Market - OPEN HOUSE Thursday, June 4, 2009 • 6:30 p.m. BP John Administration Bldg, Rm 200 For more information or to RSVP: 503-699-6268 www.marylhurst.edu/leaders 10 mtes south of Portland on Highway 43 MARYLHURST UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE SINCE 18»3 “Miiryiliurst University consistently provides ine new knowledge that I apply at work the next day. The instructors have a personal approach th at makes Marylhurst a wonJerful place to learn and grow. They understand the clutlienges facing the working student and connect learning to real u arid applications. " — Jerry Buckner The new Portland Farmers M ar­ ket in the King N eighborhood at King School Park take place each Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. through Sept. 27. Bay Area Hip Hop - A fresh new hip hop sound from the Bay A re a , “T h e Pack,” will per­ form with Illaj and DJ A uto­ mation at Back- s ta g e , 115 |NEW SEASONS. M A R K E T N O W D E L IV E R IN G Y o u r fa v o r ite n e ig h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s to r e n o w d e liv e r s g r o c e r ie s r ig h t to y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e . Portland’s Dance Halls — The history o f P ortland' dance halls, m any built in the 1920s, is the subject o f the art show “Once Upon a Tim e in Portland, We D a n c e d ” at th e I n te r s ta te Firehouse Cultural C enter in north Portland. Get Intimate with Storm Large - 1 Storm Large brings here in-your-face sexuality, raw m u­ sic a l ta le n t an d breathtaking em otional honesty to Portland C enter Stage in the autobiographical world premier m usical Crazy E nough, now playing through June 28 in the Ellyn Bye Studio at the Armory, dow ntow n. Best of N a­ tional G eo­ graphic Powerful por­ traits th at re­ flect the conti­ nuity of human e x p e rie n c e s overtim e are on displayed in the exhibit “ In Fo­ cus: N atio n al G e o g ra p h ic ’s G reatest Portraits," at the W orld F o re stry C e n te r D isc o v e ry M useum at P ortland's W ash­ ington Park through June 21. Kirk Green Jam Session - Com e enjoy the sm ooth and soul ful sounds of the Kirk Green Band every Sunday, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m . at C lub 720, 720 S.E. Hawthorne. The jam session and o p en m icisfrom 9p.m .to 10p.m. All professional m usicians are welcome. For more information, call 503-234-7738. Pink Martini and the O regon Symphony - N e w ly a d d e d c o n c e r t fo r P ortland’s G lobe-Trotting Sa­ lon, 923 S.W . W ashington St., will take place Tuesday, June 2 at 7:30 p.m. For m ore inform a­ tion call 503-228-7343. Comedy at Miracle Theater - The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa, a raucous and unpredict­ able satire, currently is on stage with English language shows through Saturday, M ay 30 at Miracle Theater,525 S.E. Stark St. Mars on Broadway - Susannah Mars, Portland’s first lady of musical theater, will be the spe­ cial guest as the Portland Gay M en’s Chorus romps through some o f the greatest musical moments from Broadway, for one night only.June 13at7:30p.m . at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. Tickets can be purchased on line atpdxgm c.org. Music Millennium Free Shows — T he Music M illennium , 3158 E. Bum side, hosts in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free music and the opportunity to m eet art­ ists. Call 503-231-8926 fora schedule. Zoo Buck Tuesdays - On the second Tuesday o f ev ­ ery m onth, the O regon Zoo h o sts 2 -B u ck T u e sd a y s when guests can tour the zoo for the discounted price o f $2 per person. Food and Entertainment -- Slid­ ers Grill, 301 1 N. Lombard, fea­ tures an eclectic assortm ent of perform ers on the main stage, accom panied by delicious food. Call 503-459^4488 for more infor­ mation. OMSI After Dark - OMSI A f­ ter Dark is a night at the museum for the 21 and over crow d Filled with food, drink and science fun; $ 10 fee. For more inform a­ tion, call 503-797-4000 or visit om si.edu. Totally Gospel II - Peninsula OMSI2009 Film Festival - Six­ Open Bible Church, 8225 N. Pen­ w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up) teen rem arkable, thought-pro­ voking Films designed to cel­ ebrate the IM AX experience will be show n through June 28 as part o f the 2009 O M SI Film Fes­ tival. insula, hosts all styles o f gos­ pel, country, and contem porary music with host Riny Horst each Friday night from, 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. For more information, call 503-335-3132.