3'l’r J l o r t l a n b ffib se ru e r May 27, 2009 Page AS O bservador el Hispanics Skeptical of Fair Treatment by Police Survey finds racial justice disconnect (A P ) — F ew er than h a lf o f H isp an ics in the U .S. believe th ey w ill be trea ted fairly by p o lice or the co u rts, show ing a level o f distru st greater than th a t o f w h ite s but less th an black s, ac co rd in g to su rv ey s. T he recent rep o rt rele ase d by the Pew H ispan ic C e n ter h ig h lig h ts a w idening d isc o n ­ nect in racial justice: At a tim e w hen H isp an ics are in te ra c t­ ing more with law enforcem ent due in p art to th e ir g ro w in g p o p u latio n as w ell as stepped up im m igration en fo rcem en t. they are show ing sk ep ticism . M ark H ugo L o p ez, a s so c i­ ate d irecto r o f the center, cited in part H isp an ics' fears o f im ­ m ig r a tio n p r o s e c u tio n s as w ell as a p ercep tio n th at p o ­ lice w ill be ineffective in help ­ ing them if they are victim s o f a crim e. "H isp an ic e x p o su re to all p arts o f the crim in al ju stic e system has risen ev en faster than th eir rising share o f the U .S . a d u lt p o p u la tio n ," he said. A m ong the findings: F o rty -six p e rc e n t o f H is ­ panics w ere co n fid en t p olice w ould treat them fairly c o m ­ pared to o th e r racial o r ethnic g ro u p s. T h a t's c o m p a re d to 74 p ercen t o f w hites an d 37 International Soccer at PGE Park Unitingthe Americas Group blends Afro-samba-funk T he band S am baD a m u si­ cally unites the Americas; draw- in g fro m p e rc u s s io n b a s e d sty le s o f South an d C e n tral A m erican samba and salsa, and b len d s it w ith that good old funk and reggae back beat so The band SambaDa blends South and Central American samba and salsa with good old fa m ilia r to cro w d s o f N orth funk and reggae. The group will perform in Portland Friday, June 5 at Someday Lounge, America. 125 N.W. Fifth Ave. T h e s e p te t , w h ic h w a s T he band is know n fo r its d an ce by cre atin g an ecstatic edge, along with special guests fo rm e d by P ap ib a G o d in h o , p e r c u s s io n , n o n -sto p d an ce p arty that ap ­ Lions o f Batucada, when they h as co n q u e re d the c lu b and h ig h - e n e r g y festiv al circuit w ith its w ildly d an ceab le g rooves and v isu ­ p eals to all ages and cu ltu res. perform Friday, June 5 at 9 p.m. Portland area residents will at Som eday Lounge, 125 N.W. ex p lo siv e C a rn iv al-lik e p e r­ ally dynam ic show . S am baD a is ded icated to m aking people get a taste o f Sam baD a's funky Fifth Ave. form ances. •> ¡Explorando el Colum bia Slough! Area residents are invited to celebrate nature in the city and north and northeast Portland’s major waterway, the Columbia Slough. This bilingual family environ­ mental festival will be held Sat­ urday, June 20 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Whitaker Ponds Natural Park, 7040 N.E. 47th Ave. There will be activities in Spanish and English for all ages. E xplorando is free and in ­ cludes guided canoe trips, live music, folk dancing, storytelling, arts & crafts, w orkshops, and more! The first 4ÍX) visitors re- ceive a free Explorando 2 0 0 9 1- shirt. ¡Celébrase la naturaleza en la ciudad y el ambiente del Colum- b ia S lo u g h ! E s te f e s tiv a l Live music and folk dancing will be part o f the fun at bilingüe de la familia y el medio Explorando el Columbia Slough! am biente ofrece actividades en español y ingles para todos las folklórico, cueptos e historias Explorando 2009. F o r in f o rm a tio n , v is it edades. Explorando es gratis y bilingües, artes, actividades y incluye: viajes en canoas con m ás! El primer 400 personas les columbiaslough.org or call 503- una guía, m úsica en vivo, baile recibirán cam isetas gratis del 956-8558 The Portland Tim bers will play host to the reserve team o f ren o w n ed M exican side Club Am erica in an interna­ tio n al ex h ib itio n m atch on Sunday, M ay 31 at 5 p.m. at PGE Park. A ff ilia te d w ith o n e o f M exico's m ost accom plished clubs. Club Am érica reserves c o m p e te in th e P rim e ra D ivisión A, w hich is the sec­ ond-highest level o f M exican soccer. The team features ris­ ing stars as well as several of M ex ico ’s up-and-com ing n a­ tional team players, including M exican U -20 N ational Team g o a lk e e p e r H u g o G o n z á le z Durán. Tickets start at $15 and are available through the PGE Park box office and T ick etm aster outlets. Advertise with d iv e rs ity in ffl’1 jLìnrtlanò (D hsfrticr Call 5()3-288-3'3 ____________ A quarter century of Jazz and Blues; 25 years is a long time, a milestone... If you enjoy the music of KMHD 89.1 FM please consider supporting the station. We need your support to continue playing the jazz and blues music you love. With your faith and monetary support KMHD will be around for 25 morel "It isn't where you came from, it's where you're going that counts." Ella Fltzeeraid If you are interested in making a contribution online visit www.kmhd.fm Mail to KMHD/MHCC/26000 SE Stark. Gresham. OR 97030 Name: _______________________________ Amount:__________________ Address _____________________________ C ity :_____________________ State: _______________ Z ip :__________ Card #________________________________ Phone:____________________ Exp Date: ________________ Signature:________________________________________________________ A broadcast service of Mt. Hood Community College ’ O8K Ili. : II» Il fe ' Pli Usa p ercen t o f blacks. had co n tact w ith the crim in al Roughly six in 10 Hispanics ju stic e system in the p rev io u s say they have a great deal or a five years, eith er as a w itn ess fair am ount o f confidence that to a crim e, a ju ro r, or as a su s­ police will do a good jo b over­ pect or crim inal. all enforcing the law. T hat is F o rty -six p e rc e n t o f H is ­ c o m p a re d to 78 p e rc e n t o f pan ics b eliev e p olice w ill not whites and 55 percent of blacks. use ex c essiv e fo rce on s u s­ M ore than h alf, or 56 p er­ pects, co m p ared to 73 p ercent cen t, o f H isp an ics say they or o f w hites and 38 p ercen t o f an im m ediate fam ily m em ber blacks. Í ? T fI B U J r WrWjaalL. ’ « JŒrarajb e i t fi hi- ù i ffxB/uSnKn 1 ** < tu f* tmayine tAo (auyAtex tArtt faff a the aUt when, you, eAn/fenye you ft, Ramify and win, in a game of Crazy Eights. 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