Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 20, 2009, Page 8, Image 8

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A quarter century of
Jazz and Blues; 25
years is a long time,
a milestone...
If you enjoy the
music of KMHO
89.1 FM please
consider supporting
the station. We need
your support to
continue playing the
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With your faith and
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KMHO will be
around for 25 morel
^Jcrrtlanh ©hseruer
May 20. 2009
Fresh Hip Hop Group ‘The Pack’
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going that counts."
glia Fitzgerald
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Mail to KMHO/MHCC/26000 SE Stark, Gresham. OR 97030
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A broadcast service of Mt Hood Community College
LV’s Twelve 22
Bar & Lounge
3530 N Vancouver Ave
The Little Big Spot
S un. L ive M usic Randy Starr and The Player-Jam Session
7:00-12:00Funk& Soul
M on. L ive M usic Tw elve 22 A ll-Stars Band
8:00-12:00 Open Mic, Singers, poets, M usicians, Guests
lu e s . R eagge N ight
8 - 12 :3 0 G uest D J’s and Bands
W eds. L a d ies N ight- Tw elve 22 A ll-Stars Band G uest DJ
Rehearsal 5:00-7:00Live
A fresh new hip hop sound
from the Bay Area, The P ack’
will perform in Portland with lllaj
and DJ A u to m ato n at B ack-
stage, 115 N.W. Fifth Ave., on
Saturday, M ay 30 at 9 p.m.
B o rn
fro m
N o rth e rn
C alifornia's independent hip-
hop scen e, T h e P ack b eg an
three years ago, com prised of
M C's Young L, 20, Lil Uno, 18,
Stunna M an, 20 and Lil B, 18,
The foursome met while attend­
ing Berkeley High School.
Not long after, The Pack cre­
ated 2 0 0 6 's sn eak er anthem ,
"Vans." Hearing the buzz, vet­
eran Oakland, Calif. MC, Too
Short, saw national potential
and has assisted in The Pack's
su ccess.
Tickets are $ 10 in advance or
$14 at the door.
The Pack is a new hip-hop group from the Bay Area who will perform with lllaj and DJ
Automation at Backspace, 115 N. IV. Fifth Ave., Saturday, May 30 at 9 p.m.
Vancouver Cancels July 4 Show
Vancouver N ational Historic
R e serv e T ru st is re m in d in g
people that the 4th o f July fire­
works event at Fort Vancouver
has been cancelled for this year.
M any factors led to the deci­
sion, but the bottom line is that
the p ro duction ex penses had
grown to nearly h alf a million
dollars. T hat expense could not
be sustained.
Beginning next year, the Trust
is planning an all new “Indepen­
dence Day at Fort Vancouver”
event which will feature more his­
torical connections and m ore
family-friendly activities. A fire­
works show from the grounds of
the Reserve will be a part o f the
new event.
Although the firew orks show
and all-day 4th o f July celebra­
tion is cancelled this year, Fort
Vancouver, the V isitor Center
and the Fort V ancouver Book­
store will be open on July 4 from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visitors are en ­
couraged to tour the fort and to
bring a picnic lunch. No per­
sonal firew orks, barbeques, al­
cohol or pets will be allowed on
the site on July 4.
Thurs. Jazz B and - com ing Soon-H appy H our 6-9
F ri-S ta rtin g A p ril 10 - Kings o f O l-Skool. D ress Code
E n fo rc e d .D J 's’. Ken Berry, Larry Bell & M ike. $5 cover
Saturday - G uest D J
Day tim e Sports on Flat Screen
G reat appretizers • D inner Specials
r c ^ ° rs:
I'll** ’•
A N I» F H I E N U S
MAY 2 4 T I I
l , r«‘N<,i»l«*d li a
A T 3 : 3 0 PM
fjortbwest Voice For Christ Ministries
"A Community Church"
IIIIH I R E 3 O t h A v e .
P o r tla n d , U H » 7 3 1 1
Last Show’s Apocalypse
How will the w orld end? O r
has it already? O r is it ending
right now?
The Nom adic Theatre G o ’s
latest original production, The
Last Show You'll Ever See, fea­
tures a w om an and her trom ­
bone as they face the possibil­
ity o f im pending apocalypse.
T hrough fast-paced hum or,
offbeat text, virtuosic p anto­
mime, and musical interludes,
the intrepid heroine grapples
with some endless possibilities.
The show was created in the
European tradition o f theatrical
clow ns and on the principle that
tra g e d y p r o v id e s th e b e s t,
deepest fodder for comedy.
T he Last Show You’ll Ever
See opens Friday, May 15 at the
C u rio u s C o m ed y in V anport
S q u a re , 5 2 2 5 N .W . M a rtin
Luther King Jr. Blvd. Shows are
at 10 p.m. Fridays and Satur­
days, and 7 p.m. on Sundays,
through May 24. Tickets are $ 12
for general adm ission and $10
for students.
For m ore inform ation, visit
curiouscom edy.org or call 503-
Smothers Brothers Live - The
legendary Sm others Brothers
will be perform ing their slap­
stick style o f com edy at C h i­
nook W inds C a­
sino Resort in Lin­
coln City on Friday,
May 22 and Satur­
day, May 23 at 8
p.m. both nights.
For tickets or more
information, call 1 -888-624-6228.
F e s t iv a l
K ick s
O ff
Early --For the first
lliivhup II. I.. Ilodij«-. P h .» .. Puelrir
Northeast Farmers Market -
W O R SH IP P IN G !!!
A dvertiflH ^^^H ty in
îlie^tfr|kutM Û hst' mer
Call 503-288-0031 ads^portlandöb server.com
T he new P o rt­
la n d F a rm e rs
M ark et in the
King N eighbor­
h o o d at K in g
School Park take
place each Sun­
day from 10 a.m.
to 2 p.m. through
Sept. 27.
o s e > W
f r id a y a u g u s t 28
m cm enam ins edgefield
F lic k e t» at all tickctmaster outlets, the crystal ballroom h o t rtfficr
P charge by phone at R00.74? .5000, rw online at rtrkrnnantrr.rorn
.„1,^,1 u,
r h . r . e . » a y , « .M e . le e
L I n V
ig h t o n l
m um
p u rch a se.
For m ore infor­
m a tio n ,
v is it
tim e ever, the Portland
Rose Festival W ater­
front Village opens this
M em orial Day w eek­
end, startin g Friday,
May 22 at W aterfront
Park, dow ntow n. The
fun will continue over three
w eekends. The Starlight Parade
is Saturday, May 30. The Grand
Floral Parade is Saturday,
June 6 starting at 10 a.m.
from Memorial Coliseum
to d o w n to w n . T h e
Q ueen’s Coronation pre­
cedes the G rand Floral
parade at 8:30 a.m., also
at M emorial Coliseum.
Live Jazz -- Every Friday and
Teen Dance - CHILD Inc,
a lo c a l g ro u p p r o v id in g
childcare and transitional sup­
port to local residents is having
a teen dance at the M ississippi
B a llro o m on M ay 22 as a
fundraising event and outreach
opportunity for teens ages 13 to
18. For m ore inform ation, con­
ta c t
T ro y
T a te
child.inc.pdx.@ tmail.com.
I / X
Sarah Liane and her
trombone face the
possibility of impending
apocalypse in ‘The Last
Show You'll Ever See'
at Curious Comedy,
5225 N.E. Martin
Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Saturday from 8 p.m. to 1 1 p.m.,
the T hird D egrees Lounge at
the RiverPlace Hotel, 1510S.W.
H arbor W ay. No cover or mini-
Portland's Dance Halls - The
history o f Portland’ dance halls,
many built in the 1920s, is the
subject o f the art show “O nce
Upon a T im e in Portland, W e
D a n c e d ” at th e I n te r s ta te
Firehouse C ultural C enter in
north Portland.
Kirk Green Jam Session -
Com e enjoy the sm ooth and
soulful sounds o f the Kirk Green
Band every Sunday, 7 p.m. to 11
p.m . at C lub 720, 720 S.E.
Hawthorne. The jam session and
open mic is from 9 p.m. to 10p.m.
All professional m usicians are
welcome. For more information,
call 503-234-7738.
OMS12009 Film Festival - Six­
teen rem arkable, thought-pro­
voking films designed to cel­
ebrate the IMAX experience will
be shown through June 28 as
part o f the 2009 OM SI Film Fes­
Pink Martini and the Oregon
Sym phony — N ew ly added
Comedy at Miracle Theater -
The Shrunken Head o f Pancho
Villa, a raucous and unpredict­
able satire, currently is on stage
with English language shows
through May 30at M iracle T he­
ater, 525 S.E. Stark St.
Get Intimate with Storm Large
- Storm Large brings here in-
your-face sexuality, raw m usi­
cal talent and breathtaking em o­
tional honesty to Portland C en­
ter Stage in the autobiographi­
cal world premier musical Crazy
Enough, now playing through
June 28 in the Ellyn Bye Studio
at the A rm ory, dow ntow n.
c o n c ert for P o rtla n d ’s G lobe-
T ro ttin g S a lo n , 9 2 3 S .W .
W ashington St., will take place
T u esd ay , Ju n e 2 at 7 :3 0 p.m .
For m ore inform ation call 503-
Mars on Broadway - Susannah
M ars, Portland’s first lady of
musical theater, will be the spe­
cial guest as the Portland G ay
M en’s C horus romps through
som e o f the greatest musical
m om ents from Broadway, for
one night only, Jufte 13 at 7:30
p.m. at the A rlen t Schnitzer
Concert Hall. Tickets can be
p u rc h a s e d
lin e
pdxgm c.org.
Craigslist Drops ‘Erotic Services’
(A P) - The online classified
ads site Craigslist will drop its
"erotic services" category that
critics called a front for prosti­
tution, replacing it with an adult
category to be m onitored inter­
nally, g o v ern m e n t en fo rce rs
from three states said.
Pressure to rem ove the cat­
egory increased this spring af­
ter a Boston m edical student
was charged with killing a m as­
seuse w ho authorities say he
met through Craigslist.
T w o m o n th s a g o , C o o k
County Sheriff Tom Dart filed a
lawsuit alleging that Craigslist
allowed the solicitation of pros-
titu tio n and h ad c re a te d the
"largest source o f prostitution in
C r a ig s lis t a tto r n e y E ric
B randfonbrener, appearing in
federal court on May 13, ac­
k n o w led g ed the W eb site is
e lim in a tin g th e "e ro tic s e r ­
vices" category.